
322 lines
11 KiB

#include "Directory.hpp"
#include <QVariant>
#include <QString>
#include <QHeaderView>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QDir>
#include <QNetworkAccessManager>
#include <QAuthenticator>
#include <QNetworkReply>
#include <QTreeWidgetItem>
#include <QTreeWidgetItemIterator>
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QJsonParseError>
#include <QJsonArray>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include "Configuration.hpp"
#include "DirectoryNode.hpp"
#include "FileNode.hpp"
#include "revision_utils.hpp"
#include "widgets/MessageBox.hpp"
#include "moc_Directory.cpp"
char const * samples_dir_name = "samples";
QString const contents_file_name = "contents_" + version (false) + ".json";
Directory::Directory (Configuration const * configuration
, QNetworkAccessManager * network_manager
, QWidget * parent)
: QTreeWidget {parent}
, configuration_ {configuration}
, network_manager_ {network_manager}
, http_only_ {false}
, root_dir_ {configuration_->save_directory ()}
, contents_ {this
, network_manager_
, QDir {root_dir_.absoluteFilePath (samples_dir_name)}.absoluteFilePath (contents_file_name)}
dir_icon_.addPixmap (style ()->standardPixmap (QStyle::SP_DirClosedIcon), QIcon::Normal, QIcon::Off);
dir_icon_.addPixmap (style ()->standardPixmap (QStyle::SP_DirOpenIcon), QIcon::Normal, QIcon::On);
file_icon_.addPixmap (style ()->standardPixmap (QStyle::SP_FileIcon));
setColumnCount (2);
setHeaderLabels ({tr ("File"), tr ("Progress")});
headerItem ()->setTextAlignment (0, Qt::AlignHCenter);
headerItem ()->setTextAlignment (1, Qt::AlignHCenter);
header ()->setSectionResizeMode (QHeaderView::ResizeToContents);
setItemDelegate (&item_delegate_);
connect (network_manager_, &QNetworkAccessManager::authenticationRequired
, this, &Directory::authentication);
connect (this, &Directory::itemChanged, [] (QTreeWidgetItem * item) {
switch (item->type ())
case FileNode::Type:
FileNode * node = static_cast<FileNode *> (item);
if (!node->sync (node->checkState (0) == Qt::Checked))
FileNode::sync_blocker b {node};
node->setCheckState (0, node->checkState (0) == Qt::Checked ? Qt::Unchecked : Qt::Checked);
bool Directory::url_root (QUrl root)
if (!root.path ().endsWith ('/'))
root.setPath (root.path () + '/');
bool valid = root.isValid ();
if (valid)
url_root_ = root;
return valid;
void Directory::error (QString const& title, QString const& message)
MessageBox::warning_message (this, title, message);
bool Directory::refresh (bool http_only)
abort ();
clear ();
// update locations
root_dir_ = configuration_->save_directory ();
QDir contents_dir {root_dir_.absoluteFilePath (samples_dir_name)};
contents_.local_file_path (contents_dir.absoluteFilePath (contents_file_name));
contents_.http_only (http_only_ = http_only);
QUrl url {url_root_.resolved (QDir {root_dir_.relativeFilePath (samples_dir_name)}.filePath (contents_file_name))};
if (url.isValid ())
return contents_.sync (url, true, true); // attempt to fetch contents
MessageBox::warning_message (this
, tr ("URL Error")
, tr ("Invalid URL:\n\"%1\"")
.arg (url.toDisplayString ()));
return false;
void Directory::download_finished (bool success)
if (success)
QFile contents {contents_.local_file_path ()};
if ( (QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text))
QJsonParseError json_status;
auto content = QJsonDocument::fromJson (contents.readAll (), &json_status);
if (json_status.error)
MessageBox::warning_message (this
, tr ("JSON Error")
, tr ("Contents file syntax error %1 at character offset %2")
.arg (json_status.errorString ()).arg (json_status.offset));
if (!content.isArray ())
MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("JSON Error")
, tr ("Contents file top level must be a JSON array"));
QTreeWidgetItem * parent {invisibleRootItem ()};
parent = new DirectoryNode {parent, samples_dir_name};
parent->setIcon (0, dir_icon_);
parent->setExpanded (true);
parse_entries (content.array (), root_dir_.relativeFilePath (samples_dir_name), parent);
MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("File System Error")
, tr ("Failed to open \"%1\"\nError: %2 - %3")
.arg (contents.fileName ())
.arg (contents.error ())
.arg (contents.errorString ()));
void Directory::parse_entries (QJsonArray const& entries, QDir const& dir, QTreeWidgetItem * parent)
if (dir.isRelative () && !dir.path ().startsWith ('.'))
