
310 lines
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// (C) Copyright 2003, Fernando Luis Cacciola Carballal.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include "boost/numeric/conversion/converter.hpp"
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#pragma hdrstop
#include "test_helpers.cpp"
#include "test_helpers2.cpp"
#include "test_helpers3.cpp"
using namespace std ;
using namespace boost ;
using namespace numeric ;
using namespace MyUDT ;
// These are the typical steps that are required to install support for
// conversions from/to UDT which need special treatment.
// (1) Instantiate specific convesions traits.
// This step is only for convenience.
// These traits instances are required in order to define the specializations
// that follow (and which *are required* to make the library work with MyInt and MyFloat)
namespace MyUDT {
typedef conversion_traits<double , MyFloat> MyFloat_to_double_Traits;
typedef conversion_traits<int , MyFloat> MyFloat_to_int_Traits;
typedef conversion_traits<MyInt , MyFloat> MyFloat_to_MyInt_Traits;
typedef conversion_traits<int , MyInt > MyInt_to_int_Traits;
typedef conversion_traits<MyFloat, MyInt > MyInt_to_MyFloat_Traits;
typedef conversion_traits<MyInt , double > double_to_MyInt_Traits;
} // namespace MyUDT
// (2) Define suitable raw converters.
// Our sample UDTs don't support implicit conversions.
// Therefore, the default raw_converter<> doesn't work,
// and we need to define our own.
// There are two ways of doing this:
// (a) One is to simply specialize boost::numeric::raw_converter<> directly.
// This way, the default converter will work out of the box, which means, for instance,
// that numeric_cast<> can be used with these UDTs.
// (b) Define a user class with the appropriate interface and supply it explicitely
// as a policy to a converter instance.
// This test uses chice (a).
namespace boost {
namespace numeric {
struct raw_converter<MyUDT::MyFloat_to_double_Traits>
static double low_level_convert ( MyUDT::MyFloat const& s )
{ return s.to_builtin() ; }
} ;
struct raw_converter<MyUDT::MyFloat_to_int_Traits>
static int low_level_convert ( MyUDT::MyFloat const& s )
{ return static_cast<int>( s.to_builtin() ) ; }
} ;
struct raw_converter<MyUDT::MyFloat_to_MyInt_Traits>
static MyUDT::MyInt low_level_convert ( MyUDT::MyFloat const& s )
{ return MyUDT::MyInt( static_cast<int>(s.to_builtin()) ) ; }
} ;
struct raw_converter<MyUDT::MyInt_to_int_Traits>
static int low_level_convert ( MyUDT::MyInt const& s ) { return s.to_builtin() ; }
} ;
struct raw_converter<MyUDT::MyInt_to_MyFloat_Traits>
static MyUDT::MyFloat low_level_convert ( MyUDT::MyInt const& s )
return MyUDT::MyFloat( static_cast<double>(s.to_builtin()) ) ;
} ;
struct raw_converter<MyUDT::double_to_MyInt_Traits>
static MyUDT::MyInt low_level_convert ( double s )
{ return MyUDT::MyInt( static_cast<int>(s) ) ; }
} ;
} // namespace numeric
} // namespace boost
// (3) Define suitable range checkers
// By default, if a UDT is involved in a conversion, internal range checking is disabled.
// This is so because a UDT type can have any sort of range, even unbounded, thus
// the library doesn't attempt to automatically figure out the appropriate range checking logic.
// (as it does when builtin types are involved)
// However, this situation is a bit unsufficient in practice, specially from doing narrowing (subranged)
// conversions from UDTs.
// The library provides a rudimentary hook to help this out: The user can plug in his own
// range checker to the converter instance.
// This test shows how to define and use a custom range checker.
namespace MyUDT {
// The following are metaprogramming tools to allow us the implement the
// MyCustomRangeChecker generically, for either builtin or UDT types.
