mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 09:44:24 -05:00
WSJT_TX_AUDIO_BUFFER_FRAMES takes the following values: -1 - use Qt/system default 0 - use 200 mS (WSJT-X default) +ve integer - value is number of frames at 48 kHz -1 is likely to be a good choice on Windows and may macOS. 0 has proven to be good on Windows. On Linux 0 may be OK but we need to try other values. The value is only a hint, the actual value used along with the period size (the size of each chunk of samples requested by the system) is printed in an info level diagnostic message at the start of each transmission.
790 lines
26 KiB
790 lines
26 KiB
// -*- Mode: C++ -*-
#include <QMainWindow>
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QString>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QThread>
#include <QProcess>
#include <QProgressBar>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QList>
#include <QAudioDeviceInfo>
#include <QScopedPointer>
#include <QDir>
#include <QProgressDialog>
#include <QAbstractSocket>
#include <QHostAddress>
#include <QPointer>
#include <QSet>
#include <QVector>
#include <QQueue>
#include <QFuture>
#include <QFutureWatcher>
#include "MultiGeometryWidget.hpp"
#include "NonInheritingProcess.hpp"
#include "Audio/AudioDevice.hpp"
#include "commons.h"
#include "Radio.hpp"
#include "models/Modes.hpp"
#include "models/FrequencyList.hpp"
#include "Configuration.hpp"
#include "WSPR/WSPRBandHopping.hpp"
#include "Transceiver/Transceiver.hpp"
#include "DisplayManual.hpp"
#include "Network/PSKReporter.hpp"
#include "logbook/logbook.h"
#include "astro.h"
#include "MessageBox.hpp"
#include "Network/NetworkAccessManager.hpp"
#define NUM_JT4_SYMBOLS 206 //(72+31)*2, embedded sync
#define NUM_JT65_SYMBOLS 126 //63 data + 63 sync
#define NUM_JT9_SYMBOLS 85 //69 data + 16 sync
#define NUM_WSPR_SYMBOLS 162 //(50+31)*2, embedded sync
#define NUM_ISCAT_SYMBOLS 1291 //30*11025/256
#define NUM_MSK144_SYMBOLS 144 //s8 + d48 + s8 + d80
#define NUM_QRA64_SYMBOLS 84 //63 data + 21 sync
#define NUM_FT8_SYMBOLS 79
#define NUM_FT4_SYMBOLS 105
#define NUM_FST4_SYMBOLS 160 //240/2 data + 5*8 sync
#define NUM_CW_SYMBOLS 250
#define TX_SAMPLE_RATE 48000
#define NRING 3456000
extern int volatile itone[NUM_ISCAT_SYMBOLS]; //Audio tones for all Tx symbols
extern int volatile icw[NUM_CW_SYMBOLS]; //Dits for CW ID
//--------------------------------------------------------------- MainWindow
namespace Ui {
class MainWindow;
class QProcessEnvironment;
class QSharedMemory;
class QSplashScreen;
class QSettings;
class QLineEdit;
class QFont;
class QHostInfo;
class EchoGraph;
class FastGraph;
class WideGraph;
class LogQSO;
class Transceiver;
class MessageAveraging;
class FoxLogWindow;
class CabrilloLogWindow;
class ColorHighlighting;
class MessageClient;
class QTime;
class WSPRBandHopping;
class HelpTextWindow;
class WSPRNet;
class SoundOutput;
class Modulator;
class SoundInput;
class Detector;
class SampleDownloader;
class MultiSettings;
class EqualizationToolsDialog;
class DecodedText;
class MainWindow
: public MultiGeometryWidget<3, QMainWindow>
using Frequency = Radio::Frequency;
using FrequencyDelta = Radio::FrequencyDelta;
using Mode = Modes::Mode;
explicit MainWindow(QDir const& temp_directory, bool multiple, MultiSettings *,
QSharedMemory *shdmem, unsigned downSampleFactor,
QSplashScreen *, QProcessEnvironment const&,
QWidget *parent = nullptr);
int decoderBusy () const {return m_decoderBusy;}
public slots:
