
63 lines
1.9 KiB

use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_int, c_short, c_float, c_char, c_bool
include 'constants.f90'
! these structures must be kept in sync with ../commons.h
type, bind(C) :: params_block
integer(c_int) :: nutc
logical(c_bool) :: ndiskdat
integer(c_int) :: ntr
integer(c_int) :: nQSOProgress ! See MainWindow::m_QSOProgress for values
integer(c_int) :: nfqso
integer(c_int) :: nftx
logical(c_bool) :: newdat
integer(c_int) :: npts8
integer(c_int) :: nfa
integer(c_int) :: nfsplit
integer(c_int) :: nfb
integer(c_int) :: ntol
integer(c_int) :: kin
integer(c_int) :: nzhsym
integer(c_int) :: nsubmode
logical(c_bool) :: nagain
integer(c_int) :: ndepth
logical(c_bool) :: lft8apon
logical(c_bool) :: lapcqonly
logical(c_bool) :: ljt65apon
integer(c_int) :: napwid
integer(c_int) :: ntxmode
integer(c_int) :: nmode
integer(c_int) :: minw
logical(c_bool) :: nclearave
integer(c_int) :: minsync
real(c_float) :: emedelay
real(c_float) :: dttol
integer(c_int) :: nlist
integer(c_int) :: listutc(10)
integer(c_int) :: n2pass
integer(c_int) :: nranera
integer(c_int) :: naggressive
logical(c_bool) :: nrobust
integer(c_int) :: nexp_decode
integer(c_int) :: max_drift
character(kind=c_char) :: datetime(20)
character(kind=c_char) :: mycall(12)
character(kind=c_char) :: mygrid(6)
character(kind=c_char) :: hiscall(12)
character(kind=c_char) :: hisgrid(6)
logical(c_bool) :: b_even_seq
logical(c_bool) :: b_superfox
integer(c_int) :: yymmdd
end type params_block
type, bind(C) :: dec_data
integer(c_int) :: ipc(3)
real(c_float) :: ss(184,NSMAX)
real(c_float) :: savg(NSMAX)
real(c_float) :: sred(5760)
integer(c_short) :: id2(NMAX)
type(params_block) :: params
end type dec_data