mirror of
synced 2024-11-22 04:11:16 -05:00
Re-enabling the WSJT-X i18n facilities. This allows translation files to be created for languages that are automatically used to lookup translatable strings. To enable a new language the language name must be added to the CMakeLists.txt LANGUAGES list variable in BCP47 format (i.e. en_US, en_GB, pt_PT, ...). Do one build with the CMake option UPDATE_TRANSLATIONS enabled (do not leave it enabled as there is a danger of loosing existing translated texts), that will create a fresh translations/wsjtx_<lang>.ts file which should be immediately checked in with the CMakeLists.txt change. The .ts should then be updated by the translator using the Qt Linguist tool to add translations. Check in the updated .ts file to complete the initial translation process for that language. To aid translators their WIP .ts file may be tested by releasing (using the lrelease tool or from the Linguist menu) a .qm file and placing that .qm file in the current directory before starting WSJT-X. The translations will be used if the system locale matches the file name. If the system locale does not match the file name; the language may be overridden by setting the LANG environment variable. For example if a wsjtx_pt_PT.qm file is in the current directory WSJT-X will use it for translation lookups, regardless of the current system locale setting, if the LANG variable is set to pt_PT or pt-PT. On MS Windows from a command prompt: set LANG=pt_PT C:\WSJT\wsjtx\bin\wsjtx elsewhere: LANG=pt_PT wsjtx
1173 lines
40 KiB
1173 lines
40 KiB
#include "HRDTransceiver.hpp"
#include <QHostAddress>
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QRegExp>
#include <QTcpSocket>
#include <QThread>
#include <QStandardPaths>
#include <QDir>
#include "NetworkServerLookup.hpp"
char const * const HRD_transceiver_name = "Ham Radio Deluxe";
// some commands require a settling time, particularly "RX A" and
// "RX B" on the Yaesu FTdx3000.
int constexpr yaesu_delay {250};
#include "moc_HRDTransceiver.cpp"
void HRDTransceiver::register_transceivers (TransceiverFactory::Transceivers * registry, int id)
(*registry)[HRD_transceiver_name] = TransceiverFactory::Capabilities (id, TransceiverFactory::Capabilities::network, true, true /* maybe */);
struct HRDMessage
// Placement style new overload for outgoing messages that does the
// construction too.
static void * operator new (size_t size, QString const& payload)
size += sizeof (QChar) * (payload.size () + 1); // space for terminator too
HRDMessage * storage (reinterpret_cast<HRDMessage *> (new char[size]));
storage->size_ = size ;
ushort const * pl (payload.utf16 ());
qCopy (pl, pl + payload.size () + 1, storage->payload_); // copy terminator too
storage->magic_1_ = magic_1_value_;
storage->magic_2_ = magic_2_value_;
storage->checksum_ = 0;
return storage;
// Placement style new overload for incoming messages that does the
// construction too.
// No memory allocation here.
static void * operator new (size_t /* size */, QByteArray const& message)
// Nasty const_cast here to avoid copying the message buffer.
return const_cast<HRDMessage *> (reinterpret_cast<HRDMessage const *> (message.data ()));
void operator delete (void * p, size_t)
delete [] reinterpret_cast<char *> (p); // Mirror allocation in operator new above.
quint32 size_;
qint32 magic_1_;
qint32 magic_2_;
qint32 checksum_; // Apparently not used.
QChar payload_[0]; // UTF-16 (which is wchar_t on Windows)
static qint32 constexpr magic_1_value_ = 0x1234ABCD;
static qint32 constexpr magic_2_value_ = 0xABCD1234;
HRDTransceiver::HRDTransceiver (std::unique_ptr<TransceiverBase> wrapped
, QString const& server
, bool use_for_ptt
, TransceiverFactory::TXAudioSource audio_source
, int poll_interval
, QObject * parent)
: PollingTransceiver {poll_interval, parent}
, wrapped_ {std::move (wrapped)}
, use_for_ptt_ {use_for_ptt}
, audio_source_ {audio_source}
, server_ {server}
, hrd_ {0}
, protocol_ {none}
, current_radio_ {0}
, vfo_count_ {0}
, vfo_A_button_ {-1}
, vfo_B_button_ {-1}
, vfo_toggle_button_ {-1}
, mode_A_dropdown_ {-1}
, mode_B_dropdown_ {-1}
, data_mode_toggle_button_ {-1}
, data_mode_on_button_ {-1}
, data_mode_off_button_ {-1}
, data_mode_dropdown_ {-1}
, split_mode_button_ {-1}
, split_mode_dropdown_ {-1}
, split_mode_dropdown_write_only_ {false}
, split_off_button_ {-1}
, tx_A_button_ {-1}
, tx_B_button_ {-1}
, rx_A_button_ {-1}
, rx_B_button_ {-1}
, receiver_dropdown_ {-1}
, ptt_button_ {-1}
, alt_ptt_button_ {-1}
, reversed_ {false}
int HRDTransceiver::do_start ()
