mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 09:44:24 -05:00
This change incorporates a reorganization of the GUI code with widgets, validators, models, and item delegates being moved to sub-directories. Relax the requirements of the ForeignKeyDelegate and related CandidateKeyFilter classes to allow them to work with constant model pointers for both referenced and referencing models.
824 lines
24 KiB
824 lines
24 KiB
#include "FrequencyList.hpp"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <utility>
#include <limits>
#include <QMetaType>
#include <QAbstractTableModel>
#include <QString>
#include <QList>
#include <QListIterator>
#include <QVector>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QMimeData>
#include <QDataStream>
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QDebugStateSaver>
#include "Radio.hpp"
#include "Bands.hpp"
#include "pimpl_impl.hpp"
#include "moc_FrequencyList.cpp"
FrequencyList_v2::FrequencyItems const default_frequency_list =
{198000, Modes::FreqCal, IARURegions::R1}, // BBC Radio 4 Droitwich
{4996000, Modes::FreqCal, IARURegions::R1}, // RWM time signal
{9996000, Modes::FreqCal, IARURegions::R1}, // RWM time signal
{14996000, Modes::FreqCal, IARURegions::R1}, // RWM time signal
{660000, Modes::FreqCal, IARURegions::R2},
{880000, Modes::FreqCal, IARURegions::R2},
{1210000, Modes::FreqCal, IARURegions::R2},
{2500000, Modes::FreqCal, IARURegions::ALL},
{3330000, Modes::FreqCal, IARURegions::ALL},
{5000000, Modes::FreqCal, IARURegions::ALL},
{7850000, Modes::FreqCal, IARURegions::ALL},
{10000000, Modes::FreqCal, IARURegions::ALL},
{14670000, Modes::FreqCal, IARURegions::ALL},
{15000000, Modes::FreqCal, IARURegions::ALL},
{20000000, Modes::FreqCal, IARURegions::ALL},
{136000, Modes::WSPR, IARURegions::ALL},
{136130, Modes::JT65, IARURegions::ALL},
{136130, Modes::JT9, IARURegions::ALL},
{474200, Modes::JT65, IARURegions::ALL},
{474200, Modes::JT9, IARURegions::ALL},
{474200, Modes::WSPR, IARURegions::ALL},
{1836600, Modes::WSPR, IARURegions::ALL},
{1838000, Modes::JT65, IARURegions::ALL}, // squeezed allocations
{1839000, Modes::JT9, IARURegions::ALL},
{1840000, Modes::FT8, IARURegions::ALL},
{3570000, Modes::JT65, IARURegions::ALL}, // JA compatible
{3572000, Modes::JT9, IARURegions::ALL},
{3573000, Modes::FT8, IARURegions::ALL}, // above as below JT65
// is out of DM allocation
{3568600, Modes::WSPR, IARURegions::ALL}, // needs guard marker
// and lock out
{7038600, Modes::WSPR, IARURegions::ALL},
{7074000, Modes::FT8, IARURegions::ALL},
{7076000, Modes::JT65, IARURegions::ALL},
{7078000, Modes::FT8, IARURegions::ALL},
{7078000, Modes::JT9, IARURegions::ALL},
{10136000, Modes::FT8, IARURegions::ALL},
{10138000, Modes::JT65, IARURegions::ALL},
{10138700, Modes::WSPR, IARURegions::ALL},
{10140000, Modes::JT9, IARURegions::ALL},
{14095600, Modes::WSPR, IARURegions::ALL},
{14074000, Modes::FT8, IARURegions::ALL},
{14076000, Modes::JT65, IARURegions::ALL},
{14078000, Modes::FT8, IARURegions::ALL},
{14078000, Modes::JT9, IARURegions::ALL},
{18100000, Modes::FT8, IARURegions::ALL},
{18102000, Modes::JT65, IARURegions::ALL},
{18104000, Modes::JT9, IARURegions::ALL},
{18104600, Modes::WSPR, IARURegions::ALL},
{21074000, Modes::FT8, IARURegions::ALL},
{21076000, Modes::JT65, IARURegions::ALL},
{21078000, Modes::JT9, IARURegions::ALL},
{21094600, Modes::WSPR, IARURegions::ALL},
