
316 lines
12 KiB

-- WSJTAppDelegate.applescript
-- KVASD-installer
-- This script is a drag and drop target that expects a WSJT-X app bundle path.
-- It can also be opened with a file list or by dropping a suitable WSJT-X app
-- bundle onto it. Alternatively a target WSJT-X application bundle may be
-- selected by clicking the "Choose target ..." button.
-- It fetches the KVASD EULA text and displays it in a dialog which the reader
-- must at least scroll to the end before clicking the Agree button which then
-- downloads the appropriate KVASD executable. The MD5 hash checksum is checked
-- on the KVASD executable.
-- Once the EULA has been accepted the "Install" button is enabled to install
-- the KVASD executable into the target WSJT-X application bundle(s) and the
-- RPATHs are modified to reference the libgcc support libraries inside the
-- WSJT-X application bundle.
-- Created by Bill Somerville (G4WJS) on 12/11/2014.
-- The author of this work hereby waives all claim of copyright (economic and moral)
-- in this work and immediately places it in the public domain; it may be used, distorted
-- or destroyed in any manner whatsoever without further attribution or notice to the creator.
-- curl wraps cURL to download files
script curl
on download(|url|, fileName, destination)
set |file| to destination & fileName
do shell script "curl --fail --retry 5 --silent --output " & |file| & " " & |url| & fileName
on error
error "An error occurred downloading:" & return & return & |url| & fileName
end try
return |file| as POSIX file
end download
on downloadMD5(|url|, fileName)
set md5Ext to ".md5"
return do shell script "curl --fail --retry 5 --silent " & |url| & fileName & md5Ext ¬
& " | awk '{match($0,\"[[:xdigit:]]{32}\"); print substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH)}'"
on error
error "An error occurred downloading" & return & return & fileName & md5Ext
end try
end downloadMD5
end script
-- kvasd looks after fetching kvasd files from the web source
script kvasd
property serverPath : ""
property destination : "/tmp/"
property targetName : "kvasd"
on fetchEULA()
return curl's download(serverPath,targetName & "_eula.txt",destination)
end fetchEULA
on fetchBinary()
set |url| to serverPath & do shell script "echo `uname -s`-`uname -m`" & "/"
set md5Sum to curl's downloadMD5(|url|,targetName)
set |file| to curl's download(|url|,targetName,destination)
set md5Calc to do shell script "md5 " & (POSIX path of |file|) & " | cut -d' ' -f4"
if md5Calc md5Sum then
error "KVASD download corrupt MD5 hash check" & return & return ¬
& " expected [" & md5Sum & "]" & return ¬
& " actual [" & md5Calc & "]" ¬
number 500
end if
end fetchBinary
on saveLicense()
set dest to choose folder ¬
with prompt "Specify folder to save license to" ¬
default location (path to documents folder)
tell application "Finder" to ¬
duplicate (destination & targetName & "_eula.txt") as POSIX file to dest
end saveLicense
on printLicense()
tell application "Finder" to ¬
print (destination & targetName & "_eula.txt") as POSIX file
end printLicense
end script
script WSJTAppDelegate
property parent : class "NSObject"
property licenceAgreed : false
property mainWindow : missing value
property eulaTextView : missing value
property progressBar : missing value
property saveButton : missing value
property printButton : missing value
property agreeCheckBox : missing value
property chooseTargetButton : missing value
property installButton : missing value
property bundlesToProcess : {}
global defaultNotificationCentre
on split(theText,theDelimiters)
set oldDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theDelimiters
set theResult to the text items of theText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelimiters
return theResult
end split
-- do the install
on process()
repeat with bundlePath in bundlesToProcess
set wsjtxBundle to current application's NSBundle's bundleWithPath_(bundlePath)
if wsjtxBundle = missing value or wsjtxBundle's bundleIdentifier() as text "org.k1jt.wsjtx" then
error "Not an appropriate WSJT-X application bundle: " & return & return ¬
& bundlePath as text number 501
end if
set installRoot to wsjtxBundle's bundlePath() as text
display dialog "Install KVASD into Aplication Bundle" & return & return ¬
& installRoot ¬
buttons {"Ok", "Skip"} default button {"Ok"}
if button returned of result = "Ok" then
set target to installRoot & "/Contents/MacOS/" & kvasd's targetName
log do shell script "mv " & kvasd's destination & kvasd's targetName & space & target
repeat with theLine in paragraphs of (do shell script "otool -L " & target)
if theLine contains ".dylib" and not theLine contains "libSystem" then
set theDylib to 2nd item of split(theLine,{tab,space})
log do shell script "install_name_tool -change " & theDylib & " @executable_path/" & last item of split(theDylib,{"/"}) & space & target
