mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 20:18:35 -04:00
The Status(1) message acquires the new fields Frequency Tolerance, T/R Period, and Configuration Name. The Rx DF, Tx DF fields become unsigned (this should be a benign change which is just for correctness as -ve values have never been possible). The Close(6) message becomes bi-directional allowing external applications to gracefully close down WSJT-X instances. A new message SwitchConfiguration(14) is provided that allows an external application to switch the current configuration of a WSJT-X instance. Another new message Configure(15) is provided to allow external applications to adjust some key parameters like the mode and submode. See the NetworkMessages.hpp header commentary for full details. The UDPExamples/MessageAggregator reference application has been updated to be able to exercise all of the above changes. Note that this commit enforces stricter checking on the "Settings->Reporting->Allow UDP requests" option, which must be checked before any state changing incoming messages to a WSJT-X instance are processed.
592 lines
21 KiB
592 lines
21 KiB
#include "MessageServer.hpp"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <limits>
#include <QNetworkInterface>
#include <QUdpSocket>
#include <QString>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QHash>
#include "Radio.hpp"
#include "NetworkMessage.hpp"
#include "qt_helpers.hpp"
#include "pimpl_impl.hpp"
#include "moc_MessageServer.cpp"
auto quint32_max = std::numeric_limits<quint32>::max ();
class MessageServer::impl
: public QUdpSocket
impl (MessageServer * self, QString const& version, QString const& revision)
: self_ {self}
, version_ {version}
, revision_ {revision}
, port_ {0u}
, clock_ {new QTimer {this}}
// register the required types with Qt
Radio::register_types ();
connect (this, &QIODevice::readyRead, this, &MessageServer::impl::pending_datagrams);
connect (this, static_cast<void (impl::*) (SocketError)> (&impl::error)
, [this] (SocketError /* e */)
Q_EMIT self_->error (errorString ());
connect (clock_, &QTimer::timeout, this, &impl::tick);
clock_->start (NetworkMessage::pulse * 1000);
enum StreamStatus {Fail, Short, OK};
void leave_multicast_group ();
void join_multicast_group ();
void parse_message (QHostAddress const& sender, port_type sender_port, QByteArray const& msg);
void tick ();
void pending_datagrams ();
StreamStatus check_status (QDataStream const&) const;
void send_message (QDataStream const& out, QByteArray const& message, QHostAddress const& address, port_type port)
if (OK == check_status (out))
writeDatagram (message, address, port);
Q_EMIT self_->error ("Error creating UDP message");
MessageServer * self_;
QString version_;
QString revision_;
port_type port_;
QHostAddress multicast_group_address_;
static BindMode constexpr bind_mode_ = ShareAddress | ReuseAddressHint;
struct Client
Client () = default;
Client (QHostAddress const& sender_address, port_type const& sender_port)
: sender_address_ {sender_address}
, sender_port_ {sender_port}
, negotiated_schema_number_ {2} // not 1 because it's broken
, last_activity_ {QDateTime::currentDateTime ()}
Client (Client const&) = default;
Client& operator= (Client const&) = default;
QHostAddress sender_address_;
port_type sender_port_;
quint32 negotiated_schema_number_;
QDateTime last_activity_;
QHash<QString, Client> clients_; // maps id to Client
QTimer * clock_;
MessageServer::impl::BindMode constexpr MessageServer::impl::bind_mode_;
#include "MessageServer.moc"
void MessageServer::impl::leave_multicast_group ()
if (!multicast_group_address_.isNull () && BoundState == state ()
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050600
&& multicast_group_address_.isMulticast ()
for (auto const& interface : QNetworkInterface::allInterfaces ())
if (QNetworkInterface::CanMulticast & interface.flags ())
leaveMulticastGroup (multicast_group_address_, interface);
void MessageServer::impl::join_multicast_group ()
if (BoundState == state ()
&& !multicast_group_address_.isNull ()
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050600
&& multicast_group_address_.isMulticast ()
