mirror of https://github.com/saitohirga/WSJT-X.git synced 2025-03-23 04:28:36 -04:00

311 lines
10 KiB

#include "CabrilloLog.hpp"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <utility>
#include <QString>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QSqlDatabase>
#include <QSqlTableModel>
#include <QSqlRecord>
#include <QSqlError>
#include <QSqlQuery>
#include <QDataStream>
#include "Configuration.hpp"
#include "Bands.hpp"
#include "logbook/AD1CCty.hpp"
#include "qt_db_helpers.hpp"
#include "pimpl_impl.hpp"
class CabrilloLog::impl final
: public QSqlTableModel
impl (CabrilloLog *, Configuration const *);
int columnCount (QModelIndex const& /*index */) const override
return QSqlTableModel::columnCount () + 1;
Qt::ItemFlags flags (QModelIndex const& index) const override
auto flags = QSqlTableModel::flags (index);
if (index.isValid () && index.column () == columnCount (index) - 1)
flags = Qt::ItemIsEnabled;
return flags;
QVariant data (QModelIndex const& model_index, int role) const override
QVariant value;
if (model_index.isValid () && model_index.column () == columnCount (model_index) - 1)
{ // derive band column
if (Qt::DisplayRole == role)
value = configuration_->bands ()->find (QSqlTableModel::data (index (model_index.row (), fieldIndex ("frequency"))).toULongLong ());
value = QSqlTableModel::data (model_index, role);
if (Qt::DisplayRole == role)
if (model_index.column () == fieldIndex ("frequency"))
value = Radio::frequency_MHz_string (value.value<Radio::Frequency> (), 3); // kHz precision
else if (model_index.column () == fieldIndex ("when"))
{ // adjust date/time to Qt format
QLocale locale;
value = locale.toString (QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch (value.toULongLong () * 1000ull, Qt::UTC), locale.dateFormat (QLocale::ShortFormat) + " hh:mm:ss");
return value;
QString cabrillo_frequency_string (Radio::Frequency frequency) const;
void create_table ();
CabrilloLog * self_;
Configuration const * configuration_;
QSqlQuery mutable dupe_query_;
QSqlQuery mutable export_query_;
bool adding_row_;
CabrilloLog::impl::impl (CabrilloLog * self, Configuration const * configuration)
: self_ {self}
, configuration_ {configuration}
, adding_row_ {false}
if (!database ().tables ().contains ("cabrillo_log_v2"))
create_table ();
setEditStrategy (QSqlTableModel::OnFieldChange);
setTable ("cabrillo_log_v2");
setHeaderData (fieldIndex ("frequency"), Qt::Horizontal, tr ("Freq(MHz)"));
setHeaderData (fieldIndex ("mode"), Qt::Horizontal, tr ("Mode"));
setHeaderData (fieldIndex ("when"), Qt::Horizontal, tr ("Date & Time(UTC)"));
setHeaderData (fieldIndex ("call"), Qt::Horizontal, tr ("Call"));
setHeaderData (fieldIndex ("exchange_sent"), Qt::Horizontal, tr ("Sent"));
setHeaderData (fieldIndex ("exchange_rcvd"), Qt::Horizontal, tr ("Rcvd"));
setHeaderData (columnCount (QModelIndex {}) - 1, Qt::Horizontal, tr ("Band"));
// This descending order by time is important, it makes the view
// place the latest row at the top, without this the model/view
// interactions are both sluggish and unhelpful.
setSort (fieldIndex ("when"), Qt::DescendingOrder);
connect (this, &CabrilloLog::impl::modelReset, self_, &CabrilloLog::data_changed);
connect (this, &CabrilloLog::impl::dataChanged, [this] (QModelIndex const& tl, QModelIndex const& br) {
if (!adding_row_ && !(tl == br)) // ignore single cell changes
// as a another change for the
// whole row will follow
Q_EMIT self_->data_changed ();
SQL_error_check (*this, &QSqlTableModel::select);
SQL_error_check (dupe_query_, &QSqlQuery::prepare,
" frequency "
" FROM "
" cabrillo_log_v2 "
" call = :call ");
SQL_error_check (export_query_, &QSqlQuery::prepare,
" frequency"
" , \"when\""
" , exchange_sent"
" , call"
" , exchange_rcvd"
" FROM "
" cabrillo_log_v2 "
" \"when\"");
void CabrilloLog::impl::create_table ()
QSqlQuery query;
SQL_error_check (query, static_cast<bool (QSqlQuery::*) (QString const&)> (&QSqlQuery::exec),
"CREATE TABLE cabrillo_log_v2 ("
" frequency INTEGER NOT NULL,"
" mode VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL,"
" \"when\" DATETIME NOT NULL,"
" call VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,"
" exchange_sent VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,"
" exchange_rcvd VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL"
// frequency here is in kHz
QString CabrilloLog::impl::cabrillo_frequency_string (Radio::Frequency frequency) const
QString result;
auto band = configuration_->bands ()->find (frequency);
if ("1mm" == band) result = "LIGHT";
