mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 19:48:54 -04:00
1082 lines
33 KiB
1082 lines
33 KiB
#include "BWFFile.hpp"
#include <cstring>
#include <numeric>
#include <algorithm>
#include <qendian.h>
#include <QAudioFormat>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QDate>
#include <QTime>
#include <QString>
#include <QUuid>
#include "pimpl_impl.hpp"
#include "moc_BWFFile.cpp"
// chunk descriptor
struct Desc
Desc ()
: size_ {0}
explicit Desc (char const * id, quint32 size = 0)
: size_ {size}
set (id);
void set (char const * id = nullptr)
if (id)
auto end = reinterpret_cast<char const *> (::memchr (id, '\0', 4u));
auto len = end ? end - id : 4u;
::memcpy (id_.data (), id, len);
if (len < 4u)
memset (id_.data () + len, ' ', 4u - len);
::memcpy (id_.data (), "JUNK", 4u);
void set (char const * id, quint32 size)
set (id);
size_ = size;
char * operator & () {return reinterpret_cast<char *> (this);}
char const * operator & () const {return reinterpret_cast<char const *> (this);}
std::array<char, 4> id_;
quint32 size_;
// "fmt " chunk contents
struct FormatChunk
quint16 audio_format;
quint16 num_channels;
quint32 sample_rate;
quint32 byte_rate;
quint16 block_align;
quint16 bits_per_sample;
// "bext" chunk contents
struct BroadcastAudioExtension
using Version = BWFFile::BextVersion;
using UMID = BWFFile::UMID;
BroadcastAudioExtension (Version version = Version::v_0)
: version_ {static_cast<quint16> (version)}
, umid_ {{}}
// set some sensible defaults for the "bext" fields
auto now = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ();
::memcpy (origination_date_,
now.date ().toString ("yyyy-MM-dd").toLocal8Bit ().constData (),
sizeof origination_date_);
::memcpy (origination_time_,
now.time ().toString ("hh-mm-ss").toLocal8Bit ().constData (),
sizeof origination_time_);
auto uuid = QUuid::createUuid ().toRfc4122 ();
std::copy (uuid.cbegin (), uuid.cend (), umid_.data () + 16);
char description_[256];
char originator_[32];
char originator_reference_[32];
char origination_date_[10];
char origination_time_[10];
quint32 time_reference_low_;
quint32 time_reference_high_;
quint16 version_;
UMID umid_; // V1 zero for V0
quint16 loudness_value_; // V2
quint16 loudness_range_; // V2
quint16 max_true_peak_level_; // V2
quint16 max_momentary_loudness_; // V2
quint16 max_short_term_loudness_; // V2
quint8 reserved_[180];
char coding_history_[];
class BWFFile::impl final
using FileError = QFile::FileError;
impl (QAudioFormat const& format)
: header_dirty_ {true}
, format_ {format}
, header_length_ {-1}
, data_size_ {-1}
, error_ {FileError::NoError}
impl (QAudioFormat const& format, QString const& name)
: header_dirty_ {true}
, format_ {format}
, file_ {name}
, header_length_ {-1}
, data_size_ {-1}
, error_ {FileError::NoError}
impl (QAudioFormat const& format, QString const& name, InfoDictionary const& dictionary)
: header_dirty_ {true}
, format_ {format}
, file_ {name}
, info_dictionary_ {dictionary}
, header_length_ {-1}
, data_size_ {-1}
, error_ {FileError::NoError}
~impl ()
if (file_.isOpen ()) file_.close ();
bool initialize (BWFFile * self, OpenMode mode);
bool read_header ();
bool write_header (QAudioFormat);
bool update_header ();
BroadcastAudioExtension const * bext () const
return bext_.isEmpty () ? nullptr : reinterpret_cast<BroadcastAudioExtension const *> (bext_.constData ());
BroadcastAudioExtension * bext ()
if (bext_.isEmpty ()) // create a "bext" chunk in place
bext_.data ();
bext_.fill ('\0', sizeof (BroadcastAudioExtension));
new (bext_.data ()) BroadcastAudioExtension {};
return reinterpret_cast<BroadcastAudioExtension *> (bext_.data ());
bool header_dirty_;
QAudioFormat format_;
QFile file_;
QByteArray bext_;
InfoDictionary info_dictionary_;
qint64 header_length_;
qint64 data_size_;
FileError error_;