void showSoundInError(const QString& errorMsg);
void showSoundOutError(const QString& errorMsg);
void showStatusMessage(const QString& statusMsg);
void dataSink(qint64 frames);
void fastSink(qint64 frames);
void diskDat();
void freezeDecode(int n);
void guiUpdate();
void doubleClickOnCall (Qt::KeyboardModifiers);
void doubleClickOnCall2(Qt::KeyboardModifiers);
void doubleClickOnFoxQueue(Qt::KeyboardModifiers);
void readFromStdout();
void p1ReadFromStdout();
void setXIT(int n, Frequency base = 0u);
void setFreq4(int rxFreq, int txFreq);
void msgAvgDecode2();
void fastPick(int x0, int x1, int y);
void change_layout (std::size_t) override;
void keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *) override;
void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *) override;
void childEvent(QChildEvent *) override;
bool eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *) override;
private slots:
void initialize_fonts ();
void on_tx1_editingFinished();
void on_tx2_editingFinished();
void on_tx3_editingFinished();
void on_tx4_editingFinished();
void on_tx5_currentTextChanged (QString const&);
void on_tx6_editingFinished();
void on_actionSettings_triggered();
void on_monitorButton_clicked (bool);
void on_actionAbout_triggered();
void on_autoButton_clicked (bool);
void on_stopTxButton_clicked();
void on_stopButton_clicked();
void on_actionRelease_Notes_triggered ();
void on_actionFT8_DXpedition_Mode_User_Guide_triggered();
void on_actionQuick_Start_Guide_triggered();
void on_actionOnline_User_Guide_triggered();
void on_actionLocal_User_Guide_triggered();
void on_actionWide_Waterfall_triggered();
void on_actionOpen_triggered();
void on_actionOpen_next_in_directory_triggered();
void on_actionDecode_remaining_files_in_directory_triggered();
void on_actionDelete_all_wav_files_in_SaveDir_triggered();
void on_actionOpen_log_directory_triggered ();
void on_actionNone_triggered();
void on_actionSave_all_triggered();
void on_actionKeyboard_shortcuts_triggered();
void on_actionSpecial_mouse_commands_triggered();
void on_actionSolve_FreqCal_triggered();
void on_actionCopyright_Notice_triggered();
void on_actionSWL_Mode_triggered (bool checked);
void on_DecodeButton_clicked (bool);
void decode();
void decodeBusy(bool b);
void on_EraseButton_clicked();
void band_activity_cleared ();
void rx_frequency_activity_cleared ();
void on_txFirstCheckBox_stateChanged(int arg1);
void set_dateTimeQSO(int m_ntx);
void set_ntx(int n);
void on_txrb1_toggled(bool status);
void on_txrb1_doubleClicked ();
void on_txrb2_toggled(bool status);
void on_txrb3_toggled(bool status);
void on_txrb4_toggled(bool status);
void on_txrb4_doubleClicked ();
void on_txrb5_toggled(bool status);
void on_txrb5_doubleClicked ();
void on_txrb6_toggled(bool status);
void on_txb1_clicked();
void on_txb1_doubleClicked ();
void on_txb2_clicked();
void on_txb3_clicked();
void on_txb4_clicked();
void on_txb4_doubleClicked ();
void on_txb5_clicked();
void on_txb5_doubleClicked ();
void on_txb6_clicked();
void on_lookupButton_clicked();
void on_addButton_clicked();
void on_dxCallEntry_textChanged (QString const&);
void on_dxGridEntry_textChanged (QString const&);
void on_dxCallEntry_returnPressed ();
void on_genStdMsgsPushButton_clicked();
void on_logQSOButton_clicked();
void on_actionJT9_triggered();
void on_actionJT65_triggered();
void on_actionJT9_JT65_triggered();
void on_actionJT4_triggered();
void on_actionFT4_triggered();
void on_actionFT8_triggered();
