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synced 2025-03-31 16:38:35 -04:00
Includes a re-factoring of the WSPRNet class, particularly to handle direct spot posts as well as via a file from wsprd. Switched from GET http request method to POST method. FST4W spots post the same information a WSPR spots except the drift field is always zero (FST4W has no drift compensation, so no drift figure is calculated by the decoder), and the mode field reflects the T/R period in minutes. This means FST4W-120A will be similar to WSPR-2, an FST4W-900 will be similar to WSPR-15. I don't see any way to view the mode field on either the new or old database format queries on WSPRnet, so it is hard to tell if that field is actually stored.
334 lines
10 KiB
334 lines
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// Interface to WSPRnet website
// by Edson Pereira - PY2SDR
#include "wsprnet.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QFile>
#include <QRegExp>
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <QNetworkAccessManager>
#include <QNetworkRequest>
#include <QNetworkReply>
#include <QUrl>
#include <QDebug>
#include "moc_wsprnet.cpp"
char const * const wsprNetUrl = "http://wsprnet.org/post/";
//char const * const wsprNetUrl = "";
// tested with this python REST mock of WSPRNet.org
# Mock WSPRNet.org RESTful API
from flask import Flask, request, url_for
from flask_restful import Resource, Api
app = Flask(__name__)
@app.route ('/post/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def spot ():
if request.method == 'POST':
print (request.form)
return "1 spot(s) added"
with app.test_request_context ():
print (url_for ('spot'))
// regexp to parse FST4W decodes
QRegularExpression fst4_re {R"(
)", QRegularExpression::ExtendedPatternSyntaxOption};
// regexp to parse wspr_spots.txt from wsprd
// 130223 2256 7 -21 -0.3 14.097090 DU1MGA PK04 37 0 40 0
// Date Time Sync dBm DT Freq Msg
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 -------7------ 8 9 10
QRegularExpression wspr_re(R"(^(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+([+-]?\d+)\s+([+-]?\d+\.\d+)\s+(\d+\.\d+)\s+([^ ].*[^ ])\s+([+-]?\d+)\s+([+-]?\d+)\s+([+-]?\d+))");
WSPRNet::WSPRNet (QNetworkAccessManager * manager, QObject *parent)
: QObject {parent}
, network_manager_ {manager}
, spots_to_send_ {0}
connect (network_manager_, &QNetworkAccessManager::finished, this, &WSPRNet::networkReply);
connect (&upload_timer_, &QTimer::timeout, this, &WSPRNet::work);
void WSPRNet::upload (QString const& call, QString const& grid, QString const& rfreq, QString const& tfreq,
QString const& mode, float TR_period, QString const& tpct, QString const& dbm,
QString const& version, QString const& fileName)
m_call = call;
m_grid = grid;
m_rfreq = rfreq;
m_tfreq = tfreq;
m_mode = mode;
TR_period_ = TR_period;
m_tpct = tpct;
m_dbm = dbm;
m_vers = version;
m_file = fileName;
// Open the wsprd.out file
QFile wsprdOutFile (fileName);
if (!wsprdOutFile.open (QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text) || !wsprdOutFile.size ())
spot_queue_.enqueue (urlEncodeNoSpot ());
m_uploadType = 1;
// Read the contents
while (!wsprdOutFile.atEnd())
SpotQueue::value_type query;
if (decodeLine (wsprdOutFile.readLine(), query))
// Prevent reporting data ouside of the current frequency band
float f = fabs (m_rfreq.toFloat() - query.queryItemValue ("tqrg", QUrl::FullyDecoded).toFloat());
if (f < 0.0002)
spot_queue_.enqueue(urlEncodeSpot (query));
m_uploadType = 2;
spots_to_send_ = spot_queue_.size ();
upload_timer_.start (200);
void WSPRNet::post (QString const& call, QString const& grid, QString const& rfreq, QString const& tfreq,
QString const& mode, float TR_period, QString const& tpct, QString const& dbm,
QString const& version, QString const& decode_text)
m_call = call;
m_grid = grid;
m_rfreq = rfreq;
m_tfreq = tfreq;
m_mode = mode;
TR_period_ = TR_period;
m_tpct = tpct;
m_dbm = dbm;
m_vers = version;
if (!decode_text.size ())
if (!spot_queue_.size ())
spot_queue_.enqueue (urlEncodeNoSpot ());
m_uploadType = 1;
spots_to_send_ = spot_queue_.size ();
upload_timer_.start (200);
auto const& match = fst4_re.match (decode_text);
if (match.hasMatch ())
SpotQueue::value_type query;
// Prevent reporting data ouside of the current frequency band
auto tqrg = match.captured ("freq").toInt ();
if (tqrg >= 1400 && tqrg <= 1600)
query.addQueryItem ("function", "wspr");
// use time as at 3/4 of T/R period before current to
// ensure date is in Rx period
auto const& date = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ().addSecs (-TR_period * 3. / 4.).date ();
query.addQueryItem ("date", date.toString ("yyMMdd"));