bool BWFFile::impl::initialize (BWFFile * self, OpenMode mode)
bool result {false};
if (mode & Append)
result = file_.seek (file_.size ());
if (result) result = self->seek (file_.size () - header_length_);
result = self->seek (0);
return result;
bool BWFFile::impl::read_header ()
header_length_ = -1;
data_size_ = -1;
if (!(file_.openMode () & ReadOnly)) return false;
if (!file_.seek (0)) return false;
Desc outer_desc;
quint32 outer_offset = file_.pos ();
quint32 outer_size {0};
bool be {false};
while (outer_offset < sizeof outer_desc + outer_desc.size_ - 1) // allow for uncounted pad
if (file_.read (&outer_desc, sizeof outer_desc) != sizeof outer_desc) return false;
be = !memcmp (&outer_desc.id_, "RIFX", 4);
outer_size = be ? qFromBigEndian<quint32> (outer_desc.size_) : qFromLittleEndian<quint32> (outer_desc.size_);
if (!memcmp (&outer_desc.id_, "RIFF", 4) || be)
char riff_item[4];
if (file_.read (riff_item, sizeof riff_item) != sizeof riff_item) return false;
if (!memcmp (riff_item, "WAVE", 4))
Desc wave_desc;
quint32 wave_offset = file_.pos ();
quint32 wave_size {0};
while (wave_offset < outer_offset + sizeof outer_desc + outer_size - 1)
if (file_.read (&wave_desc, sizeof wave_desc) != sizeof wave_desc) return false;
wave_size = be ? qFromBigEndian<quint32> (wave_desc.size_) : qFromLittleEndian<quint32> (wave_desc.size_);
if (!memcmp (&wave_desc.id_, "bext", 4))
bext_ = file_.read (wave_size);
if (!memcmp (&wave_desc.id_, "fmt ", 4))
FormatChunk fmt;
if (file_.read (reinterpret_cast<char *> (&fmt), sizeof fmt) != sizeof fmt) return false;
auto audio_format = be ? qFromBigEndian<quint16> (fmt.audio_format) : qFromLittleEndian<quint16> (fmt.audio_format);
if (audio_format != 0 && audio_format != 1) return false; // not PCM nor undefined
format_.setByteOrder (be ? QAudioFormat::BigEndian : QAudioFormat::LittleEndian);
format_.setChannelCount (be ? qFromBigEndian<quint16> (fmt.num_channels) : qFromLittleEndian<quint16> (fmt.num_channels));
format_.setCodec ("audio/pcm");
format_.setSampleRate (be ? qFromBigEndian<quint32> (fmt.sample_rate) : qFromLittleEndian<quint32> (fmt.sample_rate));
int bits_per_sample {be ? qFromBigEndian<quint16> (fmt.bits_per_sample) : qFromLittleEndian<quint16> (fmt.bits_per_sample)};
format_.setSampleSize (bits_per_sample);
format_.setSampleType (8 == bits_per_sample ? QAudioFormat::UnSignedInt : QAudioFormat::SignedInt);
else if (!memcmp (&wave_desc.id_, "data", 4))
data_size_ = wave_size;
header_length_ = file_.pos ();
else if (!memcmp (&wave_desc.id_, "LIST", 4))
char list_type[4];
if (file_.read (list_type, sizeof list_type) != sizeof list_type) return false;
if (!memcmp (list_type, "INFO", 4))
Desc info_desc;
quint32 info_offset = file_.pos ();
quint32 info_size {0};
while (info_offset < wave_offset + sizeof wave_desc + wave_size - 1)
if (file_.read (&info_desc, sizeof info_desc) != sizeof info_desc) return false;
info_size = be ? qFromBigEndian<quint32> (info_desc.size_) : qFromLittleEndian<quint32> (info_desc.size_);
info_dictionary_[info_desc.id_] = file_.read (info_size);
if (!file_.seek (info_offset + sizeof info_desc + (info_size + 1) / 2 * 2)) return false;;
info_offset = file_.pos ();
if (!file_.seek (wave_offset + sizeof wave_desc + (wave_size + 1) / 2 * 2)) return false;
wave_offset = file_.pos ();
if (!file_.seek (outer_offset + sizeof outer_desc + (outer_size + 1) / 2 * 2)) return false;
outer_offset = file_.pos ();
return data_size_ >= 0 && file_.seek (header_length_);
bool BWFFile::impl::write_header (QAudioFormat format)
data_size_ = -1;
if ("audio/pcm" != format.codec ()) return false;
if (!(file_.openMode () & WriteOnly)) return false;
if (!file_.seek (0)) return false;
header_length_ = 0;
bool be {QAudioFormat::BigEndian == format_.byteOrder ()};
Desc desc {be ? "RIFX" : "RIFF"};