void on_actionFST4_triggered();
void on_actionFST4W_triggered();
void on_TxFreqSpinBox_valueChanged(int arg1);
void on_actionSave_decoded_triggered();
void on_actionQuickDecode_toggled (bool);
void on_actionMediumDecode_toggled (bool);
void on_actionDeepestDecode_toggled (bool);
void bumpFqso(int n);
void on_actionErase_ALL_TXT_triggered();
void on_reset_cabrillo_log_action_triggered ();
void on_actionErase_wsjtx_log_adi_triggered();
void on_actionErase_WSPR_hashtable_triggered();
void on_actionExport_Cabrillo_log_triggered();
void startTx2();
void startP1();
void stopTx();
void stopTx2();
void on_rptSpinBox_valueChanged(int n);
void killFile();
void on_tuneButton_clicked (bool);
void on_pbR2T_clicked();
void on_pbT2R_clicked();
void acceptQSO (QDateTime const&, QString const& call, QString const& grid
, Frequency dial_freq, QString const& mode
, QString const& rpt_sent, QString const& rpt_received
, QString const& tx_power, QString const& comments
, QString const& name, QDateTime const& QSO_date_on, QString const& operator_call
, QString const& my_call, QString const& my_grid
, QString const& exchange_sent, QString const& exchange_rcvd
, QString const& propmode, QByteArray const& ADIF);
void on_bandComboBox_currentIndexChanged (int index);
void on_bandComboBox_editTextChanged (QString const& text);
void on_bandComboBox_activated (int index);
void on_readFreq_clicked();
void on_pbTxMode_clicked();
void on_RxFreqSpinBox_valueChanged(int n);
void on_outAttenuation_valueChanged (int);
void rigOpen ();
void handle_transceiver_update (Transceiver::TransceiverState const&);
void handle_transceiver_failure (QString const& reason);
void on_actionAstronomical_data_toggled (bool);
void on_actionShort_list_of_add_on_prefixes_and_suffixes_triggered();
void band_changed (Frequency);
void monitor (bool);
void stop_tuning ();
void stopTuneATU();
void auto_tx_mode(bool);
void on_actionMessage_averaging_triggered();
void on_contest_log_action_triggered ();
void on_fox_log_action_triggered ();
void on_actionColors_triggered();
void on_actionInclude_averaging_toggled (bool);
void on_actionInclude_correlation_toggled (bool);
void on_actionEnable_AP_DXcall_toggled (bool);
void VHF_features_enabled(bool b);
void on_sbSubmode_valueChanged(int n);
void on_cbShMsgs_toggled(bool b);
void on_cbSWL_toggled(bool b);
void on_cbTx6_toggled(bool b);
void on_cbMenus_toggled(bool b);
void on_cbCQonly_toggled(bool b);
void on_cbFirst_toggled(bool b);
void on_cbAutoSeq_toggled(bool b);
void networkError (QString const&);
void on_ClrAvgButton_clicked();
void on_actionWSPR_triggered();
void on_syncSpinBox_valueChanged(int n);
void on_TxPowerComboBox_currentIndexChanged(int);
void on_sbTxPercent_valueChanged(int n);
void on_cbUploadWSPR_Spots_toggled(bool b);
void WSPR_config(bool b);
void uploadWSPRSpots (bool direct_post = false, QString const& decode_text = QString {});
void TxAgain();
void uploadResponse(QString const& response);
void on_WSPRfreqSpinBox_valueChanged(int n);
void on_sbFST4W_RxFreq_valueChanged(int n);
void on_sbFST4W_FTol_valueChanged(int n);
void on_pbTxNext_clicked(bool b);
void on_actionEcho_Graph_triggered();
void on_actionEcho_triggered();
void on_actionISCAT_triggered();
void on_actionFast_Graph_triggered();
void fast_decode_done();
void on_actionMeasure_reference_spectrum_triggered();
void on_actionErase_reference_spectrum_triggered();
void on_actionMeasure_phase_response_triggered();
void on_sbTR_valueChanged (int);
