mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 09:44:24 -05:00
Re-enabling the WSJT-X i18n facilities. This allows translation files to be created for languages that are automatically used to lookup translatable strings. To enable a new language the language name must be added to the CMakeLists.txt LANGUAGES list variable in BCP47 format (i.e. en_US, en_GB, pt_PT, ...). Do one build with the CMake option UPDATE_TRANSLATIONS enabled (do not leave it enabled as there is a danger of loosing existing translated texts), that will create a fresh translations/wsjtx_<lang>.ts file which should be immediately checked in with the CMakeLists.txt change. The .ts should then be updated by the translator using the Qt Linguist tool to add translations. Check in the updated .ts file to complete the initial translation process for that language. To aid translators their WIP .ts file may be tested by releasing (using the lrelease tool or from the Linguist menu) a .qm file and placing that .qm file in the current directory before starting WSJT-X. The translations will be used if the system locale matches the file name. If the system locale does not match the file name; the language may be overridden by setting the LANG environment variable. For example if a wsjtx_pt_PT.qm file is in the current directory WSJT-X will use it for translation lookups, regardless of the current system locale setting, if the LANG variable is set to pt_PT or pt-PT. On MS Windows from a command prompt: set LANG=pt_PT C:\WSJT\wsjtx\bin\wsjtx elsewhere: LANG=pt_PT wsjtx
796 lines
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796 lines
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#include "MultiSettings.hpp"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <QObject>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QString>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QDir>
#include <QFont>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QStandardPaths>
#include <QMainWindow>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QAction>
#include <QActionGroup>
#include <QDialog>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <QRegularExpressionValidator>
#include <QFormLayout>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <QDialogButtonBox>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QComboBox>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QList>
#include <QMetaObject>
#include "SettingsGroup.hpp"
#include "qt_helpers.hpp"
#include "SettingsGroup.hpp"
#include "widgets/MessageBox.hpp"
#include "pimpl_impl.hpp"
char const * default_string = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP ("MultiSettings", "Default");
char const * multi_settings_root_group = "MultiSettings";
char const * multi_settings_current_group_key = "CurrentMultiSettingsConfiguration";
char const * multi_settings_current_name_key = "CurrentName";
char const * multi_settings_place_holder_key = "MultiSettingsPlaceHolder";
QString unescape_ampersands (QString s)
return s.replace ("&&", "&");
// calculate a useable and unique settings file path
QString settings_path ()
auto const& config_directory = QStandardPaths::writableLocation (QStandardPaths::ConfigLocation);
QDir config_path {config_directory}; // will be "." if config_directory is empty
if (!config_path.mkpath ("."))
throw std::runtime_error {"Cannot find a usable configuration path \"" + config_path.path ().toStdString () + '"'};
return config_path.absoluteFilePath (QApplication::applicationName () + ".ini");
// Dialog to get a valid new configuration name
class NameDialog final
: public QDialog
explicit NameDialog (QString const& current_name,
QStringList const& current_names,
QWidget * parent = nullptr)
: QDialog {parent}
setWindowTitle (tr ("New Configuration Name"));
auto form_layout = new QFormLayout ();
form_layout->addRow (tr ("Old name:"), &old_name_label_);
old_name_label_.setText (current_name);
form_layout->addRow (tr ("&New name:"), &name_line_edit_);
auto main_layout = new QVBoxLayout (this);
main_layout->addLayout (form_layout);
auto button_box = new QDialogButtonBox {QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel};
button_box->button (QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setEnabled (false);
main_layout->addWidget (button_box);
auto name_validator = new QRegularExpressionValidator {QRegularExpression {R"([^/\\]+)"}, this};
name_line_edit_.setValidator (name_validator);
connect (&name_line_edit_, &QLineEdit::textChanged, [current_names, button_box] (QString const& name) {
bool valid {!current_names.contains (name.trimmed ())};
button_box->button (QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setEnabled (valid);
connect (button_box, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, this, &QDialog::accept);
connect (button_box, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, this, &QDialog::reject);
QString new_name () const
return name_line_edit_.text ().trimmed ();
QLabel old_name_label_;
QLineEdit name_line_edit_;
// Dialog to get a valid new existing name
class ExistingNameDialog final
: public QDialog
explicit ExistingNameDialog (QStringList const& current_names, QWidget * parent = nullptr)
: QDialog {parent}
setWindowTitle (tr ("Configuration to Clone From"));
name_combo_box_.addItems (current_names);
auto form_layout = new QFormLayout ();
form_layout->addRow (tr ("&Source Configuration Name:"), &name_combo_box_);
