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[section:zip Zip Iterator]
The zip iterator provides the ability to parallel-iterate
over several controlled sequences simultaneously. A zip
iterator is constructed from a tuple of iterators. Moving
the zip iterator moves all the iterators in parallel.
Dereferencing the zip iterator returns a tuple that contains
the results of dereferencing the individual iterators.
The tuple of iterators is now implemented in terms of a Boost fusion sequence.
Because of this the 'tuple' may be any Boost fusion sequence and, for backwards
compatibility through a Boost fusion sequence adapter, a Boost tuple. Because the
'tuple' may be any boost::fusion sequence the 'tuple' may also be any type for which a
Boost fusion adapter exists. This includes, among others, a std::tuple and a std::pair.
Just remember to include the appropriate Boost fusion adapter header files for these
other Boost fusion adapters. The zip_iterator header file already includes the
Boost fusion adapter header file for Boost tuple, so you need not include it yourself
to use a Boost tuple as your 'tuple'.
[section:zip_example Example]
There are two main types of applications of the `zip_iterator`. The first
one concerns runtime efficiency: If one has several controlled sequences
of the same length that must be somehow processed, e.g., with the
`for_each` algorithm, then it is more efficient to perform just
one parallel-iteration rather than several individual iterations. For an
example, assume that `vect_of_doubles` and `vect_of_ints`
are two vectors of equal length containing doubles and ints, respectively,
and consider the following two iterations:
std::vector<double>::const_iterator beg1 = vect_of_doubles.begin();
std::vector<double>::const_iterator end1 = vect_of_doubles.end();
std::vector<int>::const_iterator beg2 = vect_of_ints.begin();
std::vector<int>::const_iterator end2 = vect_of_ints.end();
std::for_each(beg1, end1, func_0());
std::for_each(beg2, end2, func_1());
These two iterations can now be replaced with a single one as follows:
boost::make_tuple(beg1, beg2)
boost::make_tuple(end1, end2)
A non-generic implementation of `zip_func` could look as follows:
struct zip_func :
public std::unary_function<const boost::tuple<const double&, const int&>&, void>
void operator()(const boost::tuple<const double&, const int&>& t) const
func_0 m_f0;
func_1 m_f1;
The second important application of the `zip_iterator` is as a building block
to make combining iterators. A combining iterator is an iterator
that parallel-iterates over several controlled sequences and, upon
dereferencing, returns the result of applying a functor to the values of the
sequences at the respective positions. This can now be achieved by using the
`zip_iterator` in conjunction with the `transform_iterator`.
Suppose, for example, that you have two vectors of doubles, say
`vect_1` and `vect_2`, and you need to expose to a client
a controlled sequence containing the products of the elements of
`vect_1` and `vect_2`. Rather than placing these products
in a third vector, you can use a combining iterator that calculates the
products on the fly. Let us assume that `tuple_multiplies` is a
functor that works like `std::multiplies`, except that it takes
its two arguments packaged in a tuple. Then the two iterators
`it_begin` and `it_end` defined below delimit a controlled
sequence containing the products of the elements of `vect_1` and
typedef boost::tuple<
> the_iterator_tuple;
typedef boost::zip_iterator<
> the_zip_iterator;
typedef boost::transform_iterator<
> the_transform_iterator;
the_transform_iterator it_begin(
the_transform_iterator it_end(
[section:zip_reference Reference]
[h2 Synopsis]
template<typename IteratorTuple>
class zip_iterator
typedef /* see below */ reference;
typedef reference value_type;
typedef value_type* pointer;
typedef /* see below */ difference_type;
typedef /* see below */ iterator_category;
zip_iterator(IteratorTuple iterator_tuple);
template<typename OtherIteratorTuple>
const zip_iterator<OtherIteratorTuple>& other
, typename enable_if_convertible<
, IteratorTuple>::type* = 0 // exposition only
const IteratorTuple& get_iterator_tuple() const;
IteratorTuple m_iterator_tuple; // exposition only
template<typename IteratorTuple>
make_zip_iterator(IteratorTuple t);
The `reference` member of `zip_iterator` is the type of the tuple
made of the reference types of the iterator types in the `IteratorTuple`
The `difference_type` member of `zip_iterator` is the `difference_type`
of the first of the iterator types in the `IteratorTuple` argument.
The `iterator_category` member of `zip_iterator` is convertible to the
minimum of the traversal categories of the iterator types in the `IteratorTuple`
argument. For example, if the `zip_iterator` holds only vector
iterators, then `iterator_category` is convertible to
`boost::random_access_traversal_tag`. If you add a list iterator, then
`iterator_category` will be convertible to `boost::bidirectional_traversal_tag`,
but no longer to `boost::random_access_traversal_tag`.
[h2 Requirements]
All iterator types in the argument `IteratorTuple` shall model Readable Iterator.
[h2 Concepts]
The resulting `zip_iterator` models Readable Iterator.
The fact that the `zip_iterator` models only Readable Iterator does not
prevent you from modifying the values that the individual iterators point
to. The tuple returned by the `zip_iterator`'s `operator*` is a tuple
constructed from the reference types of the individual iterators, not
their value types. For example, if `zip_it` is a `zip_iterator` whose
first member iterator is an `std::vector<double>::iterator`, then the
following line will modify the value which the first member iterator of
`zip_it` currently points to:
zip_it->get<0>() = 42.0;
Consider the set of standard traversal concepts obtained by taking
the most refined standard traversal concept modeled by each individual
iterator type in the `IteratorTuple` argument.The `zip_iterator`
models the least refined standard traversal concept in this set.
`zip_iterator<IteratorTuple1>` is interoperable with
`zip_iterator<IteratorTuple2>` if and only if `IteratorTuple1`
is interoperable with `IteratorTuple2`.
[h2 Operations]
In addition to the operations required by the concepts modeled by
`zip_iterator`, `zip_iterator` provides the following
[*Returns:] An instance of `zip_iterator` with `m_iterator_tuple`
default constructed.
zip_iterator(IteratorTuple iterator_tuple);
[*Returns:] An instance of `zip_iterator` with `m_iterator_tuple`
initialized to `iterator_tuple`.
template<typename OtherIteratorTuple>
const zip_iterator<OtherIteratorTuple>& other
, typename enable_if_convertible<
, IteratorTuple>::type* = 0 // exposition only
[*Returns:] An instance of `zip_iterator` that is a copy of `other`.[br]
[*Requires:] `OtherIteratorTuple` is implicitly convertible to `IteratorTuple`.
const IteratorTuple& get_iterator_tuple() const;
[*Returns:] `m_iterator_tuple`
reference operator*() const;
[*Returns:] A tuple consisting of the results of dereferencing all iterators in
zip_iterator& operator++();
[*Effects:] Increments each iterator in `m_iterator_tuple`.[br]
[*Returns:] `*this`
zip_iterator& operator--();
[*Effects:] Decrements each iterator in `m_iterator_tuple`.[br]
[*Returns:] `*this`
template<typename IteratorTuple>
make_zip_iterator(IteratorTuple t);
[*Returns:] An instance of `zip_iterator<IteratorTuple>` with `m_iterator_tuple`
initialized to `t`.