Bill Somerville 45b12e6028
Preparation for UI i18n
Re-enabling the WSJT-X i18n  facilities. This allows translation files
to  be created  for languages  that are  automatically used  to lookup
translatable strings. To enable a  new language the language name must
be added to the CMakeLists.txt LANGUAGES list variable in BCP47 format
(i.e. en_US,  en_GB, pt_PT, ...). Do  one build with the  CMake option
UPDATE_TRANSLATIONS enabled  (do not  leave it enabled  as there  is a
danger of loosing existing translated texts), that will create a fresh
translations/wsjtx_<lang>.ts file which  should be immediately checked
in with the  CMakeLists.txt change. The .ts should then  be updated by
the translator using  the Qt Linguist tool to  add translations. Check
in the  updated .ts file  to complete the initial  translation process
for that language.

To  aid translators  their WIP  .ts file  may be  tested by  releasing
(using the  lrelease tool or  from the Linguist  menu) a .qm  file and
placing  that  .qm  file  in the  current  directory  before  starting
WSJT-X. The translations will be used if the system locale matches the
file name.   If the system  locale does not  match the file  name; the
language may be  overridden by setting the  LANG environment variable.
For  example if  a wsjtx_pt_PT.qm  file  is in  the current  directory
WSJT-X will use it for  translation lookups, regardless of the current
system locale setting, if the LANG variable is set to pt_PT or pt-PT.

On MS Windows from a command prompt:

 set LANG=pt_PT


 LANG=pt_PT wsjtx
2019-06-06 12:56:25 +01:00

77 lines
2.2 KiB

#include <tuple>
#include <QString>
#include <hamlib/rig.h>
#include "TransceiverFactory.hpp"
#include "PollingTransceiver.hpp"
extern "C"
typedef struct rig RIG;
struct rig_caps;
typedef int vfo_t;
// hamlib transceiver and PTT mostly delegated directly to hamlib Rig class
class HamlibTransceiver final
: public PollingTransceiver
Q_OBJECT // for translation context
static void register_transceivers (TransceiverFactory::Transceivers *);
static void unregister_transceivers ();
explicit HamlibTransceiver (int model_number, TransceiverFactory::ParameterPack const&,
QObject * parent = nullptr);
explicit HamlibTransceiver (TransceiverFactory::PTTMethod ptt_type, QString const& ptt_port,
QObject * parent = nullptr);
int do_start () override;
void do_stop () override;
void do_frequency (Frequency, MODE, bool no_ignore) override;
void do_tx_frequency (Frequency, MODE, bool no_ignore) override;
void do_mode (MODE) override;
void do_ptt (bool) override;
void do_poll () override;
void error_check (int ret_code, QString const& doing) const;
void set_conf (char const * item, char const * value);
QByteArray get_conf (char const * item);
Transceiver::MODE map_mode (rmode_t) const;
rmode_t map_mode (Transceiver::MODE mode) const;
std::tuple<vfo_t, vfo_t> get_vfos (bool for_split) const;
struct RIGDeleter {static void cleanup (RIG *);};
QScopedPointer<RIG, RIGDeleter> rig_;
bool back_ptt_port_;
bool one_VFO_;
bool is_dummy_;
// these are saved on destruction so we can start new instances
// where the last one left off
static freq_t dummy_frequency_;
static rmode_t dummy_mode_;
bool mutable reversed_;
bool freq_query_works_;
bool mode_query_works_;
bool split_query_works_;
bool tickle_hamlib_; // Hamlib requires a
// rig_set_split_vfo() call to
// establish the Tx VFO
bool get_vfo_works_; // Net rigctl promises what it can't deliver
bool set_vfo_works_; // More rigctl promises which it can't deliver