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synced 2025-03-06 11:28:39 -05:00
Any band can be added to the schedule for a day phase, when a coordinated band slot is not available a random band will be chosen from all the bands enabled for the current phase (Day, Night, etc.). Fine tuned the size of the hopping schedule table widget. Coloured the coordinated band columns in the schedule table widget. Due to the full range of bands now being supported, the settings key for the band hopping schedule has been changed forcing current testers to redefine their schedultes. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.code.sf.net/p/wsjt/wsjt/branches/wsjtx@5543 ab8295b8-cf94-4d9e-aec4-7959e3be5d79
237 lines
5.7 KiB
237 lines
5.7 KiB
#include "Bands.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <QString>
#include <QVariant>
// Table of ADIF band definitions as defined in the ADIF
// specification.
struct ADIFBand
char const * const name_;
Radio::Frequency lower_bound_;
Radio::Frequency upper_bound_;
} constexpr ADIF_bands[] = {
{"2190m", 136000u, 137000u},
{"630m", 472000u, 479000u},
{"560m", 501000u, 504000u},
{"160m", 1800000u, 2000000u},
{"80m", 3500000u, 4000000u},
{"60m", 5102000u, 5406500u},
{"40m", 7000000u, 7300000u},
{"30m", 10000000u, 10150000u},
{"20m", 14000000u, 14350000u},
{"17m", 18068000u, 18168000u},
{"15m", 21000000u, 21450000u},
{"12m", 24890000u, 24990000u},
{"10m", 28000000u, 29700000u},
{"6m", 50000000u, 54000000u},
{"4m", 70000000u, 71000000u},
{"2m", 144000000u, 148000000u},
{"1.25m", 222000000u, 225000000u},
{"70cm", 420000000u, 450000000u},
{"33cm", 902000000u, 928000000u},
{"23cm", 1240000000u, 1300000000u},
{"13cm", 2300000000u, 2450000000u},
{"9cm", 3300000000u, 3500000000u},
{"6cm", 5650000000u, 5925000000u},
{"3cm", 10000000000u, 10500000000u},
{"1.25cm",24000000000u, 24250000000u},
{"6mm", 47000000000u, 47200000000u},
{"4mm", 75500000000u, 81000000000u},
{"2.5mm", 119980000000u,120020000000u},
{"2mm", 142000000000u,149000000000u},
{"1mm", 241000000000u,250000000000u},
QString const oob_name {QObject::tr ("OOB")};
int constexpr table_rows ()
return sizeof (ADIF_bands) / sizeof (ADIF_bands[0]);
Bands::Bands (QObject * parent)
: QAbstractTableModel {parent}
QString Bands::find (Frequency f) const
QString result;
auto const& end_iter = ADIF_bands + table_rows ();
auto const& row_iter = std::find_if (ADIF_bands, end_iter, [f] (ADIFBand const& band) {
return band.lower_bound_ <= f && f <= band.upper_bound_;
if (row_iter != end_iter)
result = row_iter->name_;
return result;
int Bands::find (QString const& band) const
int result {-1};
for (auto i = 0u; i < table_rows (); ++i)
if (band == ADIF_bands[i].name_)
result = i;
return result;
QString const& Bands::oob ()
return oob_name;
int Bands::rowCount (QModelIndex const& parent) const
return parent.isValid () ? 0 : table_rows ();
int Bands::columnCount (QModelIndex const& parent) const
return parent.isValid () ? 0 : 3;
Qt::ItemFlags Bands::flags (QModelIndex const& index) const
return QAbstractTableModel::flags (index) | Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled;
QVariant Bands::data (QModelIndex const& index, int role) const
QVariant item;
if (!index.isValid ())
// Hijack root for OOB string.
if (Qt::DisplayRole == role)
item = oob_name;
auto row = index.row ();
auto column = index.column ();
if (row < table_rows ())
switch (role)
case Qt::ToolTipRole:
case Qt::AccessibleDescriptionRole:
switch (column)
case 0: item = tr ("Band name"); break;
case 1: item = tr ("Lower frequency limit"); break;
case 2: item = tr ("Upper frequency limit"); break;
case SortRole:
case Qt::DisplayRole:
case Qt::EditRole:
switch (column)
case 0:
if (SortRole == role)
// band name sorts by lower bound
item = ADIF_bands[row].lower_bound_;
item = ADIF_bands[row].name_;
case 1: item = ADIF_bands[row].lower_bound_; break;
case 2: item = ADIF_bands[row].upper_bound_; break;
case Qt::AccessibleTextRole:
switch (column)
case 0: item = ADIF_bands[row].name_; break;
case 1: item = ADIF_bands[row].lower_bound_; break;
case 2: item = ADIF_bands[row].upper_bound_; break;
case Qt::TextAlignmentRole:
switch (column)
case 0:
item = Qt::AlignHCenter + Qt::AlignVCenter;
case 1:
case 2:
item = Qt::AlignRight + Qt::AlignVCenter;
return item;
QVariant Bands::headerData (int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const
QVariant result;
if (Qt::DisplayRole == role && Qt::Horizontal == orientation)
switch (section)
case 0: result = tr ("Band"); break;
case 1: result = tr ("Lower Limit"); break;
case 2: result = tr ("Upper Limit"); break;
result = QAbstractTableModel::headerData (section, orientation, role);
return result;
QString Bands::const_iterator::operator * ()
return ADIF_bands[row_].name_;
bool Bands::const_iterator::operator != (const_iterator const& rhs) const
return row_ != rhs.row_;
auto Bands::const_iterator::operator ++ () -> const_iterator&
return *this;
auto Bands::begin () const -> Bands::const_iterator
return const_iterator (0);
auto Bands::end () const -> Bands::const_iterator
return const_iterator (table_rows ());