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", "starting");
if (wrapped_) wrapped_->start (0);
auto server_details = network_server_lookup (server_, 7809u);
if (!hrd_)
hrd_ = new QTcpSocket {this}; // QObject takes ownership
hrd_->connectToHost (std::get<0> (server_details), std::get<1> (server_details));
if (!hrd_->waitForConnected ())
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", "failed to connect:" << hrd_->errorString ());
throw error {tr ("Failed to connect to Ham Radio Deluxe\n") + hrd_->errorString ()};
if (none == protocol_)
protocol_ = v5; // try this first (works for v6 too)
send_command ("get context", false, false);
catch (error const&)
protocol_ = none;
if (none == protocol_)
hrd_->close ();
protocol_ = v4; // try again with older protocol
hrd_->connectToHost (std::get<0> (server_details), std::get<1> (server_details));
if (!hrd_->waitForConnected ())
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", "failed to connect:" << hrd_->errorString ());
throw error {tr ("Failed to connect to Ham Radio Deluxe\n") + hrd_->errorString ()};
send_command ("get context", false, false);
QFile HRD_info_file {QDir {QStandardPaths::writableLocation (QStandardPaths::DataLocation)}.absoluteFilePath ("HRD Interface Information.txt")};
if (!HRD_info_file.open (QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Text | QFile::Truncate))
throw error {tr ("Failed to open file \"%1\": %2.").arg (HRD_info_file.fileName ()).arg (HRD_info_file.errorString ())};
QTextStream HRD_info {&HRD_info_file};
auto id = send_command ("get id", false, false);
auto version = send_command ("get version", false, false);
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", "Id:" << id << "Version:" << version);
HRD_info << "Id: " << id << "\n";
HRD_info << "Version: " << version << "\n";
auto radios = send_command ("get radios", false, false).trimmed ().split (',', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
if (radios.isEmpty ())
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", "no rig found");
throw error {tr ("Ham Radio Deluxe: no rig found")};
HRD_info << "Radios:\n";
Q_FOREACH (auto const& radio, radios)
HRD_info << "\t" << radio << "\n";
auto entries = radio.trimmed ().split (':', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
radios_.push_back (std::forward_as_tuple (entries[0].toUInt (), entries[1]));
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", "radios:-");
Q_FOREACH (auto const& radio, radios_)
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", "\t[" << std::get<0> (radio) << "] " << std::get<1> (radio));
auto current_radio_name = send_command ("get radio", false, false, true);
HRD_info << "Current radio: " << current_radio_name << "\n";
if (current_radio_name.isEmpty ())
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", "no rig found");
throw error {tr ("Ham Radio Deluxe: no rig found")};
vfo_count_ = send_command ("get vfo-count").toUInt ();
HRD_info << "VFO count: " << vfo_count_ << "\n";
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", "vfo count:" << vfo_count_);
buttons_ = send_command ("get buttons").trimmed ().split (',', QString::SkipEmptyParts).replaceInStrings (" ", "~");
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", "HRD Buttons: " << buttons_);
HRD_info << "Buttons: {" << buttons_.join (", ") << "}\n";
dropdown_names_ = send_command ("get dropdowns").trimmed ().split (',', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", "Dropdowns:");
HRD_info << "Dropdowns:\n";
Q_FOREACH (auto const& dd, dropdown_names_)
auto selections = send_command ("get dropdown-list {" + dd + "}").trimmed ().split (',');
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", "\t" << dd << ": {" << selections.join (", ") << "}");
HRD_info << "\t" << dd << ": {" << selections.join (", ") << "}\n";
dropdowns_[dd] = selections;
slider_names_ = send_command ("get sliders").trimmed ().split (',', QString::SkipEmptyParts).replaceInStrings (" ", "~");
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", "Sliders:-");
HRD_info << "Sliders:\n";
Q_FOREACH (auto const& s, slider_names_)
auto range = send_command ("get slider-range " + current_radio_name + " " + s).trimmed ().split (',', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", "\t" << s << ": {" << range.join (", ") << "}");
HRD_info << "\t" << s << ": {" << range.join (", ") << "}\n";
sliders_[s] = range;
// set RX VFO
rx_A_button_ = find_button (QRegExp ("^(RX~A)$"));
rx_B_button_ = find_button (QRegExp ("^(RX~B)$"));
