mirror of
synced 2024-11-08 01:56:10 -05:00
Use a header format for polynomial coefficients that includes the valid X range in scaled terms and a count of the number of coefficients. Use double precision consistently for polynomial coefficients. This includes formatting with sufficient DPs when writing to files. Many changes to the equalization plots, more to come. Add error handling for reading coefficient, plot and filter files. This includes being backward compatible for old format refspec.dat files with no header. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.code.sf.net/p/wsjt/wsjt/branches/wsjtx@7578 ab8295b8-cf94-4d9e-aec4-7959e3be5d79
545 lines
17 KiB
545 lines
17 KiB
#include "PhaseEqualizationDialog.hpp"
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <limits>
#include <cmath>
#include <QDir>
#include <QVector>
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QDialog>
#include <QDialogButtonBox>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QSettings>
#include "SettingsGroup.hpp"
#include "qcustomplot.h"
#include "pimpl_impl.hpp"
float constexpr PI = 3.1415927f;
char const * const title = "Phase Equalization";
size_t constexpr intervals = 144;
// plot data loaders - wraps a plot providing value_type and
// push_back so that a std::back_inserter output iterator can be
// used to load plot data
template<typename T, typename A>
struct plot_data_loader
typedef T value_type;
// the adjust argument is a function that is passed the plot
// pointer, the graph index and a data point, it returns a
// possibly adjusted data point and can modify the graph including
// adding extra points or gaps (quiet_NaN)
plot_data_loader (QCustomPlot * plot, int graph_index, A adjust)
: plot_ {plot}
, index_ {graph_index}
, adjust_ (adjust)
// load point into graph
void push_back (value_type const& d)
plot_->graph (index_)->data ()->add (adjust_ (plot_, index_, d));
QCustomPlot * plot_;
int index_;
A adjust_;
// helper function template to make a plot_data_loader instance
template<typename A>
auto make_plot_data_loader (QCustomPlot * plot, int index, A adjust)
-> plot_data_loader<QCPGraphData, decltype (adjust)>
return plot_data_loader<QCPGraphData, decltype (adjust)> {plot, index, adjust};
// identity adjust function when no adjustment is needed with the
// above instantiation helper
QCPGraphData adjust_identity (QCustomPlot *, int, QCPGraphData const& v) {return v;}
// a plot_data_loader adjustment function that wraps Y values of
// (-1..+1) plotting discontinuities as gaps in the graph data
auto wrap_pi = [] (QCustomPlot * plot, int index, QCPGraphData d)
double constexpr limit {1};
static unsigned wrap_count {0};
static double last_x {std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest ()};
d.value += 2 * limit * wrap_count;
if (d.value > limit)
// insert a gap in the graph
plot->graph (index)->data ()->add ({last_x + (d.key - last_x) / 2
, std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN ()});
while (d.value > limit)
d.value -= 2 * limit;
else if (d.value < -limit)
// insert a gap into the graph
plot->graph (index)->data ()->add ({last_x + (d.key - last_x) / 2
, std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN ()});
while (d.value < -limit)
d.value += 2 * limit;
last_x = d.key;
return d;
// generate points of type R from a function of type F for X in
// (-1..+1) with N intervals and function of type SX to scale X and
// of type SY to scale Y
// it is up to the user to call the generator sufficient times which
// is interval+1 times to reach +1
template<typename R, typename F, typename SX, typename SY>
struct graph_generator
graph_generator (F f, size_t intervals, SX x_scaling, SY y_scaling)
: x_ {0}
, f_ (f)
, intervals_ {intervals}
, x_scaling_ (x_scaling)
, y_scaling_ (y_scaling)
R operator () ()
typename F::value_type x {x_++ * 2.f / intervals_ - 1.f};
return {x_scaling_ (x), y_scaling_ (f_ (x))};
int x_;
F f_;
