mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 12:08:43 -04:00
This merge brings the WSPR feature development into the main line ready for release in a future v1.6 release. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.code.sf.net/p/wsjt/wsjt/branches/wsjtx@5424 ab8295b8-cf94-4d9e-aec4-7959e3be5d79
193 lines
5.8 KiB
193 lines
5.8 KiB
// Interface to WSPRnet website
// by Edson Pereira - PY2SDR
#include "wsprnet.h"
WSPRNet::WSPRNet(QObject *parent) :
wsprNetUrl = "http://wsprnet.org/post?";
//wsprNetUrl = "";
networkManager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);
connect(networkManager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), this, SLOT(networkReply(QNetworkReply*)));
uploadTimer = new QTimer(this);
connect( uploadTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(work()));
void WSPRNet::upload(QString call, QString grid, QString rfreq, QString tfreq,
QString mode, QString tpct, QString dbm, QString version,
QString fileName)
m_call = call;
m_grid = grid;
m_rfreq = rfreq;
m_tfreq = tfreq;
m_mode = mode;
m_tpct = tpct;
m_dbm = dbm;
m_vers = version;
m_file = fileName;
// Open the wsprd.out file
QFile wsprdOutFile(fileName);
if (!wsprdOutFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text) ||
wsprdOutFile.size() == 0) {
urlQueue.enqueue( wsprNetUrl + urlEncodeNoSpot());
m_uploadType = 1;
// Read the contents
while (!wsprdOutFile.atEnd()) {
QHash<QString,QString> query;
if ( decodeLine(wsprdOutFile.readLine(), query) ) {
// Prevent reporting data ouside of the current frequency band
float f = fabs(m_rfreq.toFloat() - query["tqrg"].toFloat());
if (f < 0.0002) {
urlQueue.enqueue( wsprNetUrl + urlEncodeSpot(query));
m_uploadType = 2;
m_urlQueueSize = urlQueue.size();
void WSPRNet::networkReply(QNetworkReply *reply)
QString serverResponse = reply->readAll();
if( m_uploadType == 2) {
if (!serverResponse.contains(QRegExp("spot\\(s\\) added"))) {
emit uploadStatus("Upload Failed");
if (urlQueue.isEmpty()) {
emit uploadStatus("done");
bool WSPRNet::decodeLine(QString line, QHash<QString,QString> &query)
// 130223 2256 7 -21 -0.3 14.097090 DU1MGA PK04 37 0 40 0
// Date Time Sync dBm DT Freq Msg
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 -------7------ 8 9 10
QRegExp rx("^(\\d+)\\s+(\\d+)\\s+(\\d+)\\s+([+-]?\\d+)\\s+([+-]?\\d+\\.\\d+)\\s+(\\d+\\.\\d+)\\s+(.*)\\s+([+-]?\\d+)\\s+([+-]?\\d+)\\s+([+-]?\\d+)");
if (rx.indexIn(line) != -1) {
int msgType = 0;
QString msg = rx.cap(7);
QString call, grid, dbm;
QRegExp msgRx;
// Check for Message Type 1
if (msgRx.indexIn(msg) != -1) {
msgType = 1;
call = msgRx.cap(1);
grid = msgRx.cap(2);
dbm = msgRx.cap(3);
// Check for Message Type 2
if (msgRx.indexIn(msg) != -1) {
msgType = 2;
call = msgRx.cap(1);
grid = "";
dbm = msgRx.cap(2);
// Check for Message Type 3
if (msgRx.indexIn(msg) != -1) {
msgType = 3;
call = msgRx.cap(1);
grid = msgRx.cap(2);
dbm = msgRx.cap(3);
// Unknown message format
if (!msgType) {
return false;
query["function"] = "wspr";
query["date"] = rx.cap(1);
query["time"] = rx.cap(2);
query["sig"] = rx.cap(4);
query["dt"] = rx.cap(5);
query["drift"] = rx.cap(8);
query["tqrg"] = rx.cap(6);
query["tcall"] = call;
query["tgrid"] = grid;
query["dbm"] = dbm;
} else {
return false;
return true;
QString WSPRNet::urlEncodeNoSpot()
QString queryString;
queryString += "function=wsprstat&";
queryString += "rcall=" + m_call + "&";
queryString += "rgrid=" + m_grid + "&";
queryString += "rqrg=" + m_rfreq + "&";
queryString += "tpct=" + m_tpct + "&";
queryString += "tqrg=" + m_tfreq + "&";
queryString += "dbm=" + m_dbm + "&";
queryString += "version=" + m_vers;
if(m_mode=="WSPR-2") queryString += "&mode=2";
if(m_mode=="WSPR-15") queryString += "&mode=15";
return queryString;;
QString WSPRNet::urlEncodeSpot(QHash<QString,QString> query)
QString queryString;
queryString += "function=" + query["function"] + "&";
queryString += "rcall=" + m_call + "&";
queryString += "rgrid=" + m_grid + "&";
queryString += "rqrg=" + m_rfreq + "&";
queryString += "date=" + query["date"] + "&";
queryString += "time=" + query["time"] + "&";
queryString += "sig=" + query["sig"] + "&";
queryString += "dt=" + query["dt"] + "&";
queryString += "drift=" + query["drift"] + "&";
queryString += "tqrg=" + query["tqrg"] + "&";
queryString += "tcall=" + query["tcall"] + "&";
queryString += "tgrid=" + query["tgrid"] + "&";
queryString += "dbm=" + query["dbm"] + "&";
queryString += "version=" + m_vers;
if(m_mode=="WSPR-2") queryString += "&mode=2";
if(m_mode=="WSPR-15") queryString += "&mode=15";
return queryString;
void WSPRNet::work()
if (!urlQueue.isEmpty()) {
QUrl url(urlQueue.dequeue());
QNetworkRequest request(url);
QString status = "Uploading Spot " + QString::number(m_urlQueueSize - urlQueue.size()) +
"/"+ QString::number(m_urlQueueSize);
emit uploadStatus(status);
} else {