// select VFO (sometime set as well)
vfo_A_button_ = find_button (QRegExp ("^(VFO~A|Main)$"));
vfo_B_button_ = find_button (QRegExp ("^(VFO~B|Sub)$"));
vfo_toggle_button_ = find_button (QRegExp ("^(A~/~B)$"));
split_mode_button_ = find_button (QRegExp ("^(Spl~On|Spl_On|Split|Split~On)$"));
split_off_button_ = find_button (QRegExp ("^(Spl~Off|Spl_Off|Split~Off)$"));
if ((split_mode_dropdown_ = find_dropdown (QRegExp ("^(Split)$"))) >= 0)
split_mode_dropdown_selection_on_ = find_dropdown_selection (split_mode_dropdown_, QRegExp ("^(On)$"));
split_mode_dropdown_selection_off_ = find_dropdown_selection (split_mode_dropdown_, QRegExp ("^(Off)$"));
else if ((receiver_dropdown_ = find_dropdown (QRegExp ("^Receiver$"))) >= 0)
rx_A_selection_ = find_dropdown_selection (receiver_dropdown_, QRegExp ("^(RX / Off)$"));
rx_B_selection_ = find_dropdown_selection (receiver_dropdown_, QRegExp ("^(Mute / RX)$"));
tx_A_button_ = find_button (QRegExp ("^(TX~main|TX~-~A|TX~A)$"));
tx_B_button_ = find_button (QRegExp ("^(TX~sub|TX~-~B|TX~B)$"));
if ((mode_A_dropdown_ = find_dropdown (QRegExp ("^(Main Mode|Mode|Mode A)$"))) >= 0)
map_modes (mode_A_dropdown_, &mode_A_map_);
Q_ASSERT (mode_A_dropdown_ <= 0);
if ((mode_B_dropdown_ = find_dropdown (QRegExp ("^(Sub Mode|Mode B)$"))) >= 0)
map_modes (mode_B_dropdown_, &mode_B_map_);
// Can't do this with ^Data$ as the button name because some Kenwood
// rigs have a "Data" button which is for turning the DSP on and off
// so we must filter by rig name as well
if (current_radio_name.startsWith ("IC")) // works with Icom transceivers
data_mode_toggle_button_ = find_button (QRegExp ("^(Data)$"));
data_mode_on_button_ = find_button (QRegExp ("^(DATA-ON\\(mid\\))$"));
data_mode_off_button_ = find_button (QRegExp ("^(DATA-OFF)$"));
// Some newer Icoms have a Data drop down with (Off,On,D1,D2,D3)
// Some newer Icoms have a Data drop down with (Off,D1,D2,D3)
// Some newer Icoms (IC-7300) have a Data drop down with
// (Off,,D1-FIL1,D1-FIL2,D1-FIL3) the missing value counts as an
// index value - I think it is a drop down separator line - this
// appears to be an HRD defect and we cannot work around it
if ((data_mode_dropdown_ = find_dropdown (QRegExp ("^(Data)$"))) >= 0)
data_mode_dropdown_selection_on_ = find_dropdown_selection (data_mode_dropdown_, QRegExp ("^(On|Data1|D1|D1-FIL1)$"));
data_mode_dropdown_selection_off_ = find_dropdown_selection (data_mode_dropdown_, QRegExp ("^(Off)$"));
ptt_button_ = find_button (QRegExp ("^(TX)$"));
alt_ptt_button_ = find_button (QRegExp ("^(TX~Alt|TX~Data)$"));
if (vfo_count_ == 1 && ((vfo_B_button_ >= 0 && vfo_A_button_ >= 0) || vfo_toggle_button_ >= 0))
// put the rig into a known state for tricky cases like Icoms
auto f = send_command ("get frequency").toUInt ();
auto m = get_data_mode (lookup_mode (get_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_), mode_A_map_));
set_button (vfo_B_button_ >= 0 ? vfo_B_button_ : vfo_toggle_button_);
auto fo = send_command ("get frequency").toUInt ();
update_other_frequency (fo);
auto mo = get_data_mode (lookup_mode (get_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_), mode_A_map_));
set_button (vfo_A_button_ >= 0 ? vfo_A_button_ : vfo_toggle_button_);
if (f != fo || m != mo)
// we must have started with A/MAIN
update_rx_frequency (f);
update_mode (m);
update_rx_frequency (send_command ("get frequency").toUInt ());
update_mode (get_data_mode (lookup_mode (get_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_), mode_A_map_)));
int resolution {0};
auto f = send_command ("get frequency").toUInt ();
if (f && !(f % 10))
auto test_frequency = f - f % 100 + 55;
send_simple_command ("set frequency-hz " + QString::number (test_frequency));
auto new_frequency = send_command ("get frequency").toUInt ();
switch (static_cast<Radio::FrequencyDelta> (new_frequency - test_frequency))
case -5: resolution = -1; break; // 10Hz truncated
case 5: resolution = 1; break; // 10Hz rounded
case -15: resolution = -2; break; // 20Hz truncated
case -55: resolution = -2; break; // 100Hz truncated
case 45: resolution = 2; break; // 100Hz rounded
if (1 == resolution) // may be 20Hz rounded
test_frequency = f - f % 100 + 51;
send_simple_command ("set frequency-hz " + QString::number (test_frequency));
new_frequency = send_command ("get frequency").toUInt ();
if (9 == static_cast<Radio::FrequencyDelta> (new_frequency - test_frequency))
resolution = 2; // 20Hz rounded
send_simple_command ("set frequency-hz " + QString::number (f));
return resolution;
void HRDTransceiver::do_stop ()
if (hrd_)
