Bill Somerville 29a113b73a
Add some diagnostics to PSKReporter class
Sent to the severity channel log source PSKRPRT.
2021-01-26 14:36:13 +00:00

553 lines
19 KiB

#include "PSKReporter.hpp"
// Interface for posting spots to PSK Reporter web site
// Implemented by Edson Pereira PY2SDR
// Updated by Bill Somerville, G4WJS
// Reports will be sent in batch mode every 5 minutes.
#include <cmath>
#include <QObject>
#include <QString>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QSharedPointer>
#include <QUdpSocket>
#include <QTcpSocket>
#include <QHostInfo>
#include <QQueue>
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QDataStream>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QRandomGenerator>
#include "Logger.hpp"
#include "Configuration.hpp"
#include "pimpl_impl.hpp"
#include "moc_PSKReporter.cpp"
QLatin1String HOST {""};
// QLatin1String HOST {""};
quint16 SERVICE_PORT {4739};
// quint16 SERVICE_PORT {14739};
int MIN_SEND_INTERVAL {15}; // in seconds
int FLUSH_INTERVAL {4 * 5}; // in send intervals
class PSKReporter::impl final
: public QObject
using logger_type = boost::log::sources::severity_channel_logger_mt<boost::log::trivial::severity_level>;
impl (PSKReporter * self, Configuration const * config, QString const& program_info)
: logger_ {boost::log::keywords::channel = "PSKRPRT"}
, self_ {self}
, config_ {config}
, sequence_number_ {0u}
, send_descriptors_ {0}
, send_receiver_data_ {0}
, flush_counter_ {0u}
, prog_id_ {program_info}
observation_id_ = qrand();
observation_id_ = QRandomGenerator::global ()->generate ();
// This timer sets the interval to check for spots to send.
connect (&report_timer_, &QTimer::timeout, [this] () {send_report ();});
// This timer repeats the sending of IPFIX templates and receiver
// information if we are using UDP, in case server has been
// restarted ans lost cached information.
connect (&descriptor_timer_, &QTimer::timeout, [this] () {
if (socket_
&& QAbstractSocket::UdpSocket == socket_->socketType ())
LOG_LOG_LOCATION (logger_, trace, "enable descriptor resend");
// send templates again
send_descriptors_ = 3; // three times
// send receiver data set again
send_receiver_data_ = 3; // three times
void check_connection ()
if (!socket_
|| QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState == socket_->state ()
|| (socket_->socketType () != (config_->psk_reporter_tcpip () ? QAbstractSocket::TcpSocket : QAbstractSocket::UdpSocket)))
// we need to create the appropriate socket
if (socket_
&& QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState != socket_->state ()
&& QAbstractSocket::ClosingState != socket_->state ())
LOG_LOG_LOCATION (logger_, trace, "create/recreate socket");
// handle re-opening asynchronously
auto connection = QSharedPointer<QMetaObject::Connection>::create ();
*connection = connect ( (), &QAbstractSocket::disconnected, [this, connection] () {
disconnect (*connection);
check_connection ();
// close gracefully
send_report (true);
socket_->close ();
reconnect ();
void handle_socket_error (QAbstractSocket::SocketError e)
LOG_LOG_LOCATION (logger_, trace, "err: " << e);
switch (e)
case QAbstractSocket::RemoteHostClosedError:
socket_->disconnectFromHost ();
case QAbstractSocket::TemporaryError:
spots_.clear ();
Q_EMIT self_->errorOccurred (socket_->errorString ());
void reconnect ()
// Using deleteLater for the deleter as we may eventually
// be called from the disconnected handler above.
