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.. Copyright David Abrahams, Jeremy Siek, and Thomas Witt
.. 2004. Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost
.. Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
.. LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
template <class Predicate, class Iterator>
class filter_iterator
typedef iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type value_type;
typedef iterator_traits<Iterator>::reference reference;
typedef iterator_traits<Iterator>::pointer pointer;
typedef iterator_traits<Iterator>::difference_type difference_type;
typedef /* see below */ iterator_category;
filter_iterator(Predicate f, Iterator x, Iterator end = Iterator());
filter_iterator(Iterator x, Iterator end = Iterator());
template<class OtherIterator>
filter_iterator<Predicate, OtherIterator> const& t
, typename enable_if_convertible<OtherIterator, Iterator>::type* = 0 // exposition
Predicate predicate() const;
Iterator end() const;
Iterator const& base() const;
reference operator*() const;
filter_iterator& operator++();
Predicate m_pred; // exposition only
Iterator m_iter; // exposition only
Iterator m_end; // exposition only
If ``Iterator`` models Readable Lvalue Iterator and Bidirectional Traversal
Iterator then ``iterator_category`` is convertible to
Otherwise, if ``Iterator`` models Readable Lvalue Iterator and Forward Traversal
Iterator then ``iterator_category`` is convertible to
Otherwise ``iterator_category`` is
convertible to ``std::input_iterator_tag``.
``filter_iterator`` requirements
The ``Iterator`` argument shall meet the requirements of Readable
Iterator and Single Pass Iterator or it shall meet the requirements of
Input Iterator.
The ``Predicate`` argument must be Assignable, Copy Constructible, and
the expression ``p(x)`` must be valid where ``p`` is an object of type
``Predicate``, ``x`` is an object of type
``iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type``, and where the type of
``p(x)`` must be convertible to ``bool``.
``filter_iterator`` models
The concepts that ``filter_iterator`` models are dependent on which
concepts the ``Iterator`` argument models, as specified in the
following tables.
|If ``Iterator`` models |then ``filter_iterator`` models |
|Single Pass Iterator |Single Pass Iterator |
|Forward Traversal Iterator |Forward Traversal Iterator |
|Bidirectional Traversal Iterator |Bidirectional Traversal Iterator |
| If ``Iterator`` models | then ``filter_iterator`` models |
| Readable Iterator | Readable Iterator |
| Writable Iterator | Writable Iterator |
| Lvalue Iterator | Lvalue Iterator |
|If ``Iterator`` models | then ``filter_iterator`` models |
|Readable Iterator, Single Pass Iterator | Input Iterator |
|Readable Lvalue Iterator, Forward Traversal Iterator | Forward Iterator |
|Writable Lvalue Iterator, Forward Traversal Iterator | Mutable Forward Iterator |
|Writable Lvalue Iterator, Bidirectional Iterator | Mutable Bidirectional Iterator |
``filter_iterator<P1, X>`` is interoperable with ``filter_iterator<P2, Y>``
if and only if ``X`` is interoperable with ``Y``.
``filter_iterator`` operations
In addition to those operations required by the concepts that
``filter_iterator`` models, ``filter_iterator`` provides the following
:Requires: ``Predicate`` and ``Iterator`` must be Default Constructible.
:Effects: Constructs a ``filter_iterator`` whose``m_pred``, ``m_iter``, and ``m_end``
members are a default constructed.
``filter_iterator(Predicate f, Iterator x, Iterator end = Iterator());``
:Effects: Constructs a ``filter_iterator`` where ``m_iter`` is either
the first position in the range ``[x,end)`` such that ``f(*m_iter) == true``
or else``m_iter == end``. The member ``m_pred`` is constructed from
``f`` and ``m_end`` from ``end``.
``filter_iterator(Iterator x, Iterator end = Iterator());``
:Requires: ``Predicate`` must be Default Constructible and
``Predicate`` is a class type (not a function pointer).
:Effects: Constructs a ``filter_iterator`` where ``m_iter`` is either
the first position in the range ``[x,end)`` such that ``m_pred(*m_iter) == true``
or else``m_iter == end``. The member ``m_pred`` is default constructed.
template <class OtherIterator>
filter_iterator<Predicate, OtherIterator> const& t
, typename enable_if_convertible<OtherIterator, Iterator>::type* = 0 // exposition
:Requires: ``OtherIterator`` is implicitly convertible to ``Iterator``.
:Effects: Constructs a filter iterator whose members are copied from ``t``.
``Predicate predicate() const;``
:Returns: ``m_pred``
``Iterator end() const;``
:Returns: ``m_end``
``Iterator const& base() const;``
:Returns: ``m_iterator``
``reference operator*() const;``
:Returns: ``*m_iter``
``filter_iterator& operator++();``
:Effects: Increments ``m_iter`` and then continues to
increment ``m_iter`` until either ``m_iter == m_end``
or ``m_pred(*m_iter) == true``.
:Returns: ``*this``