hrd_->close ();
if (wrapped_) wrapped_->stop ();
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", "stopped" << state () << "reversed" << reversed_);
int HRDTransceiver::find_button (QRegExp const& re) const
return buttons_.indexOf (re);
int HRDTransceiver::find_dropdown (QRegExp const& re) const
return dropdown_names_.indexOf (re);
std::vector<int> HRDTransceiver::find_dropdown_selection (int dropdown, QRegExp const& re) const
std::vector<int> indices; // this will always contain at least a
// -1
auto list = dropdowns_.value (dropdown_names_.value (dropdown));
int index {0};
while (-1 != (index = list.lastIndexOf (re, index - 1)))
// search backwards because more specialized modes tend to be
// later in list
indices.push_back (index);
if (!index)
return indices;
void HRDTransceiver::map_modes (int dropdown, ModeMap *map)
// order matters here (both in the map and in the regexps)
map->push_back (std::forward_as_tuple (CW, find_dropdown_selection (dropdown, QRegExp ("^(CW|CW\\(N\\))|CWL$"))));
map->push_back (std::forward_as_tuple (CW_R, find_dropdown_selection (dropdown, QRegExp ("^(CW-R|CW-R\\(N\\)|CW|CWU)$"))));
map->push_back (std::forward_as_tuple (LSB, find_dropdown_selection (dropdown, QRegExp ("^(LSB\\(N\\)|LSB)$"))));
map->push_back (std::forward_as_tuple (USB, find_dropdown_selection (dropdown, QRegExp ("^(USB\\(N\\)|USB)$"))));
map->push_back (std::forward_as_tuple (DIG_U, find_dropdown_selection (dropdown, QRegExp ("^(DIG|DIGU|DATA-U|PKT-U|DATA|USER-U|USB)$"))));
map->push_back (std::forward_as_tuple (DIG_L, find_dropdown_selection (dropdown, QRegExp ("^(DIG|DIGL|DATA-L|PKT-L|DATA-R|USER-L|LSB)$"))));
map->push_back (std::forward_as_tuple (FSK, find_dropdown_selection (dropdown, QRegExp ("^(DIG|FSK|RTTY|RTTY-LSB)$"))));
map->push_back (std::forward_as_tuple (FSK_R, find_dropdown_selection (dropdown, QRegExp ("^(DIG|FSK-R|RTTY-R|RTTY|RTTY-USB)$"))));
map->push_back (std::forward_as_tuple (AM, find_dropdown_selection (dropdown, QRegExp ("^(AM|DSB|SAM|DRM)$"))));
map->push_back (std::forward_as_tuple (FM, find_dropdown_selection (dropdown, QRegExp ("^(FM|FM\\(N\\)|FM-N|WFM)$"))));
map->push_back (std::forward_as_tuple (DIG_FM, find_dropdown_selection (dropdown, QRegExp ("^(PKT-FM|PKT|FM)$"))));
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", "for dropdown" << dropdown_names_[dropdown]);
std::for_each (map->begin (), map->end (), [this, dropdown] (ModeMap::value_type const& item)
auto const& rhs = std::get<1> (item);
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", '\t' << std::get<0> (item) << "<->" << (rhs.size () ? dropdowns_[dropdown_names_[dropdown]][rhs.front ()] : "None"));
int HRDTransceiver::lookup_mode (MODE mode, ModeMap const& map) const
auto it = std::find_if (map.begin (), map.end (), [mode] (ModeMap::value_type const& item) {return std::get<0> (item) == mode;});
if (map.end () == it)
throw error {tr ("Ham Radio Deluxe: rig doesn't support mode")};
return std::get<1> (*it).front ();
auto HRDTransceiver::lookup_mode (int mode, ModeMap const& map) const -> MODE
if (mode < 0)
return UNK; // no mode dropdown
auto it = std::find_if (map.begin (), map.end (), [mode] (ModeMap::value_type const& item)
auto const& indices = std::get<1> (item);
return indices.cend () != std::find (indices.cbegin (), indices.cend (), mode);
if (map.end () == it)
throw error {tr ("Ham Radio Deluxe: sent an unrecognised mode")};
return std::get<0> (*it);
int HRDTransceiver::get_dropdown (int dd, bool no_debug)
if (dd < 0)
return -1; // no dropdown to interrogate
auto dd_name = dropdown_names_.value (dd);
auto reply = send_command ("get dropdown-text {" + dd_name + "}", no_debug);
auto colon_index = reply.indexOf (':');
if (colon_index < 0)
return -1;
Q_ASSERT (reply.left (colon_index).trimmed () == dd_name);
return dropdowns_.value (dropdown_names_.value (dd)).indexOf (reply.mid (colon_index + 1).trimmed ());
void HRDTransceiver::set_dropdown (int dd, int value)
auto dd_name = dropdown_names_.value (dd);
if (value >= 0)
send_simple_command ("set dropdown " + dd_name.replace (' ', '~') + ' ' + dropdowns_.value (dd_name).value (value).replace (' ', '~') + ' ' + QString::number (value));
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", "item" << value << "not found in" << dd_name);
throw error {tr ("Ham Radio Deluxe: item not found in %1 dropdown list").arg (dd_name)};
void HRDTransceiver::do_ptt (bool on)
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", on);
if (use_for_ptt_)
if (alt_ptt_button_ >= 0 && TransceiverFactory::TX_audio_source_rear == audio_source_)
