mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 09:44:24 -05:00
- For consistency, I propset these to svn:eol-style native as well git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.code.sf.net/p/wsjt/wsjt/branches/map65@1152 ab8295b8-cf94-4d9e-aec4-7959e3be5d79
103 lines
2.9 KiB
103 lines
2.9 KiB
#Makefile to compile MAP65.EXE for Windows.
#!include <dfinc.mak> #Some definitions for Compaq Visual Fortran
CC = /mingw/bin/gcc
FC = g95
FFLAGS = -Wall -Wno-precision-loss -fbounds-check -fPIC
${FC} ${CPPFLAGS} ${FFLAGS} -c -o ${<:.f=.o} $<
all: MAP65.EXE
OBJC1 = init_rs.o encode_rs.o decode_rs.o jtaudio.o plrr_subs.o deep65.o
F2PYONLY = ftn_init ftn_quit audio_init getfile azdist0 astro0 spec
SRCF90 = a2d.f90 astro0.f90 audio_init.f90 azdist0.f90 \
decode1.f90 ftn_init.f90 ftn_quit.f90 wsjtgen.f90 \
runqqq.f90 fivehz.f90 flushqqq.f90 \
rfile.f90 rfile3a.F90 spec.f90 map65a.F90 display.F90 \
getfile.f90 getfile2.f90 recvpkt.f90 savetf2.F90 \
symspec.f90 sec_midn.F90 getdphi.f90
SRCCOM = datcom.f90 gcom1.f90 gcom2.f90 gcom3.f90 gcom4.f90 spcom.f90
SRCF77 = indexx.f gen65.f chkmsg.f \
gentone.f gencwid.f set.f db.f pctile.f sort.f ssort.f \
avemsg65.f demod64a.f encode65.f extract.f getpfx1.f \
getpfx2.f graycode.f grid2k.f interleave63.f k2grid.f \
morse.f nchar.f packcall.f packgrid.f \
packmsg.f packtext.f setup65.f unpackcall.f unpackgrid.f \
unpackmsg.f unpacktext.f astro.f azdist.f coord.f dcoord.f \
deg2grid.f dot.f ftsky.f geocentric.f GeoDist.f grid2deg.f \
moon2.f MoonDop.f sun.f toxyz.f pfxdump.f \
ccf65.f trimlist.f chkhist.f decode1a.f \
fil6521.f twkfreq.f decode65b.f \
afc65b.f fchisq.f ccf2.f
SRC2F77 = four2a.f filbig.f
SRCS2C = ptt.c igray.c wrapkarn.c cutil.c \
OBJF77 = ${SRCF77:.f=.o}
MAP65.EXE: Audio.pyd map65.spec
c:/python25/python c:/python25/pyinstaller-1.3/Build.py map65.spec
Audio.pyd: $(OBJC1) $(OBJF77) $(SRCF90) $(SRC2F77) $(SRCS2C) $(SRCCOM) Makefile
c:/Python25/python C:/python25/scripts/f2py.py -c -I. \
--quiet --fcompiler=g95 \
--opt="-fbounds-check -O2 -cpp -DUSE_PORTAUDIO" \
--compiler=mingw32 \
$(OBJC1) $(OBJF77) libfftw3f.a libsamplerate.a \
libportaudio.a libpthreadGC2.a -lwinmm -lws2_32 \
-m Audio \
only: $(F2PYONLY) : \
$(SRCF90) $(SRC2F77) $(SRCS2C)
map65.spec: map65.py astro.py g.py options.py palettes.py smeter.py specjt.py
C:/Python25/python C:/Python25/pyinstaller-1.3/makespec.py \
--icon wsjt.ico --tk --onefile map65.py
deep65.o: deep65.F
$(FC) -c -O0 -Wall -fPIC deep65.F
jtaudio.o: jtaudio.c
$(CC) -c -DWin32 -o jtaudio.o jtaudio.c
init_rs.obj: init_rs.c
$(CC) -c -DBIGSYM=1 init_rs.c
init_rs.o: init_rs.c
$(CC) -c -DBIGSYM=1 -o init_rs.o init_rs.c
encode_rs.obj: encode_rs.c
$(CC) -c -DBIGSYM=1 encode_rs.c
encode_rs.o: encode_rs.c
$(CC) -c -DBIGSYM=1 -o encode_rs.o encode_rs.c
decode_rs.obj: decode_rs.c
$(CC) -c -DBIGSYM=1 decode_rs.c
decode_rs.o: decode_rs.c
$(CC) -c -DBIGSYM=1 -o decode_rs.o decode_rs.c
wrapkarn.obj: wrapkarn.c
$(CC) -c -DWin32=1 wrapkarn.c
igray.obj: igray.c
$(CC) -c -DWin32=1 igray.c
plrr_subs.o: plrr_subs_win.c
$(CC) -c plrr_subs_win.c -o plrr_subs.o
.PHONY : clean
rm *.o Audio.pyd map65.spec MAP65.EXE