mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 21:49:20 -04:00
A timer to check for excessive off line time reported by OmniRig was overlapping prior timeouts, changed to use a single timer that can be reset if timeouts overlap. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.code.sf.net/p/wsjt/wsjt/branches/wsjtx@7647 ab8295b8-cf94-4d9e-aec4-7959e3be5d79
727 lines
22 KiB
727 lines
22 KiB
#include "OmniRigTransceiver.hpp"
#include <QTimer>
#include <QDebug>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <QThread>
#include "qt_helpers.hpP"
#include "moc_OmniRigTransceiver.cpp"
auto constexpr OmniRig_transceiver_one_name = "OmniRig Rig 1";
auto constexpr OmniRig_transceiver_two_name = "OmniRig Rig 2";
auto OmniRigTransceiver::map_mode (OmniRig::RigParamX param) -> MODE
if (param & OmniRig::PM_CW_U)
return CW_R;
else if (param & OmniRig::PM_CW_L)
return CW;
else if (param & OmniRig::PM_SSB_U)
return USB;
else if (param & OmniRig::PM_SSB_L)
return LSB;
else if (param & OmniRig::PM_DIG_U)
return DIG_U;
else if (param & OmniRig::PM_DIG_L)
return DIG_L;
else if (param & OmniRig::PM_AM)
return AM;
else if (param & OmniRig::PM_FM)
return FM;
TRACE_CAT ("OmniRigTransceiver", "unrecognized mode");
throw_qstring (tr ("OmniRig: unrecognized mode"));
return UNK;
OmniRig::RigParamX OmniRigTransceiver::map_mode (MODE mode)
switch (mode)
case AM: return OmniRig::PM_AM;
case CW: return OmniRig::PM_CW_L;
case CW_R: return OmniRig::PM_CW_U;
case USB: return OmniRig::PM_SSB_U;
case LSB: return OmniRig::PM_SSB_L;
case FSK: return OmniRig::PM_DIG_L;
case FSK_R: return OmniRig::PM_DIG_U;
case DIG_L: return OmniRig::PM_DIG_L;
case DIG_U: return OmniRig::PM_DIG_U;
case FM: return OmniRig::PM_FM;
case DIG_FM: return OmniRig::PM_FM;
default: break;
return OmniRig::PM_SSB_U; // quieten compiler grumble
void OmniRigTransceiver::register_transceivers (TransceiverFactory::Transceivers * registry, int id1, int id2)
(*registry)[OmniRig_transceiver_one_name] = TransceiverFactory::Capabilities {
, TransceiverFactory::Capabilities::none // COM isn't serial or network
, true // does PTT
, false // doesn't select mic/data (use OmniRig config file)
, true // can remote control RTS nd DTR
, true // asynchronous interface
(*registry)[OmniRig_transceiver_two_name] = TransceiverFactory::Capabilities {
, TransceiverFactory::Capabilities::none // COM isn't serial or network
, true // does PTT
, false // doesn't select mic/data (use OmniRig config file)
, true // can remote control RTS nd DTR
, true // asynchronous interface
OmniRigTransceiver::OmniRigTransceiver (std::unique_ptr<TransceiverBase> wrapped,
RigNumber n, TransceiverFactory::PTTMethod ptt_type,
QString const& ptt_port, QObject * parent)
: TransceiverBase {parent}
, wrapped_ {std::move (wrapped)}
, use_for_ptt_ {TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_CAT == ptt_type || ("CAT" == ptt_port && (TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_RTS == ptt_type || TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_DTR == ptt_type))}
, ptt_type_ {ptt_type}
, rig_number_ {n}
, readable_params_ {0}
, writable_params_ {0}
, send_update_signal_ {false}
, reversed_ {false}
int OmniRigTransceiver::do_start ()
TRACE_CAT ("OmniRigTransceiver", "starting");
if (wrapped_) wrapped_->start (0);
CoInitializeEx (nullptr, 0 /*COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED*/); // required because Qt only does this for GUI thread
omni_rig_.reset (new OmniRig::OmniRigX {this});
if (omni_rig_->isNull ())
