
94 lines
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#include <QIODevice>
#ifdef UNIX
# define NUM_CHANNELS 2
# define NUM_CHANNELS 1
// Input device that generates PCM audio frames that encode a message
// and an optional CW ID.
// Output can be muted while underway, preserving waveform timing when
// transmission is resumed.
class Modulator : public QIODevice
Q_PROPERTY (unsigned frequency READ frequency WRITE setFrequency);
Q_PROPERTY (bool tuning READ isTuning WRITE tune);
Q_PROPERTY (bool muted READ isMuted WRITE mute);
Q_DISABLE_COPY (Modulator);
Modulator (unsigned frameRate, unsigned periodLengthInSeconds, QObject * parent = 0);
bool open () {return QIODevice::open (QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Unbuffered);}
Q_SLOT void send (unsigned symbolsLength, double framesPerSymbol, unsigned frequency, bool synchronize = true, double dBSNR = 99.);
Q_SLOT void stop () {Q_EMIT stateChanged ((m_state = Idle));}
bool isTuning () const {return m_tuning;}
Q_SLOT void tune (bool newState = true) {m_tuning = newState;}
bool isMuted () const {return m_muted;}
Q_SLOT void mute (bool newState = true) {m_muted = newState;}
unsigned frequency () const {return m_frequency;}
Q_SLOT void setFrequency (unsigned newFrequency) {m_frequency = newFrequency;}
enum ModulatorState {Synchronizing, Active, Idle};
Q_SIGNAL void stateChanged (ModulatorState);
bool isActive () const {return m_state != Idle;}
bool isSequential () const {return true;}
qint64 readData (char * data, qint64 maxSize);
qint64 writeData (char const * /* data */, qint64 /* maxSize */)
return -1; // we don't consume data
typedef struct
qint16 channel[NUM_CHANNELS];
} frame_t;
frame_t postProcessFrame (frame_t frame) const;
unsigned m_symbolsLength;
static double const m_twoPi;
static unsigned const m_nspd; // CW ID WPM factor
int m_frameRate;
int m_period;
double m_nsps;
double volatile m_frequency;
double m_snr;
qint64 m_silentFrames;
qint64 m_framesSent;
ModulatorState volatile m_state;
bool volatile m_tuning;
bool volatile m_muted;
bool m_addNoise;
double m_phi;
double m_dphi;
double m_amp;
unsigned m_ic;
double m_fac;
unsigned m_isym0;