Bill Somerville bfd4deb7c7 Used floating point for colour interpolation in palettes since QColor
is float internally anyway.

Avoided invalid colour values in palette colour interpolation.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// ab8295b8-cf94-4d9e-aec4-7959e3be5d79
2014-04-07 18:13:16 +00:00

316 lines
9.3 KiB

#include "WFPalette.hpp"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <memory>
#include <algorithm>
#include <QMetaType>
#include <QObject>
#include <QFile>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QString>
#include <QDialog>
#include <QTableWidget>
#include <QTableWidgetItem>
#include <QColorDialog>
#include <QColor>
#include <QBrush>
#include <QPoint>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QAction>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QStandardPaths>
#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QFile>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QDebug>
#include "qt_helpers.hpp"
#include "ui_wf_palette_design_dialog.h"
int constexpr points {256};
struct init
init ()
qRegisterMetaTypeStreamOperators<WFPalette::Colours> ("Colours");
} static_initaializer;
using Colours = WFPalette::Colours;
// ensure that palette colours are useable for interpolation
Colours make_valid (Colours colours)
if (colours.size () < 2)
// allow single element by starting at black
colours.prepend (QColor {0, 0, 0});
if (1 == colours.size ())
// allow empty list by using black to white
colours.append (QColor {255,255,255});
if (colours.size () > points)
throw_qstring (QObject::tr ("Too many colours in palette."));
return colours;
// load palette colours from a file
Colours load_palette (QString const& file_name)
Colours colours;
QFile file {file_name};
if ( (QIODevice::ReadOnly))
unsigned count {0};
QTextStream in (&file);
int line_counter {0};
while (!in.atEnd ())
auto line = in.readLine();
if (++count >= points)
throw_qstring (QObject::tr ("Error reading waterfall palette file \"%1:%2\" too many colors.")
.arg (file.fileName ()).arg (line_counter));
auto items = line.split (';');
if (items.size () != 3)
throw_qstring (QObject::tr ("Error reading waterfall palette file \"%1:%2\" invalid triplet.")
.arg (file.fileName ()).arg (line_counter));
bool r_ok, g_ok, b_ok;
auto r = items[0].toInt (&r_ok);
auto g = items[1].toInt (&g_ok);
auto b = items[2].toInt (&b_ok);
if (!r_ok || !g_ok || !b_ok
|| r < 0 || r > 255
|| g < 0 || g > 255
|| b < 0 || b > 255)
throw_qstring (QObject::tr ("Error reading waterfall palette file \"%1:%2\" invalid color.")
.arg (file.fileName ()).arg (line_counter));
colours.append (QColor {r, g, b});
throw_qstring (QObject::tr ("Error opening waterfall palette file \"%1\".").arg (file.fileName ()));
return colours;
// GUI to design and manage waterfall palettes
class Designer
: public QDialog
explicit Designer (Colours const& current, QWidget * parent = nullptr)
: QDialog {parent}
, colours_ {current}
ui_.setupUi (this);
// context menu actions
auto import_button = ui_.button_box->addButton ("&Import...", QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole);
connect (import_button, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Designer::import_palette);
auto export_button = ui_.button_box->addButton ("&Export...", QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole);
connect (export_button, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Designer::export_palette);
// load the table items
ui_.colour_table_widget->setRowCount (colours_.size ());
for (int i {0}; i < colours_.size (); ++i)
insert_item (i);
// hookup the context menu handler
connect (ui_.colour_table_widget, &QWidget::customContextMenuRequested, this, &Designer::context_menu);
Colours colours () const
return colours_;
// invoke the colour editor
Q_SLOT void on_colour_table_widget_itemDoubleClicked (QTableWidgetItem * item)
auto new_colour = QColorDialog::getColor (item->background ().color (), this);
if (new_colour.isValid ())
item->setBackground (QBrush {new_colour});
