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// Copyright (c) 2000-2002
// Joerg Walter, Mathias Koch
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
// The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of
// GeNeSys mbH & Co. KG in producing this work.
#include "test7.hpp"
// Test vector expression templates
template<class V, int N>
struct test_my_vector {
typedef typename V::value_type value_type;
typedef typename V::size_type size_type;
typedef typename ublas::type_traits<value_type>::real_type real_type;
template<class VP>
void test_with (VP &v1, VP &v2, VP &v3) const {
value_type t;
size_type i;
real_type n;
// Copy and swap
initialize_vector (v1);
initialize_vector (v2);
v1 = v2;
std::cout << "v1 = v2 = " << v1 << std::endl;
v1.assign_temporary (v2);
std::cout << "v1.assign_temporary (v2) = " << v1 << std::endl;
v1.swap (v2);
std::cout << "v1.swap (v2) = " << v1 << " " << v2 << std::endl;
// Zero assignment
v1 = ublas::zero_vector<value_type> (v1.size ());
std::cout << "v1.zero_vector = " << v1 << std::endl;
v1 = v2;
// Unary vector operations resulting in a vector
initialize_vector (v1);
v2 = - v1;
std::cout << "- v1 = " << v2 << std::endl;
v2 = ublas::conj (v1);
std::cout << "conj (v1) = " << v2 << std::endl;
// Binary vector operations resulting in a vector
initialize_vector (v1);
initialize_vector (v2);
v3 = v1 + v2;
std::cout << "v1 + v2 = " << v3 << std::endl;
v3 = v1 - v2;
std::cout << "v1 - v2 = " << v3 << std::endl;
// Scaling a vector
t = value_type (N);
initialize_vector (v1);
v2 = value_type (1.) * v1;
std::cout << "1. * v1 = " << v2 << std::endl;
// v2 = t * v1;
std::cout << "N * v1 = " << v2 << std::endl;
initialize_vector (v1);
// v2 = v1 * value_type (1.);
std::cout << "v1 * 1. = " << v2 << std::endl;
// v2 = v1 * t;
std::cout << "v1 * N = " << v2 << std::endl;
// Some assignments
initialize_vector (v1);
initialize_vector (v2);
v2 += v1;
std::cout << "v2 += v1 = " << v2 << std::endl;
v2 -= v1;
std::cout << "v2 -= v1 = " << v2 << std::endl;
v2 = v2 + v1;
std::cout << "v2 = v2 + v1 = " << v2 << std::endl;
v2 = v2 - v1;
std::cout << "v2 = v2 - v1 = " << v2 << std::endl;
v1 *= value_type (1.);
std::cout << "v1 *= 1. = " << v1 << std::endl;
v1 *= t;
std::cout << "v1 *= N = " << v1 << std::endl;
// Unary vector operations resulting in a scalar
initialize_vector (v1);
t = ublas::sum (v1);
std::cout << "sum (v1) = " << t << std::endl;
n = ublas::norm_1 (v1);
std::cout << "norm_1 (v1) = " << n << std::endl;
n = ublas::norm_2 (v1);
std::cout << "norm_2 (v1) = " << n << std::endl;
n = ublas::norm_inf (v1);
std::cout << "norm_inf (v1) = " << n << std::endl;
i = ublas::index_norm_inf (v1);
std::cout << "index_norm_inf (v1) = " << i << std::endl;
// Binary vector operations resulting in a scalar
initialize_vector (v1);
initialize_vector (v2);
t = ublas::inner_prod (v1, v2);
std::cout << "inner_prod (v1, v2) = " << t << std::endl;
void operator () () const {
V v1 (N), v2 (N), v3 (N);
test_with (v1, v2, v3);
#ifdef USE_RANGE
ublas::vector_range<V> vr1 (v1, ublas::range (0, N)),
vr2 (v2, ublas::range (0, N)),
vr3 (v3, ublas::range (0, N));
test_with (vr1, vr2, vr3);
#ifdef USE_SLICE
ublas::vector_slice<V> vs1 (v1, ublas::slice (0, 1, N)),
vs2 (v2, ublas::slice (0, 1, N)),
vs3 (v3, ublas::slice (0, 1, N));
test_with (vs1, vs2, vs3);
// Test vector
void test_vector () {
std::cout << "test_vector" << std::endl;
#ifdef USE_FLOAT
std::cout << "boost::numeric::interval<float>, bounded_array" << std::endl;
test_my_vector<ublas::vector<boost::numeric::interval<float>, ublas::bounded_array<boost::numeric::interval<float>, 3> >, 3 > () ();
std::cout << "boost::numeric::interval<double>, bounded_array" << std::endl;
test_my_vector<ublas::vector<boost::numeric::interval<double>, ublas::bounded_array<boost::numeric::interval<double>, 3> >, 3 > () ();
#ifdef USE_FLOAT
std::cout << "boost::numeric::interval<float>, unbounded_array" << std::endl;
test_my_vector<ublas::vector<boost::numeric::interval<float>, ublas::unbounded_array<boost::numeric::interval<float> > >, 3 > () ();
std::cout << "boost::numeric::interval<double>, unbounded_array" << std::endl;
test_my_vector<ublas::vector<boost::numeric::interval<double>, ublas::unbounded_array<boost::numeric::interval<double> > >, 3 > () ();
#ifdef USE_FLOAT
std::cout << "boost::numeric::interval<float>, std::vector" << std::endl;
test_my_vector<ublas::vector<boost::numeric::interval<float>, std::vector<boost::numeric::interval<float> > >, 3 > () ();
std::cout << "boost::numeric::interval<double>, std::vector" << std::endl;
test_my_vector<ublas::vector<boost::numeric::interval<double>, std::vector<boost::numeric::interval<double> > >, 3 > () ();