auto mcast_iface = multicastInterface ();
if (IPv4Protocol == multicast_group_address_.protocol ()
&& IPv4Protocol != localAddress ().protocol ())
close ();
bind (QHostAddress::AnyIPv4, port_, bind_mode_);
bool joined {false};
for (auto const& interface : QNetworkInterface::allInterfaces ())
if (QNetworkInterface::CanMulticast & interface.flags ())
// Windows requires outgoing interface to match
// interface to be joined while joining, at least for
// IPv4 it seems to
setMulticastInterface (interface);
joined |= joinMulticastGroup (multicast_group_address_, interface);
if (!joined)
multicast_group_address_.clear ();
setMulticastInterface (mcast_iface);
void MessageServer::impl::pending_datagrams ()
while (hasPendingDatagrams ())
QByteArray datagram;
datagram.resize (pendingDatagramSize ());
QHostAddress sender_address;
port_type sender_port;
if (0 <= readDatagram (datagram.data (), datagram.size (), &sender_address, &sender_port))
parse_message (sender_address, sender_port, datagram);
void MessageServer::impl::parse_message (QHostAddress const& sender, port_type sender_port, QByteArray const& msg)
// message format is described in NetworkMessage.hpp
NetworkMessage::Reader in {msg};
auto id = in.id ();
if (OK == check_status (in))
if (!clients_.contains (id))
auto& client = (clients_[id] = {sender, sender_port});
QByteArray client_version;
QByteArray client_revision;
if (NetworkMessage::Heartbeat == in.type ())
// negotiate a working schema number
in >> client.negotiated_schema_number_;
if (OK == check_status (in))
auto sn = NetworkMessage::Builder::schema_number;
client.negotiated_schema_number_ = std::min (sn, client.negotiated_schema_number_);
// reply to the new client informing it of the
// negotiated schema number
QByteArray message;
NetworkMessage::Builder hb {&message, NetworkMessage::Heartbeat, id, client.negotiated_schema_number_};
hb << NetworkMessage::Builder::schema_number // maximum schema number accepted
<< version_.toUtf8 () << revision_.toUtf8 ();
if (impl::OK == check_status (hb))
writeDatagram (message, client.sender_address_, client.sender_port_);
Q_EMIT self_->error ("Error creating UDP message");
// we don't care if this fails to read
in >> client_version >> client_revision;
Q_EMIT self_->client_opened (id, QString::fromUtf8 (client_version),
QString::fromUtf8 (client_revision));
clients_[id].last_activity_ = QDateTime::currentDateTime ();
// message format is described in NetworkMessage.hpp
switch (in.type ())
case NetworkMessage::Heartbeat:
//nothing to do here as time out handling deals with lifetime
case NetworkMessage::Clear:
Q_EMIT self_->decodes_cleared (id);
case NetworkMessage::Status:
// unpack message
Frequency f;
QByteArray mode;
QByteArray dx_call;
QByteArray report;
QByteArray tx_mode;
bool tx_enabled {false};
bool transmitting {false};
bool decoding {false};
quint32 rx_df {quint32_max};
quint32 tx_df {quint32_max};
QByteArray de_call;
QByteArray de_grid;
QByteArray dx_grid;
bool watchdog_timeout {false};
QByteArray sub_mode;
bool fast_mode {false};
quint8 special_op_mode {0};
quint32 frequency_tolerance {quint32_max};
quint32 tr_period {quint32_max};
QByteArray configuration_name;
in >> f >> mode >> dx_call >> report >> tx_mode >> tx_enabled >> transmitting >> decoding
>> rx_df >> tx_df >> de_call >> de_grid >> dx_grid >> watchdog_timeout >> sub_mode
>> fast_mode >> special_op_mode >> frequency_tolerance >> tr_period >> configuration_name;
if (check_status (in) != Fail)
Q_EMIT self_->status_update (id, f, QString::fromUtf8 (mode), QString::fromUtf8 (dx_call)
, QString::fromUtf8 (report), QString::fromUtf8 (tx_mode)
, tx_enabled, transmitting, decoding, rx_df, tx_df
, QString::fromUtf8 (de_call), QString::fromUtf8 (de_grid)
, QString::fromUtf8 (dx_grid), watchdog_timeout
, QString::fromUtf8 (sub_mode), fast_mode
, special_op_mode, frequency_tolerance, tr_period
, QString::fromUtf8 (configuration_name));
case NetworkMessage::Decode:
// unpack message
bool is_new {true};
QTime time;
qint32 snr;
float delta_time;
quint32 delta_frequency;
QByteArray mode;
QByteArray message;
bool low_confidence {false};
bool off_air {false};
in >> is_new >> time >> snr >> delta_time >> delta_frequency >> mode
