Bill Somerville b79cf0df99 Improvements to accessibiity
Where  tool  tips are  defined  in  rich  text, equivalent  pain  test
accessible descriptions have been added  so that screen readers do not
announce HTML tags.

Refactored date time  delegates to use a simpler default  editor via a
default  item editor  factory for  QDateTime values,  the editor  is a
standard QDateTimeEdit with a format that includes seconds and renders
assuming the time is UTC.

Modified the Cabrillo log and Fox log database table models to provide
QDateTime items  for the edit role  of date time fields,  and formated
date time strings including seconds and assumed as UTC for the display
2019-05-03 10:21:50 +01:00

245 lines
7.5 KiB

#include "FoxLog.hpp"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <utility>
#include <QString>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QSqlDatabase>
#include <QSqlTableModel>
#include <QSqlRecord>
#include <QSqlError>
#include <QSqlQuery>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QDebug>
#include "Configuration.hpp"
#include "qt_db_helpers.hpp"
#include "pimpl_impl.hpp"
class FoxLog::impl final
: public QSqlTableModel
impl (Configuration const * configuration);
QVariant data (QModelIndex const& index, int role) const
auto value = QSqlTableModel::data (index, role);
if (index.column () == fieldIndex ("when")
&& (Qt::DisplayRole == role || Qt::EditRole == role))
auto t = QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch (value.toULongLong () * 1000ull, Qt::UTC);
if (Qt::DisplayRole == role)
QLocale locale;
return locale.toString (t, locale.dateFormat (QLocale::ShortFormat) + " hh:mm:ss");
value = t;
return value;
Configuration const * configuration_;
QSqlQuery mutable dupe_query_;
QSqlQuery mutable export_query_;
FoxLog::impl::impl (Configuration const * configuration)
: configuration_ {configuration}
if (!database ().tables ().contains ("fox_log"))
QSqlQuery query;
SQL_error_check (query, static_cast<bool (QSqlQuery::*) (QString const&)> (&QSqlQuery::exec),
"CREATE TABLE fox_log ("
" \"when\" DATETIME NOT NULL,"
" call VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,"
" grid VARCHAR(4),"
" report_sent VARCHAR(3),"
" report_rcvd VARCHAR(3),"
" band VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL,"
" CONSTRAINT no_dupes UNIQUE (call, band)"
SQL_error_check (dupe_query_, &QSqlQuery::prepare,
" COUNT(*) "
" FROM "
" fox_log "
" call = :call "
" AND band = :band");
SQL_error_check (export_query_, &QSqlQuery::prepare,
" band"
" , \"when\""
" , call"
" , grid"
" , report_sent"
" , report_rcvd "
" FROM "
" fox_log "
" \"when\"");
setEditStrategy (QSqlTableModel::OnFieldChange);
setTable ("fox_log");
setHeaderData (fieldIndex ("when"), Qt::Horizontal, tr ("Date & Time(UTC)"));
setHeaderData (fieldIndex ("call"), Qt::Horizontal, tr ("Call"));
setHeaderData (fieldIndex ("grid"), Qt::Horizontal, tr ("Grid"));
setHeaderData (fieldIndex ("report_sent"), Qt::Horizontal, tr ("Sent"));
setHeaderData (fieldIndex ("report_rcvd"), Qt::Horizontal, tr ("Rcvd"));
setHeaderData (fieldIndex ("band"), Qt::Horizontal, tr ("Band"));
// This descending order by time is important, it makes the view
// place the latest row at the top, without this the model/view
// interactions are both sluggish and unhelpful.
setSort (fieldIndex ("when"), Qt::DescendingOrder);
SQL_error_check (*this, &QSqlTableModel::select);
FoxLog::FoxLog (Configuration const * configuration)
: m_ {configuration}
FoxLog::~FoxLog ()
QSqlTableModel * FoxLog::model ()
