mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 09:44:24 -05:00
398 lines
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398 lines
14 KiB
#include <iostream>
#include <exception>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <locale.h>
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QCommandLineParser>
#include <QCommandLineOption>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QAudioFormat>
#include <QAudioDeviceInfo>
#include <QAudioInput>
#include <QAudioOutput>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QDebug>
#include "revision_utils.hpp"
#include "Audio/BWFFile.hpp"
QTextStream qtout {stdout};
class Record final
: public QObject
Record (int start, int duration, QAudioDeviceInfo const& source_device, BWFFile * output, int notify_interval, int buffer_size)
: source_ {source_device, output->format ()}
, notify_interval_ {notify_interval}
, output_ {output}
, duration_ {duration}
if (buffer_size) source_.setBufferSize (output_->format ().bytesForFrames (buffer_size));
if (notify_interval_)
source_.setNotifyInterval (notify_interval);
connect (&source_, &QAudioInput::notify, this, &Record::notify);
if (start == -1)
start_recording ();
auto now = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ();
auto time = now.time ();
auto then = now;
then.setTime (QTime {time.hour (), time.minute (), start});
auto delta_ms = (now.msecsTo (then) + (60 * 1000)) % (60 * 1000);
QTimer::singleShot (int (delta_ms), Qt::PreciseTimer, this, &Record::start_recording);
Q_SIGNAL void done ();
Q_SLOT void start_recording ()
qtout << "started recording at " << QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ().toString ("hh:mm:ss.zzz UTC") << endl;
source_.start (output_);
if (!notify_interval_) QTimer::singleShot (duration_ * 1000, Qt::PreciseTimer, this, &Record::stop_recording);
qtout << QString {"buffer size used is: %1"}.arg (source_.bufferSize ()) << endl;
Q_SLOT void notify ()
auto length = source_.elapsedUSecs ();
qtout << QString {"%1 μs recorded\r"}.arg (length) << flush;
if (length >= duration_ * 1000 * 1000) stop_recording ();
Q_SLOT void stop_recording ()
auto length = source_.elapsedUSecs ();
source_.stop ();
qtout << QString {"%1 μs recorded "}.arg (length) << '(' << source_.format ().framesForBytes (output_->size ()) << " frames recorded)\n";
qtout << "stopped recording at " << QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ().toString ("hh:mm:ss.zzz UTC") << endl;
Q_EMIT done ();
QAudioInput source_;
int notify_interval_;
BWFFile * output_;
int duration_;
class Playback final
: public QObject
Playback (int start, BWFFile * input, QAudioDeviceInfo const& sink_device, int notify_interval, int buffer_size, QString const& category)
: input_ {input}
, sink_ {sink_device, input->format ()}
, notify_interval_ {notify_interval}
if (buffer_size) sink_.setBufferSize (input_->format ().bytesForFrames (buffer_size));
if (category.size ()) sink_.setCategory (category);
if (notify_interval_)
sink_.setNotifyInterval (notify_interval);
connect (&sink_, &QAudioOutput::notify, this, &Playback::notify);
connect (&sink_, &QAudioOutput::stateChanged, this, &Playback::sink_state_changed);
if (start == -1)
start_playback ();
auto now = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ();
auto time = now.time ();
auto then = now;
then.setTime (QTime {time.hour (), time.minute (), start});
auto delta_ms = (now.msecsTo (then) + (60 * 1000)) % (60 * 1000);
QTimer::singleShot (int (delta_ms), Qt::PreciseTimer, this, &Playback::start_playback);
Q_SIGNAL void done ();
Q_SLOT void start_playback ()
qtout << "started playback at " << QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ().toString ("hh:mm:ss.zzz UTC") << endl;
sink_.start (input_);
qtout << QString {"buffer size used is: %1 (%2 frames)"}.arg (sink_.bufferSize ()).arg (sink_.format ().framesForBytes (sink_.bufferSize ())) << endl;
Q_SLOT void notify ()
auto length = sink_.elapsedUSecs ();
qtout << QString {"%1 μs rendered\r"}.arg (length) << flush;
Q_SLOT void sink_state_changed (QAudio::State state)
switch (state)
case QAudio::ActiveState:
qtout << "\naudio output state changed to active\n";
case QAudio::SuspendedState:
qtout << "\naudio output state changed to suspended\n";
case QAudio::StoppedState:
qtout << "\naudio output state changed to stopped\n";
case QAudio::IdleState:
stop_playback ();
qtout << "\naudio output state changed to idle\n";
case QAudio::InterruptedState:
qtout << "\naudio output state changed to interrupted\n";
Q_SLOT void stop_playback ()
auto length = sink_.elapsedUSecs ();
sink_.stop ();
qtout << QString {"%1 μs rendered "}.arg (length) << '(' << sink_.format ().framesForBytes (input_->size ()) << " frames rendered)\n";
qtout << "stopped playback at " << QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ().toString ("hh:mm:ss.zzz UTC") << endl;
Q_EMIT done ();
BWFFile * input_;
QAudioOutput sink_;
int notify_interval_;
#include "record_time_signal.moc"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication app {argc, argv};
::setlocale (LC_NUMERIC, "C"); // ensure number forms are in
// consistent format, do this
// after instantiating
// QApplication so that Qt has
// correct l18n
// Override programs executable basename as application name.