// get_builtin_type<N>::type extracts the built-in type of our UDT's
template<class N> struct get_builtin_type { typedef N type ; } ;
template<> struct get_builtin_type<MyInt> { typedef int type ; } ;
template<> struct get_builtin_type<MyFloat> { typedef double type ; } ;
// U extract_builtin ( T s ) returns 's' converted to the corresponding built-in type U.
template<class N>
struct extract_builtin
static N apply ( N n ) { return n ; }
} ;
struct extract_builtin<MyInt>
static int apply ( MyInt const& n ) { return n.to_builtin() ; }
} ;
struct extract_builtin<MyFloat>
static double apply ( MyFloat const& n ) { return n.to_builtin() ; }
} ;
template<class Traits>
struct MyCustomRangeChecker
typedef typename Traits::argument_type argument_type ;
// This custom range checker uses the fact that our 'fake' UDT are merely wrappers
// around builtin types; so it just forward the logic to the correspoding range
// checkers for the wrapped builtin types.
typedef typename Traits::source_type S ;
typedef typename Traits::target_type T ;
// NOTE: S and/or T can be either UDT or builtin types.
typedef typename get_builtin_type<S>::type builtinS ;
typedef typename get_builtin_type<T>::type builtinT ;
// NOTE: The internal range checker used by default is *built* when you instantiate
// a converter<> with a given Traits according to the properties of the involved types.
// Currently, there is no way to instantiate this range checker as a separate class.
// However, you can see it as part of the interface of the converter
// (since the converter inherits from it)
// Therefore, here we instantiate a converter corresponding to the builtin types to access
// their associated builtin range checker.
typedef boost::numeric::converter<builtinT,builtinS> InternalConverter ;
static range_check_result out_of_range ( argument_type s )
return InternalConverter::out_of_range( extract_builtin<S>::apply(s) );
static void validate_range ( argument_type s )
return InternalConverter::validate_range( extract_builtin<S>::apply(s) );
} ;
} // namespace MyUDT
// Test here
void test_udt_conversions_with_defaults()
cout << "Testing UDT conversion with default policies\n" ;
// MyInt <--> int
int mibv = rand();
MyInt miv(mibv);
// MyFloat <--> double
double mfbv = static_cast<double>(rand()) / 3.0 ;
MyFloat mfv (mfbv);
// MyInt <--> MyFloat
MyInt miv2 ( static_cast<int>(mfbv) );
MyFloat miv2F ( static_cast<int>(mfbv) );
MyFloat mfv2 ( static_cast<double>(mibv) );
MyInt mfv2I ( static_cast<double>(mibv) );
template<class T, class S>
struct GenerateCustomConverter
typedef conversion_traits<T,S> Traits;
typedef def_overflow_handler OverflowHandler ;
typedef Trunc<S> Float2IntRounder ;
typedef raw_converter<Traits> RawConverter ;
typedef MyCustomRangeChecker<Traits> RangeChecker ;
typedef converter<T,S,Traits,OverflowHandler,Float2IntRounder,RawConverter,RangeChecker> type ;
} ;
void test_udt_conversions_with_custom_range_checking()
cout << "Testing UDT conversions with custom range checker\n" ;
int mibv = rand();
MyFloat mfv ( static_cast<double>(mibv) );
typedef GenerateCustomConverter<MyFloat,int>::type int_to_MyFloat_Conv ;
TEST_SUCCEEDING_CONVERSION( int_to_MyFloat_Conv, MyFloat, int, mfv, mibv );
int mibv2 = rand();
MyInt miv (mibv2);
MyFloat mfv2 ( static_cast<double>(mibv2) );
typedef GenerateCustomConverter<MyFloat,MyInt>::type MyInt_to_MyFloat_Conv ;
TEST_SUCCEEDING_CONVERSION( MyInt_to_MyFloat_Conv, MyFloat, MyInt, mfv2, miv );
double mfbv = bounds<double>::highest();
typedef GenerateCustomConverter<MyInt,double>::type double_to_MyInt_Conv ;
TEST_POS_OVERFLOW_CONVERSION( double_to_MyInt_Conv, MyInt, double, mfbv );
MyFloat mfv3 ( bounds<double>::lowest() ) ;
typedef GenerateCustomConverter<int,MyFloat>::type MyFloat_to_int_Conv ;
TEST_NEG_OVERFLOW_CONVERSION( MyFloat_to_int_Conv, int, MyFloat, mfv3 );
int test_main( int, char* [] )
cout << setprecision( numeric_limits<long double>::digits10 ) ;
return 0;