Bill Somerville f972fc18e1
Remove direct struct access from usage of the Hamlib API
Preparation for safe dynamic linking to Hamlib where minor Hamlib
upgrades can be deployed just by replacing the DLL/SO.
2021-02-02 22:45:45 +00:00

821 lines
24 KiB

#include "OmniRigTransceiver.hpp"
#include <QDebug>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <QThread>
#include <QEventLoop>
#include "qt_helpers.hpp"
#include "moc_OmniRigTransceiver.cpp"
auto constexpr OmniRig_transceiver_one_name = "OmniRig Rig 1";
auto constexpr OmniRig_transceiver_two_name = "OmniRig Rig 2";
auto OmniRigTransceiver::map_mode (OmniRig::RigParamX param) -> MODE
if (param & OmniRig::PM_CW_U)
return CW_R;
else if (param & OmniRig::PM_CW_L)
return CW;
else if (param & OmniRig::PM_SSB_U)
return USB;
else if (param & OmniRig::PM_SSB_L)
return LSB;
else if (param & OmniRig::PM_DIG_U)
return DIG_U;
else if (param & OmniRig::PM_DIG_L)
return DIG_L;
else if (param & OmniRig::PM_AM)
return AM;
else if (param & OmniRig::PM_FM)
return FM;
CAT_ERROR ("unrecognized mode");
throw_qstring (tr ("OmniRig: unrecognized mode"));
return UNK;
OmniRig::RigParamX OmniRigTransceiver::map_mode (MODE mode)
switch (mode)
case AM: return OmniRig::PM_AM;
case CW: return OmniRig::PM_CW_L;
case CW_R: return OmniRig::PM_CW_U;
case USB: return OmniRig::PM_SSB_U;
case LSB: return OmniRig::PM_SSB_L;
case FSK: return OmniRig::PM_DIG_L;
case FSK_R: return OmniRig::PM_DIG_U;
case DIG_L: return OmniRig::PM_DIG_L;
case DIG_U: return OmniRig::PM_DIG_U;
case FM: return OmniRig::PM_FM;
case DIG_FM: return OmniRig::PM_FM;
default: break;
return OmniRig::PM_SSB_U; // quieten compiler grumble
void OmniRigTransceiver::register_transceivers (logger_type *,
TransceiverFactory::Transceivers * registry,
unsigned id1, unsigned id2)
(*registry)[OmniRig_transceiver_one_name] = TransceiverFactory::Capabilities {
, TransceiverFactory::Capabilities::none // COM isn't serial or network
, true // does PTT
, false // doesn't select mic/data (use OmniRig config file)
, true // can remote control RTS nd DTR
, true // asynchronous interface
(*registry)[OmniRig_transceiver_two_name] = TransceiverFactory::Capabilities {
, TransceiverFactory::Capabilities::none // COM isn't serial or network
, true // does PTT
, false // doesn't select mic/data (use OmniRig config file)
, true // can remote control RTS nd DTR
, true // asynchronous interface
OmniRigTransceiver::OmniRigTransceiver (logger_type * logger,
std::unique_ptr<TransceiverBase> wrapped,
RigNumber n, TransceiverFactory::PTTMethod ptt_type,
QString const& ptt_port, QObject * parent)
: TransceiverBase {logger, parent}
, wrapped_ {std::move (wrapped)}
, use_for_ptt_ {TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_CAT == ptt_type || ("CAT" == ptt_port && (TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_RTS == ptt_type || TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_DTR == ptt_type))}
, ptt_type_ {ptt_type}
, rig_number_ {n}
, readable_params_ {0}
, writable_params_ {0}
, send_update_signal_ {false}
, reversed_ {false}
CoInitializeEx (nullptr, 0 /*COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED*/); // required because Qt only does this for GUI thread
OmniRigTransceiver::~OmniRigTransceiver ()
CoUninitialize ();
// returns false on time out
bool OmniRigTransceiver::await_notification_with_timeout (int timeout)
QEventLoop el;
connect (this, &OmniRigTransceiver::notified, &el, [&el] () {el.exit (1);});
QTimer::singleShot (timeout, Qt::CoarseTimer, &el, [&el] () {el.exit (0);});
return 1 == el.exec (); // wait for notify or timer
int OmniRigTransceiver::do_start ()
CAT_TRACE ("starting");
if (wrapped_) wrapped_->start (0);
