Steven Franke 9765c2970e Allow ndepth to be passed into jt65_test from jt65 command line program.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// ab8295b8-cf94-4d9e-aec4-7959e3be5d79
2016-01-09 15:01:41 +00:00

69 lines
2.3 KiB

module jt65_test
! Test the JT65 decoder for WSJT-X
implicit none
public :: test
integer, parameter, public :: NZMAX=60*12000
subroutine test (dd,nutc,nflow,nfhigh,nfqso,ntol,nsubmode,n2pass,nrobust &
use timer_module, only: timer
use jt65_decode
implicit none
include 'constants.f90'
real, intent(in) :: dd(NZMAX)
integer, intent(in) :: nutc, nflow, nfhigh, nfqso, ntol, nsubmode, n2pass &
, ntrials, naggressive, ndepth, nexp_decode
logical, intent(in) :: nrobust
character(len=12), intent(in) :: mycall, hiscall
character(len=6), intent(in) :: hisgrid
type(jt65_decoder) :: my_decoder
call timer('jt65a ',0)
call my_decoder%decode(my_callback,dd,npts=52*12000,newdat=.true.,nutc=nutc,nf1=nflow,nf2=nfhigh &
,nfqso=nfqso,ntol=ntol,nsubmode=nsubmode, minsync=0,nagain=.false. &
,n2pass=n2pass,nrobust=nrobust,ntrials=ntrials,naggressive=naggressive &
,ndepth=ndepth,mycall=mycall,hiscall=hiscall,hisgrid=hisgrid &
call timer('jt65a ',1)
end subroutine test
subroutine my_callback (this, utc, sync, snr, dt, freq, drift, decoded &
, ft, qual, candidates, tries, total_min, hard_min, aggression)
use jt65_decode
implicit none
class(jt65_decoder), intent(inout) :: this
integer, intent(in) :: utc
real, intent(in) :: sync
integer, intent(in) :: snr
real, intent(in) :: dt
integer, intent(in) :: freq
integer, intent(in) :: drift
character(len=22), intent(in) :: decoded
integer, intent(in) :: ft
integer, intent(in) :: qual
integer, intent(in) :: candidates
integer, intent(in) :: tries
integer, intent(in) :: total_min
integer, intent(in) :: hard_min
integer, intent(in) :: aggression
write(*,1010) utc,snr,dt,freq,decoded
1010 format(i4.4,i4,f5.1,i5,1x,'#',1x,a22)
write(13,1012) utc,nint(sync),snr,dt,float(freq),drift,decoded,ft
1012 format(i4.4,i4,i5,f6.1,f8.0,i4,3x,a22,' JT65',i4)
call flush(6)
! write(79,3001) utc,sync,snr,dt,freq,candidates, &
! hard_min,total_min,rtt,tries,ft,qual,decoded
!3001 format(i4.4,f5.1,i4,f5.1,i5,i6,i3,i4,f6.3,i8,i2,i3,1x,a22)
end subroutine my_callback
end module jt65_test