set_button (alt_ptt_button_, on);
else if (ptt_button_ >= 0)
set_button (ptt_button_, on);
// else
// allow for pathological HRD rig interfaces that don't do
// PTT by simply not even trying
Q_ASSERT (wrapped_);
TransceiverState new_state {wrapped_->state ()};
new_state.ptt (on);
wrapped_->set (new_state, 0);
update_PTT (on);
void HRDTransceiver::set_button (int button_index, bool checked)
if (button_index >= 0)
send_simple_command ("set button-select " + buttons_.value (button_index) + (checked ? " 1" : " 0"));
if (button_index == rx_A_button_ || button_index == rx_B_button_)
QThread::msleep (yaesu_delay);
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", "invalid button");
throw error {tr ("Ham Radio Deluxe: button not available")};
void HRDTransceiver::set_data_mode (MODE m)
if (data_mode_toggle_button_ >= 0)
switch (m)
case DIG_U:
case DIG_L:
case DIG_FM:
set_button (data_mode_toggle_button_, true);
set_button (data_mode_toggle_button_, false);
else if (data_mode_on_button_ >= 0 && data_mode_off_button_ >= 0)
switch (m)
case DIG_U:
case DIG_L:
case DIG_FM:
set_button (data_mode_on_button_, true);
set_button (data_mode_off_button_, true);
else if (data_mode_dropdown_ >= 0
&& data_mode_dropdown_selection_off_.size ()
&& data_mode_dropdown_selection_on_.size ())
switch (m)
case DIG_U:
case DIG_L:
case DIG_FM:
set_dropdown (data_mode_dropdown_, data_mode_dropdown_selection_on_.front ());
set_dropdown (data_mode_dropdown_, data_mode_dropdown_selection_off_.front ());
auto HRDTransceiver::get_data_mode (MODE m, bool quiet) -> MODE
if (data_mode_dropdown_ >= 0
&& data_mode_dropdown_selection_off_.size ())
auto selection = get_dropdown (data_mode_dropdown_, quiet);
// can't check for on here as there may be multiple on values so
// we must rely on the initial parse finding valid on values
if (selection >= 0 && selection != data_mode_dropdown_selection_off_.front ())
switch (m)
case USB: m = DIG_U; break;
case LSB: m = DIG_L; break;
case FM: m = DIG_FM; break;
default: break;
return m;
void HRDTransceiver::do_frequency (Frequency f, MODE m, bool /*no_ignore*/)
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", f << "reversed" << reversed_);
if (UNK != m)
do_mode (m);
auto fo_string = QString::number (f);
if (vfo_count_ > 1 && reversed_)
auto frequencies = send_command ("get frequencies").trimmed ().split ('-', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
send_simple_command ("set frequencies-hz " + QString::number (frequencies[0].toUInt ()) + ' ' + fo_string);
send_simple_command ("set frequency-hz " + QString::number (f));
update_rx_frequency (f);
void HRDTransceiver::do_tx_frequency (Frequency tx, MODE mode, bool /*no_ignore*/)
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", tx << "reversed" << reversed_);
// re-check if reversed VFOs
bool rx_A {true};
bool rx_B {false};
if (receiver_dropdown_ >= 0 && rx_A_selection_.size ())
auto selection = get_dropdown (receiver_dropdown_);
rx_A = selection == rx_A_selection_.front ();
if (!rx_A && rx_B_selection_.size ())
rx_B = selection == rx_B_selection_.front ();
else if (vfo_B_button_ >= 0 || rx_B_button_ >= 0)
rx_A = is_button_checked (rx_A_button_ >= 0 ? rx_A_button_ : vfo_A_button_);
if (!rx_A)
rx_B = is_button_checked (rx_B_button_ >= 0 ? rx_B_button_ : vfo_B_button_);
reversed_ = rx_B;
bool split {tx != 0};
if (split)
if (mode != UNK)
if (!reversed_ && mode_B_dropdown_ >= 0)
set_dropdown (mode_B_dropdown_, lookup_mode (mode, mode_B_map_));
else if (reversed_ && mode_B_dropdown_ >= 0)
set_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_, lookup_mode (mode, mode_A_map_));
Q_ASSERT (mode_A_dropdown_ >= 0 && ((vfo_A_button_ >=0 && vfo_B_button_ >=0) || vfo_toggle_button_ >= 0));
if (rx_B_button_ >= 0)
set_button (reversed_ ? rx_A_button_ : rx_B_button_);
set_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_, lookup_mode (mode, mode_A_map_));
set_data_mode (mode);
set_button (reversed_ ? rx_B_button_ : rx_A_button_);
else if (receiver_dropdown_ >= 0
&& rx_A_selection_.size () && rx_B_selection_.size ())
set_dropdown (receiver_dropdown_, (reversed_ ? rx_A_selection_ : rx_B_selection_).front ());
set_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_, lookup_mode (mode, mode_A_map_));
set_data_mode (mode);
set_dropdown (receiver_dropdown_, (reversed_ ? rx_B_selection_ : rx_A_selection_).front ());
else if (vfo_count_ > 1 && ((vfo_A_button_ >=0 && vfo_B_button_ >=0) || vfo_toggle_button_ >= 0))
set_button (vfo_A_button_ >= 0 ? (reversed_ ? vfo_A_button_ : vfo_B_button_) : vfo_toggle_button_);
