mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 13:39:27 -04:00
The change also includes a new MultiSettings feature that allows settings keys common to all configurations. The splash screen disable is the first of those to be used. The MultiSettings class has been made safer to use by ensuring it saves and re-enables the current QSettings group when doing multi settings actions. This allows access to common, across configuration, items while within a normal settings group without breaking the MultiSettings internal implementation. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.code.sf.net/p/wsjt/wsjt/branches/wsjtx@7073 ab8295b8-cf94-4d9e-aec4-7959e3be5d79
355 lines
13 KiB
355 lines
13 KiB
#include <iostream>
#include <exception>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <locale.h>
#include <fftw3.h>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QNetworkAccessManager>
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <QObject>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QLibraryInfo>
#include <QSysInfo>
#include <QDir>
#include <QStandardPaths>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QLockFile>
#include <QStack>
#include <QSplashScreen>
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050200
#include <QCommandLineParser>
#include <QCommandLineOption>
#include "revision_utils.hpp"
#include "MetaDataRegistry.hpp"
#include "SettingsGroup.hpp"
#include "TraceFile.hpp"
#include "MultiSettings.hpp"
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "commons.h"
#include "lib/init_random_seed.h"
#include "Radio.hpp"
#include "FrequencyList.hpp"
#include "SplashScreen.hpp"
#include "MessageBox.hpp" // last to avoid nasty MS macro definitions
extern "C" {
// Fortran procedures we need
void four2a_(_Complex float *, int * nfft, int * ndim, int * isign, int * iform, int len);
struct RNGSetup
RNGSetup ()
// one time seed of pseudo RNGs from current time
auto seed = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch ();
qsrand (seed); // this is good for rand() as well
} seeding;
class MessageTimestamper
MessageTimestamper ()
prior_handlers_.push (qInstallMessageHandler (message_handler));
~MessageTimestamper ()
if (prior_handlers_.size ()) qInstallMessageHandler (prior_handlers_.pop ());
static void message_handler (QtMsgType type, QMessageLogContext const& context, QString const& msg)
QtMessageHandler handler {prior_handlers_.top ()};
if (handler)
handler (type, context,
QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ().toString ("yy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.zzzZ: ") + msg);
static QStack<QtMessageHandler> prior_handlers_;
QStack<QtMessageHandler> MessageTimestamper::prior_handlers_;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// Add timestamps to all debug messages
MessageTimestamper message_timestamper;
init_random_seed ();
// make the Qt type magic happen
Radio::register_types ();
register_types ();
// Multiple instances communicate with jt9 via this
QSharedMemory mem_jt9;
QApplication a(argc, argv);
setlocale (LC_NUMERIC, "C"); // ensure number forms are in
// consistent format, do this after
// instantiating QApplication so
// that GUI has correct l18n
// Override programs executable basename as application name.
a.setApplicationName ("WSJT-X");
a.setApplicationVersion (version ());
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050200
QCommandLineParser parser;
parser.setApplicationDescription ("\nJT65A & JT9 Weak Signal Communications Program.");
auto help_option = parser.addHelpOption ();
auto version_option = parser.addVersionOption ();
// support for multiple instances running from a single installation
QCommandLineOption rig_option (QStringList {} << "r" << "rig-name"
, a.translate ("main", "Where <rig-name> is for multi-instance support.")
, a.translate ("main", "rig-name"));
parser.addOption (rig_option);
QCommandLineOption test_option (QStringList {} << "test-mode"
, a.translate ("main", "Writable files in test location. Use with caution, for testing only."));
parser.addOption (test_option);
if (!parser.parse (a.arguments ()))
MessageBox::critical_message (nullptr, a.translate ("main", "Command line error"), parser.errorText ());
return -1;
if (parser.isSet (help_option))
MessageBox::information_message (nullptr, a.translate ("main", "Command line help"), parser.helpText ());
return 0;
else if (parser.isSet (version_option))
MessageBox::information_message (nullptr, a.translate ("main", "Application version"), a.applicationVersion ());
return 0;
QStandardPaths::setTestModeEnabled (parser.isSet (test_option));
// support for multiple instances running from a single installation
bool multiple {false};
if (parser.isSet (rig_option) || parser.isSet (test_option))
auto temp_name = parser.value (rig_option);
if (!temp_name.isEmpty ())
if (temp_name.contains (QRegularExpression {R"([\\/,])"}))
std::cerr << QObject::tr ("Invalid rig name - \\ & / not allowed").toLocal8Bit ().data () << std::endl;
parser.showHelp (-1);
a.setApplicationName (a.applicationName () + " - " + temp_name);
if (parser.isSet (test_option))
a.setApplicationName (a.applicationName () + " - test");
multiple = true;
// now we have the application name we can open the settings
MultiSettings multi_settings;
// find the temporary files path
QDir temp_dir {QStandardPaths::writableLocation (QStandardPaths::TempLocation)};
Q_ASSERT (temp_dir.exists ()); // sanity check
// disallow multiple instances with same instance key
QLockFile instance_lock {temp_dir.absoluteFilePath (a.applicationName () + ".lock")};
instance_lock.setStaleLockTime (0);
bool lock_ok {false};
while (!(lock_ok = instance_lock.tryLock ()))
if (QLockFile::LockFailedError == instance_lock.error ())
auto button = MessageBox::query_message (nullptr
, a.translate ("main", "Another instance may be running")
, a.translate ("main", "try to remove stale lock file?")