>> message >> low_confidence >> off_air;
if (check_status (in) != Fail)
Q_EMIT self_->decode (is_new, id, time, snr, delta_time, delta_frequency
, QString::fromUtf8 (mode), QString::fromUtf8 (message)
, low_confidence, off_air);
case NetworkMessage::WSPRDecode:
// unpack message
bool is_new {true};
QTime time;
qint32 snr;
float delta_time;
Frequency frequency;
qint32 drift;
QByteArray callsign;
QByteArray grid;
qint32 power;
bool off_air {false};
in >> is_new >> time >> snr >> delta_time >> frequency >> drift >> callsign >> grid >> power
>> off_air;
if (check_status (in) != Fail)
Q_EMIT self_->WSPR_decode (is_new, id, time, snr, delta_time, frequency, drift
, QString::fromUtf8 (callsign), QString::fromUtf8 (grid)
, power, off_air);
case NetworkMessage::QSOLogged:
QDateTime time_off;
QByteArray dx_call;
QByteArray dx_grid;
Frequency dial_frequency;
QByteArray mode;
QByteArray report_sent;
QByteArray report_received;
QByteArray tx_power;
QByteArray comments;
QByteArray name;
QDateTime time_on; // Note: LOTW uses TIME_ON for their +/- 30-minute time window
QByteArray operator_call;
QByteArray my_call;
QByteArray my_grid;
QByteArray exchange_sent;
QByteArray exchange_rcvd;
in >> time_off >> dx_call >> dx_grid >> dial_frequency >> mode >> report_sent >> report_received
>> tx_power >> comments >> name >> time_on >> operator_call >> my_call >> my_grid
>> exchange_sent >> exchange_rcvd;
if (check_status (in) != Fail)
Q_EMIT self_->qso_logged (id, time_off, QString::fromUtf8 (dx_call), QString::fromUtf8 (dx_grid)
, dial_frequency, QString::fromUtf8 (mode), QString::fromUtf8 (report_sent)
, QString::fromUtf8 (report_received), QString::fromUtf8 (tx_power)
, QString::fromUtf8 (comments), QString::fromUtf8 (name), time_on
, QString::fromUtf8 (operator_call), QString::fromUtf8 (my_call)
, QString::fromUtf8 (my_grid), QString::fromUtf8 (exchange_sent)
, QString::fromUtf8 (exchange_rcvd));
case NetworkMessage::Close:
Q_EMIT self_->client_closed (id);
clients_.remove (id);
case NetworkMessage::LoggedADIF:
QByteArray ADIF;
in >> ADIF;
if (check_status (in) != Fail)
Q_EMIT self_->logged_ADIF (id, ADIF);
// Ignore
Q_EMIT self_->error ("MessageServer warning: invalid UDP message received");
catch (std::exception const& e)
Q_EMIT self_->error (QString {"MessageServer exception: %1"}.arg (e.what ()));
catch (...)
Q_EMIT self_->error ("Unexpected exception in MessageServer");
void MessageServer::impl::tick ()
auto now = QDateTime::currentDateTime ();
auto iter = std::begin (clients_);
while (iter != std::end (clients_))
if (now > (*iter).last_activity_.addSecs (NetworkMessage::pulse))
Q_EMIT self_->clear_decodes (iter.key ());
Q_EMIT self_->client_closed (iter.key ());
iter = clients_.erase (iter); // safe while iterating as doesn't rehash
auto MessageServer::impl::check_status (QDataStream const& stream) const -> StreamStatus
auto stat = stream.status ();
StreamStatus result {Fail};
switch (stat)
case QDataStream::ReadPastEnd:
result = Short;
case QDataStream::ReadCorruptData:
Q_EMIT self_->error ("Message serialization error: read corrupt data");
case QDataStream::WriteFailed:
Q_EMIT self_->error ("Message serialization error: write error");
result = OK;
return result;
MessageServer::MessageServer (QObject * parent, QString const& version, QString const& revision)
: QObject {parent}
, m_ {this, version, revision}
void MessageServer::start (port_type port, QHostAddress const& multicast_group_address)
if (port != m_->port_
|| multicast_group_address != m_->multicast_group_address_)
m_->leave_multicast_group ();
if (impl::BoundState == m_->state ())
m_->close ();
m_->multicast_group_address_ = multicast_group_address;
auto address = m_->multicast_group_address_.isNull ()
|| impl::IPv4Protocol != m_->multicast_group_address_.protocol () ? QHostAddress::Any : QHostAddress::AnyIPv4;
if (port && m_->bind (address, port, m_->bind_mode_))
m_->port_ = port;
m_->join_multicast_group ();
m_->port_ = 0;
void MessageServer::clear_decodes (QString const& id, quint8 window)
auto iter = m_->clients_.find (id);
if (iter != std::end (m_->clients_))
QByteArray message;
