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// (C) Copyright John Maddock 2006.
// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
// Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
// LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include <pch.hpp>
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include <boost/test/floating_point_comparison.hpp>
#include <boost/test/results_collector.hpp>
#include <boost/math/special_functions/beta.hpp>
#include <boost/math/tools/roots.hpp>
#include <boost/test/results_collector.hpp>
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include <boost/array.hpp>
#include "table_type.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#define BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_EX(a, b, prec, i) \
unsigned int failures = boost::unit_test::results_collector.results( boost::unit_test::framework::current_test_case().p_id ).p_assertions_failed;\
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(a, b, prec); \
if(failures != boost::unit_test::results_collector.results( boost::unit_test::framework::current_test_case().p_id ).p_assertions_failed)\
std::cerr << "Failure was at row " << i << std::endl;\
std::cerr << std::setprecision(35); \
std::cerr << "{ " << data[i][0] << " , " << data[i][1] << " , " << data[i][2];\
std::cerr << " , " << data[i][3] << " , " << data[i][4] << " , " << data[i][5] << " } " << std::endl;\
// Implement various versions of inverse of the incomplete beta
// using different root finding algorithms, and deliberately "bad"
// starting conditions: that way we get all the pathological cases
// we could ever wish for!!!
template <class T, class Policy>
struct ibeta_roots_1 // for first order algorithms
ibeta_roots_1(T _a, T _b, T t, bool inv = false)
: a(_a), b(_b), target(t), invert(inv) {}
T operator()(const T& x)
return boost::math::detail::ibeta_imp(a, b, x, Policy(), invert, true) - target;
T a, b, target;
bool invert;
template <class T, class Policy>
struct ibeta_roots_2 // for second order algorithms
ibeta_roots_2(T _a, T _b, T t, bool inv = false)
: a(_a), b(_b), target(t), invert(inv) {}
boost::math::tuple<T, T> operator()(const T& x)
typedef typename boost::math::lanczos::lanczos<T, Policy>::type L;
T f = boost::math::detail::ibeta_imp(a, b, x, Policy(), invert, true) - target;
T f1 = invert ?
-boost::math::detail::ibeta_power_terms(b, a, 1 - x, x, L(), true, Policy())
: boost::math::detail::ibeta_power_terms(a, b, x, 1 - x, L(), true, Policy());
T y = 1 - x;
if(y == 0)
y = boost::math::tools::min_value<T>() * 8;
f1 /= y * x;
// make sure we don't have a zero derivative:
if(f1 == 0)
f1 = (invert ? -1 : 1) * boost::math::tools::min_value<T>() * 64;
return boost::math::make_tuple(f, f1);
T a, b, target;
bool invert;
template <class T, class Policy>
struct ibeta_roots_3 // for third order algorithms
ibeta_roots_3(T _a, T _b, T t, bool inv = false)
: a(_a), b(_b), target(t), invert(inv) {}
boost::math::tuple<T, T, T> operator()(const T& x)
typedef typename boost::math::lanczos::lanczos<T, Policy>::type L;
T f = boost::math::detail::ibeta_imp(a, b, x, Policy(), invert, true) - target;
T f1 = invert ?
-boost::math::detail::ibeta_power_terms(b, a, 1 - x, x, L(), true, Policy())
: boost::math::detail::ibeta_power_terms(a, b, x, 1 - x, L(), true, Policy());
T y = 1 - x;
if(y == 0)
y = boost::math::tools::min_value<T>() * 8;
f1 /= y * x;
T f2 = f1 * (-y * a + (b - 2) * x + 1) / (y * x);
f2 = -f2;
// make sure we don't have a zero derivative:
if(f1 == 0)
f1 = (invert ? -1 : 1) * boost::math::tools::min_value<T>() * 64;
return boost::math::make_tuple(f, f1, f2);
T a, b, target;
bool invert;
double inverse_ibeta_bisect(double a, double b, double z)
typedef boost::math::policies::policy<> pol;
bool invert = false;
int bits = std::numeric_limits<double>::digits;
// special cases, we need to have these because there may be other
// possible answers:
if(z == 1) return 1;
if(z == 0) return 0;
// We need a good estimate of the error in the incomplete beta function
// so that we don't set the desired precision too high. Assume that 3-bits
// are lost each time the arguments increase by a factor of 10:
using namespace std;
int bits_lost = static_cast<int>(ceil(log10((std::max)(a, b)) * 3));
if(bits_lost < 0)
bits_lost = 3;
bits_lost += 3;
int precision = bits - bits_lost;
double min = 0;
double max = 1;
boost::math::tools::eps_tolerance<double> tol(precision);
return boost::math::tools::bisect(ibeta_roots_1<double, pol>(a, b, z, invert), min, max, tol).first;
double inverse_ibeta_newton(double a, double b, double z)
double guess = 0.5;
bool invert = false;
int bits = std::numeric_limits<double>::digits;
// special cases, we need to have these because there may be other
// possible answers:
if(z == 1) return 1;
if(z == 0) return 0;
// We need a good estimate of the error in the incomplete beta function
// so that we don't set the desired precision too high. Assume that 3-bits
// are lost each time the arguments increase by a factor of 10:
using namespace std;
int bits_lost = static_cast<int>(ceil(log10((std::max)(a, b)) * 3));
if(bits_lost < 0)
bits_lost = 3;
bits_lost += 3;
int precision = bits - bits_lost;
double min = 0;
double max = 1;