omni_rig_.reset (new OmniRig::OmniRigX {this});
if (omni_rig_->isNull ())
CAT_ERROR ("failed to start COM server");
throw_qstring (tr ("Failed to start OmniRig COM server"));
// COM/OLE exceptions get signaled
connect (&*omni_rig_, SIGNAL (exception (int, QString, QString, QString)), this, SLOT (handle_COM_exception (int, QString, QString, QString)));
// IOmniRigXEvent interface signals
connect (&*omni_rig_, SIGNAL (VisibleChange ()), this, SLOT (handle_visible_change ()));
connect (&*omni_rig_, SIGNAL (RigTypeChange (int)), this, SLOT (handle_rig_type_change (int)));
connect (&*omni_rig_, SIGNAL (StatusChange (int)), this, SLOT (handle_status_change (int)));
connect (&*omni_rig_, SIGNAL (ParamsChange (int, int)), this, SLOT (handle_params_change (int, int)));
connect (&*omni_rig_
, SIGNAL (CustomReply (int, QVariant const&, QVariant const&))
, this, SLOT (handle_custom_reply (int, QVariant const&, QVariant const&)));
CAT_INFO ("OmniRig s/w version: " << omni_rig_->SoftwareVersion ()
<< "i/f version: " << omni_rig_->InterfaceVersion ());
// fetch the interface of the RigX CoClass and instantiate a proxy object
switch (rig_number_)
case One: rig_.reset (new OmniRig::RigX (omni_rig_->Rig1 ())); break;
case Two: rig_.reset (new OmniRig::RigX (omni_rig_->Rig2 ())); break;
Q_ASSERT (rig_);
Q_ASSERT (!rig_->isNull ());
// COM/OLE exceptions get signaled
connect (&*rig_, SIGNAL (exception (int, QString, QString, QString)), this, SLOT (handle_COM_exception (int, QString, QString, QString)));
offline_timer_.reset (new QTimer); // instantiate here as
// constructor runs in wrong
// thread
offline_timer_->setSingleShot (true);
connect ( (), &QTimer::timeout, [this] () {offline ("Rig went offline");});
if (use_for_ptt_ && (TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_DTR == ptt_type_ || TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_RTS == ptt_type_))
// fetch the interface for the serial port if we need it for PTT
port_.reset (new OmniRig::PortBits (rig_->PortBits ()));
Q_ASSERT (port_);
Q_ASSERT (!port_->isNull ());
// COM/OLE exceptions get signaled
connect (&*port_, SIGNAL (exception (int, QString, QString, QString)), this, SLOT (handle_COM_exception (int, QString, QString, QString)));
CAT_TRACE ("OmniRig RTS state: " << port_->Rts ());
// remove locking because it doesn't seem to work properly
// if (!port_->Lock ()) // try to take exclusive use of the OmniRig serial port for PTT
// {
// CAT_WARNING ("Failed to get exclusive use of serial port for PTT from OmniRig");
// }
// start off so we don't accidentally key the radio
if (TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_DTR == ptt_type_)
port_->SetDtr (false);
else // RTS
port_->SetRts (false);
rig_type_ = rig_->RigType ();
readable_params_ = rig_->ReadableParams ();
writable_params_ = rig_->WriteableParams ();
CAT_INFO (QString {"OmniRig initial rig type: %1 readable params=0x%2 writable params=0x%3 for rig %4"}
.arg (rig_type_)
.arg (readable_params_, 8, 16, QChar ('0'))
.arg (writable_params_, 8, 16, QChar ('0'))
.arg (rig_number_));
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
if (OmniRig::ST_ONLINE == rig_->Status ())
await_notification_with_timeout (1000);
if (OmniRig::ST_ONLINE != rig_->Status ())
throw_qstring ("OmniRig: " + rig_->StatusStr ());
QThread::msleep (500); // leave some time for Omni-Rig to get
// the rig status for the 1st. time
auto f = rig_->GetRxFrequency ();
for (int i = 0; (f == 0) && (i < 5); ++i)
await_notification_with_timeout (1000);
f = rig_->GetRxFrequency ();
update_rx_frequency (f);
int resolution {0};
if (OmniRig::PM_UNKNOWN == rig_->Vfo ()
&& (writable_params_ & (OmniRig::PM_VFOA | OmniRig::PM_VFOB))
== (OmniRig::PM_VFOA | OmniRig::PM_VFOB))