if (config_->psk_reporter_tcpip ())
LOG_LOG_LOCATION (logger_, trace, "create TCP/IP socket");
socket_.reset (new QTcpSocket, &QObject::deleteLater);
send_descriptors_ = 1;
send_receiver_data_ = 1;
LOG_LOG_LOCATION (logger_, trace, "create UDP/IP socket");
socket_.reset (new QUdpSocket, &QObject::deleteLater);
send_descriptors_ = 3;
send_receiver_data_ = 3;
connect (socket_.get (), &QAbstractSocket::errorOccurred, this, &PSKReporter::impl::handle_socket_error);
connect ( (), QOverload<QAbstractSocket::SocketError>::of (&QAbstractSocket::error), this, &PSKReporter::impl::handle_socket_error);
connect ( (), static_cast<void (QAbstractSocket::*) (QAbstractSocket::SocketError)> (&QAbstractSocket::error), this, &PSKReporter::impl::handle_socket_error);
// use this for pseudo connection with UDP, allows us to use
// QIODevice::write() instead of QUDPSocket::writeDatagram()
socket_->connectToHost (HOST, SERVICE_PORT, QAbstractSocket::WriteOnly);
LOG_LOG_LOCATION (logger_, debug, "remote host: " << HOST << " port: " << SERVICE_PORT);
if (!report_timer_.isActive ())
report_timer_.start (MIN_SEND_INTERVAL * 1000);
if (!descriptor_timer_.isActive ())
descriptor_timer_.start (1 * 60 * 60 * 1000); // hourly
void stop ()
if (socket_)
LOG_LOG_LOCATION (logger_, trace, "disconnecting");
socket_->disconnectFromHost ();
descriptor_timer_.stop ();
report_timer_.stop ();
void send_report (bool send_residue = false);
void build_preamble (QDataStream&);
bool flushing ()
bool flush = FLUSH_INTERVAL && !(++flush_counter_ % FLUSH_INTERVAL);
LOG_LOG_LOCATION (logger_, trace, "flush: " << flush);
return flush;
logger_type mutable logger_;
PSKReporter * self_;
Configuration const * config_;
QSharedPointer<QAbstractSocket> socket_;
int dns_lookup_id_;
QByteArray payload_;
quint32 sequence_number_;
int send_descriptors_;
// Currently PSK Reporter requires that a receiver data set is sent
// in every data flow. This memeber variable can be used to only
// send that information at session start (3 times for UDP), when it
// changes (3 times for UDP), or once per hour (3 times) if using
// UDP. Uncomment the relevant code to enable that fuctionality.
int send_receiver_data_;
unsigned flush_counter_;
quint32 observation_id_;
QString rx_call_;
QString rx_grid_;
QString rx_ant_;
QString prog_id_;
QByteArray tx_data_;
QByteArray tx_residue_;
struct Spot
bool operator == (Spot const& rhs)
call_ == rhs.call_
&& grid_ == rhs.grid_
&& mode_ == rhs.mode_
&& std::abs (Radio::FrequencyDelta (freq_ - rhs.freq_)) < 50;
QString call_;
QString grid_;
int snr_;
Radio::Frequency freq_;
QString mode_;
QDateTime time_;
QQueue<Spot> spots_;
QTimer report_timer_;
QTimer descriptor_timer_;
#include "PSKReporter.moc"
void writeUtfString (QDataStream& out, QString const& s)
auto const& utf = s.toUtf8 ().left (254);
out << quint8 (utf.size ());
out.writeRawData (utf, utf.size ());
int num_pad_bytes (int len)
return ALIGNMENT_PADDING ? (4 - len % 4) % 4 : 0;
void set_length (QDataStream& out, QByteArray& b)
// pad with nulls modulo 4
auto pad_len = num_pad_bytes (b.size ());
out.writeRawData (QByteArray {pad_len, '\0'}.constData (), pad_len);
auto pos = out.device ()->pos ();
out.device ()->seek (sizeof (quint16));
// insert length
out << static_cast<quint16> (b.size ());
out.device ()->seek (pos);
void PSKReporter::impl::build_preamble (QDataStream& message)
// Message Header
<< quint16 (10u) // Version Number
<< quint16 (0u) // Length (place-holder filled in later)
<< quint32 (0u) // Export Time (place-holder filled in later)
<< ++sequence_number_ // Sequence Number
<< observation_id_; // Observation Domain ID
LOG_LOG_LOCATION (logger_, trace, "#: " << sequence_number_);
if (send_descriptors_)
// Sender Information descriptor
QByteArray descriptor;
QDataStream out {&descriptor, QIODevice::WriteOnly};
<< quint16 (2u) // Template Set ID
<< quint16 (0u) // Length (place-holder)
<< quint16 (0x50e3) // Link ID