void on_sbTR_FST4W_valueChanged (int);
void on_sbFtol_valueChanged (int);
void on_cbFast9_clicked(bool b);
void on_sbCQTxFreq_valueChanged(int n);
void on_cbCQTx_toggled(bool b);
void on_actionMSK144_triggered();
void on_actionQRA64_triggered();
void on_actionFreqCal_triggered();
void splash_done ();
void on_measure_check_box_stateChanged (int);
void on_sbNlist_valueChanged(int n);
void on_sbNslots_valueChanged(int n);
void on_sbMax_dB_valueChanged(int n);
void on_sbF_Low_valueChanged(int n);
void on_sbF_High_valueChanged(int n);
void chk_FST4_freq_range();
void on_pbFoxReset_clicked();
void on_comboBoxHoundSort_activated (int index);
void not_GA_warning_message ();
void checkMSK144ContestType();
void on_pbBestSP_clicked();
void on_RoundRobin_currentTextChanged(QString text);
void setTxMsg(int n);
bool stdCall(QString const& w);
void remote_configure (QString const& mode, quint32 frequency_tolerance, QString const& submode
, bool fast_mode, quint32 tr_period, quint32 rx_df, QString const& dx_call
, QString const& dx_grid, bool generate_messages);
Q_SIGNAL void initializeAudioOutputStream (QAudioDeviceInfo,
unsigned channels, unsigned msBuffered) const;
Q_SIGNAL void stopAudioOutputStream () const;
Q_SIGNAL void startAudioInputStream (QAudioDeviceInfo const&,
int framesPerBuffer, AudioDevice * sink,
unsigned downSampleFactor, AudioDevice::Channel) const;
Q_SIGNAL void suspendAudioInputStream () const;
Q_SIGNAL void resumeAudioInputStream () const;
Q_SIGNAL void startDetector (AudioDevice::Channel) const;
Q_SIGNAL void FFTSize (unsigned) const;
Q_SIGNAL void detectorClose () const;
Q_SIGNAL void finished () const;
Q_SIGNAL void transmitFrequency (double) const;
Q_SIGNAL void endTransmitMessage (bool quick = false) const;
Q_SIGNAL void tune (bool = true) const;
Q_SIGNAL void sendMessage (QString mode, unsigned symbolsLength,
double framesPerSymbol, double frequency, double toneSpacing,
SoundOutput *, AudioDevice::Channel = AudioDevice::Mono,
bool synchronize = true, bool fastMode = false, double dBSNR = 99.,
int TRperiod=60) const;
Q_SIGNAL void outAttenuationChanged (qreal) const;
Q_SIGNAL void toggleShorthand () const;
Q_SIGNAL void reset_audio_input_stream (bool report_dropped_frames) const;
void set_mode (QString const& mode);
void astroUpdate ();
void writeAllTxt(QString message);
void auto_sequence (DecodedText const& message, unsigned start_tolerance, unsigned stop_tolerance);
void trim_view (bool b);
void foxTest();
void setColorHighlighting();
void chkFT4();
bool elide_tx1_not_allowed () const;
QProcessEnvironment const& m_env;
NetworkAccessManager m_network_manager;
bool m_valid;
QSplashScreen * m_splash;
QString m_revision;
bool m_multiple;
MultiSettings * m_multi_settings;
QPushButton * m_configurations_button;
QSettings * m_settings;
QScopedPointer<Ui::MainWindow> ui;
Configuration m_config;
LogBook m_logBook; // must be after Configuration construction
WSPRBandHopping m_WSPR_band_hopping;
bool m_WSPR_tx_next;
MessageBox m_rigErrorMessageBox;
QScopedPointer<SampleDownloader> m_sampleDownloader;
QScopedPointer<EqualizationToolsDialog> m_equalizationToolsDialog;
QScopedPointer<WideGraph> m_wideGraph;
QScopedPointer<EchoGraph> m_echoGraph;
QScopedPointer<FastGraph> m_fastGraph;
QScopedPointer<LogQSO> m_logDlg;
QScopedPointer<Astro> m_astroWidget;
QScopedPointer<HelpTextWindow> m_shortcuts;
QScopedPointer<HelpTextWindow> m_prefixes;
QScopedPointer<HelpTextWindow> m_mouseCmnds;