auto main_layout = new QVBoxLayout (this);
main_layout->addLayout (form_layout);
auto button_box = new QDialogButtonBox {QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel};
main_layout->addWidget (button_box);
connect (button_box, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, this, &QDialog::accept);
connect (button_box, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, this, &QDialog::reject);
QString name () const
return name_combo_box_.currentText ();
QComboBox name_combo_box_;
class MultiSettings::impl final
: public QObject
explicit impl (MultiSettings const * parent, QString const& config_name);
bool reposition ();
void create_menu_actions (QMainWindow * main_window, QMenu * menu);
bool exit ();
QSettings settings_;
using Dictionary = QMap<QString, QVariant>;
// create a configuration maintenance sub menu
QMenu * create_sub_menu (QMainWindow * main_window,
QMenu * parent,
QString const& menu_title,
QActionGroup * = nullptr);
// extract all settings from the current QSettings group
Dictionary get_settings () const;
// write the settings values from the dictionary to the current group
void load_from (Dictionary const&, bool add_placeholder = true);
// switch to this configuration
void select_configuration (QMainWindow *, QMenu const *);
// clone this configuration
void clone_configuration (QMainWindow * main_window, QMenu *, QMenu const *);
// update this configuration from another
void clone_into_configuration (QMainWindow *, QMenu const *);
// reset configuration to default values
void reset_configuration (QMainWindow *, QMenu const *);
// change configuration name
void rename_configuration (QMainWindow *, QMenu *);
// remove a configuration
void delete_configuration (QMainWindow *, QMenu *);
MultiSettings const * parent_; // required for emitting signals
bool name_change_emit_pending_; // delayed until menu built
QFont original_font_;
QString current_;
// action to take on restart
enum class RepositionType {unchanged, replace, save_and_replace} reposition_type_;
Dictionary new_settings_;
bool exit_flag_; // false means loop around with new
// configuration
QActionGroup * configurations_group_;
#include "MultiSettings.moc"
#include "moc_MultiSettings.cpp"
MultiSettings::MultiSettings (QString const& config_name)
: m_ {this, config_name}
MultiSettings::~MultiSettings ()
QSettings * MultiSettings::settings ()
return &m_->settings_;
QVariant MultiSettings::common_value (QString const& key, QVariant const& default_value) const
QVariant value;
QSettings * mutable_settings {const_cast<QSettings *> (&m_->settings_)};
auto const& current_group = mutable_settings->group ();
if (current_group.size ()) mutable_settings->endGroup ();
SettingsGroup alternatives {mutable_settings, multi_settings_root_group};
value = mutable_settings->value (key, default_value);
if (current_group.size ()) mutable_settings->beginGroup (current_group);
return value;
void MultiSettings::set_common_value (QString const& key, QVariant const& value)
auto const& current_group = m_->settings_.group ();
if (current_group.size ()) m_->settings_.endGroup ();
SettingsGroup alternatives {&m_->settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
m_->settings_.setValue (key, value);
if (current_group.size ()) m_->settings_.beginGroup (current_group);
void MultiSettings::remove_common_value (QString const& key)
if (!key.size ()) return; // we don't allow global delete as it
// would break this classes data model
auto const& current_group = m_->settings_.group ();
if (current_group.size ()) m_->settings_.endGroup ();
SettingsGroup alternatives {&m_->settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
m_->settings_.remove (key);
if (current_group.size ()) m_->settings_.beginGroup (current_group);
void MultiSettings::create_menu_actions (QMainWindow * main_window, QMenu * menu)
m_->create_menu_actions (main_window, menu);
bool MultiSettings::exit ()
return m_->exit ();
MultiSettings::impl::impl (MultiSettings const * parent, QString const& config_name)
: settings_ {settings_path (), QSettings::IniFormat}
, parent_ {parent}
, name_change_emit_pending_ {true}
, reposition_type_ {RepositionType::unchanged}
, exit_flag_ {true}
, configurations_group_ {new QActionGroup {this}}
if (!settings_.isWritable ())
throw std::runtime_error {QString {"Cannot access \"%1\" for writing"}
.arg (settings_.fileName ()).toStdString ()};
// deal with transient, now defunct, settings key
if (settings_.contains (multi_settings_current_group_key))
current_ = settings_.value (multi_settings_current_group_key).toString ();
settings_.remove (multi_settings_current_group_key);
if (current_.size ())
SettingsGroup alternatives {&settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
SettingsGroup source_group {&settings_, current_};
new_settings_ = get_settings ();
settings_.setValue (multi_settings_current_name_key, tr (default_string));
reposition_type_ = RepositionType::save_and_replace;
reposition ();
SettingsGroup alternatives {&settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
settings_.setValue (multi_settings_current_name_key, tr (default_string));
// bootstrap
QStringList available_configurations;
SettingsGroup alternatives {&settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
available_configurations = settings_.childGroups ();
// use last selected configuration
current_ = settings_.value (multi_settings_current_name_key).toString ();
if (!current_.size ())