app.setApplicationName ("WSJT-X Record Time Signal");
app.setApplicationVersion (version ());
QCommandLineParser parser;
parser.setApplicationDescription (
"\nTool to determine and experiment with QAudioInput latencies\n\n"
"\tUse the -I option to list available recording device numbers\n"
auto help_option = parser.addHelpOption ();
auto version_option = parser.addVersionOption ();
parser.addOptions ({
{{"I", "list-audio-inputs"},
app.translate ("main", "List the available audio input devices")},
{{"O", "list-audio-outputs"},
app.translate ("main", "List the available audio output devices")},
{{"s", "start-time"},
app.translate ("main", "Record from <start-time> seconds, default start immediately"),
app.translate ("main", "start-time")},
{{"d", "duration"},
app.translate ("main", "Recording <duration> seconds"),
app.translate ("main", "duration")},
{{"o", "output"},
app.translate ("main", "Save output as <output-file>"),
app.translate ("main", "output-file")},
{{"i", "input"},
app.translate ("main", "Playback <input-file>"),
app.translate ("main", "input-file")},
{{"f", "force"},
app.translate ("main", "Overwrite existing file")},
{{"r", "sample-rate"},
app.translate ("main", "Record at <sample-rate>, default 48000 Hz"),
app.translate ("main", "sample-rate")},
{{"c", "num-channels"},
app.translate ("main", "Record <num> channels, default 2"),
app.translate ("main", "num")},
{{"R", "recording-device-number"},
app.translate ("main", "Record from <device-number>"),
app.translate ("main", "device-number")},
{{"P", "playback-device-number"},
app.translate ("main", "Playback to <device-number>"),
app.translate ("main", "device-number")},
{{"C", "category"},
app.translate ("main", "Playback <category-name>"),
app.translate ("main", "category-name")},
{{"n", "notify-interval"},
app.translate ("main", "use notify signals every <interval> milliseconds, zero to use a timer"),
app.translate ("main", "interval")},
{{"b", "buffer-size"},
app.translate ("main", "audio buffer size <frames>"),
app.translate ("main", "frames")},
parser.process (app);
auto input_devices = QAudioDeviceInfo::availableDevices (QAudio::AudioInput);
if (parser.isSet ("I"))
int n {0};
for (auto const& device : input_devices)
qtout << ++n << " - [" << device.deviceName () << ']' << endl;
return 0;
auto output_devices = QAudioDeviceInfo::availableDevices (QAudio::AudioOutput);
if (parser.isSet ("O"))
int n {0};
for (auto const& device : output_devices)
qtout << ++n << " - [" << device.deviceName () << ']' << endl;
return 0;
bool ok;
int start {-1};
if (parser.isSet ("s"))
start = parser.value ("s").toInt (&ok);
if (!ok) throw std::invalid_argument {"start time not a number"};
if (0 > start || start > 59) throw std::invalid_argument {"0 > start > 59"};
int sample_rate {48000};
if (parser.isSet ("r"))
sample_rate = parser.value ("r").toInt (&ok);
if (!ok) throw std::invalid_argument {"sample rate not a number"};
int num_channels {2};
if (parser.isSet ("c"))
num_channels = parser.value ("c").toInt (&ok);
if (!ok) throw std::invalid_argument {"channel count not a number"};
int notify_interval {0};
if (parser.isSet ("n"))
notify_interval = parser.value ("n").toInt (&ok);
if (!ok) throw std::invalid_argument {"notify interval not a number"};
int buffer_size {0};
