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Copyright 2013 Karsten Ahnert
Copyright 2013 Pascal Germroth
Copyright 2013 Mario Mulansky
Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
[section Parallel computation with OpenMP and MPI]
Parallelization is a key feature for modern numerical libraries due to the vast
availability of many cores nowadays, even on Laptops.
odeint currently supports parallelization with OpenMP and MPI, as described in
the following sections.
However, it should be made clear from the beginning that the difficulty of
efficiently distributing ODE integration on many cores/machines lies in the
parallelization of the system function, which is still the user's
Simply using a parallel odeint backend without parallelizing the system function
will bring you almost no performance gains.
[section OpenMP]
[import ../examples/openmp/phase_chain.cpp]
odeint's OpenMP support is implemented as an external backend, which needs to be
manually included. Depending on the compiler some additional flags may be
needed, i.e. [^-fopenmp] for GCC.
In the easiest parallelization approach with OpenMP we use a standard `vector`
as the state type:
We initialize the state with some random data:
Now we have to configure the stepper to use the OpenMP backend.
This is done by explicitly providing the `openmp_range_algebra` as a template
parameter to the stepper.
This algebra requires the state type to be a model of Random Access Range and
will be used from multiple threads by the algebra.
Additional to providing the stepper with OpenMP parallelization we also need
a parallelized system function to exploit the available cores.
Here this is shown for a simple one-dimensional chain of phase oscillators with
nearest neighbor coupling:
[note In the OpenMP backends the system function will always be called
sequentially from the thread used to start the integration.]
Finally, we perform the integration by using one of the integrate functions from
As you can see, the parallelization is completely hidden in the stepper and the
system function.
OpenMP will take care of distributing the work among the threads and join them
After integrating, the data can be accessed immediately and be processed
Note, that you can specify the OpenMP scheduling by calling `omp_set_schedule`
in the beginning of your program:
See [github_link examples/openmp/phase_chain.cpp
openmp/phase_chain.cpp] for the complete example.
[heading Split state]
[import ../examples/openmp/phase_chain_omp_state.cpp]
For advanced cases odeint offers another approach to use OpenMP that allows for
a more exact control of the parallelization.
For example, for odd-sized data where OpenMP's thread boundaries don't match
cache lines and hurt performance it might be advisable to copy the data from the
continuous `vector<T>` into separate, individually aligned, vectors.
For this, odeint provides the `openmp_state<T>` type, essentially an alias for
Here, the initialization is done with a `vector<double>`, but then we use
odeint's `split` function to fill an `openmp_state`.
The splitting is done such that the sizes of the individual regions differ at
most by 1 to make the computation as uniform as possible.
Of course, the system function has to be changed to deal with the
Note that each sub-region of the state is computed in a single task, but at the
borders read access to the neighbouring regions is required.
Using the `openmp_state<T>` state type automatically selects `openmp_algebra`
which executes odeint's internal computations on parallel regions.
Hence, no manual configuration of the stepper is necessary.
At the end of the integration, we use `unsplit` to concatenate the sub-regions
back together into a single vector.
[note You don't actually need to use `openmp_state<T>` for advanced use cases,
`openmp_algebra` is simply an alias for `openmp_nested_algebra<range_algebra>`
and supports any model of Random Access Range as the outer, parallel state type,
and will use the given algebra on its elements.]
See [github_link examples/openmp/phase_chain_omp_state.cpp
openmp/phase_chain_omp_state.cpp] for the complete example.
[section MPI]
[import ../examples/mpi/phase_chain.cpp]
To expand the parallel computation across multiple machines we can use MPI.
The system function implementation is similar to the OpenMP variant with split
data, the main difference being that while OpenMP uses a spawn/join model where
everything not explicitly paralleled is only executed in the main thread, in
MPI's model each node enters the `main()` method independently, diverging based
on its rank and synchronizing through message-passing and explicit barriers.
odeint's MPI support is implemented as an external backend, too.
Depending on the MPI implementation the code might need to be compiled with i.e.
Instead of reading another thread's data, we asynchronously send and receive the
relevant data from neighbouring nodes, performing some computation in the interim
to hide the latency.