return boost::math::tools::newton_raphson_iterate(ibeta_roots_2<double, boost::math::policies::policy<> >(a, b, z, invert), guess, min, max, precision);
double inverse_ibeta_halley(double a, double b, double z)
double guess = 0.5;
bool invert = false;
int bits = std::numeric_limits<double>::digits;
// special cases, we need to have these because there may be other
// possible answers:
if(z == 1) return 1;
if(z == 0) return 0;
// We need a good estimate of the error in the incomplete beta function
// so that we don't set the desired precision too high. Assume that 3-bits
// are lost each time the arguments increase by a factor of 10:
using namespace std;
int bits_lost = static_cast<int>(ceil(log10((std::max)(a, b)) * 3));
if(bits_lost < 0)
bits_lost = 3;
bits_lost += 3;
int precision = bits - bits_lost;
double min = 0;
double max = 1;
return boost::math::tools::halley_iterate(ibeta_roots_3<double, boost::math::policies::policy<> >(a, b, z, invert), guess, min, max, precision);
double inverse_ibeta_schroder(double a, double b, double z)
double guess = 0.5;
bool invert = false;
int bits = std::numeric_limits<double>::digits;
// special cases, we need to have these because there may be other
// possible answers:
if(z == 1) return 1;
if(z == 0) return 0;
// We need a good estimate of the error in the incomplete beta function
// so that we don't set the desired precision too high. Assume that 3-bits
// are lost each time the arguments increase by a factor of 10:
using namespace std;
int bits_lost = static_cast<int>(ceil(log10((std::max)(a, b)) * 3));
if(bits_lost < 0)
bits_lost = 3;
bits_lost += 3;
int precision = bits - bits_lost;
double min = 0;
double max = 1;
return boost::math::tools::schroder_iterate(ibeta_roots_3<double, boost::math::policies::policy<> >(a, b, z, invert), guess, min, max, precision);
template <class Real, class T>
void test_inverses(const T& data)
using namespace std;
typedef typename T::value_type row_type;
typedef Real value_type;
value_type precision = static_cast<value_type>(ldexp(1.0, 1-boost::math::policies::digits<value_type, boost::math::policies::policy<> >()/2)) * 150;
if(boost::math::policies::digits<value_type, boost::math::policies::policy<> >() < 50)
precision = 1; // 1% or two decimal digits, all we can hope for when the input is truncated
for(unsigned i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i)
// These inverse tests are thrown off if the output of the
// incomplete beta is too close to 1: basically there is insuffient
// information left in the value we're using as input to the inverse
// to be able to get back to the original value.
if(data[i][5] == 0)
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(inverse_ibeta_halley(Real(data[i][0]), Real(data[i][1]), Real(data[i][5])), value_type(0));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(inverse_ibeta_schroder(Real(data[i][0]), Real(data[i][1]), Real(data[i][5])), value_type(0));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(inverse_ibeta_newton(Real(data[i][0]), Real(data[i][1]), Real(data[i][5])), value_type(0));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(inverse_ibeta_bisect(Real(data[i][0]), Real(data[i][1]), Real(data[i][5])), value_type(0));
else if((1 - data[i][5] > 0.001)
&& (fabs(data[i][5]) > 2 * boost::math::tools::min_value<value_type>())
&& (fabs(data[i][5]) > 2 * boost::math::tools::min_value<double>()))
value_type inv = inverse_ibeta_halley(Real(data[i][0]), Real(data[i][1]), Real(data[i][5]));
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_EX(Real(data[i][2]), inv, precision, i);
inv = inverse_ibeta_schroder(Real(data[i][0]), Real(data[i][1]), Real(data[i][5]));
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_EX(Real(data[i][2]), inv, precision, i);
inv = inverse_ibeta_newton(Real(data[i][0]), Real(data[i][1]), Real(data[i][5]));
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_EX(Real(data[i][2]), inv, precision, i);
inv = inverse_ibeta_bisect(Real(data[i][0]), Real(data[i][1]), Real(data[i][5]));
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_EX(Real(data[i][2]), inv, precision, i);
else if(1 == data[i][5])
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(inverse_ibeta_halley(Real(data[i][0]), Real(data[i][1]), Real(data[i][5])), value_type(1));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(inverse_ibeta_schroder(Real(data[i][0]), Real(data[i][1]), Real(data[i][5])), value_type(1));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(inverse_ibeta_newton(Real(data[i][0]), Real(data[i][1]), Real(data[i][5])), value_type(1));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(inverse_ibeta_bisect(Real(data[i][0]), Real(data[i][1]), Real(data[i][5])), value_type(1));
#ifndef SC_
#define SC_(x) static_cast<typename table_type<T>::type>(BOOST_JOIN(x, L))
template <class T>
void test_beta(T, const char* /* name */)
// The actual test data is rather verbose, so it's in a separate file
// The contents are as follows, each row of data contains
// five items, input value a, input value b, integration limits x, beta(a, b, x) and ibeta(a, b, x):
# include "ibeta_small_data.ipp"
# include "ibeta_data.ipp"
# include "ibeta_large_data.ipp"
test_beta(0.1, "double");