TRACE_CAT ("OmniRigTransceiver", "failed to start COM server");
throw_qstring (tr ("Failed to start OmniRig COM server"));
// COM/OLE exceptions get signaled
connect (&*omni_rig_, SIGNAL (exception (int, QString, QString, QString)), this, SLOT (handle_COM_exception (int, QString, QString, QString)));
// IOmniRigXEvent interface signals
connect (&*omni_rig_, SIGNAL (VisibleChange ()), this, SLOT (handle_visible_change ()));
connect (&*omni_rig_, SIGNAL (RigTypeChange (int)), this, SLOT (handle_rig_type_change (int)));
connect (&*omni_rig_, SIGNAL (StatusChange (int)), this, SLOT (handle_status_change (int)));
connect (&*omni_rig_, SIGNAL (ParamsChange (int, int)), this, SLOT (handle_params_change (int, int)));
connect (&*omni_rig_
, SIGNAL (CustomReply (int, QVariant const&, QVariant const&))
, this, SLOT (handle_custom_reply (int, QVariant const&, QVariant const&)));
TRACE_CAT ("OmniRigTransceiver", "OmniRig s/w version:" << QString::number (omni_rig_->SoftwareVersion ()).toLocal8Bit ()
<< "i/f version:" << QString::number (omni_rig_->InterfaceVersion ()).toLocal8Bit ());
// fetch the interface of the RigX CoClass and instantiate a proxy object
switch (rig_number_)
case One: rig_.reset (new OmniRig::RigX (omni_rig_->Rig1 ())); break;
case Two: rig_.reset (new OmniRig::RigX (omni_rig_->Rig2 ())); break;
Q_ASSERT (rig_);
Q_ASSERT (!rig_->isNull ());
if (use_for_ptt_ && (TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_DTR == ptt_type_ || TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_RTS == ptt_type_))
// fetch the interface for the serial port if we need it for PTT
port_.reset (new OmniRig::PortBits (rig_->PortBits ()));
Q_ASSERT (port_);
Q_ASSERT (!port_->isNull ());
TRACE_CAT ("OmniRigTransceiver", "OmniRig RTS state:" << port_->Rts ());
if (!port_->Lock ()) // try to take exclusive use of the OmniRig serial port for PTT
TRACE_CAT ("OmniRigTransceiver", "Failed to get exclusive use of serial port for PTT from OmniRig");
// start off so we don't accidentally key the radio
if (TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_DTR == ptt_type_)
port_->SetDtr (false);
else // RTS
port_->SetRts (false);
rig_type_ = rig_->RigType ();
readable_params_ = rig_->ReadableParams ();
writable_params_ = rig_->WriteableParams ();
TRACE_CAT ("OmniRigTransceiver", QString {"OmniRig initial rig type: %1 readable params = 0x%2 writable params = 0x%3 for rig %4"}
.arg (rig_type_)
.arg (readable_params_, 8, 16, QChar ('0'))
.arg (writable_params_, 8, 16, QChar ('0'))
.arg (rig_number_).toLocal8Bit ());
offline_timer_.reset (new QTimer);
offline_timer_->setSingleShot (true);
offline_timer_->setInterval (5 * 1000);
connect (&*offline_timer_, &QTimer::timeout, this, &OmniRigTransceiver::timeout_check);
for (unsigned tries {0}; tries < 10; ++tries)
QThread::msleep (100); // wait until OmniRig polls the rig
auto f = rig_->GetRxFrequency ();
int resolution {0};
if (f)
if (OmniRig::PM_UNKNOWN == rig_->Vfo ()
&& (writable_params_ & (OmniRig::PM_VFOA | OmniRig::PM_VFOB))
== (OmniRig::PM_VFOA | OmniRig::PM_VFOB))
// start with VFO A (probably MAIN) on rigs that we
// can't query VFO but can set explicitly
rig_->SetVfo (OmniRig::PM_VFOA);
if (f % 10) return resolution; // 1Hz resolution
auto test_frequency = f - f % 100 + 55;
if (OmniRig::PM_FREQ & writable_params_)
rig_->SetFreq (test_frequency);
else if (reversed_ && (OmniRig::PM_FREQB & writable_params_))
rig_->SetFreqB (test_frequency);
else if (!reversed_ && (OmniRig::PM_FREQA & writable_params_))
rig_->SetFreqA (test_frequency);
