
115 lines
3.3 KiB

// Status=review
// Note to developers. The URL is
// to a very old src version of WSJT 5.7 or so. WSJTX is not listed at all.
// Also, all the Qt4 stuff is now obsolete, and needs to be updated.
==== Linux Makefile Example
// We need a better solutuion, I basically used my buuild scripts to outline
// The steps here. Auto-tools or a good script much better way to go.
The example below has been tested on Ubuntu 64-bit: 12.04-LTS, 13.10 and
14.04-Dev. Source code is available from the public repository at {devsvn}. To
compile the program you will need to install the following packages:
.General Pkg Requirments
+gcc+:: GNU C Compiler
+g{plus}{plus}+:: GNU C{plus}{plus} Compiler
+gfortran+:: GNU FOrtran or F90
+make+:: GNU Make
+libqt5multimedia5-plugins+:: QT5 Media Plugins
+libfftw3-dev+:: Fast Fourier Transformation
+libpulse-dev+:: Headers and Files for Pulse AUdio
+libhamlib-dev+:: Headers and Files for Hamlib
+qtbase5-dev+:: QT5 Base Dev Files
+qtmultimedia5-dev+:: Qt5 Multimedsia Dev Files
+pulseaudio+:: Pulse Audio Sound Driver
+subversion+:: Version Control Software
.kvasd 32-bit required libraries
[horizontal] from => libgfortran3:i386 from => libc6-i386 from => libc6-i386 from => lib32gcc1:i386 from => lib32quadmath0
.Setup and Build
# In a terminal Ctrl+Alt+T
# Each line is seperate action - Copy & Paste
mkdir -p ~/Projects/wsjtx-build && cd ~/Projects/wsjtx-build
svn co svn://
cd ./wsjtx/lib && make -f Makfile.linux
cd ../ && export QT_SELECT=qt5 && qmake
j_c=$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) && make -j$j_c
# now mv wsjtx_intall to the new rev-number
rev_num=$(svn log -l1 |awk 'FNR==2 {print $1}')
mv ./wsjtx_install ./wsjtx-$rev_num
NOTE: You should now have (3) files in ./wjstx-$rev_num (jt9, jt9code and wsjtx).
By moving the directory, your setup for a clean make again if need be.
.Finial Configuraiton
Before running _WSJT-X_, we need to download kvasd, and link several file(s).
# cd to the launch directory
cd ./wsjtx-$rev_num
chmod +x ./kvasd
# Links Files and Folders
ln -s ../wsjtx/kvasd ./kvasd
ln -s ../wsjtx/kvasd.dat ./kvasd.dat
ln -s ../wsjtx/CALL3.TXT ./CALL3.TXT
ln -s ../wsjtx/cty.dat ./cty.dat
ln -s ../wsjtx/Palettes ./Palettes
ln -s ../wsjtx/samples ./samples
ln -s ../wsjtx/mouse_commands.txt ./mouse_commands.txt
ln -s ../wsjtx/shortcuts.txt ./shortcuts.txt
ln -s ../wsjtx/prefixes.txt ./prefixes.txt
IMPORTANT: You can copy or link the files {amp} folders but make sure they are
in the same directory as the _WSJT-X_ binary.
.Test kvasd Can Run Properly
Before you run _WSJT-X_, you should ensure _kvasd_ is available and functioning
properly. While still in wsjtx-$rev_num ;
# Test to ensure kvasd has all the requred libraries it needs with:
ldd ./kvasd
# If there were no missing library links, test that kvasd will run
# If sucessful, K1JT's copyright message should be displayed.
.Run the New Binary
// Need example using CMakefile
==== Linux, CMake Example
// Need further compiling Instructions