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synced 2025-03-26 22:18:39 -04:00
this frequency set was causing CAT command rejections on some Icom rigs when using WSPR auto tune-up with the rig's built-in auto-ATU anabled. The issue relates to a PTT-set, tune, PTT-reset, set-frequency sequence where the rig's ATU is still tuning while the PTT is reset. Since this should only happen in WSPR mode where split operating is not used it should resolve the issue.
286 lines
6.8 KiB
286 lines
6.8 KiB
#include "TransceiverBase.hpp"
#include <exception>
#include <QString>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QThread>
#include <QDebug>
#include "moc_TransceiverBase.cpp"
auto const unexpected = TransceiverBase::tr ("Unexpected rig error");
void TransceiverBase::start (unsigned sequence_number) noexcept
CAT_TRACE ("#: " << sequence_number);
QString message;
last_sequence_number_ = sequence_number;
may_update u {this, true};
shutdown ();
startup ();
catch (std::exception const& e)
CAT_TRACE ("#: " << sequence_number << " what: " << e.what ());
message = e.what ();
catch (...)
CAT_TRACE ("#: " << sequence_number);
message = unexpected;
if (!message.isEmpty ())
offline (message);
void TransceiverBase::set (TransceiverState const& s,
unsigned sequence_number) noexcept
CAT_TRACE ("#: " << s);
QString message;
last_sequence_number_ = sequence_number;
may_update u {this, true};
bool was_online {requested_.online ()};
if (!s.online () && was_online)
shutdown ();
else if (s.online () && !was_online)
shutdown ();
startup ();
if (requested_.online ())
bool ptt_on {false};
bool ptt_off {false};
if (s.ptt () != requested_.ptt ())
ptt_on = s.ptt ();
ptt_off = !s.ptt ();
if (ptt_off)
do_ptt (false);
do_post_ptt (false);
QThread::msleep (100); // some rigs cannot process CAT
// commands while switching from
// Tx to Rx
if (s.frequency () // ignore bogus zero frequencies
&& ((s.frequency () != requested_.frequency () // and QSY
|| (s.mode () != UNK && s.mode () != requested_.mode ())))) // or mode change
do_frequency (s.frequency (), s.mode (), ptt_off);
do_post_frequency (s.frequency (), s.mode ());
// record what actually changed
requested_.frequency (actual_.frequency ());
requested_.mode (actual_.mode ());
if (!s.tx_frequency ()
|| (s.tx_frequency () > 10000 // ignore bogus startup values
&& s.tx_frequency () < std::numeric_limits<Frequency>::max () - 10000))
if ((s.tx_frequency () != requested_.tx_frequency () // and QSY
|| (s.mode () != UNK && s.mode () != requested_.mode ())) // or mode change
// || s.split () != requested_.split ())) // or split change
|| (s.tx_frequency () && ptt_on)) // or about to tx split
do_tx_frequency (s.tx_frequency (), s.mode (), ptt_on);
do_post_tx_frequency (s.tx_frequency (), s.mode ());
// record what actually changed
requested_.tx_frequency (actual_.tx_frequency ());
requested_.split (actual_.split ());
if (ptt_on)
do_ptt (true);
do_post_ptt (true);
QThread::msleep (100); // some rigs cannot process CAT
// commands while switching from
// Rx to Tx
// record what actually changed
requested_.ptt (actual_.ptt ());
catch (std::exception const& e)
CAT_TRACE ("#: " << sequence_number << " what: " << e.what ());
message = e.what ();
catch (...)
CAT_TRACE ("#: " << sequence_number << " " << sequence_number);
message = unexpected;
if (!message.isEmpty ())
offline (message);
void TransceiverBase::startup ()
CAT_TRACE ("startup");
QString message;
actual_.online (true);
requested_.online (true);
auto res = do_start ();
do_post_start ();
Q_EMIT resolution (res);
catch (std::exception const& e)
CAT_TRACE ("startup" << " what: " << e.what ());
message = e.what ();
catch (...)
CAT_TRACE ("startup");
message = unexpected;
if (!message.isEmpty ())
offline (message);
void TransceiverBase::shutdown ()
CAT_TRACE ("shutdown");
may_update u {this};
if (requested_.online ())
// try and ensure PTT isn't left set
do_ptt (false);
do_post_ptt (false);
if (requested_.split ())
// try and reset split mode
do_tx_frequency (0, UNK, true);
do_post_tx_frequency (0, UNK);
do_stop ();
do_post_stop ();
catch (...)
CAT_TRACE ("shutdown");
// don't care about exceptions
actual_ = TransceiverState {};
requested_ = TransceiverState {};
void TransceiverBase::stop () noexcept
CAT_TRACE ("stop");
QString message;
shutdown ();
catch (std::exception const& e)
CAT_TRACE ("stop" << " what: " << e.what ());
message = e.what ();
catch (...)
CAT_TRACE ("stop");
message = unexpected;
if (!message.isEmpty ())
offline (message);
Q_EMIT finished ();
void TransceiverBase::update_rx_frequency (Frequency rx)
CAT_TRACE ("frequency: " << rx);
if (rx)
actual_.frequency (rx);
requested_.frequency (rx); // track rig changes
void TransceiverBase::update_other_frequency (Frequency tx)
CAT_TRACE ("frequency: " << tx);
actual_.tx_frequency (tx);
void TransceiverBase::update_split (bool state)
CAT_TRACE ("state: " << state);
actual_.split (state);
void TransceiverBase::update_mode (MODE m)
CAT_TRACE ("mode: " << m);
actual_.mode (m);
requested_.mode (m); // track rig changes
void TransceiverBase::update_PTT (bool state)
CAT_TRACE ("state: " << state);
actual_.ptt (state);
void TransceiverBase::update_complete (bool force_signal)
CAT_TRACE ("force signal: " << force_signal);
if ((do_pre_update ()
&& actual_ != last_)
|| force_signal)
Q_EMIT update (actual_, last_sequence_number_);
last_ = actual_;
void TransceiverBase::offline (QString const& reason)
CAT_TRACE ("reason: " << reason);
Q_EMIT failure (reason);
shutdown ();
catch (...)
CAT_TRACE ("reason: " << reason);
// don't care