// no configurations so use default name
current_ = tr (default_string);
settings_.setValue (multi_settings_current_name_key, current_);
if (config_name.size () && available_configurations.contains (config_name) && config_name != current_)
// switch to specified configuration
SettingsGroup alternatives {&settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
// save the target settings
SettingsGroup target_group {&settings_, config_name};
new_settings_ = get_settings ();
current_ = config_name;
reposition_type_ = RepositionType::save_and_replace;
reposition ();
settings_.sync ();
// do actions that can only be done once all the windows are closed
bool MultiSettings::impl::reposition ()
auto const& current_group = settings_.group ();
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.endGroup ();
switch (reposition_type_)
case RepositionType::save_and_replace:
// save the current settings with the other alternatives
Dictionary saved_settings {get_settings ()};
SettingsGroup alternatives {&settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
// get the current configuration name
auto const& previous_group_name = settings_.value (multi_settings_current_name_key, tr (default_string)).toString ();
SettingsGroup save_group {&settings_, previous_group_name};
load_from (saved_settings);
// fall through
case RepositionType::replace:
// and purge current settings
for (auto const& key: settings_.allKeys ())
if (!key.contains (multi_settings_root_group))
settings_.remove (key);
// insert the new settings
load_from (new_settings_, false);
if (!new_settings_.size ())
// if we are clearing the current settings then we must
// reset the application font and the font in the
// application style sheet, this is necessary since the
// application instance is not recreated
qApp->setFont (original_font_);
qApp->setStyleSheet (qApp->styleSheet () + "* {" + font_as_stylesheet (original_font_) + '}');
// now we have set up the new current we can safely purge it
// from the alternatives
SettingsGroup alternatives {&settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
SettingsGroup purge_group {&settings_, current_};
settings_.remove (QString {}); // purge entire group
// switch to the specified configuration name
settings_.setValue (multi_settings_current_name_key, current_);
settings_.sync ();
// fall through
case RepositionType::unchanged:
new_settings_.clear ();
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.beginGroup (current_group);
reposition_type_ = RepositionType::unchanged; // reset
bool exit {exit_flag_};
exit_flag_ = true; // reset exit flag so normal exit works
return exit;
// populate a pop up menu with the configurations sub-menus for
// maintenance including select, clone, clone from, delete, rename
// and, reset
void MultiSettings::impl::create_menu_actions (QMainWindow * main_window, QMenu * menu)
auto const& current_group = settings_.group ();
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.endGroup ();
SettingsGroup alternatives {&settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
// get the current configuration name
auto const& current_configuration_name = settings_.value (multi_settings_current_name_key, tr (default_string)).toString ();
// add the default configuration sub menu
QMenu * default_menu = create_sub_menu (main_window, menu, current_configuration_name, configurations_group_);
// and set as the current configuration
default_menu->menuAction ()->setChecked (true);
// get the existing alternatives
auto const& available_configurations = settings_.childGroups ();
// add all the other configurations
for (auto const& configuration_name: available_configurations)
create_sub_menu (main_window, menu, configuration_name, configurations_group_);
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.beginGroup (current_group);
if (name_change_emit_pending_)
Q_EMIT parent_->configurationNameChanged (unescape_ampersands (current_));
name_change_emit_pending_ = false;
// call this at the end of the main program loop to determine if the
// main window really wants to quit or to run again with a new configuration
bool MultiSettings::impl::exit ()
// ensure that configuration name changed signal gets fired on restart
name_change_emit_pending_ = true;
// do any configuration swap required and return exit flag
return reposition ();
QMenu * MultiSettings::impl::create_sub_menu (QMainWindow * main_window,
QMenu * parent_menu,
QString const& menu_title,
QActionGroup * action_group)
auto sub_menu = parent_menu->addMenu (menu_title);
if (action_group) action_group->addAction (sub_menu->menuAction ());
sub_menu->menuAction ()->setCheckable (true);
// populate sub-menu actions before showing
connect (sub_menu, &QMenu::aboutToShow, [this, main_window, parent_menu, sub_menu] () {
// depopulate before populating and showing because on Mac OS X
// there is an issue with depopulating in QMenu::aboutToHide()
// with connections being disconnected before they are actioned
while (!sub_menu->actions ().isEmpty ())
sub_menu->removeAction (sub_menu->actions ().last ());
bool is_current {sub_menu->menuAction ()->text () == current_};
if (!is_current)
auto select_action = new QAction {tr ("&Switch To"), this};
sub_menu->addAction (select_action);
connect (select_action, &QAction::triggered, [this, main_window, sub_menu] (bool) {
select_configuration (main_window, sub_menu);
sub_menu->addSeparator ();
auto clone_action = new QAction {tr ("&Clone"), this};