if (file_.write (&desc, sizeof desc) != sizeof desc) return false;
header_dirty_ = true;
if (file_.write ("WAVE", 4) != 4) return false;
FormatChunk fmt;
if (be)
fmt.audio_format = qToBigEndian<quint16> (1); // PCM
fmt.num_channels = qToBigEndian<quint16> (format.channelCount ());
fmt.sample_rate = qToBigEndian<quint32> (format.sampleRate ());
fmt.byte_rate = qToBigEndian<quint32> (format.bytesForDuration (1000000));
fmt.block_align = qToBigEndian<quint16> (format.bytesPerFrame ());
fmt.bits_per_sample = qToBigEndian<quint16> (format.sampleSize ());
desc.set ("fmt", qToBigEndian<quint32> (sizeof fmt));
fmt.audio_format = qToLittleEndian<quint16> (1); // PCM
fmt.num_channels = qToLittleEndian<quint16> (format.channelCount ());
fmt.sample_rate = qToLittleEndian<quint32> (format.sampleRate ());
fmt.byte_rate = qToLittleEndian<quint32> (format.bytesForDuration (1000000));
fmt.block_align = qToLittleEndian<quint16> (format.bytesPerFrame ());
fmt.bits_per_sample = qToLittleEndian<quint16> (format.sampleSize ());
desc.set ("fmt", qToLittleEndian<quint32> (sizeof fmt));
if (file_.write (&desc, sizeof desc) != sizeof desc) return false;
if (file_.write (reinterpret_cast<char const *> (&fmt), sizeof fmt) != sizeof fmt) return false;
desc.set ("data");
if (file_.write (&desc, sizeof desc) != sizeof desc) return false;
header_length_ = file_.pos ();
return true;
bool BWFFile::impl::update_header ()
if (header_length_ < 0 || !(file_.openMode () & WriteOnly)) return false;
auto position = file_.pos ();
bool be {QAudioFormat::BigEndian == format_.byteOrder ()};
Desc desc;
auto size = data_size_ < 0 ? file_.size () - header_length_ : data_size_;
if (!file_.seek (header_length_ - sizeof desc)) return false;
desc.set ("data", be ? qToBigEndian<quint32> (size) : qToLittleEndian<quint32> (size));
if (file_.write (&desc, sizeof desc) != sizeof desc) return false;
if (!bext_.isEmpty ())
if (!file_.seek (file_.size ())) return false;
auto size = bext_.size ();
desc.set ("bext", be ? qToBigEndian<quint32> (size) : qToLittleEndian<quint32> (size));
if ((file_.size () % 2) && file_.write ("\0", 1) != 1) return false;
if (file_.write (&desc, sizeof desc) != sizeof desc) return false;
auto * data = reinterpret_cast<BroadcastAudioExtension *> (bext_.data ());
if (be)
data->time_reference_low_ = qToBigEndian<quint32> (data->time_reference_low_);
data->time_reference_high_ = qToBigEndian<quint32> (data->time_reference_high_);
switch (static_cast<BextVersion> (data->version_))
case BextVersion::v_0:
data->version_ = qToBigEndian<quint32> (data->version_);
// fall through
data->loudness_value_ = qToBigEndian<quint16> (data->loudness_value_);
data->loudness_range_ = qToBigEndian<quint16> (data->loudness_range_);
data->max_true_peak_level_ = qToBigEndian<quint16> (data->max_true_peak_level_);
data->max_momentary_loudness_ = qToBigEndian<quint16> (data->max_momentary_loudness_);
data->max_short_term_loudness_ = qToBigEndian<quint16> (data->max_short_term_loudness_);
data->time_reference_low_ = qToLittleEndian<quint32> (data->time_reference_low_);
data->time_reference_high_ = qToLittleEndian<quint32> (data->time_reference_high_);
switch (static_cast<BextVersion> (data->version_))
case BextVersion::v_0:
data->version_ = qToLittleEndian<quint32> (data->version_);
// fall through
data->loudness_value_ = qToLittleEndian<quint16> (data->loudness_value_);
data->loudness_range_ = qToLittleEndian<quint16> (data->loudness_range_);
data->max_true_peak_level_ = qToLittleEndian<quint16> (data->max_true_peak_level_);
data->max_momentary_loudness_ = qToLittleEndian<quint16> (data->max_momentary_loudness_);
data->max_short_term_loudness_ = qToLittleEndian<quint16> (data->max_short_term_loudness_);
if (file_.write (bext_) != size) return false;
if (info_dictionary_.size ())
if (!file_.seek (file_.size ())) return false;