for (auto const& value: entries)
if (value.isObject ())
auto const& entry = value.toObject ();
auto const& name = entry["name"].toString ();
if (name.size () && !name.contains (QRegularExpression {R"([/:;])"}))
auto const& type = entry["type"].toString ();
if ("file" == type)
QUrl url {url_root_.resolved (dir.filePath (name))};
if (url.isValid ())
auto node = new FileNode {parent, network_manager_
, QDir {root_dir_.filePath (dir.path ())}.absoluteFilePath (name)
, url, http_only_};
FileNode::sync_blocker b {node};
node->setIcon (0, file_icon_);
node->setCheckState (0, node->local () ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
update (parent);
MessageBox::warning_message (this
, tr ("URL Error")
, tr ("Invalid URL:\n\"%1\"")
.arg (url.toDisplayString ()));
else if ("directory" == type)
auto node = new DirectoryNode {parent, name};
node->setIcon (0, dir_icon_);
auto const& entries = entry["entries"];
if (entries.isArray ())
parse_entries (entries.toArray ()
, QDir {root_dir_.relativeFilePath (dir.path ())}.filePath (name)
, node);
MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("JSON Error")
, tr ("Contents entries must be a JSON array"));
MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("JSON Error")
, tr ("Contents entries must have a valid type"));
MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("JSON Error")
, tr ("Contents entries must have a valid name"));
MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("JSON Error")
, tr ("Contents entries must be JSON objects"));
MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("JSON Error")
, tr ("Contents directories must be relative and within \"%1\"")
.arg (samples_dir_name));
void Directory::abort ()
QTreeWidgetItemIterator iter {this};
while (*iter)
if ((*iter)->type () == FileNode::Type)
auto * node = static_cast<FileNode *> (*iter);
node->abort ();
// traverse the passed subtree accumulating the number of items, the
// number we have size data for, the bytes downloaded so far and the
// maximum bytes to expect
int recurse_children (QTreeWidgetItem const * item, int * counted
, qint64 * bytes, qint64 * max)
int items {0};
for (int index {0}; index < item->childCount (); ++index)
auto const * child = item->child (index);
if (child->type () == FileNode::Type) // only count files
if (auto size = child->data (1, Qt::UserRole).toLongLong ())
*max += size;
*bytes += child->data (1, Qt::DisplayRole).toLongLong ();
// recurse into sub-directory subtrees
items += recurse_children (child, counted, bytes, max);
return items;
void Directory::update (QTreeWidgetItem * item)
// iterate the tree under item and accumulate the progress
if (item)
Q_ASSERT (item->type () == DirectoryNode::Type);
qint64 max {0};
qint64 bytes {0};
int counted {0};
// get the count, progress and size of children
int items {recurse_children (item, &counted, &bytes, &max)};
// estimate size of items not yet downloaded as average of
// those actually present
if (counted)
max += (items - counted) * max / counted;
// save as our progress
item->setData (1, Qt::UserRole, max);
item->setData (1, Qt::DisplayRole, bytes);
// recurse up to top
update (item->parent ());
void Directory::authentication (QNetworkReply * /* reply */
, QAuthenticator * /* authenticator */)
MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("Network Error"), tr ("Authentication required"));