{24915000, Modes::FT8, IARURegions::ALL},
{24917000, Modes::JT65, IARURegions::ALL},
{24919000, Modes::JT9, IARURegions::ALL},
{24924600, Modes::WSPR, IARURegions::ALL},
{28074000, Modes::FT8, IARURegions::ALL},
{28076000, Modes::JT65, IARURegions::ALL},
{28078000, Modes::JT9, IARURegions::ALL},
{28124600, Modes::WSPR, IARURegions::ALL},
{50200000, Modes::Echo, IARURegions::ALL},
{50276000, Modes::JT65, IARURegions::R2},
{50276000, Modes::JT65, IARURegions::R3},
{50380000, Modes::MSK144, IARURegions::R1},
{50280000, Modes::MSK144, IARURegions::R2},
{50280000, Modes::MSK144, IARURegions::R3},
{50293000, Modes::WSPR, IARURegions::R2},
{50293000, Modes::WSPR, IARURegions::R3},
{50310000, Modes::JT65, IARURegions::ALL},
{50312000, Modes::JT9, IARURegions::ALL},
{50313000, Modes::FT8, IARURegions::ALL},
{50323000, Modes::FT8, IARURegions::ALL},
{70100000, Modes::FT8, IARURegions::R1},
{70102000, Modes::JT65, IARURegions::R1},
{70104000, Modes::JT9, IARURegions::R1},
{70091000, Modes::WSPR, IARURegions::R1},
{70230000, Modes::MSK144, IARURegions::R1},
{144120000, Modes::JT65, IARURegions::ALL},
{144120000, Modes::Echo, IARURegions::ALL},
{144174000, Modes::FT8, IARURegions::ALL},
{144360000, Modes::MSK144, IARURegions::R1},
{144150000, Modes::MSK144, IARURegions::R2},
{144489000, Modes::WSPR, IARURegions::ALL},
{144120000, Modes::QRA64, IARURegions::ALL},
{222065000, Modes::Echo, IARURegions::R2},
{222065000, Modes::JT65, IARURegions::R2},
{222065000, Modes::QRA64, IARURegions::R2},
{432065000, Modes::Echo, IARURegions::ALL},
{432065000, Modes::JT65, IARURegions::ALL},
{432300000, Modes::WSPR, IARURegions::ALL},
{432360000, Modes::MSK144, IARURegions::ALL},
{432065000, Modes::QRA64, IARURegions::ALL},
{902065000, Modes::JT65, IARURegions::R2},
{902065000, Modes::QRA64, IARURegions::R2},
{1296065000, Modes::Echo, IARURegions::ALL},
{1296065000, Modes::JT65, IARURegions::ALL},
{1296500000, Modes::WSPR, IARURegions::ALL},
{1296065000, Modes::QRA64, IARURegions::ALL},
{2301000000, Modes::Echo, IARURegions::ALL},
{2301065000, Modes::JT4, IARURegions::ALL},
{2301065000, Modes::JT65, IARURegions::ALL},
{2301065000, Modes::QRA64, IARURegions::ALL},
{2304065000, Modes::Echo, IARURegions::ALL},
{2304065000, Modes::JT4, IARURegions::ALL},
{2304065000, Modes::JT65, IARURegions::ALL},
{2304065000, Modes::QRA64, IARURegions::ALL},
{2320065000, Modes::Echo, IARURegions::ALL},
{2320065000, Modes::JT4, IARURegions::ALL},
{2320065000, Modes::JT65, IARURegions::ALL},
{2320065000, Modes::QRA64, IARURegions::ALL},
{3400065000, Modes::Echo, IARURegions::ALL},
{3400065000, Modes::JT4, IARURegions::ALL},
{3400065000, Modes::JT65, IARURegions::ALL},
{3400065000, Modes::QRA64, IARURegions::ALL},
{5760065000, Modes::Echo, IARURegions::ALL},
{5760065000, Modes::JT4, IARURegions::ALL},
{5760065000, Modes::JT65, IARURegions::ALL},
{5760200000, Modes::QRA64, IARURegions::ALL},
{10368100000, Modes::Echo, IARURegions::ALL},
{10368200000, Modes::JT4, IARURegions::ALL},
{10368200000, Modes::QRA64, IARURegions::ALL},
{24048100000, Modes::Echo, IARURegions::ALL},
{24048200000, Modes::JT4, IARURegions::ALL},
{24048200000, Modes::QRA64, IARURegions::ALL},
#if !defined (QT_NO_DEBUG_STREAM)
QDebug operator << (QDebug debug, FrequencyList_v2::Item const& item)
QDebugStateSaver saver {debug};
debug.nospace () << "FrequencyItem("