return &*m_;
void set_value_maybe_null (QSqlRecord& record, QString const& name, QString const& value)
if (value.size ())
record.setValue (name, value);
record.setNull (name);
bool FoxLog::add_QSO (QDateTime const& when, QString const& call, QString const& grid
, QString const& report_sent, QString const& report_received
, QString const& band)
auto record = m_->record ();
if (!when.isNull ())
record.setValue ("when", when.toMSecsSinceEpoch () / 1000);
record.setNull ("when");
set_value_maybe_null (record, "call", call);
set_value_maybe_null (record, "grid", grid);
set_value_maybe_null (record, "report_sent", report_sent);
set_value_maybe_null (record, "report_rcvd", report_received);
set_value_maybe_null (record, "band", band);
if (m_->isDirty ())
m_->revert (); // discard any uncommitted changes
m_->setEditStrategy (QSqlTableModel::OnManualSubmit);
ConditionalTransaction transaction {*m_};
auto ok = m_->insertRecord (-1, record);
if (ok)
ok = transaction.submit (false);
m_->setEditStrategy (QSqlTableModel::OnFieldChange);
return ok;
bool FoxLog::dupe (QString const& call, QString const& band) const
m_->dupe_query_.bindValue (":call", call);
m_->dupe_query_.bindValue (":band", band);
SQL_error_check (m_->dupe_query_, static_cast<bool (QSqlQuery::*) ()> (&QSqlQuery::exec));
m_-> ();
return m_->dupe_query_.value (0).toInt ();
void FoxLog::reset ()
// synchronize model
while (m_->canFetchMore ()) m_->fetchMore ();
if (m_->rowCount ())
m_->setEditStrategy (QSqlTableModel::OnManualSubmit);
ConditionalTransaction transaction {*m_};
SQL_error_check (*m_, &QSqlTableModel::removeRows, 0, m_->rowCount (), QModelIndex {});
transaction.submit ();
m_->select (); // to refresh views
m_->setEditStrategy (QSqlTableModel::OnFieldChange);
struct ADIF_field
explicit ADIF_field (QString const& name, QString const& value)
: name_ {name}
, value_ {value}
QString name_;
QString value_;
QTextStream& operator << (QTextStream& os, ADIF_field const& field)
if (field.value_.size ())
os << QString {"<%1:%2>%3 "}.arg (field.name_).arg (field.value_.size ()).arg (field.value_);
return os;
void FoxLog::export_qsos (QTextStream& out) const
out << "WSJT-X FT8 DXpedition Mode Fox Log\n<eoh>";
SQL_error_check (m_->export_query_, static_cast<bool (QSqlQuery::*) ()> (&QSqlQuery::exec));
auto record = m_->export_query_.record ();
auto band_index = record.indexOf ("band");
auto when_index = record.indexOf ("when");
auto call_index = record.indexOf ("call");
auto grid_index = record.indexOf ("grid");
auto sent_index = record.indexOf ("report_sent");
auto rcvd_index = record.indexOf ("report_rcvd");
while (m_-> ())
auto when = QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch (m_->export_query_.value (when_index).toULongLong () * 1000ull, Qt::UTC);
out << '\n'
<< ADIF_field {"band", m_->export_query_.value (band_index).toString ()}
<< ADIF_field {"mode", "FT8"}
<< ADIF_field {"qso_date", when.toString ("yyyyMMdd")}
<< ADIF_field {"time_on", when.toString ("hhmmss")}
<< ADIF_field {"call", m_->export_query_.value (call_index).toString ()}
<< ADIF_field {"gridsquare", m_->export_query_.value (grid_index).toString ()}
<< ADIF_field {"rst_sent", m_->export_query_.value (sent_index).toString ()}
<< ADIF_field {"rst_rcvd", m_->export_query_.value (rcvd_index).toString ()}
<< ADIF_field {"station_callsign", m_->configuration_->my_callsign ()}
<< ADIF_field {"my_gridsquare", m_->configuration_->my_grid ()}
<< ADIF_field {"operator", m_->configuration_->opCall ()}
<< "<eor>";
out << endl;