desc.set ("LIST");
if ((file_.size () % 2) && file_.write ("\0", 1) != 1) return false;
if (file_.write (&desc, sizeof desc) != sizeof desc) return false;
auto list_start = file_.pos ();
if (file_.write ("INFO", 4) != 4) return false;
for (auto iter = info_dictionary_.constBegin ()
; iter != info_dictionary_.constEnd (); ++iter)
auto value = iter.value ();
auto len = value.size () + 1; // include terminating null char
desc.set (iter.key ().data (), be ? qToBigEndian<quint32> (len) : qToLittleEndian<quint32> (len));
if ((file_.size () % 2) && file_.write ("\0", 1) != 1) return false;
if (file_.write (&desc, sizeof desc) != sizeof desc) return false;
if (file_.write (value.constData (), len) != len) return false;
auto size = file_.pos () - list_start;
if (!file_.seek (list_start - sizeof desc)) return false;
desc.set ("LIST", be ? qToBigEndian<quint32> (size) : qToLittleEndian<quint32> (size));
if (file_.write (&desc, sizeof desc) != sizeof desc) return false;
size = file_.size () - sizeof desc;
if ((file_.size () % 2) && file_.seek (file_.size ()) && file_.write ("\0", 1) != 1) return false;
if (!file_.seek (0)) return false;
desc.set (be ? "RIFX" : "RIFF", be ? qToBigEndian<quint32> (size) : qToLittleEndian<quint32> (size));
if (file_.write (&desc, sizeof desc) != sizeof desc) return false;
return file_.seek (position);
// BWFFile implementation
BWFFile::BWFFile (QAudioFormat const& format, QObject * parent)
: QIODevice {parent}
, m_ {format}
BWFFile::BWFFile (QAudioFormat const& format, QString const& name, QObject * parent)
: QIODevice {parent}
, m_ {format, name}
BWFFile::BWFFile (QAudioFormat const& format, QString const& name
, InfoDictionary const& dictionary, QObject * parent)
: QIODevice {parent}
, m_ {format, name, dictionary}
BWFFile::~BWFFile ()
if (isOpen ()) close ();
bool BWFFile::open (OpenMode mode)
bool success {false};
if (!(mode & WriteOnly))
if (!(success = m_->file_.open (mode & ~Text)))
setErrorString (m_->file_.errorString ());
if (!(success = m_->read_header ()))
if (FileError::NoError == m_->file_.error ())
setErrorString ("Unable to read file header");
m_->error_ = FileError::ReadError;
setErrorString (m_->file_.errorString ());
if (!(success = m_->file_.open (mode & ~Text)))
setErrorString (m_->file_.errorString ());
if (!(success = (m_->read_header () || m_->write_header (m_->format_))))
if (FileError::NoError == m_->file_.error ())
setErrorString ("Unable to update file header");
m_->error_ = FileError::WriteError;
setErrorString (m_->file_.errorString ());
else if (!(success = m_->file_.resize (m_->header_length_)))
setErrorString (m_->file_.errorString ());
success && (success = QIODevice::open (mode | Unbuffered));
if (success && !(success = m_->initialize (this, mode)))
if (FileError::NoError == m_->file_.error ())
setErrorString ("Unable to initialize file header");
m_->error_ = FileError::WriteError;
setErrorString (m_->file_.errorString ());
if (!success) close ();
return success;
bool BWFFile::open(FILE * fh, OpenMode mode, FileHandleFlags flags)
bool success {false};
if (!(mode & ReadOnly))
setErrorString ("Read or read/write access must be specified");
m_->error_ = FileError::OpenError;
return success;
if (!(mode & WriteOnly))
if (!(success = m_->file_.open (fh, mode & ~Text, flags)))
setErrorString (m_->file_.errorString ());
if (!(success = m_->read_header ()))
if (FileError::NoError == m_->file_.error ())
setErrorString ("Unable to read file header");
m_->error_ = FileError::ReadError;
setErrorString (m_->file_.errorString ());
if (!(success = m_->file_.open (fh, mode & ~Text, flags)))
setErrorString (m_->file_.errorString ());
if (!(success = (m_->read_header () || m_->write_header (m_->format_))))
if (FileError::NoError == m_->file_.error ())
setErrorString ("Unable to update file header");