<< item.frequency_ << ", "
<< item.region_ << ", "
<< item.mode_ << ')';
return debug;
QDataStream& operator << (QDataStream& os, FrequencyList_v2::Item const& item)
return os << item.frequency_
<< item.mode_
<< item.region_;
QDataStream& operator >> (QDataStream& is, FrequencyList_v2::Item& item)
return is >> item.frequency_
>> item.mode_
>> item.region_;
class FrequencyList_v2::impl final
: public QAbstractTableModel
impl (Bands const * bands, QObject * parent)
: QAbstractTableModel {parent}
, bands_ {bands}
, region_filter_ {IARURegions::ALL}
, mode_filter_ {Modes::ALL}
FrequencyItems frequency_list (FrequencyItems);
QModelIndex add (Item);
void add (FrequencyItems);
// Implement the QAbstractTableModel interface
int rowCount (QModelIndex const& parent = QModelIndex {}) const override;
int columnCount (QModelIndex const& parent = QModelIndex {}) const override;
Qt::ItemFlags flags (QModelIndex const& = QModelIndex {}) const override;
QVariant data (QModelIndex const&, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override;
bool setData (QModelIndex const&, QVariant const& value, int role = Qt::EditRole) override;
QVariant headerData (int section, Qt::Orientation, int = Qt::DisplayRole) const override;
bool removeRows (int row, int count, QModelIndex const& parent = QModelIndex {}) override;
bool insertRows (int row, int count, QModelIndex const& parent = QModelIndex {}) override;
QStringList mimeTypes () const override;
QMimeData * mimeData (QModelIndexList const&) const override;
static int constexpr num_cols {SENTINAL};
static auto constexpr mime_type = "application/wsjt.Frequencies";
Bands const * bands_;
FrequencyItems frequency_list_;
Region region_filter_;
Mode mode_filter_;
FrequencyList_v2::FrequencyList_v2 (Bands const * bands, QObject * parent)
: QSortFilterProxyModel {parent}
, m_ {bands, parent}
setSourceModel (&*m_);
setSortRole (SortRole);
FrequencyList_v2::~FrequencyList_v2 ()
auto FrequencyList_v2::frequency_list (FrequencyItems frequency_list) -> FrequencyItems
return m_->frequency_list (frequency_list);
auto FrequencyList_v2::frequency_list () const -> FrequencyItems const&
return m_->frequency_list_;
auto FrequencyList_v2::frequency_list (QModelIndexList const& model_index_list) const -> FrequencyItems
FrequencyItems list;
Q_FOREACH (auto const& index, model_index_list)
list << m_->frequency_list_[mapToSource (index).row ()];
return list;
void FrequencyList_v2::frequency_list_merge (FrequencyItems const& items)
m_->add (items);
int FrequencyList_v2::best_working_frequency (Frequency f) const
int result {-1};
auto const& target_band = m_->bands_->find (f);
if (!target_band.isEmpty ())
Radio::FrequencyDelta delta {std::numeric_limits<Radio::FrequencyDelta>::max ()};
// find a frequency in the same band that is allowed
for (int row = 0; row < rowCount (); ++row)
auto const& source_row = mapToSource (index (row, 0)).row ();
auto const& candidate_frequency = m_->frequency_list_[source_row].frequency_;
auto const& band = m_->bands_->find (candidate_frequency);
if (band == target_band)
// take closest band match
Radio::FrequencyDelta new_delta = f - candidate_frequency;
if (std::abs (new_delta) < std::abs (delta))
delta = new_delta;
result = row;
return result;
int FrequencyList_v2::best_working_frequency (QString const& target_band) const
int result {-1};
if (!target_band.isEmpty ())