size_t intervals_;
SX x_scaling_;
SY y_scaling_;
// helper function template to make a graph_generator instance for
// QCPGraphData type points with intervals intervals
template<typename F, typename SX, typename SY>
auto make_graph_generator (F function, SX x_scaling, SY y_scaling)
-> graph_generator<QCPGraphData, F, decltype (x_scaling), decltype (y_scaling)>
return graph_generator<QCPGraphData, F, decltype (x_scaling), decltype (y_scaling)>
{function, intervals, x_scaling, y_scaling};
// template function object for a polynomial with coefficients
template<typename C>
class polynomial
typedef typename C::value_type value_type;
explicit polynomial (C const& coefficients)
: c_ {coefficients}
value_type operator () (value_type const& x)
value_type y {};
for (typename C::size_type i = c_.size (); i > 0; --i)
y = c_[i - 1] + x * y;
return y;
C c_;
// helper function template to instantiate a polynomial instance
template<typename C>
auto make_polynomial (C const& coefficients) -> polynomial<C>
return polynomial<C> (coefficients);
// template function object for a group delay with coefficients
template<typename C>
class group_delay
typedef typename C::value_type value_type;
explicit group_delay (C const& coefficients)
: c_ {coefficients}
value_type operator () (value_type const& x)
value_type tau {};
for (typename C::size_type i = 2; i < c_.size (); ++i)
tau += i * c_[i] * std::pow (x, i - 1);
return -1 / (2 * PI) * tau;
C c_;
// helper function template to instantiate a group_delay function
// object
template<typename C>
auto make_group_delay (C const& coefficients) -> group_delay<C>
return group_delay<C> (coefficients);
// handy identity function
template<typename T> T identity (T const& v) {return v;}
// a lambda that scales the X axis from normalized to (500..2500)Hz
auto freq_scaling = [] (float v) -> float {return 1500.f + 1000.f * v;};
// a lambda that scales the phase Y axis from radians to units of Pi
auto pi_scaling = [] (float v) -> float {return v / PI;};
class PhaseEqualizationDialog::impl final
: public QDialog
explicit impl (PhaseEqualizationDialog * self, QSettings * settings
, QDir const& data_directory, QVector<double> const& coefficients
, QWidget * parent);
~impl () {save_window_state ();}
void closeEvent (QCloseEvent * e) override
save_window_state ();
QDialog::closeEvent (e);
void save_window_state ()
SettingsGroup g (settings_, title);
settings_->setValue ("geometry", saveGeometry ());
void plot_current ();
void plot_phase ();
void plot_amplitude ();
PhaseEqualizationDialog * self_;
QSettings * settings_;
QDir data_directory_;
QHBoxLayout layout_;
QVector<double> current_coefficients_;
QVector<double> new_coefficients_;
unsigned amp_poly_low_;
unsigned amp_poly_high_;
QVector<double> amp_coefficients_;
QCustomPlot plot_;
QDialogButtonBox button_box_;
#include "PhaseEqualizationDialog.moc"
PhaseEqualizationDialog::PhaseEqualizationDialog (QSettings * settings
, QDir const& data_directory
, QVector<double> const& coefficients
, QWidget * parent)
: m_ {this, settings, data_directory, coefficients, parent}
void PhaseEqualizationDialog::show ()
m_->show ();
PhaseEqualizationDialog::impl::impl (PhaseEqualizationDialog * self
, QSettings * settings
, QDir const& data_directory
, QVector<double> const& coefficients
, QWidget * parent)
: QDialog {parent}
, self_ {self}
, settings_ {settings}
, data_directory_ {data_directory}
, current_coefficients_ {coefficients}
, amp_poly_low_ {0}
, amp_poly_high_ {6000}
, button_box_ {QDialogButtonBox::Discard | QDialogButtonBox::Apply
| QDialogButtonBox::RestoreDefaults | QDialogButtonBox::Close
, Qt::Vertical}
setWindowTitle (windowTitle () + ' ' + tr (title));
resize (500, 600);
SettingsGroup g {settings_, title};
restoreGeometry (settings_->value ("geometry", saveGeometry ()).toByteArray ());
auto legend_title = new QCPTextElement {&plot_, tr ("Phase"), QFont {"sans", 9, QFont::Bold}};
