Bill Somerville 7566f3548d
Post FST4W spots to
Includes a re-factoring  of the WSPRNet class,  particularly to handle
direct spot posts as well as via  a file from wsprd. Switched from GET
http request method to POST method.

FST4W spots  post the same information  a WSPR spots except  the drift
field is  always zero (FST4W  has no  drift compensation, so  no drift
figure is calculated by the decoder),  and the mode field reflects the
T/R  period in  minutes.  This  means  FST4W-120A will  be similar  to
WSPR-2, an FST4W-900  will be similar to WSPR-15. I  don't see any way
to  view the  mode field  on  either the  new or  old database  format
queries on WSPRnet,  so it is hard  to tell if that  field is actually
2020-07-26 02:58:04 +01:00

60 lines
1.6 KiB

#ifndef WSPRNET_H
#define WSPRNET_H
#include <QObject>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QString>
#include <QList>
#include <QUrlQuery>
#include <QQueue>
class QNetworkAccessManager;
class QNetworkReply;
class WSPRNet : public QObject
using SpotQueue = QQueue<QUrlQuery>;
explicit WSPRNet (QNetworkAccessManager *, QObject *parent = nullptr);
void upload (QString const& call, QString const& grid, QString const& rfreq, QString const& tfreq,
QString const& mode, float TR_peirod, QString const& tpct, QString const& dbm,
QString const& version, QString const& fileName);
void post (QString const& call, QString const& grid, QString const& rfreq, QString const& tfreq,
QString const& mode, float TR_period, QString const& tpct, QString const& dbm,
QString const& version, QString const& decode_text = QString {});
void uploadStatus (QString);
public slots:
void networkReply (QNetworkReply *);
void work ();
void abortOutstandingRequests ();
bool decodeLine (QString const& line, SpotQueue::value_type& query);
SpotQueue::value_type urlEncodeNoSpot ();
SpotQueue::value_type urlEncodeSpot (SpotQueue::value_type& spot);
QNetworkAccessManager * network_manager_;
QList<QNetworkReply *> m_outstandingRequests;
QString m_call;
QString m_grid;;
QString m_rfreq;
QString m_tfreq;
QString m_mode;
QString m_tpct;
QString m_dbm;
QString m_vers;
QString m_file;
float TR_period_;
int spots_to_send_;
SpotQueue spot_queue_;
QTimer upload_timer_;
int m_uploadType;
#endif // WSPRNET_H