QScopedPointer<MessageAveraging> m_msgAvgWidget;
QScopedPointer<FoxLogWindow> m_foxLogWindow;
QScopedPointer<CabrilloLogWindow> m_contestLogWindow;
QScopedPointer<ColorHighlighting> m_colorHighlighting;
Transceiver::TransceiverState m_rigState;
Frequency m_lastDialFreq;
QString m_lastBand;
QString m_lastCallsign;
Frequency m_dialFreqRxWSPR; // best guess at WSPR QRG
Detector * m_detector;
unsigned m_FFTSize;
SoundInput * m_soundInput;
Modulator * m_modulator;
SoundOutput * m_soundOutput;
int m_tx_audio_buffer_frames;
QThread m_audioThread;
qint64 m_msErase;
qint64 m_secBandChanged;
qint64 m_freqMoon;
qint64 m_fullFoxCallTime;
Frequency m_freqNominal;
Frequency m_freqTxNominal;
Astro::Correction m_astroCorrection;
bool m_reverse_Doppler;
double m_s6;
double m_tRemaining;
double m_TRperiod;
float m_DTtol;
float m_t0;
float m_t1;
float m_t0Pick;
float m_t1Pick;
float m_fCPUmskrtd;
qint32 m_waterfallAvg;
qint32 m_ntx;
bool m_gen_message_is_cq;
bool m_send_RR73;
qint32 m_timeout;
qint32 m_XIT;
qint32 m_setftx;
qint32 m_ndepth;
qint32 m_sec0;
qint32 m_RxLog;
qint32 m_nutc0;
qint32 m_ntr;
qint32 m_tx;
qint32 m_hsym;
qint32 m_nsps;
qint32 m_hsymStop;
qint32 m_inGain;
qint32 m_ncw;
qint32 m_secID;
qint32 m_idleMinutes;
qint32 m_nSubMode;
qint32 m_nclearave;
qint32 m_minSync;
qint32 m_dBm;
qint32 m_nseq;
qint32 m_nWSPRdecodes;
qint32 m_k0;
qint32 m_kdone;
qint32 m_nPick;
FrequencyList_v2::const_iterator m_frequency_list_fcal_iter;
qint32 m_nTx73;
qint32 m_UTCdisk;
qint32 m_wait;
qint32 m_isort;
qint32 m_max_dB;
qint32 m_nDXped=0;
qint32 m_nSortedHounds=0;
qint32 m_nHoundsCalling=0;
qint32 m_Nlist=12;
qint32 m_Nslots=5;
qint32 m_nFoxMsgTimes[5]={0,0,0,0,0};
qint32 m_tAutoOn;
qint32 m_tFoxTx=0;
qint32 m_tFoxTx0=0;
qint32 m_maxStrikes=3; //Max # of repeats: 3 strikes and you're out
qint32 m_maxFoxWait=3; //Max wait time for expected Hound replies
qint32 m_foxCQtime=10; //CQs at least every 5 minutes
qint32 m_tFoxTxSinceCQ=999; //Fox Tx cycles since most recent CQ
qint32 m_nFoxFreq; //Audio freq at which Hound received a call from Fox
qint32 m_nSentFoxRrpt=0; //Serial number for next R+rpt Hound will send to Fox
qint32 m_kin0=0;
qint32 m_earlyDecode=41;
qint32 m_earlyDecode2=47;
qint32 m_nDecodes=0;
bool m_btxok; //True if OK to transmit
bool m_diskData;
bool m_loopall;
bool m_decoderBusy;
bool m_txFirst;
bool m_auto;
bool m_restart;
bool m_startAnother;
bool m_saveDecoded;
bool m_saveAll;
bool m_widebandDecode;
bool m_call3Modified;
bool m_dataAvailable;
bool m_bDecoded;
bool m_noSuffix;
bool m_decodedText2;
bool m_freeText;
bool m_sentFirst73;
int m_currentMessageType;
QString m_currentMessage;
int m_lastMessageType;
QString m_lastMessageSent;
QString m_tBlankLine;
bool m_bShMsgs;
bool m_bSWL;
bool m_uploadWSPRSpots;
bool m_uploading;
bool m_grid6;
bool m_tuneup;
bool m_bTxTime;
bool m_rxDone;
bool m_bSimplex; // not using split even if it is available
bool m_bEchoTxOK;
bool m_bTransmittedEcho;
bool m_bEchoTxed;
bool m_bFastMode;
bool m_bFast9;
bool m_bFastDecodeCalled;
bool m_bDoubleClickAfterCQnnn;
bool m_bRefSpec;
bool m_bClearRefSpec;
bool m_bTrain;
bool m_bUseRef;
bool m_bFastDone;
bool m_bAltV;
bool m_bNoMoreFiles;
bool m_bDoubleClicked;
bool m_bCallingCQ;
bool m_bAutoReply;
bool m_bCheckedContest;
bool m_bWarnedSplit=false;
bool m_bTUmsg;
bool m_bBestSPArmed=false;
bool m_bOK_to_chk=false;
m_QSOProgress; //State machine counter
int m_ihsym;
int m_nzap;
int m_npts8;
float m_px;
float m_pxmax;
float m_df3;
int m_iptt0;
bool m_btxok0;