query.addQueryItem ("time", match.captured ("time"));
query.addQueryItem ("sig", match.captured ("db"));
query.addQueryItem ("dt", match.captured ("dt"));
query.addQueryItem ("tqrg", QString::number (rfreq.toDouble () + (tqrg - 1500) / 1e6, 'f', 6));
query.addQueryItem ("tcall", match.captured ("call"));
query.addQueryItem ("drift", "0");
query.addQueryItem ("tgrid", match.captured ("grid"));
query.addQueryItem ("dbm", match.captured ("dBm"));
spot_queue_.enqueue (urlEncodeSpot (query));
m_uploadType = 2;
void WSPRNet::networkReply (QNetworkReply * reply)
// check if request was ours
if (m_outstandingRequests.removeOne (reply))
if (QNetworkReply::NoError != reply->error ())
Q_EMIT uploadStatus (QString {"Error: %1"}.arg (reply->error ()));
// not clearing queue or halting queuing as it may be a
// transient one off request error
QString serverResponse = reply->readAll ();
if (m_uploadType == 2)
if (!serverResponse.contains(QRegExp("spot\\(s\\) added")))
Q_EMIT uploadStatus (QString {"Upload Failed: %1"}.arg (serverResponse));
spot_queue_.clear ();
upload_timer_.stop ();
if (!spot_queue_.size ())
Q_EMIT uploadStatus("done");
QFile f {m_file};
if (f.exists ()) f.remove ();
upload_timer_.stop ();
qDebug () << QString {"WSPRnet.org %1 outstanding requests"}.arg (m_outstandingRequests.size ());
// delete request object instance on return to the event loop otherwise it is leaked
reply->deleteLater ();
bool WSPRNet::decodeLine (QString const& line, SpotQueue::value_type& query)
auto const& rx_match = wspr_re.match (line);
if (rx_match.hasMatch ()) {
int msgType = 0;
QString msg = rx_match.captured (7);
QString call, grid, dbm;
QRegularExpression msgRx;
// Check for Message Type 1
auto match = msgRx.match (msg);
if (match.hasMatch ()) {
msgType = 1;
call = match.captured (1);
grid = match.captured (2);
dbm = match.captured (3);
// Check for Message Type 2
match = msgRx.match (msg);
if (match.hasMatch ()) {
msgType = 2;
call = match.captured (1);
grid = "";
dbm = match.captured (2);
// Check for Message Type 3
match = msgRx.match (msg);
if (match.hasMatch ()) {
msgType = 3;
call = match.captured (1);
grid = match.captured (2);
dbm = match.captured (3);
// Unknown message format
if (!msgType) {
return false;
query.addQueryItem ("function", "wspr");
query.addQueryItem ("date", rx_match.captured (1));
query.addQueryItem ("time", rx_match.captured (2));
query.addQueryItem ("sig", rx_match.captured (4));
query.addQueryItem ("dt", rx_match.captured(5));
query.addQueryItem ("drift", rx_match.captured(8));
query.addQueryItem ("tqrg", rx_match.captured(6));
query.addQueryItem ("tcall", call);
query.addQueryItem ("tgrid", grid);
query.addQueryItem ("dbm", dbm);
} else {
return false;
return true;
auto WSPRNet::urlEncodeNoSpot () -> SpotQueue::value_type
SpotQueue::value_type query;
query.addQueryItem ("function", "wsprstat");
query.addQueryItem ("rcall", m_call);
query.addQueryItem ("rgrid", m_grid);
query.addQueryItem ("rqrg", m_rfreq);
query.addQueryItem ("tpct", m_tpct);
query.addQueryItem ("tqrg", m_tfreq);
query.addQueryItem ("dbm", m_dbm);
query.addQueryItem ("version", m_vers);
if (m_mode == "WSPR") query.addQueryItem ("mode", "2");
if (m_mode == "WSPR-15") query.addQueryItem ("mode", "15");
if (m_mode == "FST4W")
query.addQueryItem ("mode", QString::number (static_cast<int> ((TR_period_ / 60.)+.5)));
return query;;
auto WSPRNet::urlEncodeSpot (SpotQueue::value_type& query) -> SpotQueue::value_type
query.addQueryItem ("version", m_vers);
query.addQueryItem ("rcall", m_call);
query.addQueryItem ("rgrid", m_grid);
query.addQueryItem ("rqrg", m_rfreq);
if (m_mode == "WSPR") query.addQueryItem ("mode", "2");
if (m_mode == "WSPR-15") query.addQueryItem ("mode", "15");
if (m_mode == "FST4W")
query.addQueryItem ("mode", QString::number (static_cast<int> ((TR_period_ / 60.)+.5)));
return query;
void WSPRNet::work()
if (spots_to_send_ && spot_queue_.size ())
if (QNetworkAccessManager::Accessible != network_manager_->networkAccessible ()) {
// try and recover network access for QNAM
network_manager_->setNetworkAccessible (QNetworkAccessManager::Accessible);
QNetworkRequest request (QUrl {wsprNetUrl});
request.setHeader (QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
auto const& spot = spot_queue_.dequeue ();
m_outstandingRequests << network_manager_->post (request, spot.query (QUrl::FullyEncoded).toUtf8 ());
Q_EMIT uploadStatus(QString {"Uploading Spot %1/%2"}.arg (spots_to_send_ - spot_queue_.size()).arg (spots_to_send_));
upload_timer_.stop ();
void WSPRNet::abortOutstandingRequests () {
spot_queue_.clear ();
for (auto& request : m_outstandingRequests) {
request->abort ();