legend_title->setLayer (plot_.legend->layer ());
plot_.legend->addElement (0, 0, legend_title);
plot_.legend->setVisible (true);
plot_.xAxis->setLabel (tr ("Freq (Hz)"));
plot_.xAxis->setRange (500, 2500);
plot_.yAxis->setLabel (tr ("Phase (Π)"));
plot_.yAxis->setRange (-1, +1);
plot_.yAxis2->setLabel (tr ("Delay (ms)"));
plot_.axisRect ()->setRangeDrag (Qt::Vertical);
plot_.axisRect ()->setRangeZoom (Qt::Vertical);
plot_.yAxis2->setVisible (true);
plot_.axisRect ()->setRangeDragAxes (nullptr, plot_.yAxis2);
plot_.axisRect ()->setRangeZoomAxes (nullptr, plot_.yAxis2);
plot_.axisRect ()->insetLayout ()->setInsetAlignment (0, Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight);
plot_.setInteractions (QCP::iRangeDrag | QCP::iRangeZoom | QCP::iSelectPlottables);
plot_.addGraph ()->setName (tr ("Measured"));
plot_.graph ()->setPen (QPen {Qt::blue});
plot_.graph ()->setVisible (false);
plot_.graph ()->removeFromLegend ();
plot_.addGraph ()->setName (tr ("Proposed"));
plot_.graph ()->setPen (QPen {Qt::red});
plot_.graph ()->setVisible (false);
plot_.graph ()->removeFromLegend ();
plot_.addGraph ()->setName (tr ("Current"));
plot_.graph ()->setPen (QPen {Qt::green});
plot_.addGraph (plot_.xAxis, plot_.yAxis2)->setName (tr ("Group Delay"));
plot_.graph ()->setPen (QPen {Qt::darkGreen});
plot_.plotLayout ()->addElement (new QCPAxisRect {&plot_});
plot_.plotLayout ()->setRowStretchFactor (1, 0.5);
auto amp_legend = new QCPLegend;
plot_.axisRect (1)->insetLayout ()->addElement (amp_legend, Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignRight);
plot_.axisRect (1)->insetLayout ()->setMargins (QMargins {12, 12, 12, 12});
amp_legend->setVisible (true);
amp_legend->setLayer (QLatin1String {"legend"});
legend_title = new QCPTextElement {&plot_, tr ("Amplitude"), QFont {"sans", 9, QFont::Bold}};
legend_title->setLayer (amp_legend->layer ());
amp_legend->addElement (0, 0, legend_title);
plot_.axisRect (1)->axis (QCPAxis::atBottom)->setLabel (tr ("Freq (Hz)"));
plot_.axisRect (1)->axis (QCPAxis::atBottom)->setRange (0, 6000);
plot_.axisRect (1)->axis (QCPAxis::atLeft)->setLabel (tr ("Relative Power (dB)"));
plot_.axisRect (1)->axis (QCPAxis::atLeft)->setRangeLower (0);
plot_.axisRect (1)->setRangeDragAxes (nullptr, nullptr);
plot_.axisRect (1)->setRangeZoomAxes (nullptr, nullptr);
plot_.addGraph (plot_.axisRect (1)->axis (QCPAxis::atBottom)
, plot_.axisRect (1)->axis (QCPAxis::atLeft))->setName (tr ("Reference"));
plot_.graph ()->setPen (QPen {Qt::blue});
plot_.graph ()->removeFromLegend ();
plot_.graph ()->addToLegend (amp_legend);
layout_.addWidget (&plot_);
auto load_phase_button = button_box_.addButton (tr ("Phase ..."), QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole);
auto refresh_button = button_box_.addButton (tr ("Refresh"), QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole);
layout_.addWidget (&button_box_);
setLayout (&layout_);
connect (&button_box_, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, this, &QDialog::reject);
connect (&button_box_, &QDialogButtonBox::clicked, [=] (QAbstractButton * button) {
if (button == load_phase_button)
plot_phase ();
else if (button == refresh_button)
plot_current ();
else if (button == button_box_.button (QDialogButtonBox::Apply))
if (plot_.graph (0)->dataCount ()) // something loaded
current_coefficients_ = new_coefficients_;
Q_EMIT self_->phase_equalization_changed (current_coefficients_);
plot_current ();
else if (button == button_box_.button (QDialogButtonBox::RestoreDefaults))
current_coefficients_ = QVector<double> {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
Q_EMIT self_->phase_equalization_changed (current_coefficients_);
plot_current ();
else if (button == button_box_.button (QDialogButtonBox::Discard))
new_coefficients_ = QVector<double> {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
plot_.graph (0)->data ()->clear ();
plot_.graph (0)->setVisible (false);
plot_.graph (0)->removeFromLegend ();