m_->error_ = FileError::WriteError;
setErrorString (m_->file_.errorString ());
else if (!(success = m_->file_.resize (m_->header_length_)))
setErrorString (m_->file_.errorString ());
success && (success = QIODevice::open (mode | Unbuffered));
if (success && !(success = m_->initialize (this, mode)))
if (FileError::NoError == m_->file_.error ())
setErrorString ("Unable to initialize file header");
m_->error_ = FileError::WriteError;
setErrorString (m_->file_.errorString ());
if (!success) close ();
return success;
bool BWFFile::open (int fd, OpenMode mode, FileHandleFlags flags)
bool success {false};
if (!(mode & ReadOnly))
setErrorString ("Read or read/write access must be specified");
m_->error_ = FileError::OpenError;
return success;
if (!(mode & WriteOnly))
if (!(success = m_->file_.open (fd, mode & ~Text, flags)))
setErrorString (m_->file_.errorString ());
if (!(success = m_->read_header ()))
if (FileError::NoError == m_->file_.error ())
setErrorString ("Unable to read file header");
m_->error_ = FileError::ReadError;
setErrorString (m_->file_.errorString ());
if (!(success = m_->file_.open (fd, mode & ~Text, flags)))
setErrorString (m_->file_.errorString ());
if (!(success = (m_->read_header () || m_->write_header (m_->format_))))
if (FileError::NoError == m_->file_.error ())
setErrorString ("Unable to update file header");
m_->error_ = FileError::WriteError;
setErrorString (m_->file_.errorString ());
else if (!(success = m_->file_.resize (m_->header_length_)))
setErrorString (m_->file_.errorString ());
success && (success = QIODevice::open (mode | Unbuffered));
if (success && !(success = m_->initialize (this, mode)))
if (FileError::NoError == m_->file_.error ())
setErrorString ("Unable to initialize file header");
m_->error_ = FileError::WriteError;
setErrorString (m_->file_.errorString ());
if (!success) close ();
return success;
QAudioFormat const& BWFFile::format () const {return m_->format_;}
auto BWFFile::list_info () -> InfoDictionary&
m_->header_dirty_ = true;
return m_->info_dictionary_;
// Broadcast Audio Extension fields
auto BWFFile::bext_version () const -> BextVersion
return static_cast<BextVersion> (m_->bext () ? 0 : m_->bext ()->version_);
void BWFFile::bext_version (BextVersion version)
m_->header_dirty_ = true;
m_->bext ()->version_ = static_cast<quint16> (version);
QByteArray BWFFile::bext_description () const
if (!m_->bext ()) return {};
return QByteArray::fromRawData (m_->bext ()->description_, strlen (m_->bext ()->description_));
void BWFFile::bext_description (QByteArray const& description)
m_->header_dirty_ = true;
::memcpy (m_->bext ()->description_, description.constData (), sizeof BroadcastAudioExtension::description_);
QByteArray BWFFile::bext_originator () const
if (!m_->bext ()) return {};
return QByteArray::fromRawData (m_->bext ()->originator_, strlen (m_->bext ()->originator_));
void BWFFile::bext_originator (QByteArray const& originator)
m_->header_dirty_ = true;
::memcpy (m_->bext ()->originator_, originator.constData (), sizeof BroadcastAudioExtension::originator_);
QByteArray BWFFile::bext_originator_reference () const
if (!m_->bext ()) return {};
return QByteArray::fromRawData (m_->bext ()->originator_reference_, strlen (m_->bext ()->originator_reference_));
void BWFFile::bext_originator_reference (QByteArray const& reference)
m_->header_dirty_ = true;
::memcpy (m_->bext ()->originator_reference_, reference.constData (), sizeof BroadcastAudioExtension::originator_reference_);
QDateTime BWFFile::bext_origination_date_time () const
if (!m_->bext ()) return {};
return {QDate::fromString (m_->bext ()->origination_date_, "yyyy-MM-dd"),
QTime::fromString (m_->bext ()->origination_time_, "hh-mm-ss"), Qt::UTC};
void BWFFile::bext_origination_date_time (QDateTime const& dt)