<< quint16 (7u) // Field Count
<< quint16 (0x8000 + 1u) // Option 1 Information Element ID (senderCallsign)
<< quint16 (0xffff) // Option 1 Field Length (variable)
<< quint32 (30351u) // Option 1 Enterprise Number
<< quint16 (0x8000 + 5u) // Option 2 Information Element ID (frequency)
<< quint16 (4u) // Option 2 Field Length
<< quint32 (30351u) // Option 2 Enterprise Number
<< quint16 (0x8000 + 6u) // Option 3 Information Element ID (sNR)
<< quint16 (1u) // Option 3 Field Length
<< quint32 (30351u) // Option 3 Enterprise Number
<< quint16 (0x8000 + 10u) // Option 4 Information Element ID (mode)
<< quint16 (0xffff) // Option 4 Field Length (variable)
<< quint32 (30351u) // Option 4 Enterprise Number
<< quint16 (0x8000 + 3u) // Option 5 Information Element ID (senderLocator)
<< quint16 (0xffff) // Option 5 Field Length (variable)
<< quint32 (30351u) // Option 5 Enterprise Number
<< quint16 (0x8000 + 11u) // Option 6 Information Element ID (informationSource)
<< quint16 (1u) // Option 6 Field Length
<< quint32 (30351u) // Option 6 Enterprise Number
<< quint16 (150u) // Option 7 Information Element ID (dateTimeSeconds)
<< quint16 (4u); // Option 7 Field Length
// insert Length and move to payload
set_length (out, descriptor);
message.writeRawData (descriptor.constData (), descriptor.size ());
// Receiver Information descriptor
QByteArray descriptor;
QDataStream out {&descriptor, QIODevice::WriteOnly};
<< quint16 (3u) // Options Template Set ID
<< quint16 (0u) // Length (place-holder)
<< quint16 (0x50e2) // Link ID
<< quint16 (4u) // Field Count
<< quint16 (0u) // Scope Field Count
<< quint16 (0x8000 + 2u) // Option 1 Information Element ID (receiverCallsign)
<< quint16 (0xffff) // Option 1 Field Length (variable)
<< quint32 (30351u) // Option 1 Enterprise Number
<< quint16 (0x8000 + 4u) // Option 2 Information Element ID (receiverLocator)
<< quint16 (0xffff) // Option 2 Field Length (variable)
<< quint32 (30351u) // Option 2 Enterprise Number
<< quint16 (0x8000 + 8u) // Option 3 Information Element ID (decodingSoftware)
<< quint16 (0xffff) // Option 3 Field Length (variable)
<< quint32 (30351u) // Option 3 Enterprise Number
<< quint16 (0x8000 + 9u) // Option 4 Information Element ID (antennaInformation)
<< quint16 (0xffff) // Option 4 Field Length (variable)
<< quint32 (30351u); // Option 4 Enterprise Number
// insert Length
set_length (out, descriptor);
message.writeRawData (descriptor.constData (), descriptor.size ());
LOG_LOG_LOCATION (logger_, debug, "sent descriptors");
// if (send_receiver_data_)
// --send_receiver_data_;
// Receiver information
QByteArray data;
QDataStream out {&data, QIODevice::WriteOnly};
// Set Header
<< quint16 (0x50e2) // Template ID
<< quint16 (0u); // Length (place-holder)
// Set data
writeUtfString (out, rx_call_);
writeUtfString (out, rx_grid_);
writeUtfString (out, prog_id_);
writeUtfString (out, rx_ant_);
// insert Length and move to payload
set_length (out, data);
message.writeRawData (data.constData (), data.size ());
LOG_LOG_LOCATION (logger_, debug, "sent local information");
void PSKReporter::impl::send_report (bool send_residue)
LOG_LOG_LOCATION (logger_, trace, "sending residue: " << send_residue);
if (QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState != socket_->state ()) return;
QDataStream message {&payload_, QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Append};
QDataStream tx_out {&tx_data_, QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Append};
if (!payload_.size ())
// Build header, optional descriptors, and receiver information
build_preamble (message);
auto flush = flushing () || send_residue;
while (spots_.size () || flush)
if (!payload_.size ())
// Build header, optional descriptors, and receiver information
build_preamble (message);
if (!tx_data_.size () && (spots_.size () || tx_residue_.size ()))
// Set Header
<< quint16 (0x50e3) // Template ID