// find a frequency in the same band that is allowed
for (int row = 0; row < rowCount (); ++row)
auto const& source_row = mapToSource (index (row, 0)).row ();
auto const& band = m_->bands_->find (m_->frequency_list_[source_row].frequency_);
if (band == target_band)
return row;
return result;
void FrequencyList_v2::reset_to_defaults ()
m_->frequency_list (default_frequency_list);
QModelIndex FrequencyList_v2::add (Item f)
return mapFromSource (m_->add (f));
bool FrequencyList_v2::remove (Item f)
auto row = m_->frequency_list_.indexOf (f);
if (0 > row)
return false;
return m_->removeRow (row);
bool row_is_higher (QModelIndex const& lhs, QModelIndex const& rhs)
return lhs.row () > rhs.row ();
bool FrequencyList_v2::removeDisjointRows (QModelIndexList rows)
bool result {true};
// We must work with source model indexes because we don't want row
// removes to invalidate model indexes we haven't yet processed. We
// achieve that by processing them in decending row order.
for (int r = 0; r < rows.size (); ++r)
rows[r] = mapToSource (rows[r]);
// reverse sort by row
qSort (rows.begin (), rows.end (), row_is_higher);
Q_FOREACH (auto index, rows)
if (result && !m_->removeRow (index.row ()))
result = false;
return result;
void FrequencyList_v2::filter (Region region, Mode mode)
m_->region_filter_ = region;
m_->mode_filter_ = mode;
invalidateFilter ();
bool FrequencyList_v2::filterAcceptsRow (int source_row, QModelIndex const& /* parent */) const
bool result {true};
auto const& item = m_->frequency_list_[source_row];
if (m_->region_filter_ != IARURegions::ALL)
result = IARURegions::ALL == item.region_ || m_->region_filter_ == item.region_;
if (result && m_->mode_filter_ != Modes::ALL)
// we pass ALL mode rows unless filtering for FreqCal mode
result = (Modes::ALL == item.mode_ && m_->mode_filter_ != Modes::FreqCal)
|| m_->mode_filter_ == item.mode_;
return result;
auto FrequencyList_v2::impl::frequency_list (FrequencyItems frequency_list) -> FrequencyItems
beginResetModel ();
std::swap (frequency_list_, frequency_list);
endResetModel ();
return frequency_list;
QModelIndex FrequencyList_v2::impl::add (Item f)
// Any Frequency that isn't in the list may be added
if (!frequency_list_.contains (f))
auto row = frequency_list_.size ();
beginInsertRows (QModelIndex {}, row, row);
frequency_list_.append (f);
endInsertRows ();
return index (row, 0);
return QModelIndex {};
void FrequencyList_v2::impl::add (FrequencyItems items)
// Any Frequency that isn't in the list may be added
for (auto p = items.begin (); p != items.end ();)
if (frequency_list_.contains (*p))
p = items.erase (p);
if (items.size ())
auto row = frequency_list_.size ();
beginInsertRows (QModelIndex {}, row, row + items.size () - 1);
frequency_list_.append (items);
endInsertRows ();
int FrequencyList_v2::impl::rowCount (QModelIndex const& parent) const
return parent.isValid () ? 0 : frequency_list_.size ();
int FrequencyList_v2::impl::columnCount (QModelIndex const& parent) const
return parent.isValid () ? 0 : num_cols;
Qt::ItemFlags FrequencyList_v2::impl::flags (QModelIndex const& index) const
auto result = QAbstractTableModel::flags (index) | Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled;
auto row = index.row ();
auto column = index.column ();
if (index.isValid ()
&& row < frequency_list_.size ()
&& column < num_cols)
if (frequency_mhz_column != column)