// start with VFO A (probably MAIN) on rigs that we
// can't query VFO but can set explicitly
rig_->SetVfo (OmniRig::PM_VFOA);
f = state ().frequency ();
if (f % 10) return resolution; // 1Hz resolution
auto test_frequency = f - f % 100 + 55;
if (OmniRig::PM_FREQ & writable_params_)
rig_->SetFreq (test_frequency);
else if (reversed_ && (OmniRig::PM_FREQB & writable_params_))
rig_->SetFreqB (test_frequency);
else if (!reversed_ && (OmniRig::PM_FREQA & writable_params_))
rig_->SetFreqA (test_frequency);
throw_qstring (tr ("OmniRig: don't know how to set rig frequency"));
if (!await_notification_with_timeout (1000))
CAT_ERROR ("do_start 1: wait timed out");
throw_qstring (tr ("OmniRig: timeout waiting for update from rig"));
switch (rig_->GetRxFrequency () - test_frequency)
case -5: resolution = -1; break; // 10Hz truncated
case 5: resolution = 1; break; // 10Hz rounded
case -15: resolution = -2; break; // 20Hz truncated
case -55: resolution = -2; break; // 100Hz truncated
case 45: resolution = 2; break; // 100Hz rounded
if (1 == resolution) // may be 20Hz rounded
test_frequency = f - f % 100 + 51;
if (OmniRig::PM_FREQ & writable_params_)
rig_->SetFreq (test_frequency);
else if (reversed_ && (OmniRig::PM_FREQB & writable_params_))
rig_->SetFreqB (test_frequency);
else if (!reversed_ && (OmniRig::PM_FREQA & writable_params_))
rig_->SetFreqA (test_frequency);
if (!await_notification_with_timeout (2000))
CAT_ERROR ("do_start 2: wait timed out");
throw_qstring (tr ("OmniRig: timeout waiting for update from rig"));
if (9 == rig_->GetRxFrequency () - test_frequency)
resolution = 2; // 20Hz rounded
if (OmniRig::PM_FREQ & writable_params_)
rig_->SetFreq (f);
else if (reversed_ && (OmniRig::PM_FREQB & writable_params_))
rig_->SetFreqB (f);
else if (!reversed_ && (OmniRig::PM_FREQA & writable_params_))
rig_->SetFreqA (f);
update_rx_frequency (f);
return resolution;
void OmniRigTransceiver::do_stop ()
QThread::msleep (200); // leave some time for pending
// commands at the server end
offline_timer_.reset (); // destroy here rather than in
// destructor as destructor runs in
// wrong thread
if (port_ && !port_->isNull ())
// port_->Unlock (); // release serial port
port_->clear ();
port_.reset ();
if (omni_rig_ && !omni_rig_->isNull ())
if (rig_ && !rig_->isNull ())
rig_->clear ();
rig_.reset ();
omni_rig_->clear ();
omni_rig_.reset ();
if (wrapped_) wrapped_->stop ();
CAT_TRACE ("stopped");
void OmniRigTransceiver::handle_COM_exception (int code, QString source, QString desc, QString help)
CAT_ERROR ((QString::number (code) + " at " + source + ": " + desc + " (" + help + ')'));
throw_qstring (tr ("OmniRig COM/OLE error: %1 at %2: %3 (%4)").arg (QString::number (code)).arg (source). arg (desc). arg (help));
void OmniRigTransceiver::handle_visible_change ()
if (!omni_rig_ || omni_rig_->isNull ()) return;
CAT_TRACE ("visibility change: visibility =" << omni_rig_->DialogVisible ());
void OmniRigTransceiver::handle_rig_type_change (int rig_number)
CAT_TRACE ("rig type change: rig =" << rig_number);
if (rig_number_ == rig_number)
if (!rig_ || rig_->isNull ()) return;
readable_params_ = rig_->ReadableParams ();
writable_params_ = rig_->WriteableParams ();
CAT_INFO (QString {"rig type change to: %1 readable params = 0x%2 writable params = 0x%3 for rig %4"}
.arg (rig_->RigType ())
.arg (readable_params_, 8, 16, QChar ('0'))
.arg (writable_params_, 8, 16, QChar ('0'))
.arg (rig_number));
void OmniRigTransceiver::handle_status_change (int rig_number)
CAT_TRACE (QString {"status change for rig %1"}.arg (rig_number));
if (rig_number_ == rig_number)
if (!rig_ || rig_->isNull ()) return;
auto const& status = rig_->StatusStr ();