throw_qstring (tr ("OmniRig: don't know how to set rig frequency"));
switch (rig_->GetRxFrequency () - test_frequency)
case -5: resolution = -1; break; // 10Hz truncated
case 5: resolution = 1; break; // 10Hz rounded
case -15: resolution = -2; break; // 20Hz truncated
case -55: resolution = -2; break; // 100Hz truncated
case 45: resolution = 2; break; // 100Hz rounded
if (1 == resolution) // may be 20Hz rounded
test_frequency = f - f % 100 + 51;
if (OmniRig::PM_FREQ & writable_params_)
rig_->SetFreq (test_frequency);
else if (reversed_ && (OmniRig::PM_FREQB & writable_params_))
rig_->SetFreqB (test_frequency);
else if (!reversed_ && (OmniRig::PM_FREQA & writable_params_))
rig_->SetFreqA (test_frequency);
if (9 == rig_->GetRxFrequency () - test_frequency)
resolution = 2; // 20Hz rounded
if (OmniRig::PM_FREQ & writable_params_)
rig_->SetFreq (f);
else if (reversed_ && (OmniRig::PM_FREQB & writable_params_))
rig_->SetFreqB (f);
else if (!reversed_ && (OmniRig::PM_FREQA & writable_params_))
rig_->SetFreqA (f);
update_rx_frequency (f);
return resolution;
throw_qstring (tr ("OmniRig: Initialization timed out"));
return 0; // keep compiler happy
void OmniRigTransceiver::do_stop ()
if (offline_timer_)
offline_timer_->stop ();
offline_timer_.reset ();
QThread::msleep (200); // leave some time for pending
// commands at the server end
if (port_)
port_->Unlock (); // release serial port
port_->clear ();
port_.reset ();
if (omni_rig_)
if (rig_)
rig_->clear ();
rig_.reset ();
omni_rig_->clear ();
omni_rig_.reset ();
CoUninitialize ();
if (wrapped_) wrapped_->stop ();
TRACE_CAT ("OmniRigTransceiver", "stopped");
void OmniRigTransceiver::do_sync (bool force_signal, bool /*no_poll*/)
// nothing much we can do here, we just have to let OmniRig do its
// stuff and its first poll should send us and update that will
// trigger a update signal from us. Any attempt to query OmniRig
// leads to a whole mess of trouble since its internal state is
// garbage until it has done its first rig poll.
send_update_signal_ = force_signal;
update_complete ();
void OmniRigTransceiver::handle_COM_exception (int code, QString source, QString desc, QString help)
TRACE_CAT ("OmniRigTransceiver", QString::number (code) + " at " + source + ": " + desc + " (" + help + ')');
throw_qstring (tr ("OmniRig COM/OLE error: %1 at %2: %3 (%4)").arg (QString::number (code)).arg (source). arg (desc). arg (help));
void OmniRigTransceiver::handle_visible_change ()
TRACE_CAT ("OmniRigTransceiver", "visibility change: visibility =" << omni_rig_->DialogVisible ());
void OmniRigTransceiver::handle_rig_type_change (int rig_number)
if (rig_number_ == rig_number)
readable_params_ = rig_->ReadableParams ();
writable_params_ = rig_->WriteableParams ();
TRACE_CAT ("OmniRigTransceiver", QString {"OmniRig rig type change to: %1 readable params = 0x%2 writable params = 0x%3 for rig %4"}
.arg (rig_->RigType ())
.arg (readable_params_, 8, 16, QChar ('0'))
.arg (writable_params_, 8, 16, QChar ('0'))
.arg (rig_number).toLocal8Bit ());
void OmniRigTransceiver::handle_status_change (int rig_number)
if (rig_number_ == rig_number)
auto const& status = rig_->StatusStr ().toLocal8Bit ();
TRACE_CAT ("OmniRigTransceiver", QString {"OmniRig status change: new status for rig %1 = "}.arg (rig_number).toLocal8Bit () << status);
if (OmniRig::ST_ONLINE != rig_->Status ())
if (!offline_timer_->isActive ())
offline_timer_->start (); // give OmniRig time to recover
offline_timer_->stop ();
update_rx_frequency (rig_->GetRxFrequency ());
update_complete ();
TRACE_CAT ("OmniRigTransceiver", "OmniRig frequency:" << state ().frequency ());