sub_menu->addAction (clone_action);
connect (clone_action, &QAction::triggered, [this, main_window, parent_menu, sub_menu] (bool) {
clone_configuration (main_window, parent_menu, sub_menu);
auto const& current_group = settings_.group ();
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.endGroup ();
SettingsGroup alternatives {&settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
if (settings_.childGroups ().size ())
auto clone_into_action = new QAction {tr ("Clone &Into ..."), this};
sub_menu->addAction (clone_into_action);
connect (clone_into_action, &QAction::triggered, [this, main_window, sub_menu] (bool) {
clone_into_configuration (main_window, sub_menu);
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.beginGroup (current_group);
auto reset_action = new QAction {tr ("R&eset"), this};
sub_menu->addAction (reset_action);
connect (reset_action, &QAction::triggered, [this, main_window, sub_menu] (bool) {
reset_configuration (main_window, sub_menu);
auto rename_action = new QAction {tr ("&Rename ..."), this};
sub_menu->addAction (rename_action);
connect (rename_action, &QAction::triggered, [this, main_window, sub_menu] (bool) {
rename_configuration (main_window, sub_menu);
if (!is_current)
auto delete_action = new QAction {tr ("&Delete"), this};
sub_menu->addAction (delete_action);
connect (delete_action, &QAction::triggered, [this, main_window, sub_menu] (bool) {
delete_configuration (main_window, sub_menu);
return sub_menu;
auto MultiSettings::impl::get_settings () const -> Dictionary
Dictionary settings;
for (auto const& key: settings_.allKeys ())
// filter out multi settings group and empty settings
// placeholder
if (!key.contains (multi_settings_root_group)
&& !key.contains (multi_settings_place_holder_key))
settings[key] = settings_.value (key);
return settings;
void MultiSettings::impl::load_from (Dictionary const& dictionary, bool add_placeholder)
if (dictionary.size ())
for (Dictionary::const_iterator iter = dictionary.constBegin ();
iter != dictionary.constEnd (); ++iter)
settings_.setValue (iter.key (), iter.value ());
else if (add_placeholder)
// add a placeholder key to stop the alternative configuration
// name from disappearing
settings_.setValue (multi_settings_place_holder_key, QVariant {});
settings_.sync ();
void MultiSettings::impl::select_configuration (QMainWindow * main_window, QMenu const * menu)
auto const& target_name = menu->title ();
if (target_name != current_)
auto const& current_group = settings_.group ();
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.endGroup ();
// position to the alternative settings
SettingsGroup alternatives {&settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
// save the target settings
SettingsGroup target_group {&settings_, target_name};
new_settings_ = get_settings ();
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.beginGroup (current_group);
// and set up the restart
current_ = target_name;
Q_EMIT parent_->configurationNameChanged (unescape_ampersands (current_));
reposition_type_ = RepositionType::save_and_replace;
exit_flag_ = false;
main_window->close ();
void MultiSettings::impl::clone_configuration (QMainWindow * main_window, QMenu * parent_menu, QMenu const * menu)
auto const& current_group = settings_.group ();
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.endGroup ();
auto const& source_name = menu->title ();
// settings to clone
Dictionary source_settings;
if (source_name == current_)
// grab the data to clone from the current settings
source_settings = get_settings ();
SettingsGroup alternatives {&settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
if (source_name != current_)
SettingsGroup source_group {&settings_, source_name};
source_settings = get_settings ();
// find a new unique name
QString new_name_root {source_name + " - Copy"};;
QString new_name {new_name_root};
unsigned index {0};
if (index++) new_name = new_name_root + '(' + QString::number (index) + ')';
while (settings_.childGroups ().contains (new_name) || new_name == current_);
SettingsGroup new_group {&settings_, new_name};
load_from (source_settings);
// insert the new configuration sub menu in the parent menu
create_sub_menu (main_window, parent_menu, new_name, configurations_group_);
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.beginGroup (current_group);
void MultiSettings::impl::clone_into_configuration (QMainWindow * main_window, QMenu const * menu)
auto const& current_group = settings_.group ();
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.endGroup ();
auto const& target_name = menu->title ();
// get the current configuration name
QString current_group_name;
QStringList sources;
SettingsGroup alternatives {&settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
current_group_name = settings_.value (multi_settings_current_name_key).toString ();
// get the source configuration name for the clone
sources = settings_.childGroups ();
sources << current_group_name;
sources.removeOne (target_name);
// pick a source configuration
ExistingNameDialog dialog {sources, main_window};
if (sources.size () && (1 == sources.size () || QDialog::Accepted == dialog.exec ()))
QString source_name {1 == sources.size () ? sources.at (0) : dialog.name ()};
if (MessageBox::Yes == MessageBox::query_message (main_window,
tr ("Clone Into Configuration"),
tr ("Confirm overwrite of all values for configuration \"%1\" with values from \"%2\"?")
