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# Copyright 2012 Jurko Gospodnetic
# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
# Tests for a bug causing Boost Build's scanner targets to be rebuilt.
# unnecessarily in the following scenario:
# * We want to build target X requiring target A.
# * We have a multi-file action generating targets A & B.
# * Out action generates target B with a more recent timestamp than target A.
# * Target A includes target B.
# * Target A has a registered include scanner.
# Now even if our targets A & B have already been built and are up-to-date
# (e.g. in a state left by a previous successful build run), our scanner target
# tasked with scanning target A will be marked for updating, thus causing any
# targets depending on it to be updated/rebuilt as well.
import BoostBuild
t = BoostBuild.Tester(use_test_config=False)
t.write("foo.jam", r"""
import common ;
import generators ;
import modules ;
import type ;
import types/cpp ;
type.register FOO : foo ;
type.register BAR : bar ;
generators.register-standard foo.foo : FOO : CPP BAR ;
local rule sleep-cmd ( delay )
if [ modules.peek : NT ]
return ping -n $(delay) -w 1000 >NUL ;
return sleep $(delay) ;
.touch = [ common.file-creation-command ] ;
.sleep = [ sleep-cmd 2 ] ;
rule foo ( cpp bar : foo : properties * )
# We add the INCLUDE relationship between our generated CPP & BAR targets
# explicitly instead of relying on Boost Jam's internal implementation
# detail - automatically adding such relationships between all files
# generated by the same action. This way our test will continue to function
# correctly even if the related Boost Jam implementation detail changes.
# Note that adding this relationship by adding an #include directive in our
# generated CPP file is not good enough as such a relationship would get
# added only after the scanner target's relationships have already been
# established and they (as affected by our initial INCLUDE relationship) are
# the original reason for this test failing.
INCLUDES $(cpp) : $(bar) ;
actions foo
$(.touch) "$(<[1])"
$(.touch) "$(<[2])"
import os
from b2.build import type as type_, generators
from b2.tools import common
from b2.manager import get_manager
MANAGER = get_manager()
type_.register('FOO', ['foo'])
type_.register('BAR', ['bar'])
generators.register_standard('foo.foo', ['FOO'], ['CPP', 'BAR'])
def sleep_cmd(delay):
if os.name == 'nt':
return 'ping -n {} -w 1000 >NUL'.format(delay)
return 'sleep {}'.format(delay)
def foo(targets, sources, properties):
cpp, bar = targets
foo = sources[0]
# We add the INCLUDE relationship between our generated CPP & BAR targets
# explicitly instead of relying on Boost Jam's internal implementation
# detail - automatically adding such relationships between all files
# generated by the same action. This way our test will continue to function
# correctly even if the related Boost Jam implementation detail changes.
# Note that adding this relationship by adding an #include directive in our
# generated CPP file is not good enough as such a relationship would get
# added only after the scanner target's relationships have already been
# established and they (as affected by our initial INCLUDE relationship) are
# the original reason for this test failing.
bjam.call('INCLUDES', cpp, bar)
{touch} "$(<[1])"
{touch} "$(<[2])"
'''.format(touch=common.file_creation_command(), sleep=sleep_cmd(2))
t.write("x.foo", "")
t.write("jamroot.jam", """\
import foo ;
lib x : x.foo : <link>static ;
# Get everything built once.
# Simply rerunning the build without touching any of its source target files
# should not cause any files to be affected.