else if ("2mm" == band) result = "241G";
else if ("2.5mm" == band) result = "134G";
else if ("4mm" == band) result = "75G";
else if ("6mm" == band) result = "47G";
else if ("1.25cm" == band) result = "24G";
else if ("3cm" == band) result = "10G";
else if ("6cm" == band) result = "5.7G";
else if ("9cm" == band) result = "3.4G";
else if ("13cm" == band) result = "2.3G";
else if ("23cm" == band) result = "1.2G";
else if ("33cm" == band) result = "902";
else if ("70cm" == band) result = "432";
else if ("1.25m" == band) result = "222";
else if ("2m" == band) result = "144";
else if ("4m" == band) result = "70";
else if ("6m" == band) result = "50";
else result = QString::number (frequency / 1000ull);
return result;
#include "moc_CabrilloLog.cpp"
CabrilloLog::CabrilloLog (Configuration const * configuration, QObject * parent)
: QObject {parent}
, m_ {this, configuration}
Q_ASSERT (configuration);
CabrilloLog::~CabrilloLog ()
QSqlTableModel * CabrilloLog::model ()
return &*m_;
void set_value_maybe_null (QSqlRecord& record, QString const& name, QString const& value)
if (value.size ())
record.setValue (name, value);
record.setNull (name);
bool CabrilloLog::add_QSO (Frequency frequency, QString const& mode, QDateTime const& when, QString const& call
, QString const& exchange_sent, QString const& exchange_received)
auto record = m_->record ();
record.setValue ("frequency", frequency);
record.setValue ("mode", mode);
if (!when.isNull ())
record.setValue ("when", when.toMSecsSinceEpoch () / 1000ull);
record.setNull ("when");
set_value_maybe_null (record, "call", call);
set_value_maybe_null (record, "exchange_sent", exchange_sent);
set_value_maybe_null (record, "exchange_rcvd", exchange_received);
if (m_->isDirty ())
m_->revert (); // discard any uncommitted changes
m_->setEditStrategy (QSqlTableModel::OnManualSubmit);
ConditionalTransaction transaction {*m_};
m_->adding_row_ = true;
auto ok = m_->insertRecord (-1, record);
transaction.submit ();
m_->adding_row_ = false;
m_->setEditStrategy (QSqlTableModel::OnFieldChange);
return ok;
bool CabrilloLog::dupe (Frequency frequency, QString const& call) const
m_->dupe_query_.bindValue (":call", call);
SQL_error_check (m_->dupe_query_, static_cast<bool (QSqlQuery::*) ()> (&QSqlQuery::exec));
auto record = m_->dupe_query_.record ();
auto frequency_index = record.indexOf ("frequency");
while (m_->dupe_query_.next ())
if (m_->configuration_->bands ()->find (m_->dupe_query_.value (frequency_index).toULongLong ())
== m_->configuration_->bands ()->find (frequency))
return true;
return false;
void CabrilloLog::reset ()
// synchronize model
while (m_->canFetchMore ()) m_->fetchMore ();
if (m_->rowCount ())
m_->setEditStrategy (QSqlTableModel::OnManualSubmit);
ConditionalTransaction transaction {*m_};
SQL_error_check (*m_, &QSqlTableModel::removeRows, 0, m_->rowCount (), QModelIndex {});
transaction.submit ();
m_->select (); // to refresh views
m_->setEditStrategy (QSqlTableModel::OnFieldChange);
Q_EMIT data_changed ();
void CabrilloLog::export_qsos (QTextStream& stream) const
SQL_error_check (m_->export_query_, static_cast<bool (QSqlQuery::*) ()> (&QSqlQuery::exec));
auto record = m_->export_query_.record ();
auto frequency_index = record.indexOf ("frequency");
// auto mode_index = record.indexOf ("mode");
auto when_index = record.indexOf ("when");
auto call_index = record.indexOf ("call");
auto sent_index = record.indexOf ("exchange_sent");
auto rcvd_index = record.indexOf ("exchange_rcvd");
while (m_->export_query_.next ())
auto my_call = m_->configuration_->my_callsign ();
stream << QString {"QSO: %1 DG %2 %3 %4 %5 %6\n"}
.arg (m_->cabrillo_frequency_string (m_->export_query_.value (frequency_index).value<Radio::Frequency> ()), 5)
.arg (QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch (m_->export_query_.value (when_index).toULongLong () * 1000ull, Qt::UTC).toString ("yyyy-MM-dd hhmm"))
.arg (my_call, -12)
.arg (m_->export_query_.value (sent_index).toString (), -13)
.arg (m_->export_query_.value (call_index).toString (), -12)
.arg (m_->export_query_.value (rcvd_index).toString (), -13);
auto CabrilloLog::unique_DXCC_entities (AD1CCty const * countries) const -> worked_set
QSqlQuery q {"SELECT DISTINCT BAND, CALL FROM cabrillo_log_v2"};
auto band_index = q.record ().indexOf ("band");
auto call_index = q.record ().indexOf ("call");
worked_set entities;
while (q.next ())
entities << worked_item {q.value (band_index).toString ()
, countries->lookup (q.value (call_index).toString ()).primary_prefix};
return entities;