colours_[item->row ()] = new_colour;
void insert_item (int row)
std::unique_ptr<QTableWidgetItem> item {new QTableWidgetItem {""}};
item->setBackground (QBrush {colours_[row]});
item->setFlags (Qt::ItemIsEnabled);
ui_.colour_table_widget->setItem (row, 0, item.release ());
void insert_new_item (int row, QColor const& default_colour)
// use the prior row colour as default if available
auto new_colour = QColorDialog::getColor (row > 0 ? colours_[row - 1] : default_colour, this);
if (new_colour.isValid ())
ui_.colour_table_widget->insertRow (row);
colours_.insert (row, new_colour);
insert_item (row);
void context_menu (QPoint const& p)
context_menu_.clear ();
if (ui_.colour_table_widget->itemAt (p))
auto delete_action = context_menu_.addAction (tr ("&Delete"));
connect (delete_action, &QAction::triggered, [this] ()
auto row = ui_.colour_table_widget->currentRow ();
ui_.colour_table_widget->removeRow (row);
colours_.removeAt (row);
auto insert_action = context_menu_.addAction (tr ("&Insert ..."));
connect (insert_action, &QAction::triggered, [this] ()
auto item = ui_.colour_table_widget->itemAt (menu_pos_);
int row = item ? item->row () : colours_.size ();
insert_new_item (row, QColor {0, 0, 0});
auto insert_after_action = context_menu_.addAction (tr ("Insert &after ..."));
connect (insert_after_action, &QAction::triggered, [this] ()
auto item = ui_.colour_table_widget->itemAt (menu_pos_);
int row = item ? item->row () + 1 : colours_.size ();
insert_new_item( row, QColor {255, 255, 255});
menu_pos_ = p; // save for context menu action handlers
context_menu_.popup (ui_.colour_table_widget->mapToGlobal (p));
void import_palette ()
auto docs = QStandardPaths::writableLocation (QStandardPaths::DocumentsLocation);
auto file_name = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName (this, tr ("Import Palette"), docs, tr ("Palettes (*.pal)"));
if (!file_name.isEmpty ())
colours_ = load_palette (file_name);
void export_palette ()
auto docs = QStandardPaths::writableLocation (QStandardPaths::DocumentsLocation);
auto file_name = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName (this, tr ("Export Palette"), docs, tr ("Palettes (*.pal)"));
if (!file_name.isEmpty ())
if (!QFile::exists (file_name) && !file_name.contains ('.'))
file_name += ".pal";
QFile file {file_name};
if ( (QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Truncate | QFile::Text))
QTextStream stream {&file};
Q_FOREACH (auto colour, colours_)
stream << () << ';' << () << ';' << () << endl;
throw_qstring (QObject::tr ("Error writing waterfall palette file \"%1\".").arg (file.fileName ()));
Ui::wf_palette_design_dialog ui_;
Colours colours_;
QMenu context_menu_;
QPoint menu_pos_;
#include "WFPalette.moc"
WFPalette::WFPalette (QString const& file_path)
: colours_ {load_palette (file_path)}
WFPalette::WFPalette (QList<QColor> const& colour_list)
: colours_ {colour_list}
// generate an array of colours suitable for the waterfall plotter
QVector<QColor> WFPalette::interpolate () const
Colours colours {make_valid (colours_)};
QVector<QColor> result;
result.reserve (points);
// do a linear gradient between each supplied colour point
int interval = points / (colours.size () - 1);
for (int i {0}; i < points; ++i)
int prior {i / interval};
int next {prior + 1};
if (next >= colours.size ())
auto increment = i - interval * prior;
qreal r {std::max (0., colours[prior].redF () + (increment * (colours[next].redF () - colours[prior].redF ()))/interval)};
qreal g {std::max (0., colours[prior].greenF () + (increment * (colours[next].greenF () - colours[prior].greenF ()))/interval)};
qreal b {std::max (0., colours[prior].blueF () + (increment * (colours[next].blueF () - colours[prior].blueF ()))/interval)};
result.append (QColor::fromRgbF (r, g, b));
return result;
// invoke the palette designer
bool WFPalette::design ()
Designer designer {colours_};
if (QDialog::Accepted == designer.exec ())
colours_ = designer.colours ();
return true;
return false;