plot_.graph (1)->data ()->clear ();
plot_.graph (1)->setVisible (false);
plot_.graph (1)->removeFromLegend ();
plot_.replot ();
plot_current ();
struct PowerSpectrumPoint
operator QCPGraphData () const
return QCPGraphData {freq_, power_};
float freq_;
float power_;
// read an amplitude point line from a stream (refspec.dat)
std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& is, PowerSpectrumPoint& r)
float y1, y3, y4; // discard these
is >> r.freq_ >> y1 >> r.power_ >> y3 >> y4;
return is;
void PhaseEqualizationDialog::impl::plot_current ()
auto phase_graph = make_plot_data_loader (&plot_, 2, wrap_pi);
plot_.graph (2)->data ()->clear ();
std::generate_n (std::back_inserter (phase_graph), intervals + 1
, make_graph_generator (make_polynomial (current_coefficients_), freq_scaling, pi_scaling));
auto group_delay_graph = make_plot_data_loader (&plot_, 3, adjust_identity);
plot_.graph (3)->data ()->clear ();
std::generate_n (std::back_inserter (group_delay_graph), intervals + 1
, make_graph_generator (make_group_delay (current_coefficients_), freq_scaling, identity<double>));
plot_.graph (3)->rescaleValueAxis ();
QFileInfo refspec_file_info {data_directory_.absoluteFilePath ("refspec.dat")};
std::ifstream refspec_file (refspec_file_info.absoluteFilePath ().toLatin1 ().constData (), std::ifstream::in);
unsigned n;
if (refspec_file >> amp_poly_low_ >> amp_poly_high_ >> n)
std::istream_iterator<double> isi {refspec_file};
amp_coefficients_.clear ();
std::copy_n (isi, n, std::back_inserter (amp_coefficients_));
// may be old format refspec.dat with no header so rewind
refspec_file.clear ();
refspec_file.seekg (0);
auto reference_spectrum_graph = make_plot_data_loader (&plot_, 4, adjust_identity);
plot_.graph (4)->data ()->clear ();
std::copy (std::istream_iterator<PowerSpectrumPoint> {refspec_file},
std::istream_iterator<PowerSpectrumPoint> {},
std::back_inserter (reference_spectrum_graph));
plot_.graph (4)->rescaleValueAxis (true);
plot_.replot ();
struct PhasePoint
operator QCPGraphData () const
return QCPGraphData {freq_, phase_};
double freq_;
double phase_;
// read a phase point line from a stream (pcoeff file)
std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& is, PhasePoint& c)
double pp, sigmay; // discard these
if (is >> c.freq_ >> pp >> c.phase_ >> sigmay)
c.freq_ = 1500. + 1000. * c.freq_; // scale frequency to Hz
c.phase_ /= PI; // scale to units of Pi
return is;
void PhaseEqualizationDialog::impl::plot_phase ()
auto const& phase_file_name = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName (this
, "Select Phase Response Coefficients"
, data_directory_.absolutePath ()
, "Phase Coefficient Files (*.pcoeff)");
if (!phase_file_name.size ()) return;
std::ifstream phase_file (phase_file_name.toLatin1 ().constData (), std::ifstream::in);
int n;
float chi;
float rmsdiff;
unsigned freq_low;
unsigned freq_high;
unsigned terms;
// read header information
if (phase_file >> n >> chi >> rmsdiff >> freq_low >> freq_high >> terms)
std::istream_iterator<double> isi {phase_file};
new_coefficients_.clear ();
std::copy_n (isi, terms, std::back_inserter (new_coefficients_));
if (phase_file)
plot_.graph (0)->data ()->clear ();
plot_.graph (1)->data ()->clear ();
// read the phase data and plot as graph 0
auto graph = make_plot_data_loader (&plot_, 0, adjust_identity);
std::copy_n (std::istream_iterator<PhasePoint> {phase_file},
intervals + 1, std::back_inserter (graph));
if (phase_file)
plot_.graph (0)->setVisible (true);
plot_.graph (0)->addToLegend ();
// generate the proposed polynomial plot as graph 1
auto graph = make_plot_data_loader (&plot_, 1, wrap_pi);
std::generate_n (std::back_inserter (graph), intervals + 1
, make_graph_generator (make_polynomial (new_coefficients_)
, freq_scaling, pi_scaling));
plot_.graph (1)->setVisible (true);
plot_.graph (1)->addToLegend ();
plot_.replot ();
#include "moc_PhaseEqualizationDialog.cpp"