end if
end repeat
log do shell script "chmod +x " & target
display alert "KVASD installed into application bundle:" & return & return & installRoot ¬
buttons {"Ok"} default button "Ok" ¬
giving up after 5
on error errorString
error "Failed to move KVASD into application bundle:" & return & return & installRoot ¬
& return & return & "Error: " & errorString
end try
end if
on error errorString
display alert errorString as warning buttons {"Ok"} default button "Ok"
end try
end repeat
end process
-- execute around handler to display a progress bar during an action
on progressAction(action)
progressBar's startAnimation_(me)
tell action to run
progressBar's stopAnimation_(me)
end progressAction
-- NSApplicationDelegate Protocol
on applicationWillFinishLaunching_(aNotification)
mainWindow's registerForDraggedTypes_({"public.file-url"})
set defaultNotificationCentre to current application's NSNotificationCenter's defaultCenter()
eulaTextView's setEditable_(false)
script downloadEula
eulaTextView's setString_(read kvasd's fetchEULA())
end script
my progressAction(downloadEula)
saveButton's setEnabled_(true)
printButton's setEnabled_(true)
-- add observers for view port changes on EULA text view
set boundsChangeNotice to current application's NSViewBoundsDidChangeNotification
set frameChangeNotice to current application's NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification
defaultNotificationCentre's addObserver_selector_name_object_(me,"viewChanged:",boundsChangeNotice,missing value)
defaultNotificationCentre's addObserver_selector_name_object_(me,"viewChanged:",frameChangeNotice,missing value)
on error errorString
end try
end applicationWillFinishLaunching_
on applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed_(sender)
return true
end applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed_
on applicationShouldTerminate_(sender)
defaultNotificationCentre's removeObserver_(me)
return current application's NSTerminateNow
end applicationShouldTerminate_
-- NSDraggingDestination (NSWindow Delgate) Protocol
-- Accept Generic drag&drop sources
on draggingEntered_(sender)
return current application's NSDragOperationGeneric
end draggingEntered_
-- Process a drop on our window
on performDragOperation_(sender)
set pb to sender's draggingPasteboard()
if pb's types() as list contains current application's NSURLPboardType then
set options to {NSPasteboardURLReadingContentsConformToTypesKey:{""}}
repeat with u in pb's readObjectsForClasses_options_({current application's |NSURL|},options)
copy u's |path| to end of bundlesToProcess
end repeat
if bundlesToProcess {} and licenceAgreed then
installButton's setEnabled_(true)
end if
return true
end if
return false
end performDragOperation_
-- UI handlers
-- Save EULA
on doSave_(sender)
kvasd's saveLicense()
on error errorString number errorNumber
if errorNumber is equal to -128 then
-- just ignore Cancel
end if
end try
end doSave_
-- Save EULA
on doPrint_(sender)
kvasd's printLicense()
on error errorString number errorNumber
if errorNumber is equal to -128 then
-- just ignore Cancel
end if
end try
end doPrint_
-- Agree Button handler
on doAgree_(sender)
if agreeCheckBox's state() as boolean then
script downloadKvasd
kvasd's fetchBinary()
end script
my progressAction(downloadKvasd)
on error errorString
end try
agreeCheckBox's setEnabled_(false)
set licenceAgreed to true
if bundlesToProcess {} then
installButton's setEnabled_(true)
end if
end if
end doAgree_
-- Choose target button handler
on doChooseTarget_(sender)
repeat with target in choose file ¬
with prompt "Choose the WSJT-X application bundle you wish to install KVASD into" ¬
of type "" ¬
default location "/Applications" as POSIX file as alias ¬
invisibles false ¬
multiple selections allowed true
copy POSIX path of target to end of bundlesToProcess
end repeat
if bundlesToProcess {} and licenceAgreed then
installButton's setEnabled_(true)
end if
on error number -128
-- just ignore Cancel
end try
end doChooseTarget_
-- Install button handler
on doInstall_(sender)
set bundlesToProcess to {}
installButton's setEnabled_(false)
end doInstall_
-- handler called on eulaTextView scroll or view changes
-- enables agree/install button once the bottom is reached
on viewChanged_(aNotification)
set dr to eulaTextView's |bounds| as record
set vdr to eulaTextView's visibleRect as record
if height of |size| of dr - (y of origin of vdr + height of |size| of vdr) is less than or equal to 0 ¬
and not licenceAgreed then
agreeCheckBox's setEnabled_(true)
end if
end viewChanged
-- Abort handler
on abort(errorString)
display alert errorString as critical buttons {"Ok"} default button "Ok"
end abort
-- About menu item
on doAbout_(sender)
display alert "KVASD-installer v1.0"
end onAbout_
end script