void OmniRigTransceiver::timeout_check ()
offline ("Rig went offline");
void OmniRigTransceiver::handle_params_change (int rig_number, int params)
if (rig_number_ == rig_number)
TRACE_CAT ("OmniRigTransceiver", QString {"OmniRig params change: params = 0x%1 for rig %2"}
.arg (params, 8, 16, QChar ('0'))
.arg (rig_number).toLocal8Bit ()
<< "state before:" << state ());
// starting_ = false;
TransceiverState old_state {state ()};
auto need_frequency = false;
// state_.online = true; // sometimes we don't get an initial
// // OmniRig::ST_ONLINE status change
// // event
if (params & OmniRig::PM_VFOAA)
update_split (false);
reversed_ = false;
update_rx_frequency (rig_->FreqA ());
update_other_frequency (rig_->FreqB ());
if (params & OmniRig::PM_VFOAB)
update_split (true);
reversed_ = false;
update_rx_frequency (rig_->FreqA ());
update_other_frequency (rig_->FreqB ());
if (params & OmniRig::PM_VFOBA)
update_split (true);
reversed_ = true;
update_other_frequency (rig_->FreqA ());
update_rx_frequency (rig_->FreqB ());
if (params & OmniRig::PM_VFOBB)
update_split (false);
reversed_ = true;
update_other_frequency (rig_->FreqA ());
update_rx_frequency (rig_->FreqB ());
if (params & OmniRig::PM_VFOA)
reversed_ = false;
need_frequency = true;
if (params & OmniRig::PM_VFOB)
reversed_ = true;
need_frequency = true;
if (params & OmniRig::PM_FREQ)
need_frequency = true;
if (params & OmniRig::PM_FREQA)
if (reversed_)
update_other_frequency (rig_->FreqA ());
update_rx_frequency (rig_->FreqA ());
if (params & OmniRig::PM_FREQB)
if (reversed_)
update_rx_frequency (rig_->FreqB ());
update_other_frequency (rig_->FreqB ());
if (need_frequency)
if (readable_params_ & OmniRig::PM_FREQA)
if (reversed_)
update_other_frequency (rig_->FreqA ());
update_rx_frequency (rig_->FreqA ());
need_frequency = false;
if (readable_params_ & OmniRig::PM_FREQB)
if (reversed_)
update_rx_frequency (rig_->FreqB ());
update_other_frequency (rig_->FreqB ());
need_frequency = false;
if (need_frequency && (readable_params_ & OmniRig::PM_FREQ)
&& !state ().ptt ())
update_rx_frequency (rig_->Freq ());
if (params & OmniRig::PM_PITCH)
if (params & OmniRig::PM_RITOFFSET)
if (params & OmniRig::PM_RIT0)
if (params & OmniRig::PM_VFOEQUAL)
auto f = readable_params_ & OmniRig::PM_FREQA ? rig_->FreqA () : rig_->Freq ();
update_rx_frequency (f);
update_other_frequency (f);
update_mode (map_mode (rig_->Mode ()));
if (params & OmniRig::PM_VFOSWAP)
auto temp = state ().tx_frequency ();
update_other_frequency (state ().frequency ());
update_rx_frequency (temp);
update_mode (map_mode (rig_->Mode ()));
if (params & OmniRig::PM_SPLITON)
update_split (true);
if (params & OmniRig::PM_SPLITOFF)
update_split (false);
if (params & OmniRig::PM_RITON)
if (params & OmniRig::PM_RITOFF)
if (params & OmniRig::PM_XITON)
if (params & OmniRig::PM_XITOFF)
if (params & OmniRig::PM_RX)
update_PTT (false);
if (params & OmniRig::PM_TX)
update_PTT ();
if (params & OmniRig::PM_CW_U)
update_mode (CW_R);
if (params & OmniRig::PM_CW_L)
update_mode (CW);
if (params & OmniRig::PM_SSB_U)
update_mode (USB);
if (params & OmniRig::PM_SSB_L)
update_mode (LSB);
if (params & OmniRig::PM_DIG_U)
update_mode (DIG_U);
if (params & OmniRig::PM_DIG_L)
update_mode (DIG_L);
if (params & OmniRig::PM_AM)
update_mode (AM);
if (params & OmniRig::PM_FM)
update_mode (FM);
if (old_state != state () || send_update_signal_)
update_complete ();
send_update_signal_ = false;
TRACE_CAT ("OmniRigTransceiver", "OmniRig params change: state after:" << state ());