int m_nsendingsh;
double m_onAirFreq0;
bool m_first_error;
char m_msg[100][80];
// labels in status bar
QLabel tx_status_label;
QLabel config_label;
QLabel mode_label;
QLabel last_tx_label;
QLabel auto_tx_label;
QLabel band_hopping_label;
QLabel ndecodes_label;
QProgressBar progressBar;
QLabel watchdog_label;
QFuture<void> m_wav_future;
QFutureWatcher<void> m_wav_future_watcher;
QFutureWatcher<void> watcher3;
QFutureWatcher<QString> m_saveWAVWatcher;
NonInheritingProcess proc_jt9;
NonInheritingProcess p1;
NonInheritingProcess p3;
WSPRNet *wsprNet;
QTimer m_guiTimer;
QTimer ptt1Timer; //StartTx delay
QTimer ptt0Timer; //StopTx delay
QTimer logQSOTimer;
QTimer killFileTimer;
QTimer tuneButtonTimer;
QTimer uploadTimer;
QTimer tuneATU_Timer;
QTimer TxAgainTimer;
QTimer minuteTimer;
QTimer splashTimer;
QTimer p1Timer;
QString m_path;
QString m_baseCall;
QString m_hisCall;
QString m_hisGrid;
QString m_appDir;
QString m_cqStr;
QString m_palette;
QString m_dateTime;
QString m_mode;
QString m_modeTx;
QString m_fnameWE; // save path without extension
QString m_rpt;
QString m_nextRpt;
QString m_rptSent;
QString m_rptRcvd;
QString m_qsoStart;
QString m_qsoStop;
QStringList m_cmndP1;
QString m_msgSent0;
QString m_calls;
QString m_CQtype;
QString m_opCall;
QString m_houndCallers; //Sorted list of Hound callers
QString m_fm0;
QString m_fm1;
QString m_xSent; //Contest exchange sent
QString m_xRcvd; //Contest exchange received
QString m_currentBand;
QString m_nextCall;
QString m_nextGrid;
QString m_fileDateTime;
QString m_inQSOwith;
QString m_BestCQpriority;
QSet<QString> m_pfx;
QSet<QString> m_sfx;
struct FoxQSO //Everything we need to know about QSOs in progress (or recently logged).
QString grid; //Hound's declared locator
QString sent; //Report sent to Hound
QString rcvd; //Report received from Hound
qint32 ncall; //Number of times report sent to Hound
qint32 nRR73; //Number of times RR73 sent to Hound
qint32 tFoxRrpt; //m_tFoxTx (Fox Tx cycle counter) when R+rpt was received from Hound
qint32 tFoxTxRR73; //m_tFoxTx when RR73 was sent to Hound
QMap<QString,FoxQSO> m_foxQSO; //Key = HoundCall, value = parameters for QSO in progress
QMap<QString,QString> m_loggedByFox; //Key = HoundCall, value = logged band
struct FixupQSO //Info for fixing Fox's log from file "FoxQSO.txt"
QString grid; //Hound's declared locator
QString sent; //Report sent to Hound
QString rcvd; //Report received from Hound
QDateTime QSO_time;
QMap<QString,FixupQSO> m_fixupQSO; //Key = HoundCall, value = info for QSO in progress
QQueue<QString> m_houndQueue; //Selected Hounds available for starting a QSO
QQueue<QString> m_foxQSOinProgress; //QSOs in progress: Fox has sent a report
QQueue<qint64> m_foxRateQueue;
QDateTime m_dateTimeQSOOn;
QDateTime m_dateTimeLastTX;
QDateTime m_dateTimeSentTx3;
QDateTime m_dateTimeRcvdRR73;
QDateTime m_dateTimeBestSP;
QDateTime m_dateTimeSeqStart; //Nominal start time of Rx sequence about to be decoded
QSharedMemory *mem_jt9;
QString m_QSOText;
unsigned m_downSampleFactor;
QThread::Priority m_audioThreadPriority;
bool m_bandEdited;
bool m_splitMode;
bool m_monitoring;
bool m_tx_when_ready;
bool m_transmitting;
bool m_tune;
bool m_tx_watchdog; // true when watchdog triggered
bool m_block_pwr_tooltip;
bool m_PwrBandSetOK;
bool m_bDisplayedOnce;
Frequency m_lastMonitoredFrequency;
double m_toneSpacing;
int m_firstDecode;
QProgressDialog m_optimizingProgress;
QTimer m_heartbeat;
MessageClient * m_messageClient;