result |= Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled;
return result;
QVariant FrequencyList_v2::impl::data (QModelIndex const& index, int role) const
QVariant item;
auto const& row = index.row ();
auto const& column = index.column ();
if (index.isValid ()
&& row < frequency_list_.size ()
&& column < num_cols)
auto const& frequency_item = frequency_list_.at (row);
switch (column)
case region_column:
switch (role)
case SortRole:
case Qt::DisplayRole:
case Qt::EditRole:
case Qt::AccessibleTextRole:
item = IARURegions::name (frequency_item.region_);
case Qt::ToolTipRole:
case Qt::AccessibleDescriptionRole:
item = tr ("IARU Region");
case Qt::TextAlignmentRole:
item = Qt::AlignHCenter + Qt::AlignVCenter;
case mode_column:
switch (role)
case SortRole:
case Qt::DisplayRole:
case Qt::EditRole:
case Qt::AccessibleTextRole:
item = Modes::name (frequency_item.mode_);
case Qt::ToolTipRole:
case Qt::AccessibleDescriptionRole:
item = tr ("Mode");
case Qt::TextAlignmentRole:
item = Qt::AlignHCenter + Qt::AlignVCenter;
case frequency_column:
switch (role)
case SortRole:
case Qt::EditRole:
case Qt::AccessibleTextRole:
item = frequency_item.frequency_;
case Qt::DisplayRole:
auto const& band = bands_->find (frequency_item.frequency_);
item = Radio::pretty_frequency_MHz_string (frequency_item.frequency_)
+ " MHz (" + (band.isEmpty () ? "OOB" : band) + ')';
case Qt::ToolTipRole:
case Qt::AccessibleDescriptionRole:
item = tr ("Frequency");
case Qt::TextAlignmentRole:
item = Qt::AlignRight + Qt::AlignVCenter;
case frequency_mhz_column:
switch (role)
case Qt::EditRole:
case Qt::AccessibleTextRole:
item = Radio::frequency_MHz_string (frequency_item.frequency_);
case Qt::DisplayRole:
auto const& band = bands_->find (frequency_item.frequency_);
item = Radio::pretty_frequency_MHz_string (frequency_item.frequency_)
+ " MHz (" + (band.isEmpty () ? "OOB" : band) + ')';
case Qt::ToolTipRole:
case Qt::AccessibleDescriptionRole:
item = tr ("Frequency (MHz)");
case Qt::TextAlignmentRole:
item = Qt::AlignRight + Qt::AlignVCenter;
return item;
bool FrequencyList_v2::impl::setData (QModelIndex const& model_index, QVariant const& value, int role)
bool changed {false};
auto const& row = model_index.row ();
if (model_index.isValid ()
&& Qt::EditRole == role
&& row < frequency_list_.size ())
QVector<int> roles;
roles << role;
auto& item = frequency_list_[row];
switch (model_index.column ())
case region_column:
auto region = IARURegions::value (value.toString ());
if (region != item.region_)
item.region_ = region;
Q_EMIT dataChanged (model_index, model_index, roles);
changed = true;
case mode_column:
auto mode = Modes::value (value.toString ());
if (mode != item.mode_)
item.mode_ = mode;
Q_EMIT dataChanged (model_index, model_index, roles);
changed = true;
case frequency_column:
if (value.canConvert<Frequency> ())
Radio::Frequency frequency {qvariant_cast <Radio::Frequency> (value)};
if (frequency != item.frequency_)
item.frequency_ = frequency;
// mark derived column (1) changed as well
Q_EMIT dataChanged (index (model_index.row (), 1), model_index, roles);
changed = true;
return changed;
QVariant FrequencyList_v2::impl::headerData (int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const
QVariant header;
if (Qt::DisplayRole == role
&& Qt::Horizontal == orientation
&& section < num_cols)
switch (section)
