Bill Somerville 873b1d1c43 Updated decode highlighting and LotW user's data file management
Includes a new settings facility  with the highlighting being contrled
by a new model class and a  modified QListView to display the data for
editing. Edits  include enable and  disable check boxes,  a contextual
pop-up menu to adjust backkground and foreground colours.

Still   to   be   implemented    are   priorities   for   highlighting
categories. This  will be adjustable  by drag  and drop in  the Colors
settings panel, it is already implemented by the priority order has no
effect on highlighting of decodes yet.

The LotW  users data file fetch  and time since user's  last upload is
now controled from the settings dialog.

This change also drops support for Qt versions before 5.5 so that many
workarounds for earlier versions can be removed.

Debug trace is slightly modified to make better use of the Qt built in
facilities to format and synchronize cross thread messaging.
2018-10-17 00:26:04 +01:00

281 lines
8.0 KiB

#include "LotWUsers.hpp"
#include <future>
#include <QHash>
#include <QString>
#include <QDate>
#include <QFile>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QDir>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QPointer>
#include <QSaveFile>
#include <QUrl>
#include <QNetworkAccessManager>
#include <QNetworkReply>
#include <QDebug>
#include "pimpl_impl.hpp"
#include "moc_LotWUsers.cpp"
// Dictionary mapping call sign to date of last upload to LotW
using dictionary = QHash<QString, QDate>;
class LotWUsers::impl final
: public QObject
impl (LotWUsers * self, QNetworkAccessManager * network_manager)
: self_ {self}
, network_manager_ {network_manager}
, url_valid_ {false}
, redirect_count_ {0}
, age_constraint_ {365}
void load (QString const& url, bool forced_fetch)
auto csv_file_name = csv_file_.fileName ();
abort (); // abort any active download
if (!QFileInfo::exists (csv_file_name) || forced_fetch)
current_url_.setUrl (url);
redirect_count_ = 0;
download (current_url_);
// load the database asynchronously
future_load_ = std::async (std::launch::async, &LotWUsers::impl::load_dictionary, this, csv_file_name);
void download (QUrl url)
if (QNetworkAccessManager::Accessible != network_manager_->networkAccessible ())
// try and recover network access for QNAM
network_manager_->setNetworkAccessible (QNetworkAccessManager::Accessible);
if (url.isValid () && !QSslSocket::supportsSsl ())
url.setScheme ("http");
QNetworkRequest request {url};
request.setRawHeader ("User-Agent", "WSJT LotW User Downloader");
request.setOriginatingObject (this);
// this blocks for a second or two the first time it is used on
// Windows - annoying
if (!url_valid_)
reply_ = network_manager_->head (request);
reply_ = network_manager_->get (request);
connect ( (), &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &LotWUsers::impl::reply_finished);
connect ( (), &QNetworkReply::readyRead, this, &LotWUsers::impl::store);
void reply_finished ()
if (!reply_)
Q_EMIT self_->load_finished ();
return; // we probably deleted it in an earlier call
QUrl redirect_url {reply_->attribute (QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute).toUrl ()};
if (reply_->error () == QNetworkReply::NoError && !redirect_url.isEmpty ())
if (++redirect_count_ < 10) // maintain sanity
// follow redirect
download (reply_->url ().resolved (redirect_url));
Q_EMIT self_->LotW_users_error (tr ("Network Error - Too many redirects:\n\'%1\'")
.arg (redirect_url.toDisplayString ()));
url_valid_ = false; // reset
Q_EMIT self_->load_finished ();
else if (reply_->error () != QNetworkReply::NoError)
csv_file_.cancelWriting ();
csv_file_.commit ();
url_valid_ = false; // reset
// report errors that are not due to abort
if (QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError != reply_->error ())
Q_EMIT self_->LotW_users_error (tr ("Network Error:\n%1")
.arg (reply_->errorString ()));
Q_EMIT self_->load_finished ();
if (url_valid_ && !csv_file_.commit ())
Q_EMIT self_->LotW_users_error (tr ("File System Error - Cannot commit changes to:\n\"%1\"")
.arg (csv_file_.fileName ()));
url_valid_ = false; // reset
Q_EMIT self_->load_finished ();
if (!url_valid_)
// now get the body content
url_valid_ = true;
download (reply_->url ().resolved (redirect_url));
url_valid_ = false; // reset
// load the database asynchronously
future_load_ = std::async (std::launch::async, &LotWUsers::impl::load_dictionary, this, csv_file_.fileName ());
if (reply_ && reply_->isFinished ())
reply_->deleteLater ();
void store ()
if (url_valid_)
if (!csv_file_.isOpen ())
// create temporary file in the final location
if (! (QSaveFile::WriteOnly))
abort ();
Q_EMIT self_->LotW_users_error (tr ("File System Error - Cannot open file:\n\"%1\"\nError(%2): %3")
.arg (csv_file_.fileName ())
.arg (csv_file_.error ())
.arg (csv_file_.errorString ()));
if (csv_file_.write (reply_->read (reply_->bytesAvailable ())) < 0)
abort ();
Q_EMIT self_->LotW_users_error (tr ("File System Error - Cannot write to file:\n\"%1\"\nError(%2): %3")
.arg (csv_file_.fileName ())
.arg (csv_file_.error ())
.arg (csv_file_.errorString ()));
void abort ()
if (reply_ && reply_->isRunning ())
reply_->abort ();
// Load the database from the given file name
// Expects the file to be in CSV format with no header with one
// record per line. Record fields are call sign followed by upload
// date in yyyy-MM-dd format followed by upload time (ignored)
dictionary load_dictionary (QString const& lotw_csv_file)
dictionary result;
QFile f {lotw_csv_file};
if ( (QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text))
QTextStream s {&f};
for (auto l = s.readLine (); !l.isNull (); l = s.readLine ())
auto pos = l.indexOf (',');
result[l.left (pos)] = QDate::fromString (l.mid (pos + 1, l.indexOf (',', pos + 1) - pos - 1), "yyyy-MM-dd");
// qDebug () << "LotW User Data Loaded";
throw std::runtime_error {QObject::tr ("Failed to open LotW users CSV file: '%1'").arg (f.fileName ()).toStdString ()};
return result;
LotWUsers * self_;
QNetworkAccessManager * network_manager_;
QSaveFile csv_file_;
bool url_valid_;
QUrl current_url_; // may be a redirect
int redirect_count_;
QPointer<QNetworkReply> reply_;
std::future<dictionary> future_load_;
dictionary last_uploaded_;
qint64 age_constraint_; // days
#include "LotWUsers.moc"
LotWUsers::LotWUsers (QNetworkAccessManager * network_manager, QObject * parent)
: QObject {parent}
, m_ {this, network_manager}
LotWUsers::~LotWUsers ()
void LotWUsers::set_local_file_path (QString const& path)
m_->csv_file_.setFileName (path);
void LotWUsers::load (QString const& url, bool force_download)
m_->load (url, force_download);
void LotWUsers::set_age_constraint (qint64 uploaded_since_days)
m_->age_constraint_ = uploaded_since_days;
bool LotWUsers::user (QString const& call) const
if (m_->future_load_.valid ())
// wait for the load to finish if necessary
const_cast<dictionary&> (m_->last_uploaded_) = const_cast<std::future<dictionary>&> (m_->future_load_).get ();
catch (std::exception const& e)
Q_EMIT LotW_users_error (e.what ());
Q_EMIT load_finished ();
auto p = m_->last_uploaded_.constFind (call);
if (p != m_->last_uploaded_.end ())
return p.value ().daysTo (QDate::currentDate ()) <= m_->age_constraint_;
return false;