PSKReporter m_psk_Reporter;
DisplayManual m_manual;
QHash<QString, QVariant> m_pwrBandTxMemory; // Remembers power level by band
QHash<QString, QVariant> m_pwrBandTuneMemory; // Remembers power level by band for tuning
QByteArray m_geometryNoControls;
QVector<double> m_phaseEqCoefficients;
bool m_block_udp_status_updates;
//---------------------------------------------------- private functions
void readSettings();
void set_application_font (QFont const&);
void setDecodedTextFont (QFont const&);
void writeSettings();
void createStatusBar();
void updateStatusBar();
void genStdMsgs(QString rpt, bool unconditional = false);
void genCQMsg();
void clearDX ();
void lookup();
void ba2msg(QByteArray ba, char* message);
void msgtype(QString t, QLineEdit* tx);
void stub();
void statusChanged();
void fixStop();
bool shortList(QString callsign) const;
void transmit (double snr = 99.);
void rigFailure (QString const& reason);
void pskSetLocal ();
void pskPost(DecodedText const& decodedtext);
void displayDialFrequency ();
void transmitDisplay (bool);
void processMessage(DecodedText const& message, Qt::KeyboardModifiers = Qt::NoModifier);
void replyToCQ (QTime, qint32 snr, float delta_time, quint32 delta_frequency, QString const& mode, QString const& message_text, bool low_confidence, quint8 modifiers);
void locationChange(QString const& location);
void replayDecodes ();
void postDecode (bool is_new, QString const& message);
void postWSPRDecode (bool is_new, QStringList message_parts);
void enable_DXCC_entity (bool on);
void switch_mode (Mode);
void WSPR_scheduling ();
void freqCalStep();
void setRig (Frequency = 0); // zero frequency means no change
void WSPR_history(Frequency dialFreq, int ndecodes);
QString beacon_start_time (int n = 0);
QString WSPR_message();
void fast_config(bool b);
void CQTxFreq();
void useNextCall();
void abortQSO();
void write_all(QString txRx, QString message);
bool isWorked(int itype, QString key, float fMHz=0, QString="");
QString save_wave_file (QString const& name
, short const * data
, int samples
, QString const& my_callsign
, QString const& my_grid
, QString const& mode
, qint32 sub_mode
, Frequency frequency
, QString const& his_call
, QString const& his_grid) const;
void hound_reply ();
QString sortHoundCalls(QString t, int isort, int max_dB);
void rm_tb4(QString houndCall);
void read_wav_file (QString const& fname);
void decodeDone ();
bool subProcessFailed (QProcess *, int exit_code, QProcess::ExitStatus);
void subProcessError (QProcess *, QProcess::ProcessError);
void statusUpdate () const;
void update_watchdog_label ();
void on_the_minute ();
void add_child_to_event_filter (QObject *);
void remove_child_from_event_filter (QObject *);
void setup_status_bar (bool vhf);
void tx_watchdog (bool triggered);
qint64 nWidgets(QString t);
void displayWidgets(qint64 n);
QChar current_submode () const; // returns QChar {0} if submode is not appropriate
void write_transmit_entry (QString const& file_name);
void selectHound(QString t);
void houndCallers();
void foxRxSequencer(QString msg, QString houndCall, QString rptRcvd);
void foxTxSequencer();
void foxGenWaveform(int i,QString fm);
void writeFoxQSO (QString const& msg);
void to_jt9(qint32 n, qint32 istart, qint32 idone);
extern int killbyname(const char* progName);
extern void getDev(int* numDevices,char hostAPI_DeviceName[][50],
int minChan[], int maxChan[],
int minSpeed[], int maxSpeed[]);
extern int next_tx_state(int pctx);
#endif // MAINWINDOW_H