case region_column: header = tr ("IARU Region"); break;
case mode_column: header = tr ("Mode"); break;
case frequency_column: header = tr ("Frequency"); break;
case frequency_mhz_column: header = tr ("Frequency (MHz)"); break;
header = QAbstractTableModel::headerData (section, orientation, role);
return header;
bool FrequencyList_v2::impl::removeRows (int row, int count, QModelIndex const& parent)
if (0 < count && (row + count) <= rowCount (parent))
beginRemoveRows (parent, row, row + count - 1);
for (auto r = 0; r < count; ++r)
frequency_list_.removeAt (row);
endRemoveRows ();
return true;
return false;
bool FrequencyList_v2::impl::insertRows (int row, int count, QModelIndex const& parent)
if (0 < count)
beginInsertRows (parent, row, row + count - 1);
for (auto r = 0; r < count; ++r)
frequency_list_.insert (row, Item {0, Mode::ALL, IARURegions::ALL});
endInsertRows ();
return true;
return false;
QStringList FrequencyList_v2::impl::mimeTypes () const
QStringList types;
types << mime_type;
return types;
QMimeData * FrequencyList_v2::impl::mimeData (QModelIndexList const& items) const
QMimeData * mime_data = new QMimeData {};
QByteArray encoded_data;
QDataStream stream {&encoded_data, QIODevice::WriteOnly};
Q_FOREACH (auto const& item, items)
if (item.isValid () && frequency_column == item.column ())
stream << frequency_list_.at (item.row ());
mime_data->setData (mime_type, encoded_data);
return mime_data;
auto FrequencyList_v2::const_iterator::operator * () const -> Item const&
return parent_->frequency_list ().at(parent_->mapToSource (parent_->index (row_, 0)).row ());
auto FrequencyList_v2::const_iterator::operator -> () const -> Item const *
return &parent_->frequency_list ().at(parent_->mapToSource (parent_->index (row_, 0)).row ());
bool FrequencyList_v2::const_iterator::operator != (const_iterator const& rhs) const
return parent_ != rhs.parent_ || row_ != rhs.row_;
bool FrequencyList_v2::const_iterator::operator == (const_iterator const& rhs) const
return parent_ == rhs.parent_ && row_ == rhs.row_;
auto FrequencyList_v2::const_iterator::operator ++ () -> const_iterator&
return *this;
auto FrequencyList_v2::begin () const -> const_iterator
return const_iterator (this, 0);
auto FrequencyList_v2::end () const -> const_iterator
return const_iterator (this, rowCount ());
auto FrequencyList_v2::find (Frequency f) const -> const_iterator
int row {0};
for (; row < rowCount (); ++row)
if (m_->frequency_list_[mapToSource (index (row, 0)).row ()].frequency_ == f)
return const_iterator (this, row);
auto FrequencyList_v2::filtered_bands () const -> BandSet
BandSet result;
for (auto const& item : *this)
result << m_->bands_->find (item.frequency_);
return result;
auto FrequencyList_v2::all_bands (Region region, Mode mode) const -> BandSet
BandSet result;
for (auto const& item : m_->frequency_list_)
if (region == IARURegions::ALL || item.region_ == region
|| mode == Modes::ALL || item.mode_ == mode)
result << m_->bands_->find (item.frequency_);
return result;
// Obsolete version of FrequencyList no longer used but needed to
// allow loading and saving of old settings contents without damage
QDataStream& operator << (QDataStream& os, FrequencyList::Item const& item)
return os << item.frequency_
<< item.mode_;
QDataStream& operator >> (QDataStream& is, FrequencyList::Item& item)
return is >> item.frequency_
>> item.mode_;