, QString {}
, MessageBox::Yes | MessageBox::Retry | MessageBox::No
, MessageBox::Yes);
switch (button)
case MessageBox::Yes:
instance_lock.removeStaleLockFile ();
case MessageBox::Retry:
throw std::runtime_error {"Multiple instances must have unique rig names"};
// Open a trace file
TraceFile trace_file {temp_dir.absoluteFilePath (a.applicationName () + "_trace.log")};
qDebug () << program_title (revision ()) + " - Program startup";
// Create a unique writeable temporary directory in a suitable location
bool temp_ok {false};
QString unique_directory {QApplication::applicationName ()};
if (!temp_dir.mkpath (unique_directory)
|| !temp_dir.cd (unique_directory))
MessageBox::critical_message (nullptr,
a.translate ("main", "Failed to create a temporary directory"),
a.translate ("main", "Path: \"%1\"").arg (temp_dir.absolutePath ()));
throw std::runtime_error {"Failed to create a temporary directory"};
if (!temp_dir.isReadable () || !(temp_ok = QTemporaryFile {temp_dir.absoluteFilePath ("test")}.open ()))
auto button = MessageBox::critical_message (nullptr,
a.translate ("main", "Failed to create a usable temporary directory"),
a.translate ("main", "Another application may be locking the directory"),
a.translate ("main", "Path: \"%1\"").arg (temp_dir.absolutePath ()),
MessageBox::Retry | MessageBox::Cancel);
if (MessageBox::Cancel == button)
throw std::runtime_error {"Failed to create a usable temporary directory"};
temp_dir.cdUp (); // revert to parent as this one is no good
while (!temp_ok);
SplashScreen splash;
// change this key if you want to force a new splash screen
// for a new version, the user will be able to re-disable it
// if they wish
QString splash_flag_name {"Splash_v1.7"};
if (multi_settings.common_value (splash_flag_name, true).toBool ())
QObject::connect (&splash, &SplashScreen::disabled, [&, splash_flag_name] {
multi_settings.set_common_value (splash_flag_name, false);
splash.close ();
splash.show ();
a.processEvents ();
int result;
// announce to trace file and dump settings
qDebug () << "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Settings ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++";
for (auto const& key: multi_settings.settings ()->allKeys ())
auto const& value = multi_settings.settings ()->value (key);
if (value.canConvert<QVariantList> ())
auto const sequence = value.value<QSequentialIterable> ();
qDebug ().nospace () << key << ": ";
for (auto const& item: sequence)
qDebug ().nospace () << '\t' << item;
qDebug ().nospace () << key << ": " << value;
qDebug () << "---------------------------- Settings ----------------------------";
// Create and initialize shared memory segment
// Multiple instances: use rig_name as shared memory key
mem_jt9.setKey(a.applicationName ());
if(!mem_jt9.attach()) {
if (!mem_jt9.create(sizeof(struct dec_data))) {
splash.hide ();
MessageBox::critical_message (nullptr, a.translate ("main", "Shared memory error"),
a.translate ("main", "Unable to create shared memory segment"));
throw std::runtime_error {"Shared memory error"};
memset(mem_jt9.data(),0,sizeof(struct dec_data)); //Zero all decoding params in shared memory
unsigned downSampleFactor;
SettingsGroup {multi_settings.settings (), "Tune"};
// deal with Windows Vista and earlier input audio rate
// converter problems
downSampleFactor = multi_settings.settings ()->value ("Audio/DisableInputResampling",
#if defined (Q_OS_WIN)
// default to true for
// Windows Vista and older
QSysInfo::WV_VISTA >= QSysInfo::WindowsVersion ? true : false
).toBool () ? 1u : 4u;
// run the application UI
MainWindow w(temp_dir, multiple, &multi_settings, &mem_jt9, downSampleFactor, new QNetworkAccessManager {&a}, &splash);
splash.raise ();
QObject::connect (&a, SIGNAL (lastWindowClosed()), &a, SLOT (quit()));
result = a.exec();
while (!result && !multi_settings.exit ());
// clean up lazily initialized resources
int nfft {-1};
int ndim {1};
int isign {1};
int iform {1};
// free FFT plan resources
four2a_ (nullptr, &nfft, &ndim, &isign, &iform, 0);
fftwf_forget_wisdom ();
fftwf_cleanup ();
temp_dir.removeRecursively (); // clean up temp files
return result;
catch (std::exception const& e)
MessageBox::critical_message (nullptr, a.translate ("main", "Fatal error"), e.what ());
std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what () << '\n';
catch (...)
MessageBox::critical_message (nullptr, a.translate ("main", "Unexpected fatal error"));
std::cerr << "Unexpected fatal error\n";
throw; // hoping the runtime might tell us more about the exception
return -1;