CAT_TRACE ("OmniRig status change: new status = " << status);
if (OmniRig::ST_ONLINE != rig_->Status ())
if (!offline_timer_->isActive ())
// Omni-Rig is prone to reporting the rig offline and
// then recovering autonomously, so we will give it a
// few seconds to make its mind up
offline_timer_->start (10000);
offline_timer_->stop (); // good to go again
Q_EMIT notified ();
// else
// {
// update_rx_frequency (rig_->GetRxFrequency ());
// update_complete ();
// CAT_TRACE ("frequency:" << state ().frequency ());
// }
void OmniRigTransceiver::handle_params_change (int rig_number, int params)
CAT_TRACE (QString {"params change: params=0x%1 for rig %2"}
.arg (params, 8, 16, QChar ('0'))
.arg (rig_number)
<< "state before:" << state ());
if (rig_number_ == rig_number)
if (!rig_ || rig_->isNull ()) return;
// starting_ = false;
TransceiverState old_state {state ()};
auto need_frequency = false;
if (params & OmniRig::PM_VFOAA)
update_split (false);
reversed_ = false;
update_rx_frequency (rig_->FreqA ());
update_other_frequency (rig_->FreqB ());
if (params & OmniRig::PM_VFOAB)
update_split (true);
reversed_ = false;
update_rx_frequency (rig_->FreqA ());
update_other_frequency (rig_->FreqB ());
if (params & OmniRig::PM_VFOBA)
update_split (true);
reversed_ = true;
update_other_frequency (rig_->FreqA ());
update_rx_frequency (rig_->FreqB ());
if (params & OmniRig::PM_VFOBB)
update_split (false);
reversed_ = true;
update_other_frequency (rig_->FreqA ());
update_rx_frequency (rig_->FreqB ());
if (params & OmniRig::PM_VFOA)
reversed_ = false;
need_frequency = true;
if (params & OmniRig::PM_VFOB)
reversed_ = true;
need_frequency = true;
if (params & OmniRig::PM_FREQ)
need_frequency = true;
if (params & OmniRig::PM_FREQA)
auto f = rig_->FreqA ();
CAT_TRACE ("FREQA = " << f);
if (reversed_)
update_other_frequency (f);
update_rx_frequency (f);
if (params & OmniRig::PM_FREQB)
auto f = rig_->FreqB ();
CAT_TRACE ("FREQB = " << f);
if (reversed_)
update_rx_frequency (f);
update_other_frequency (f);
if (need_frequency)
if (readable_params_ & OmniRig::PM_FREQA)
auto f = rig_->FreqA ();
if (f)
CAT_TRACE ("FREQA = " << f);
if (reversed_)
update_other_frequency (f);
update_rx_frequency (f);
if (readable_params_ & OmniRig::PM_FREQB)
auto f = rig_->FreqB ();
if (f)
CAT_TRACE ("FREQB = " << f);
if (reversed_)
update_rx_frequency (f);
update_other_frequency (f);
if (readable_params_ & OmniRig::PM_FREQ && !state ().ptt ())
auto f = rig_->Freq ();
if (f)
CAT_TRACE ("FREQ = " << f);
update_rx_frequency (f);
if (params & OmniRig::PM_PITCH)
if (params & OmniRig::PM_RITOFFSET)
if (params & OmniRig::PM_RIT0)
if (params & OmniRig::PM_VFOEQUAL)
auto f = readable_params_ & OmniRig::PM_FREQA ? rig_->FreqA () : rig_->Freq ();
auto m = map_mode (rig_->Mode ());
CAT_TRACE (QString {"VFOEQUAL f=%1 m=%2"}.arg (f).arg (m));
update_rx_frequency (f);
update_other_frequency (f);
update_mode (m);
if (params & OmniRig::PM_VFOSWAP)
auto f = state ().tx_frequency ();
update_other_frequency (state ().frequency ());
update_rx_frequency (f);
update_mode (map_mode (rig_->Mode ()));
if (params & OmniRig::PM_SPLITON)
update_split (true);
if (params & OmniRig::PM_SPLITOFF)
update_split (false);
if (params & OmniRig::PM_RITON)
if (params & OmniRig::PM_RITOFF)
if (params & OmniRig::PM_XITON)
if (params & OmniRig::PM_XITOFF)
if (params & OmniRig::PM_RX)
update_PTT (false);
if (params & OmniRig::PM_TX)
update_PTT ();
if (params & OmniRig::PM_CW_U)
update_mode (CW_R);
if (params & OmniRig::PM_CW_L)
update_mode (CW);
if (params & OmniRig::PM_SSB_U)
update_mode (USB);
if (params & OmniRig::PM_SSB_L)
update_mode (LSB);
if (params & OmniRig::PM_DIG_U)
update_mode (DIG_U);
if (params & OmniRig::PM_DIG_L)
update_mode (DIG_L);
