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synced 2025-03-26 05:59:26 -04:00
To facilitate interaction with other applications WSJT-X now sends status updates to a predefined UDP server or multicast group address. The status updates include the information currently posted to the decodes.txt and wsjtx_status.txt files. An optional back communications channel is also implemented allowing the UDP server application to control some basic actions in WSJT-X. A reference implementaion of a typical UDP server written in C++ using Qt is provided to demonstrate these facilities. This application is not intended as a user tool but only as an example of how a third party application may interact with WSJT-X. The UDP messages Use QDataStream based serialization. Messages are documented in NetworkMessage.hpp along with some helper classes that simplify the building and decoding of messages. Two message handling classes are introduced, MessageClient and MessageServer. WSJT-X uses the MessageClient class to manage outgoing and incoming UDP messages that allow communication with other applications. The MessageServer class implements the kind of code that a potential cooperating application might use. Although these classes use Qt serialization facilities, the message formats are easily read and written by applications that do not use the Qt framework. MessageAggregator is a demonstration application that uses MessageServer and presents a GUI that displays messages from one or more WSJT-X instances and allows sending back a CQ or QRZ reply invocation by double clicking a decode. This application is not intended as a user facing tool but rather as a demonstration of the WSJT-X UDP messaging facility. It also demonstrates being a multicast UDP server by allowing multiple instances to run concurrently. This is enabled by using an appropriate multicast group address as the server address. Cooperating applications need not implement multicast techniques but it is recomended otherwise only a single appliaction can act as a broadcast message (from WSJT-X) recipient. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.code.sf.net/p/wsjt/wsjt/branches/wsjtx@5225 ab8295b8-cf94-4d9e-aec4-7959e3be5d79
451 lines
13 KiB
451 lines
13 KiB
// -*- Mode: C++ -*-
#ifdef QT5
#include <QtWidgets>
#include <QtGui>
#include <QThread>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QList>
#include <QAudioDeviceInfo>
#include <QScopedPointer>
#include <QDir>
#include <QProgressDialog>
#include <QAbstractSocket>
#include <QHostAddress>
#include "soundin.h"
#include "AudioDevice.hpp"
#include "soundout.h"
#include "commons.h"
#include "Radio.hpp"
#include "Configuration.hpp"
#include "Transceiver.hpp"
#include "psk_reporter.h"
#include "signalmeter.h"
#include "logbook/logbook.h"
#include "Detector.hpp"
#include "Modulator.hpp"
#include "decodedtext.h"
#define NUM_JT65_SYMBOLS 126
#define NUM_JT9_SYMBOLS 85
#define NUM_CW_SYMBOLS 250
#define TX_SAMPLE_RATE 48000
extern int volatile itone[NUM_JT65_SYMBOLS]; //Audio tones for all Tx symbols
extern int volatile icw[NUM_CW_SYMBOLS]; //Dits for CW ID
//--------------------------------------------------------------- MainWindow
namespace Ui {
class MainWindow;
class QSettings;
class QLineEdit;
class QFont;
class QHostInfo;
class WideGraph;
class LogQSO;
class Transceiver;
class Astro;
class MessageClient;
class QTime;
class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
using Frequency = Radio::Frequency;
// Multiple instances: call MainWindow() with *thekey
explicit MainWindow(bool multiple, QSettings *, QSharedMemory *shdmem,
