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[section:concepts Iterator Concepts]
[section:concepts_access Access]
[h2 Readable Iterator Concept]
A class or built-in type `X` models the *Readable Iterator* concept
for value type `T` if, in addition to `X` being Assignable and
Copy Constructible, the following expressions are valid and respect
the stated semantics. `U` is the type of any specified member of
type `T`.
[table Readable Iterator Requirements (in addition to Assignable and Copy Constructible)
[Return Type]
[Any non-reference, non cv-qualified type]
[ Convertible to `T`]
[pre: `a` is dereferenceable. If `a == b` then `*a` is equivalent to `*b`.]
[pre: `(*a).m` is well-defined. Equivalent to `(*a).m`.]
[h2 Writable Iterator Concept ]
A class or built-in type `X` models the *Writable Iterator* concept
if, in addition to `X` being Copy Constructible, the following
expressions are valid and respect the stated semantics. Writable
Iterators have an associated *set of value types*.
[table Writable Iterator Requirements (in addition to Copy Constructible)
[Return Type]
[`*a = o` ]
[pre: The type of `o` is in the set of value types of `X`]
[h2 Swappable Iterator Concept]
A class or built-in type `X` models the *Swappable Iterator* concept
if, in addition to `X` being Copy Constructible, the following
expressions are valid and respect the stated semantics.
[table Swappable Iterator Requirements (in addition to Copy Constructible)
[Return Type]
[`iter_swap(a, b)`]
[the pointed to values are exchanged]
[blurb *Note:* An iterator that is a model of the *Readable* and *Writable Iterator* concepts
is also a model of *Swappable Iterator*. *--end note*]
[h2 Lvalue Iterator Concept]
The *Lvalue Iterator* concept adds the requirement that the return
type of `operator*` type be a reference to the value type of the
[table Lvalue Iterator Requirements
[Return Type]
[`*a` ]
[`T&` ]
`T` is *cv* `iterator_traits<X>::value_type` where *cv* is an optional cv-qualification.
pre: `a` is dereferenceable. If `a == b` then `*a` is equivalent to `*b`.
[section:concepts_traversal Traversal]
[h2 Incrementable Iterator Concept]
A class or built-in type `X` models the *Incrementable Iterator*
concept if, in addition to `X` being Assignable and Copy
Constructible, the following expressions are valid and respect the
stated semantics.
[table Incrementable Iterator Requirements (in addition to Assignable, Copy Constructible)
[Expression ]
[Return Type]
[Assertion/Semantics ]
[`++r` ]
[`X&` ]
[`&r == &++r`]
[`r++` ]
[`X` ]
X tmp = r;
return tmp;
[Convertible to `incrementable_traversal_tag`]
[h2 Single Pass Iterator Concept]
A class or built-in type `X` models the *Single Pass Iterator*
concept if the following expressions are valid and respect the stated
[table Single Pass Iterator Requirements (in addition to Incrementable Iterator and Equality Comparable)
[Return Type]
[Assertion/Semantics / Pre-/Post-condition]
[pre:[br]`r` is dereferenceable;[br]post:[br]`r` is dereferenceable or[br]`r` is past-the-end]
[`a == b`]
[convertible to `bool`]
[`==` is an equivalence relation over its domain]
[`a != b`]
[convertible to `bool`]
[`!(a == b)`]
[Convertible to`single_pass_traversal_tag`]
[h2 Forward Traversal Concept]
A class or built-in type `X` models the *Forward Traversal*
concept if, in addition to `X` meeting the requirements of Default
Constructible and Single Pass Iterator, the following expressions are
valid and respect the stated semantics.
[table Forward Traversal Iterator Requirements (in addition to Default Constructible and Single Pass Iterator)
[Return Type]
[`X u;`]
[note: `u` may have a singular value.]
[`r == s` and `r` is dereferenceable implies `++r == ++s.`]
[A signed integral type representing the distance between iterators]
[Convertible to `forward_traversal_tag`]
[h2 Bidirectional Traversal Concept]
A class or built-in type `X` models the *Bidirectional Traversal*
concept if, in addition to `X` meeting the requirements of Forward
Traversal Iterator, the following expressions are valid and respect
the stated semantics.
[table Bidirectional Traversal Iterator Requirements (in addition to Forward Traversal Iterator)
[Return Type]
[pre: there exists `s` such that `r == ++s`.[br] post: `s` is dereferenceable. `--(++r) == r`. `--r == --s` implies `r == s`. `&r == &--r`.]
[convertible to `const X&`]
X tmp = r;
return tmp;
[Convertible to `bidirectional_traversal_tag`]
[h2 Random Access Traversal Concept]
A class or built-in type `X` models the *Random Access Traversal*
concept if the following expressions are valid and respect the stated
semantics. In the table below, `Distance` is
`iterator_traits<X>::difference_type` and `n` represents a
constant object of type `Distance`.
[table Random Access Traversal Iterator Requirements (in addition to Bidirectional Traversal)
[Return Type]
[Operational Semantics]
[`r += n`]
[ `X&`]
Distance m = n;
if (m >= 0)
while (m--)
while (m++)
return r;
[ ]
[`a + n`, `n + a`]
X tmp = a;
return tmp+= n;
[`r -= n`]
[`return r += -n`]
[`a - n`]
X tmp = a;
return tmp-= n;
[`b - a`]
[`a < b ? distance(a,b) : -distance(b,a)`]
[pre: there exists a value `n` of `Distance` such that `a + n == b`. `b == a + (b - a)`.]
[convertible to T]
[`*(a + n)`]
[pre: a is a *Readable Iterator*]
[`a\[n\] = v`]
[convertible to T]
[`*(a + n) = v`]
[pre: a is a *Writable iterator*]
[`a < b`]
[convertible to `bool`]
[`b - a > 0`]
[`<` is a total ordering relation]
[`a > b`]
[convertible to `bool`]
[`b < a`]
[`>` is a total ordering relation]
[`a >= b`]
[convertible to `bool`]
[`!(a < b)`]
[`a <= b`]
[convertible to `bool`]
[`!(a > b)`]
[convertible to `random_access_traversal_tag`]