.arg (unescape_ampersands (target_name))
.arg (unescape_ampersands (source_name))))
// grab the data to clone from
if (source_name == current_group_name)
// grab the data to clone from the current settings
new_settings_ = get_settings ();
SettingsGroup alternatives {&settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
SettingsGroup source_group {&settings_, source_name};
new_settings_ = get_settings ();
// purge target settings and replace
if (target_name == current_)
// restart with new settings
reposition_type_ = RepositionType::replace;
exit_flag_ = false;
main_window->close ();
SettingsGroup alternatives {&settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
SettingsGroup target_group {&settings_, target_name};
settings_.remove (QString {}); // purge entire group
load_from (new_settings_);
new_settings_.clear ();
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.beginGroup (current_group);
void MultiSettings::impl::reset_configuration (QMainWindow * main_window, QMenu const * menu)
auto const& target_name = menu->title ();
if (MessageBox::Yes != MessageBox::query_message (main_window,
tr ("Reset Configuration"),
tr ("Confirm reset to default values for configuration \"%1\"?")
.arg (unescape_ampersands (target_name))))
if (target_name == current_)
// restart with default settings
reposition_type_ = RepositionType::replace;
new_settings_.clear ();
exit_flag_ = false;
main_window->close ();
auto const& current_group = settings_.group ();
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.endGroup ();
SettingsGroup alternatives {&settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
SettingsGroup target_group {&settings_, target_name};
settings_.remove (QString {}); // purge entire group
// add a placeholder to stop alternative configuration name
// being lost
settings_.setValue (multi_settings_place_holder_key, QVariant {});
settings_.sync ();
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.beginGroup (current_group);
void MultiSettings::impl::rename_configuration (QMainWindow * main_window, QMenu * menu)
auto const& current_group = settings_.group ();
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.endGroup ();
auto const& target_name = menu->title ();
// gather names we cannot use
SettingsGroup alternatives {&settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
auto invalid_names = settings_.childGroups ();
invalid_names << settings_.value (multi_settings_current_name_key).toString ();
// get the new name
NameDialog dialog {target_name, invalid_names, main_window};
if (QDialog::Accepted == dialog.exec ())
if (target_name == current_)
settings_.setValue (multi_settings_current_name_key, dialog.new_name ());
settings_.sync ();
current_ = dialog.new_name ();
Q_EMIT parent_->configurationNameChanged (unescape_ampersands (current_));
// switch to the target group and fetch the configuration data
Dictionary target_settings;
// grab the target configuration settings
SettingsGroup target_group {&settings_, target_name};
target_settings = get_settings ();
// purge the old configuration data
settings_.remove (QString {}); // purge entire group
// load into new configuration group name
SettingsGroup target_group {&settings_, dialog.new_name ()};
load_from (target_settings);
// change the action text in the menu
menu->setTitle (dialog.new_name ());
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.beginGroup (current_group);
void MultiSettings::impl::delete_configuration (QMainWindow * main_window, QMenu * menu)
auto const& target_name = menu->title ();
if (target_name == current_)
return; // suicide not allowed here
if (MessageBox::Yes != MessageBox::query_message (main_window,
tr ("Delete Configuration"),
tr ("Confirm deletion of configuration \"%1\"?")
.arg (unescape_ampersands (target_name))))
auto const& current_group = settings_.group ();
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.endGroup ();
SettingsGroup alternatives {&settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
SettingsGroup target_group {&settings_, target_name};
// purge the configuration data
settings_.remove (QString {}); // purge entire group
settings_.sync ();
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.beginGroup (current_group);
// update the menu
menu->deleteLater ();