<< quint16 (0u); // Length (place-holder)
// insert any residue
if (tx_residue_.size ())
tx_out.writeRawData (tx_residue_.constData (), tx_residue_.size ());
LOG_LOG_LOCATION (logger_, debug, "sent residue");
tx_residue_.clear ();
LOG_LOG_LOCATION (logger_, debug, "pending spots: " << spots_.size ());
while (spots_.size () || flush)
auto tx_data_size = tx_data_.size ();
if (spots_.size ())
auto const& spot = spots_.dequeue ();
// Sender information
writeUtfString (tx_out, spot.call_);
<< static_cast<quint32> (spot.freq_)
<< static_cast<qint8> (spot.snr_);
writeUtfString (tx_out, spot.mode_);
writeUtfString (tx_out, spot.grid_);
<< static_cast<quint32> (
spot.time_.toSecsSinceEpoch ()
spot.time_.toMSecsSinceEpoch () / 1000
auto len = payload_.size () + tx_data_.size ();
len += num_pad_bytes (tx_data_.size ());
len += num_pad_bytes (len);
if (len > MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH // our upper datagram size limit
|| (!spots_.size () && len > MIN_PAYLOAD_LENGTH) // spots drained and above lower datagram size limit
|| (flush && !spots_.size ())) // send what we have, possibly no spots
if (tx_data_.size ())
tx_data_size = tx_data_.size ();
QByteArray tx {tx_data_.left (tx_data_size)};
QDataStream out {&tx, QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Append};
// insert Length
set_length (out, tx);
message.writeRawData (tx.constData (), tx.size ());
// insert Length and Export Time
set_length (message, payload_);
message.device ()->seek (2 * sizeof (quint16));
message << static_cast<quint32> (
QDateTime::currentDateTime ().toSecsSinceEpoch ()
QDateTime::currentDateTime ().toMSecsSinceEpoch () / 1000
// Send data to PSK Reporter site
socket_->write (payload_); // TODO: handle errors
LOG_LOG_LOCATION (logger_, debug, "sent spots");
flush = false; // break loop
message.device ()->seek (0u);
payload_.clear (); // Fresh message
// Save unsent spots
tx_residue_ = tx_data_.right (tx_data_.size () - tx_data_size);
tx_out.device ()->seek (0u);
tx_data_.clear ();
LOG_LOG_LOCATION (logger_, debug, "remaining spots: " << spots_.size ());
PSKReporter::PSKReporter (Configuration const * config, QString const& program_info)
: m_ {this, config, program_info}
LOG_LOG_LOCATION (m_->logger_, trace, "Started for: " << program_info);
PSKReporter::~PSKReporter ()
// m_->send_report (true); // send any pending spots
LOG_LOG_LOCATION (m_->logger_, trace, "Ended");
void PSKReporter::reconnect ()
LOG_LOG_LOCATION (m_->logger_, trace, "");
m_->reconnect ();
void PSKReporter::setLocalStation (QString const& call, QString const& gridSquare, QString const& antenna)
LOG_LOG_LOCATION (m_->logger_, trace, "call: " << call << " grid: " << gridSquare << " ant: " << antenna);
m_->check_connection ();
if (call != m_->rx_call_ || gridSquare != m_->rx_grid_ || antenna != m_->rx_ant_)
LOG_LOG_LOCATION (m_->logger_, trace, "updating information");
m_->send_receiver_data_ = m_->socket_
&& QAbstractSocket::UdpSocket == m_->socket_->socketType () ? 3 : 1;
m_->rx_call_ = call;
m_->rx_grid_ = gridSquare;
m_->rx_ant_ = antenna;
bool PSKReporter::addRemoteStation (QString const& call, QString const& grid, Radio::Frequency freq
, QString const& mode, int snr)
LOG_LOG_LOCATION (m_->logger_, trace, "call: " << call << " grid: " << grid << " freq: " << freq << " mode: " << mode << " snr: " << snr);
m_->check_connection ();
if (m_->socket_ && m_->socket_->isValid ())
if (QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState == m_->socket_->state ())
reconnect ();
m_->spots_.enqueue ({call, grid, snr, freq, mode, QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ()});
return true;
return false;
void PSKReporter::sendReport (bool last)
LOG_LOG_LOCATION (m_->logger_, trace, "last: " << last);
m_->check_connection ();
if (m_->socket_ && QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState == m_->socket_->state ())
m_->send_report (true);
if (last)
m_->stop ();