if (params & OmniRig::PM_AM)
update_mode (AM);
if (params & OmniRig::PM_FM)
update_mode (FM);
if (old_state != state () || send_update_signal_)
update_complete ();
send_update_signal_ = false;
CAT_TRACE ("OmniRig params change: state after:" << state ());
Q_EMIT notified ();
void OmniRigTransceiver::handle_custom_reply (int rig_number, QVariant const& command, QVariant const& reply)
if (rig_number_ == rig_number)
if (!rig_ || rig_->isNull ()) return;
CAT_TRACE ("custom command" << command.toString ()
<< "with reply" << reply.toString ()
<< QString ("for rig %1").arg (rig_number));
CAT_TRACE ("rig number:" << rig_number_ << ':' << state ());
void OmniRigTransceiver::do_ptt (bool on)
CAT_TRACE (on << state ());
if (use_for_ptt_ && TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_CAT == ptt_type_)
CAT_TRACE ("set PTT");
if (rig_ && !rig_->isNull ())
rig_->SetTx (on ? OmniRig::PM_TX : OmniRig::PM_RX);
if (port_ && !port_->isNull ())
if (TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_RTS == ptt_type_)
CAT_TRACE ("set RTS");
port_->SetRts (on);
else // "DTR"
CAT_TRACE ("set DTR");
port_->SetDtr (on);
else if (wrapped_)
CAT_TRACE ("set PTT using basic transceiver");
TransceiverState new_state {wrapped_->state ()};
new_state.ptt (on);
wrapped_->set (new_state, 0);
update_PTT (on);
void OmniRigTransceiver::do_frequency (Frequency f, MODE m, bool /*no_ignore*/)
CAT_TRACE (f << state ());
if (!rig_ || rig_->isNull ()) return;
if (UNK != m)
do_mode (m);
if (OmniRig::PM_FREQ & writable_params_)
rig_->SetFreq (f);
update_rx_frequency (f);
else if (reversed_ && (OmniRig::PM_FREQB & writable_params_))
rig_->SetFreqB (f);
update_rx_frequency (f);
else if (!reversed_ && (OmniRig::PM_FREQA & writable_params_))
rig_->SetFreqA (f);
update_rx_frequency (f);
throw_qstring (tr ("OmniRig: don't know how to set rig frequency"));
void OmniRigTransceiver::do_tx_frequency (Frequency tx, MODE m, bool /*no_ignore*/)
CAT_TRACE (tx << state ());
if (!rig_ || rig_->isNull ()) return;
bool split {tx != 0};
if (split)
if (UNK != m)
do_mode (m);
if (OmniRig::PM_UNKNOWN == rig_->Vfo ())
if (writable_params_ & OmniRig::PM_VFOEQUAL)
// nothing to do here because OmniRig will use VFO
// equalize to set the mode of the Tx VFO for us
else if ((writable_params_ & (OmniRig::PM_VFOA | OmniRig::PM_VFOB))
== (OmniRig::PM_VFOA | OmniRig::PM_VFOB))
rig_->SetVfo (OmniRig::PM_VFOB);
do_mode (m);
rig_->SetVfo (OmniRig::PM_VFOA);
else if (writable_params_ & OmniRig::PM_VFOSWAP)
rig_->SetVfo (OmniRig::PM_VFOSWAP);
do_mode (m);
rig_->SetVfo (OmniRig::PM_VFOSWAP);
CAT_TRACE ("set SPLIT mode on");
rig_->SetSplitMode (state ().frequency (), tx);
update_other_frequency (tx);
update_split (true);
CAT_TRACE ("set SPLIT mode off");
rig_->SetSimplexMode (state ().frequency ());
update_split (false);
bool notify {false};
if (readable_params_ & OmniRig::PM_FREQ || !(readable_params_ & (OmniRig::PM_FREQA | OmniRig::PM_FREQB)))
update_other_frequency (tx); // async updates won't return this
// so just store it and hope
// operator doesn't change the
// "back" VFO on rig
notify = true;
if (!((OmniRig::PM_VFOAB | OmniRig::PM_VFOBA | OmniRig::PM_SPLITON) & readable_params_))
CAT_TRACE ("setting SPLIT manually");
update_split (split); // we can't read it so just set and
// hope op doesn't change it
notify = true;
if (notify)
update_complete ();
void OmniRigTransceiver::do_mode (MODE mode)
CAT_TRACE (mode << state ());
if (!rig_ || rig_->isNull ()) return;
// TODO: G4WJS OmniRig doesn't seem to have any capability of tracking/setting VFO B mode
auto mapped = map_mode (mode);
if (mapped & writable_params_)
rig_->SetMode (mapped);
update_mode (mode);
offline ("OmniRig invalid mode");