set_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_, lookup_mode (mode, mode_A_map_));
set_data_mode (mode);
set_button (vfo_A_button_ >= 0 ? (reversed_ ? vfo_B_button_ : vfo_A_button_) : vfo_toggle_button_);
// else Tx VFO mode gets set with frequency below or we
// don't have a way of setting it so we assume it is
// always the same as the Rx VFO mode
auto fo_string = QString::number (tx);
if (reversed_)
Q_ASSERT (vfo_count_ > 1);
auto frequencies = send_command ("get frequencies").trimmed ().split ('-', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
send_simple_command ("set frequencies-hz " + fo_string + ' ' + QString::number (frequencies[1].toUInt ()));
if (vfo_count_ > 1)
auto frequencies = send_command ("get frequencies").trimmed ().split ('-', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
send_simple_command ("set frequencies-hz " + QString::number (frequencies[0].toUInt ()) + ' ' + fo_string);
else if ((vfo_B_button_ >= 0 && vfo_A_button_ >= 0) || vfo_toggle_button_ >= 0)
// we rationalise the modes here as well as the frequencies
set_button (vfo_B_button_ >= 0 ? vfo_B_button_ : vfo_toggle_button_);
send_simple_command ("set frequency-hz " + fo_string);
if (mode != UNK && mode_B_dropdown_ < 0)
// do this here rather than later so we only
// toggle/switch VFOs once
set_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_, lookup_mode (mode, mode_A_map_));
set_data_mode (mode);
set_button (vfo_A_button_ >= 0 ? vfo_A_button_ : vfo_toggle_button_);
update_other_frequency (tx);
if (split_mode_button_ >= 0)
if (split_off_button_ >= 0 && !split)
set_button (split_off_button_);
set_button (split_mode_button_, split);
else if (split_mode_dropdown_ >= 0
&& split_mode_dropdown_selection_off_.size ()
&& split_mode_dropdown_selection_on_.size ())
set_dropdown (split_mode_dropdown_, split ? split_mode_dropdown_selection_on_.front () : split_mode_dropdown_selection_off_.front ());
else if (vfo_A_button_ >= 0 && vfo_B_button_ >= 0 && tx_A_button_ >= 0 && tx_B_button_ >= 0)
if (split)
if (reversed_ != is_button_checked (tx_A_button_))
if (rx_A_button_ >= 0 && rx_B_button_ >= 0)
set_button (reversed_ ? rx_B_button_ : rx_A_button_);
else if (receiver_dropdown_ >= 0
&& rx_A_selection_.size () && rx_B_selection_.size ())
set_dropdown (receiver_dropdown_, (reversed_ ? rx_B_selection_ : rx_A_selection_).front ());
set_button (reversed_ ? vfo_B_button_ : vfo_A_button_);
set_button (reversed_ ? tx_A_button_ : tx_B_button_);
if (reversed_ != is_button_checked (tx_B_button_))
if (rx_A_button_ >= 0 && rx_B_button_ >= 0)
set_button (reversed_ ? rx_B_button_ : rx_A_button_);
else if (receiver_dropdown_ >= 0
&& rx_A_selection_.size () && rx_B_selection_.size ())
set_dropdown (receiver_dropdown_, (reversed_ ? rx_B_selection_ : rx_A_selection_).front ());
set_button (reversed_ ? vfo_B_button_ : vfo_A_button_);
set_button (reversed_ ? tx_B_button_ : tx_A_button_);
update_split (split);
void HRDTransceiver::do_mode (MODE mode)
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", mode);
if (reversed_ && mode_B_dropdown_ >= 0)
set_dropdown (mode_B_dropdown_, lookup_mode (mode, mode_B_map_));
set_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_, lookup_mode (mode, mode_A_map_));
if (mode != UNK && state ().split ()) // rationalise mode if split
if (reversed_)
if (mode_B_dropdown_ >= 0)
set_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_, lookup_mode (mode, mode_A_map_));
Q_ASSERT ((vfo_B_button_ >= 0 && vfo_A_button_ >= 0) || vfo_toggle_button_ >= 0);
if (rx_B_button_ >= 0)
set_button (rx_A_button_);
set_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_, lookup_mode (mode, mode_A_map_));
set_button (rx_B_button_);
else if (receiver_dropdown_ >= 0
&& rx_A_selection_.size () && rx_B_selection_.size ())
set_dropdown (receiver_dropdown_, rx_A_selection_.front ());
set_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_, lookup_mode (mode, mode_A_map_));
set_dropdown (receiver_dropdown_, rx_B_selection_.front ());
else if (vfo_count_ > 1 && ((vfo_A_button_ >=0 && vfo_B_button_ >=0) || vfo_toggle_button_ >= 0))
set_button (vfo_A_button_ >= 0 ? vfo_A_button_ : vfo_toggle_button_);
set_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_, lookup_mode (mode, mode_A_map_));
set_button (vfo_B_button_ >= 0 ? vfo_B_button_ : vfo_toggle_button_);
// else Tx VFO mode gets set when Tx VFO frequency is
// set
if ( tx_A_button_ >= 0)
set_button (tx_A_button_);
if (mode_B_dropdown_ >= 0)