unsigned downSampleFactor, QWidget *parent = 0);
public slots:
void showSoundInError(const QString& errorMsg);
void showSoundOutError(const QString& errorMsg);
void showStatusMessage(const QString& statusMsg);
void dataSink(qint64 frames);
void diskDat();
void diskWriteFinished();
void freezeDecode(int n);
void guiUpdate();
void doubleClickOnCall(bool shift, bool ctrl);
void doubleClickOnCall2(bool shift, bool ctrl);
void readFromStdout();
void readFromStderr();
void jt9_error(QProcess::ProcessError);
void setXIT(int n);
void setFreq4(int rxFreq, int txFreq);
virtual void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *e );
void closeEvent(QCloseEvent*);
virtual bool eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event);
private slots:
void on_tx1_editingFinished();
void on_tx2_editingFinished();
void on_tx3_editingFinished();
void on_tx4_editingFinished();
void on_tx5_currentTextChanged (QString const&);
void on_tx6_editingFinished();
void on_actionSettings_triggered();
void on_monitorButton_clicked (bool);
void on_actionAbout_triggered();
void on_autoButton_clicked (bool);
void on_stopTxButton_clicked();
void on_stopButton_clicked();
void on_actionOnline_User_Guide_triggered();
void on_actionLocal_User_Guide_triggered();
void on_actionWide_Waterfall_triggered();
void on_actionOpen_triggered();
void on_actionOpen_next_in_directory_triggered();
void on_actionDecode_remaining_files_in_directory_triggered();
void on_actionDelete_all_wav_files_in_SaveDir_triggered();
void on_actionOpen_log_directory_triggered ();
void on_actionNone_triggered();
void on_actionSave_all_triggered();
void on_actionKeyboard_shortcuts_triggered();
void on_actionSpecial_mouse_commands_triggered();
void on_DecodeButton_clicked (bool);
void decode();
void decodeBusy(bool b);
void on_EraseButton_clicked();
void on_txb1_clicked();
void on_txFirstCheckBox_stateChanged(int arg1);
void set_ntx(int n);
void on_txb2_clicked();
void on_txb3_clicked();
void on_txb4_clicked();
void on_txb5_clicked();
void on_txb6_clicked();
void on_lookupButton_clicked();
void on_addButton_clicked();
void on_dxCallEntry_textChanged(const QString &arg1);
void on_dxGridEntry_textChanged(const QString &arg1);
void on_genStdMsgsPushButton_clicked();
void on_logQSOButton_clicked();
void on_actionJT9_1_triggered();
void on_actionJT65_triggered();
void on_actionJT9_JT65_triggered();
void on_TxFreqSpinBox_valueChanged(int arg1);
void on_actionSave_decoded_triggered();
void on_actionQuickDecode_triggered();
void on_actionMediumDecode_triggered();
void on_actionDeepestDecode_triggered();
void on_inGain_valueChanged(int n);
void bumpFqso(int n);
void on_actionErase_ALL_TXT_triggered();
void on_actionErase_wsjtx_log_adi_triggered();
void startTx2();
void stopTx();
void stopTx2();
void on_pbCallCQ_clicked();
void on_pbAnswerCaller_clicked();
void on_pbSendRRR_clicked();
void on_pbAnswerCQ_clicked();
void on_pbSendReport_clicked();
void on_pbSend73_clicked();
void on_rbGenMsg_toggled(bool checked);
void on_rbFreeText_toggled(bool checked);
void on_freeTextMsg_currentTextChanged (QString const&);
void on_rptSpinBox_valueChanged(int n);
void killFile();
void on_tuneButton_clicked (bool);
void on_pbR2T_clicked();
void on_pbT2R_clicked();
void acceptQSO2(QDateTime const&, QString const& call, QString const& grid
, Frequency dial_freq, QString const& mode
, QString const& rpt_sent, QString const& rpt_received
, QString const& tx_power, QString const& comments
, QString const& name);
void on_bandComboBox_activated (int index);
void on_readFreq_clicked();