void OmniRigTransceiver::handle_custom_reply (int rig_number, QVariant const& command, QVariant const& reply)
if (rig_number_ == rig_number)
TRACE_CAT ("OmniRigTransceiver", "custom command" << command.toString ().toLocal8Bit ()
<< "with reply" << reply.toString ().toLocal8Bit ()
<< QString ("for rig %1").arg (rig_number).toLocal8Bit ());
TRACE_CAT ("OmniRigTransceiver", "rig number:" << rig_number_ << ':' << state ());
void OmniRigTransceiver::do_ptt (bool on)
TRACE_CAT ("OmniRigTransceiver", on << state ());
if (use_for_ptt_ && TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_CAT == ptt_type_)
TRACE_CAT ("OmniRigTransceiver", "set PTT");
rig_->SetTx (on ? OmniRig::PM_TX : OmniRig::PM_RX);
if (port_)
if (TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_RTS == ptt_type_)
TRACE_CAT ("OmniRigTransceiver", "set RTS");
port_->SetRts (on);
else // "DTR"
TRACE_CAT ("OmniRigTransceiver", "set DTR");
port_->SetDtr (on);
TRACE_CAT ("OmniRigTransceiver", "set PTT using basic transceiver");
Q_ASSERT (wrapped_);
TransceiverState new_state {wrapped_->state ()};
new_state.ptt (on);
wrapped_->set (new_state, 0);
update_PTT (on);
void OmniRigTransceiver::do_frequency (Frequency f, MODE m, bool /*no_ignore*/)
TRACE_CAT ("OmniRigTransceiver", f << state ());
if (UNK != m)
do_mode (m);
if (OmniRig::PM_FREQ & writable_params_)
rig_->SetFreq (f);
update_rx_frequency (f);
else if (reversed_ && (OmniRig::PM_FREQB & writable_params_))
rig_->SetFreqB (f);
update_rx_frequency (f);
else if (!reversed_ && (OmniRig::PM_FREQA & writable_params_))
rig_->SetFreqA (f);
update_rx_frequency (f);
throw_qstring (tr ("OmniRig: don't know how to set rig frequency"));
void OmniRigTransceiver::do_tx_frequency (Frequency tx, MODE m, bool /*no_ignore*/)
TRACE_CAT ("OmniRigTransceiver", tx << state ());
bool split {tx != 0};
if (split)
if (UNK != m)
do_mode (m);
if (OmniRig::PM_UNKNOWN == rig_->Vfo ())
if (writable_params_ & OmniRig::PM_VFOEQUAL)
// nothing to do here because OmniRig will use VFO
// equalize to set the mode of the Tx VFO for us
else if ((writable_params_ & (OmniRig::PM_VFOA | OmniRig::PM_VFOB))
== (OmniRig::PM_VFOA | OmniRig::PM_VFOB))
rig_->SetVfo (OmniRig::PM_VFOB);
do_mode (m);
rig_->SetVfo (OmniRig::PM_VFOA);
else if (writable_params_ & OmniRig::PM_VFOSWAP)
rig_->SetVfo (OmniRig::PM_VFOSWAP);
do_mode (m);
rig_->SetVfo (OmniRig::PM_VFOSWAP);
TRACE_CAT ("OmniRigTransceiver", "set SPLIT mode on");
rig_->SetSplitMode (state ().frequency (), tx);
update_other_frequency (tx);
update_split (true);
TRACE_CAT ("OmniRigTransceiver", "set SPLIT mode off");
rig_->SetSimplexMode (state ().frequency ());
update_split (false);
bool notify {false};
if (readable_params_ & OmniRig::PM_FREQ || !(readable_params_ & (OmniRig::PM_FREQA | OmniRig::PM_FREQB)))
update_other_frequency (tx); // async updates won't return this
// so just store it and hope
// operator doesn't change the
// "back" VFO on rig
notify = true;
if (!((OmniRig::PM_VFOAB | OmniRig::PM_VFOBA | OmniRig::PM_SPLITON) & readable_params_))
TRACE_CAT ("OmniRigTransceiver", "setting SPLIT manually");
update_split (split); // we can't read it so just set and
// hope op doesn't change it
notify = true;
if (notify)
update_complete ();
void OmniRigTransceiver::do_mode (MODE mode)
TRACE_CAT ("OmniRigTransceiver", mode << state ());
// TODO: G4WJS OmniRig doesn't seem to have any capability of tracking/setting VFO B mode
auto mapped = map_mode (mode);
if (mapped & writable_params_)
rig_->SetMode (mapped);
update_mode (mode);
offline ("OmniRig invalid mode");