m_->header_dirty_ = true;
::memcpy (m_->bext ()->origination_date_,
dt.date ().toString ("yyyy-MM-dd").toLocal8Bit ().constData (),
sizeof BroadcastAudioExtension::origination_date_);
::memcpy (m_->bext ()->origination_time_,
dt.time ().toString ("hh-mm-ss").toLocal8Bit ().constData (),
sizeof BroadcastAudioExtension::origination_time_);
quint64 BWFFile::bext_time_reference () const
if (!m_->bext ()) return 0;
return (quint64 (m_->bext ()->time_reference_high_) << 32) + m_->bext ()->time_reference_low_;
void BWFFile::bext_time_reference (quint64 time_code)
m_->header_dirty_ = true;
m_->bext ()->time_reference_low_ = time_code & 0x00000000ffffffffll;
m_->bext ()->time_reference_high_ = time_code >> 32;
auto BWFFile::bext_umid () const -> UMID
UMID umid {{'\0'}};
if (m_->bext ())
umid = m_->bext ()->umid_;
return umid;
void BWFFile::bext_umid (UMID const& umid)
m_->header_dirty_ = true;
m_->bext ()->umid_ = umid;
quint16 BWFFile::bext_loudness_value () const
if (!m_->bext ()) return 0;
return m_->bext ()->loudness_value_;
void BWFFile::bext_loudness_value (quint16 value)
m_->header_dirty_ = true;
m_->bext ()->loudness_value_ = value;
quint16 BWFFile::bext_loudness_range () const
if (!m_->bext ()) return 0;
return m_->bext ()->loudness_range_;
void BWFFile::bext_loudness_range (quint16 range)
m_->header_dirty_ = true;
m_->bext ()->loudness_range_ = range;
quint16 BWFFile::bext_max_true_peak_level () const
if (!m_->bext ()) return 0;
return m_->bext ()->max_true_peak_level_;
void BWFFile::bext_max_true_peak_level (quint16 level)
m_->header_dirty_ = true;
m_->bext ()->max_true_peak_level_ = level;
quint16 BWFFile::bext_max_momentary_loudness () const
if (!m_->bext ()) return 0;
return m_->bext ()->max_momentary_loudness_;
void BWFFile::bext_max_momentary_loudness (quint16 loudness)
m_->header_dirty_ = true;
m_->bext ()->max_momentary_loudness_ = loudness;
quint16 BWFFile::bext_max_short_term_loudness () const
if (!m_->bext ()) return 0;
return m_->bext ()->max_short_term_loudness_;
void BWFFile::bext_max_short_term_loudness (quint16 loudness)
m_->header_dirty_ = true;
m_->bext ()->max_short_term_loudness_ = loudness;
QByteArray BWFFile::bext_coding_history () const
if (size_t (m_->bext_.size ()) <= sizeof (BroadcastAudioExtension)) return {};
return QByteArray::fromRawData (m_->bext ()->coding_history_,
m_->bext_.size () - sizeof (BroadcastAudioExtension));
void BWFFile::bext_coding_history (QByteArray const& text)
m_->header_dirty_ = true;
m_->bext (); // ensure we have a correctly
// initialized m_->bext_
auto end = static_cast<char const *> (::memchr (text.constData (), '\0', size_t (text.size ())));
auto length = end ? end - text.constData () : size_t (text.size ());
m_->bext_.resize (sizeof (BroadcastAudioExtension) + length);
std::strncpy (m_->bext ()->coding_history_, text.constData (), length);
bool BWFFile::reset ()
bool success {true};
if (m_->file_.isOpen ())
m_->info_dictionary_.clear ();
m_->bext_.clear ();
auto size = m_->data_size_ < 0 ? m_->file_.size () - m_->header_length_ : m_->data_size_;
m_->data_size_ = size;
if (m_->header_length_ > qint64 (3 * sizeof (Desc) + 4 + sizeof (FormatChunk)))
// we need to move the data down
auto old_pos = m_->header_length_;
if (!(success = m_->write_header (m_->format_)))
auto new_pos = m_->header_length_;
QByteArray buffer;
while (size)
success = m_->file_.seek (old_pos);
if (!success)
setErrorString (m_->file_.errorString ());
buffer = m_->file_.read (std::min (size, qint64 (32768)));
success = m_->file_.seek (new_pos);
if (!success)
setErrorString (m_->file_.errorString ());
qint64 bytes = m_->file_.write (buffer);
if (bytes < 0)
setErrorString (m_->file_.errorString ());
success = false;
new_pos += buffer.size ();
old_pos += buffer.size ();
size -= buffer.size ();
if (FileError::NoError == m_->file_.error ())