void on_pbTxMode_clicked();
void on_RxFreqSpinBox_valueChanged(int n);
void on_cbTxLock_clicked(bool checked);
void on_cbPlus2kHz_toggled(bool checked);
void on_outAttenuation_valueChanged (int);
void rigOpen ();
void handle_transceiver_update (Transceiver::TransceiverState);
void handle_transceiver_failure (QString reason);
void on_actionAstronomical_data_triggered();
void on_actionShort_list_of_add_on_prefixes_and_suffixes_triggered();
void getpfx();
void on_actionJT9W_1_triggered();
void band_changed (Frequency);
void monitor (bool);
void stop_tuning ();
void auto_tx_mode (bool);
void networkError (QString const&);
void enable_DXCC_entity (bool on);
Q_SIGNAL void initializeAudioOutputStream (QAudioDeviceInfo, unsigned channels, unsigned msBuffered) const;
Q_SIGNAL void stopAudioOutputStream () const;
Q_SIGNAL void startAudioInputStream (QAudioDeviceInfo const&, int framesPerBuffer, AudioDevice * sink, unsigned downSampleFactor, AudioDevice::Channel) const;
Q_SIGNAL void suspendAudioInputStream () const;
Q_SIGNAL void resumeAudioInputStream () const;
Q_SIGNAL void startDetector (AudioDevice::Channel) const;
Q_SIGNAL void detectorClose () const;
Q_SIGNAL void finished () const;
Q_SIGNAL void transmitFrequency (unsigned) const;
Q_SIGNAL void endTransmitMessage (bool quick = false) const;
Q_SIGNAL void tune (bool = true) const;
Q_SIGNAL void sendMessage (unsigned symbolsLength, double framesPerSymbol, unsigned frequency, double toneSpacing, SoundOutput *, AudioDevice::Channel = AudioDevice::Mono, bool synchronize = true, double dBSNR = 99.) const;
Q_SIGNAL void outAttenuationChanged (qreal) const;
QDir m_dataDir;
QString m_revision;
bool m_multiple;
QSettings * m_settings;
Ui::MainWindow * ui;
// other windows
Configuration m_config;
QMessageBox m_rigErrorMessageBox;
QScopedPointer<WideGraph> m_wideGraph;
QScopedPointer<LogQSO> m_logDlg;
QScopedPointer<Astro> m_astroWidget;
QScopedPointer<QTextEdit> m_shortcuts;
QScopedPointer<QTextEdit> m_prefixes;
QScopedPointer<QTextEdit> m_mouseCmnds;
Frequency m_dialFreq;
Detector m_detector;
SoundInput m_soundInput;
Modulator m_modulator;
SoundOutput m_soundOutput;
QThread * m_audioThread;
qint64 m_msErase;
qint64 m_secBandChanged;
qint32 m_waterfallAvg;
qint32 m_ntx;
qint32 m_timeout;
qint32 m_XIT;
qint32 m_setftx;
qint32 m_ndepth;
qint32 m_sec0;
qint32 m_RxLog;
qint32 m_nutc0;
qint32 m_nrx;
qint32 m_hsym;
qint32 m_TRperiod;
qint32 m_nsps;
qint32 m_hsymStop;
qint32 m_len1;
qint32 m_inGain;
qint32 m_nsave;
qint32 m_ncw;
qint32 m_secID;
qint32 m_repeatMsg;
qint32 m_watchdogLimit;
qint32 m_astroFont;
bool m_btxok; //True if OK to transmit
bool m_diskData;
bool m_loopall;
bool m_decoderBusy;
bool m_txFirst;
bool m_auto;
bool m_restart;
bool m_startAnother;
bool m_saveDecoded;
bool m_saveAll;
bool m_widebandDecode;
bool m_call3Modified;
bool m_dataAvailable;
bool m_killAll;
bool m_bdecoded;
bool m_monitorStartOFF;
bool m_pskReporterInit;
bool m_noSuffix;
bool m_toRTTY;
bool m_dBtoComments;
bool m_promptToLog;
bool m_blankLine;
bool m_insertBlank;
bool m_displayDXCCEntity;
bool m_clearCallGrid;
bool m_bMiles;
bool m_decodedText2;
bool m_freeText;
bool m_quickCall;
bool m_73TxDisable;
bool m_sentFirst73;
int m_currentMessageType;
QString m_currentMessage;
int m_lastMessageType;
QString m_lastMessageSent;
bool m_runaway;
bool m_bMultipleOK;
bool m_lockTxFreq;
bool m_tx2QSO;
bool m_CATerror;
bool m_plus2kHz;
bool m_bAstroData;
float m_pctZap;
// labels in status bar
QLabel * tx_status_label;
QLabel * mode_label;
QLabel * last_tx_label;
QLabel * auto_tx_label;
QMessageBox msgBox0;