if (parser.isSet ("b"))
buffer_size = parser.value ("b").toInt (&ok);
if (!ok) throw std::invalid_argument {"buffer size not a number"};
int input_device {0};
if (parser.isSet ("R"))
input_device = parser.value ("R").toInt (&ok);
if (!ok || 0 >= input_device || input_device > input_devices.size ())
throw std::invalid_argument {"invalid recording device"};
int output_device {0};
if (parser.isSet ("P"))
output_device = parser.value ("P").toInt (&ok);
if (!ok || 0 >= output_device || output_device > output_devices.size ())
throw std::invalid_argument {"invalid playback device"};
if (!(parser.isSet ("o") || parser.isSet ("i"))) throw std::invalid_argument {"file required"};
if (parser.isSet ("o") && parser.isSet ("i")) throw std::invalid_argument {"specify either input or output"};
QAudioFormat audio_format;
if (parser.isSet ("o")) // Record
int duration = parser.value ("d").toInt (&ok);
if (!ok) throw std::invalid_argument {"duration not a number"};
QFileInfo ofi {parser.value ("o")};
if (!ofi.suffix ().size () && ofi.fileName ()[ofi.fileName ().size () - 1] != QChar {'.'})
ofi.setFile (ofi.filePath () + ".wav");
if (!parser.isSet ("f") && ofi.isFile ())
throw std::invalid_argument {"set the `-force' option to overwrite an existing output file"};
audio_format.setSampleRate (sample_rate);
audio_format.setChannelCount (num_channels);
audio_format.setSampleSize (16);
audio_format.setSampleType (QAudioFormat::SignedInt);
audio_format.setCodec ("audio/pcm");
auto source = input_device ? input_devices[input_device - 1] : QAudioDeviceInfo::defaultInputDevice ();
if (!source.isFormatSupported (audio_format))
qtout << "warning, requested format not supported, using nearest" << endl;
audio_format = source.nearestFormat (audio_format);
BWFFile output_file {audio_format, ofi.filePath ()};
if (!output_file.open (BWFFile::WriteOnly)) throw std::invalid_argument {QString {"cannot open output file \"%1\""}.arg (ofi.filePath ()).toStdString ()};
// run the application
Record record {start, duration, source, &output_file, notify_interval, buffer_size};
QObject::connect (&record, &Record::done, &app, &QCoreApplication::quit);
return app.exec();
else // Playback
QFileInfo ifi {parser.value ("i")};
if (!ifi.isFile () && !ifi.suffix ().size () && ifi.fileName ()[ifi.fileName ().size () - 1] != QChar {'.'})
ifi.setFile (ifi.filePath () + ".wav");
BWFFile input_file {audio_format, ifi.filePath ()};
if (!input_file.open (BWFFile::ReadOnly)) throw std::invalid_argument {QString {"cannot open input file \"%1\""}.arg (ifi.filePath ()).toStdString ()};
auto sink = output_device ? output_devices[output_device - 1] : QAudioDeviceInfo::defaultOutputDevice ();
if (!sink.isFormatSupported (input_file.format ()))
throw std::invalid_argument {"audio output device does not support input file audio format"};
// run the application
Playback play {start, &input_file, sink, notify_interval, buffer_size, parser.value ("category")};
QObject::connect (&play, &Playback::done, &app, &QCoreApplication::quit);
return app.exec();
catch (std::exception const& e)
std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what () << '\n';
catch (...)
std::cerr << "Unexpected fatal error\n";
throw; // hoping the runtime might tell us more about the exception
return -1;