setErrorString ("Unable to update file header");
m_->error_ = FileError::WriteError;
setErrorString (m_->file_.errorString ());
return success;
if (success)
success = m_->file_.resize (m_->header_length_ + m_->data_size_);
if (!success)
setErrorString (m_->file_.errorString ());
m_->header_dirty_ = true;
setErrorString ("File not open");
m_->error_ = FileError::WriteError;
success = false;
return success && QIODevice::reset ();
qint64 BWFFile::size () const
return m_->data_size_ < 0 ? m_->file_.size () - m_->header_length_ : m_->data_size_;
bool BWFFile::isSequential () const
return m_->file_.isSequential ();
void BWFFile::close ()
if (isOpen ()) QIODevice::close ();
if (m_->header_dirty_ || m_->data_size_ < 0)
m_->update_header ();
if (m_->file_.isOpen ())
m_->file_.close ();
bool BWFFile::seek (qint64 pos)
if (pos < 0)
setErrorString ("Attempt to seek before beginning of data");
m_->error_ = FileError::PositionError;
return false;
bool success = QIODevice::seek (pos);
if (success)
success = m_->file_.seek (pos + m_->header_length_);
if (!success) setErrorString (m_->file_.errorString ());
return success;
qint64 BWFFile::readData (char * data, qint64 max_size)
return m_->file_.read (data, max_size);
qint64 BWFFile::writeData (char const* data, qint64 max_size)
auto bytes = m_->file_.write (data, max_size);
if (bytes > 0 && atEnd ())
m_->header_dirty_ = true;
m_->data_size_ = -1;
return bytes;
// forward to QFile
bool BWFFile::copy (QString const& new_name)
close ();
return m_->file_.copy (new_name);
bool BWFFile::exists () const {return m_->file_.exists ();}
bool BWFFile::link (QString const& link_name) {return m_->file_.link (link_name);}
bool BWFFile::remove ()
close ();
return m_->file_.remove ();
bool BWFFile::rename (QString const& new_name)
close ();
return m_->file_.rename (new_name);
void BWFFile::setFileName (QString const& name) {m_->file_.setFileName (name);}
QString BWFFile::symLinkTarget () const {return m_->file_.symLinkTarget ();}
QString BWFFile::fileName () const {return m_->file_.fileName ();}
auto BWFFile::permissions () const -> Permissions {return m_->file_.permissions ();}
bool BWFFile::resize (qint64 new_size)
auto size = m_->file_.size ();
if (pos () > new_size) seek (new_size);
auto result = m_->file_.resize (m_->header_length_ + new_size);
if (m_->data_size_ >= 0)
// set any fresh bytes to zero
auto end_of_data = m_->header_length_ + m_->data_size_;
auto length = std::min (size - end_of_data, m_->file_.size () - end_of_data);
if (length > 0)
auto position = m_->file_.pos ();
m_->file_.seek (m_->header_length_ + m_->data_size_);
m_->file_.write (QByteArray {int (length), '\0'});
m_->file_.seek (position);
m_->data_size_ = -1;
m_->header_dirty_ = true;
return result;
bool BWFFile::setPermissions (Permissions permissions)
bool success = m_->file_.setPermissions (permissions);
if (!success) setErrorString (m_->file_.errorString ());
return success;
auto BWFFile::error () const -> FileError
return m_->error_ != FileError::NoError ? m_->error_ : m_->file_.error ();
bool BWFFile::flush ()
bool success = m_->file_.flush ();
if (!success) setErrorString (m_->file_.errorString ());
return success;
int BWFFile::handle () const
int h {m_->file_.handle ()};
if (h < 0) const_cast<BWFFile *> (this)->setErrorString (m_->file_.errorString ());
return h;
uchar * BWFFile::map (qint64 offset, qint64 size, MemoryMapFlags flags)
uchar * address = m_->file_.map (offset + m_->header_length_, size, flags);
if (!address) setErrorString (m_->file_.errorString ());
return address;
bool BWFFile::unmap (uchar * address)
bool success = m_->file_.unmap (address);
if (!success) setErrorString (m_->file_.errorString ());
return success;
void BWFFile::unsetError ()
m_->error_ = FileError::NoError;
m_->file_.unsetError ();