QFuture<void>* future1;
QFuture<void>* future2;
QFuture<void>* future3;
QFutureWatcher<void>* watcher1;
QFutureWatcher<void>* watcher2;
QFutureWatcher<void>* watcher3;
QProcess proc_jt9;
QTimer m_guiTimer;
QTimer* ptt1Timer; //StartTx delay
QTimer* ptt0Timer; //StopTx delay
QTimer* logQSOTimer;
QTimer* killFileTimer;
QTimer* tuneButtonTimer;
QString m_path;
QString m_pbdecoding_style1;
QString m_pbmonitor_style;
QString m_pbAutoOn_style;
QString m_pbTune_style;
QString m_baseCall;
QString m_hisCall;
QString m_hisGrid;
QString m_appDir;
QString m_dxccPfx;
QString m_palette;
QString m_dateTime;
QString m_mode;
QString m_modeTx;
QString m_fname;
QString m_rpt;
QString m_rptSent;
QString m_rptRcvd;
QString m_qsoStart;
QString m_qsoStop;
QString m_cmnd;
QString m_msgSent0;
QString m_fileToSave;
QString m_band;
QStringList m_prefix;
QStringList m_suffix;
QHash<QString,bool> m_pfx;
QHash<QString,bool> m_sfx;
QDateTime m_dateTimeQSO;
QRect m_astroGeom;
QSharedMemory *mem_jt9;
SignalMeter *signalMeter;
LogBook m_logBook;
DecodedText m_QSOText;
unsigned m_msAudioOutputBuffered;
unsigned m_framesAudioInputBuffered;
unsigned m_downSampleFactor;
QThread::Priority m_audioThreadPriority;
bool m_bandEdited;
bool m_splitMode;
bool m_monitoring;
bool m_transmitting;
bool m_tune;
Frequency m_lastMonitoredFrequency;
double m_toneSpacing;
int m_firstDecode;
QProgressDialog m_optimizingProgress;
QTimer m_heartbeat;
MessageClient * m_messageClient;
PSK_Reporter *psk_Reporter;
//---------------------------------------------------- private functions
void readSettings();
void setDecodedTextFont (QFont const&);
void writeSettings();
void createStatusBar();
void updateStatusBar();
void msgBox(QString t);
void genStdMsgs(QString rpt);
void lookup();
void ba2msg(QByteArray ba, char* message);
void msgtype(QString t, QLineEdit* tx);
void stub();
void statusChanged();
void qsy(Frequency f);
bool gridOK(QString g);
bool shortList(QString callsign);
void transmit (double snr = 99.);
void rigFailure (QString const& reason, QString const& detail);
void pskSetLocal ();
void displayDialFrequency ();
void transmitDisplay (bool);
void processMessage(QString const& messages, qint32 position, bool ctrl);
void replyToCQ (QTime, qint32 snr, float delta_time, quint32 delta_frequency, QString const& mode, QString const& message_text);
void replayDecodes ();
void postDecode (bool is_new, QString const& message);
extern void getfile(QString fname, int ntrperiod);
extern void savewav(QString fname, int ntrperiod);
extern int killbyname(const char* progName);
extern void getDev(int* numDevices,char hostAPI_DeviceName[][50],
int minChan[], int maxChan[],
int minSpeed[], int maxSpeed[]);
extern int ptt(int nport, int ntx, int* iptt, int* nopen);
extern "C" {
//----------------------------------------------------- C and Fortran routines
void symspec_(int* k, int* ntrperiod, int* nsps, int* ingain, int* nflatten,
float* px, float s[], float* df3, int* nhsym, int* npts8);
void genjt9_(char* msg, int* ichk, char* msgsent, int itone[],
int* itext, int len1, int len2);
void gen65_(char* msg, int* ichk, char* msgsent, int itone[],
int* itext, int len1, int len2);
bool stdmsg_(const char* msg, int len);
void azdist_(char* MyGrid, char* HisGrid, double* utch, int* nAz, int* nEl,
int* nDmiles, int* nDkm, int* nHotAz, int* nHotABetter,
int len1, int len2);
void morse_(char* msg, int* icw, int* ncw, int len);
int ptt_(int nport, int ntx, int* iptt, int* nopen);
int fftwf_import_wisdom_from_filename(const char *);
int fftwf_export_wisdom_to_filename(const char *);
#endif // MAINWINDOW_H