set_dropdown (mode_B_dropdown_, lookup_mode (mode, mode_B_map_));
Q_ASSERT ((vfo_B_button_ >= 0 && vfo_A_button_ >= 0) || vfo_toggle_button_ >= 0);
if (rx_B_button_ >= 0)
set_button (rx_B_button_);
set_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_, lookup_mode (mode, mode_A_map_));
set_button (rx_A_button_);
else if (receiver_dropdown_ >= 0
&& rx_A_selection_.size () && rx_B_selection_.size ())
set_dropdown (receiver_dropdown_, rx_B_selection_.front ());
set_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_, lookup_mode (mode, mode_A_map_));
set_dropdown (receiver_dropdown_, rx_A_selection_.front ());
else if (vfo_count_ > 1 && ((vfo_A_button_ >=0 && vfo_B_button_ >=0) || vfo_toggle_button_ >= 0))
set_button (vfo_B_button_ >= 0 ? vfo_B_button_ : vfo_toggle_button_);
set_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_, lookup_mode (mode, mode_A_map_));
set_button (vfo_A_button_ >= 0 ? vfo_A_button_ : vfo_toggle_button_);
// else Tx VFO mode gets set when Tx VFO frequency is
// set
if ( tx_B_button_ >= 0)
set_button (tx_B_button_);
set_data_mode (mode);
update_mode (mode);
bool HRDTransceiver::is_button_checked (int button_index, bool no_debug)
if (button_index < 0)
return false;
auto reply = send_command ("get button-select " + buttons_.value (button_index), no_debug);
if ("1" != reply && "0" != reply)
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", "bad response");
throw error {tr ("Ham Radio Deluxe didn't respond as expected")};
return "1" == reply;
void HRDTransceiver::do_poll ()
bool quiet {false};
qDebug () << "+++++++ poll dump +++++++";
qDebug () << "reversed:" << reversed_;
is_button_checked (vfo_A_button_);
is_button_checked (vfo_B_button_);
is_button_checked (vfo_toggle_button_);
is_button_checked (split_mode_button_);
is_button_checked (split_off_button_);
is_button_checked (rx_A_button_);
is_button_checked (rx_B_button_);
get_dropdown (receiver_dropdown_);
is_button_checked (tx_A_button_);
is_button_checked (tx_B_button_);
is_button_checked (ptt_button_);
is_button_checked (alt_ptt_button_);
get_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_);
get_dropdown (mode_B_dropdown_);
is_button_checked (data_mode_toggle_button_);
is_button_checked (data_mode_on_button_);
is_button_checked (data_mode_off_button_);
if (data_mode_dropdown_ >=0
&& data_mode_dropdown_selection_off_.size ()
&& data_mode_dropdown_selection_on_.size ())
get_dropdown (data_mode_dropdown_);
if (!split_mode_dropdown_write_only_)
get_dropdown (split_mode_dropdown_);
qDebug () << "------- poll dump -------";
bool quiet {true};
if (split_off_button_ >= 0)
// we are probably dealing with an Icom and have to guess SPLIT mode :(
else if (split_mode_button_ >= 0 && !(tx_A_button_ >= 0 && tx_B_button_ >= 0))
update_split (is_button_checked (split_mode_button_, quiet));
else if (split_mode_dropdown_ >= 0)
if (!split_mode_dropdown_write_only_)
auto selection = get_dropdown (split_mode_dropdown_, quiet);
if (selection >= 0
&& split_mode_dropdown_selection_off_.size ())
update_split (selection == split_mode_dropdown_selection_on_.front ());
// leave split alone as we can't query it - it should be
// correct so long as rig or HRD haven't been changed
split_mode_dropdown_write_only_ = true;
else if (vfo_A_button_ >= 0 && vfo_B_button_ >= 0 && tx_A_button_ >= 0 && tx_B_button_ >= 0)
bool rx_A {true}; // no Rx taken as not reversed
bool rx_B {false};
auto tx_A = is_button_checked (tx_A_button_, quiet);
// some rigs have dual Rx, we take VFO A/MAIN receiving as
// normal and only say reversed when only VFO B/SUB is active
// i.e. VFO A/MAIN muted VFO B/SUB active
if (receiver_dropdown_ >= 0 && rx_A_selection_.size ())
auto selection = get_dropdown (receiver_dropdown_);
rx_A = selection == rx_A_selection_.front ();
if (!rx_A && rx_B_selection_.size ())
rx_B = selection == rx_B_selection_.front ();
else if (vfo_B_button_ >= 0 || rx_B_button_ >= 0)
rx_A = is_button_checked (rx_A_button_ >= 0 ? rx_A_button_ : vfo_A_button_, quiet);
if (!rx_A)
rx_B = is_button_checked (rx_B_button_ >= 0 ? rx_B_button_ : vfo_B_button_, quiet);
update_split (rx_B == tx_A);
reversed_ = rx_B;
if (vfo_count_ > 1)
auto frequencies = send_command ("get frequencies", quiet).trimmed ().split ('-', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
update_rx_frequency (frequencies[reversed_ ? 1 : 0].toUInt ());
update_other_frequency (frequencies[reversed_ ? 0 : 1].toUInt ());
// read frequency is unreliable on single VFO addressing rigs
// while transmitting
if (!state ().ptt ())
update_rx_frequency (send_command ("get frequency", quiet).toUInt ());