Analogous to `openmp_state<T>` we use `mpi_state< InnerState<T> >`, which
automatically selects `mpi_nested_algebra` and the appropriate MPI-oblivious
inner algebra (since our inner state is a `vector`, the inner algebra will be
`range_algebra` as in the OpenMP example).
In the main program we construct a `communicator` which tells us the `size` of
the cluster and the current node's `rank` within that.
We generate the input data on the master node only, avoiding unnecessary work on
the other nodes.
Instead of simply copying chunks, `split` acts as a MPI collective function here
and sends/receives regions from master to each slave.
The input argument is ignored on the slaves, but the master node receives
a region in its output and will participate in the computation.
Now that `x_split` contains (only) the local chunk for each node, we start the
To print the result on the master node, we send the processed data back using
[note `mpi_nested_algebra::for_each`[~N] doesn't use any MPI constructs, it
simply calls the inner algebra on the local chunk and the system function is not
guarded by any barriers either, so if you don't manually place any (for example
in parameter studies cases where the elements are completely independent) you
might see the nodes diverging, returning from this call at different times.]
See [github_link examples/mpi/phase_chain.cpp
mpi/phase_chain.cpp] for the complete example.
[section Concepts]
[section MPI State]
As used by `mpi_nested_algebra`.
[heading Notation]
[[`InnerState`] [The inner state type]]
[[`State`] [The MPI-state type]]
[[`state`] [Object of type `State`]]
[[`world`] [Object of type `boost::mpi::communicator`]]
[heading Valid Expressions]
[[Name] [Expression] [Type] [Semantics]]
[[Construct a state with a communicator]
[`State(world)`] [`State`] [Constructs the State.]]
[[Construct a state with the default communicator]
[`State()`] [`State`] [Constructs the State.]]
[[Get the current node's inner state]
[`state()`] [`InnerState`] [Returns a (const) reference.]]
[[Get the communicator]
[``] [`boost::mpi::communicator`] [See __boost_mpi.]]
[heading Models]
* `mpi_state<InnerState>`
[section OpenMP Split State]
As used by `openmp_nested_algebra`, essentially a Random Access Container with
`ValueType = InnerState`.
[heading Notation]
[[`InnerState`] [The inner state type]]
[[`State`] [The split state type]]
[[`state`] [Object of type `State`]]
[heading Valid Expressions]
[[Name] [Expression] [Type] [Semantics]]
[[Construct a state for `n` chunks]
[`State(n)`] [`State`] [Constructs underlying `vector`.]]
[[Get a chunk]
[`state[i]`] [`InnerState`] [Accesses underlying `vector`.]]
[[Get the number of chunks]
[`state.size()`] [`size_type`] [Returns size of underlying `vector`.]]
[heading Models]
* `openmp_state<ValueType>` with `InnerState = vector<ValueType>`
[section Splitter]
[heading Notation]
[[`Container1`] [The continuous-data container type]]
[[`x`] [Object of type `Container1`]]
[[`Container2`] [The chunked-data container type]]
[[`y`] [Object of type `Container2`]]
[heading Valid Expressions]
[[Name] [Expression] [Type] [Semantics]]
[[Copy chunks of input to output elements]
[`split(x, y)`] [`void`]
[Calls `split_impl<Container1, Container2>::split(x, y)`, splits `x` into
`y.size()` chunks.]]
[[Join chunks of input elements to output]
[`unsplit(y, x)`] [`void`]
[Calls `unsplit_impl<Container2, Container1>::unsplit(y, x)`, assumes `x`
is of the correct size ['__sigma `y[i].size()`], does not resize `x`.]]
[heading Models]
* defined for `Container1` = __boost_range and `Container2 = openmp_state`
* and `Container2 = mpi_state`.
To implement splitters for containers incompatible with __boost_range,
specialize the `split_impl` and `unsplit_impl` types:
template< class Container1, class Container2 , class Enabler = void >
struct split_impl {
static void split( const Container1 &from , Container2 &to );
template< class Container2, class Container1 , class Enabler = void >
struct unsplit_impl {
static void unsplit( const Container2 &from , Container1 &to );