NetworkMessage::Builder out {&message, NetworkMessage::Clear, id, (*iter).negotiated_schema_number_};
out << window;
m_->send_message (out, message, iter.value ().sender_address_, (*iter).sender_port_);
void MessageServer::reply (QString const& id, QTime time, qint32 snr, float delta_time
, quint32 delta_frequency, QString const& mode
, QString const& message_text, bool low_confidence, quint8 modifiers)
auto iter = m_->clients_.find (id);
if (iter != std::end (m_->clients_))
QByteArray message;
NetworkMessage::Builder out {&message, NetworkMessage::Reply, id, (*iter).negotiated_schema_number_};
out << time << snr << delta_time << delta_frequency << mode.toUtf8 ()
<< message_text.toUtf8 () << low_confidence << modifiers;
m_->send_message (out, message, iter.value ().sender_address_, (*iter).sender_port_);
void MessageServer::replay (QString const& id)
auto iter = m_->clients_.find (id);
if (iter != std::end (m_->clients_))
QByteArray message;
NetworkMessage::Builder out {&message, NetworkMessage::Replay, id, (*iter).negotiated_schema_number_};
m_->send_message (out, message, iter.value ().sender_address_, (*iter).sender_port_);
void MessageServer::close (QString const& id)
auto iter = m_->clients_.find (id);
if (iter != std::end (m_->clients_))
QByteArray message;
NetworkMessage::Builder out {&message, NetworkMessage::Close, id, (*iter).negotiated_schema_number_};
m_->send_message (out, message, iter.value ().sender_address_, (*iter).sender_port_);
void MessageServer::halt_tx (QString const& id, bool auto_only)
auto iter = m_->clients_.find (id);
if (iter != std::end (m_->clients_))
QByteArray message;
NetworkMessage::Builder out {&message, NetworkMessage::HaltTx, id, (*iter).negotiated_schema_number_};
out << auto_only;
m_->send_message (out, message, iter.value ().sender_address_, (*iter).sender_port_);
void MessageServer::free_text (QString const& id, QString const& text, bool send)
auto iter = m_->clients_.find (id);
if (iter != std::end (m_->clients_))
QByteArray message;
NetworkMessage::Builder out {&message, NetworkMessage::FreeText, id, (*iter).negotiated_schema_number_};
out << text.toUtf8 () << send;
m_->send_message (out, message, iter.value ().sender_address_, (*iter).sender_port_);
void MessageServer::location (QString const& id, QString const& loc)
auto iter = m_->clients_.find (id);
if (iter != std::end (m_->clients_))
QByteArray message;
NetworkMessage::Builder out {&message, NetworkMessage::Location, id, (*iter).negotiated_schema_number_};
out << loc.toUtf8 ();
m_->send_message (out, message, iter.value ().sender_address_, (*iter).sender_port_);
void MessageServer::highlight_callsign (QString const& id, QString const& callsign
, QColor const& bg, QColor const& fg, bool last_only)
auto iter = m_->clients_.find (id);
if (iter != std::end (m_->clients_))
QByteArray message;
NetworkMessage::Builder out {&message, NetworkMessage::HighlightCallsign, id, (*iter).negotiated_schema_number_};
out << callsign.toUtf8 () << bg << fg << last_only;
m_->send_message (out, message, iter.value ().sender_address_, (*iter).sender_port_);
void MessageServer::switch_configuration (QString const& id, QString const& configuration_name)
auto iter = m_->clients_.find (id);
if (iter != std::end (m_->clients_))
QByteArray message;
NetworkMessage::Builder out {&message, NetworkMessage::SwitchConfiguration, id, (*iter).negotiated_schema_number_};
out << configuration_name.toUtf8 ();
m_->send_message (out, message, iter.value ().sender_address_, (*iter).sender_port_);
void MessageServer::configure (QString const& id, QString const& mode, quint32 frequency_tolerance
, QString const& submode, bool fast_mode, quint32 tr_period, quint32 rx_df
, QString const& dx_call, QString const& dx_grid, bool generate_messages)
auto iter = m_->clients_.find (id);
if (iter != std::end (m_->clients_))
QByteArray message;
NetworkMessage::Builder out {&message, NetworkMessage::Configure, id, (*iter).negotiated_schema_number_};
out << mode.toUtf8 () << frequency_tolerance << submode.toUtf8 () << fast_mode << tr_period << rx_df
<< dx_call.toUtf8 () << dx_grid.toUtf8 () << generate_messages;
m_->send_message (out, message, iter.value ().sender_address_, (*iter).sender_port_);