// read mode is unreliable on single VFO addressing rigs while
// transmitting
if (vfo_count_ > 1 || !state ().ptt ())
update_mode (get_data_mode (lookup_mode (get_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_, quiet), mode_A_map_), quiet));
QString HRDTransceiver::send_command (QString const& cmd, bool no_debug, bool prepend_context, bool recurse)
Q_ASSERT (hrd_);
QString result;
if (current_radio_ && prepend_context && vfo_count_ < 2)
// required on some radios because commands don't get executed
// correctly otherwise (ICOM for example)
QThread::msleep (50);
if (!recurse && prepend_context)
auto radio_name = send_command ("get radio", true, current_radio_, true);
auto radio_iter = std::find_if (radios_.begin (), radios_.end (), [this, &radio_name] (RadioMap::value_type const& radio)
return std::get<1> (radio) == radio_name;
if (radio_iter == radios_.end ())
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", "rig disappeared or changed");
throw error {tr ("Ham Radio Deluxe: rig has disappeared or changed")};
if (0u == current_radio_ || std::get<0> (*radio_iter) != current_radio_)
current_radio_ = std::get<0> (*radio_iter);
auto context = '[' + QString::number (current_radio_) + "] ";
if (QTcpSocket::ConnectedState != hrd_->state ())
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", cmd << "failed" << hrd_->errorString ());
throw error {
tr ("Ham Radio Deluxe send command \"%1\" failed %2\n")
.arg (cmd)
.arg (hrd_->errorString ())
if (v4 == protocol_)
auto message = ((prepend_context ? context + cmd : cmd) + "\r").toLocal8Bit ();
if (!write_to_port (message.constData (), message.size ()))
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", "failed to write command" << cmd << "to HRD");
throw error {
tr ("Ham Radio Deluxe: failed to write command \"%1\"")
.arg (cmd)
auto string = prepend_context ? context + cmd : cmd;
QScopedPointer<HRDMessage> message {new (string) HRDMessage};
if (!write_to_port (reinterpret_cast<char const *> (message.data ()), message->size_))
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", "failed to write command" << cmd << "to HRD");
throw error {
tr ("Ham Radio Deluxe: failed to write command \"%1\"")
.arg (cmd)
auto buffer = read_reply (cmd);
if (v4 == protocol_)
result = QString {buffer}.trimmed ();
HRDMessage const * reply {new (buffer) HRDMessage};
if (reply->magic_1_value_ != reply->magic_1_ && reply->magic_2_value_ != reply->magic_2_)
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", cmd << "invalid reply");
throw error {
tr ("Ham Radio Deluxe sent an invalid reply to our command \"%1\"")
.arg (cmd)
// keep reading until expected size arrives
while (buffer.size () - offsetof (HRDMessage, size_) < reply->size_)
if (!no_debug)
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", cmd << "reading more reply data");
buffer += read_reply (cmd);
reply = new (buffer) HRDMessage;
result = QString {reply->payload_}; // this is not a memory leak (honest!)
if (!no_debug)
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", cmd << " ->" << result);
return result;
bool HRDTransceiver::write_to_port (char const * data, qint64 length)
qint64 total_bytes_sent {0};
while (total_bytes_sent < length)
auto bytes_sent = hrd_->write (data + total_bytes_sent, length - total_bytes_sent);
if (bytes_sent < 0 || !hrd_->waitForBytesWritten ())
return false;
total_bytes_sent += bytes_sent;
return true;
QByteArray HRDTransceiver::read_reply (QString const& cmd)
// waitForReadReady appears to be occasionally unreliable on Windows
// timing out when data is waiting so retry a few times
unsigned retries {3};
bool replied {false};
while (!replied && retries--)
replied = hrd_->waitForReadyRead ();
if (!replied && hrd_->error () != hrd_->SocketTimeoutError)
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", cmd << "failed to reply" << hrd_->errorString ());
throw error {
tr ("Ham Radio Deluxe failed to reply to command \"%1\" %2\n")
.arg (cmd)
.arg (hrd_->errorString ())
if (!replied)
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", cmd << "retries exhausted");
throw error {
tr ("Ham Radio Deluxe retries exhausted sending command \"%1\"")
.arg (cmd)
return hrd_->readAll ();
void HRDTransceiver::send_simple_command (QString const& command, bool no_debug)
if ("OK" != send_command (command, no_debug))
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", command << "unexpected response");
throw error {
tr ("Ham Radio Deluxe didn't respond to command \"%1\" as expected")
.arg (command)