Bill Somerville 3c384f7cbb Add UDP message to set temporary Maidenhead locator
When "Auto  Grid" is  checked in  "Settings->General" UDP  messages of
type "Location" will update a temporary  DE grid square. The intent is
to  allow  an external  application  joining  the WSJT-X  UDP  message
protocol to dynamically update the DE grid during mobile operation.

This change also tidies up  some outstanding issues around logging the
operator call.

This change  adds a new UDP  message "Logged ADIF" that  is emitted in
parallel with  "QSO Logged"  messages. The new  message is  valid ADIF
file format  and contains the  logged QSO  fields. The intent  is that
basic  UDP server  applications  might already  have  ADIF log  record
capture capabilities and could use  this message to feed existing ADIF
parsing routines to log QSOs. All that should be needed is to identify
this message type and the single field is ADIF compatible ASCII.

Thanks  to  Brian,   N9ADG,  for  the  patches  that   lead  to  these

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// ab8295b8-cf94-4d9e-aec4-7959e3be5d79
2018-02-04 22:42:35 +00:00

294 lines
11 KiB

#include "ClientWidget.hpp"
#include <QRegExp>
#include <QColor>
#include "MaidenheadLocatorValidator.hpp"
//QRegExp message_alphabet {"[- A-Za-z0-9+./?]*"};
QRegExp message_alphabet {"[- @A-Za-z0-9+./?#<>]*"};
QRegularExpression cq_re {"(CQ|CQDX|QRZ)[^A-Z0-9/]+"};
void update_dynamic_property (QWidget * widget, char const * property, QVariant const& value)
widget->setProperty (property, value);
widget->style ()->unpolish (widget);
widget->style ()->polish (widget);
widget->update ();
ClientWidget::IdFilterModel::IdFilterModel (QString const& client_id)
: client_id_ {client_id}
, rx_df_ (-1)
QVariant ClientWidget::IdFilterModel::data (QModelIndex const& proxy_index, int role) const
if (role == Qt::BackgroundRole)
switch (proxy_index.column ())
case 8: // message
auto message = QSortFilterProxyModel::data (proxy_index).toString ();
if (base_call_re_.pattern ().size ()
&& message.contains (base_call_re_))
return QColor {255,200,200};
if (message.contains (cq_re))
return QColor {200, 255, 200};
case 4: // DF
if (qAbs (QSortFilterProxyModel::data (proxy_index).toInt () - rx_df_) <= 10)
return QColor {255, 200, 200};
return QSortFilterProxyModel::data (proxy_index, role);
bool ClientWidget::IdFilterModel::filterAcceptsRow (int source_row
, QModelIndex const& source_parent) const
auto source_index_col0 = sourceModel ()->index (source_row, 0, source_parent);
return sourceModel ()->data (source_index_col0).toString () == client_id_;
void ClientWidget::IdFilterModel::de_call (QString const& call)
if (call != call_)
beginResetModel ();
if (call.size ())
base_call_re_.setPattern ("[^A-Z0-9]*" + Radio::base_callsign (call) + "[^A-Z0-9]*");
base_call_re_.setPattern (QString {});
call_ = call;
endResetModel ();
void ClientWidget::IdFilterModel::rx_df (int df)
if (df != rx_df_)
beginResetModel ();
rx_df_ = df;
endResetModel ();
QString make_title (QString const& id, QString const& version, QString const& revision)
QString title {id};
if (version.size ())
title += QString {" v%1"}.arg (version);
if (revision.size ())
title += QString {" (%1)"}.arg (revision);
return title;
ClientWidget::ClientWidget (QAbstractItemModel * decodes_model, QAbstractItemModel * beacons_model
, QString const& id, QString const& version, QString const& revision
, QWidget * parent)
: QDockWidget {make_title (id, version, revision), parent}
, id_ {id}
, decodes_proxy_model_ {id_}
, decodes_table_view_ {new QTableView}
, beacons_table_view_ {new QTableView}
, message_line_edit_ {new QLineEdit}
, grid_line_edit_ {new QLineEdit}
, decodes_stack_ {new QStackedLayout}
, auto_off_button_ {new QPushButton {tr ("&Auto Off")}}
, halt_tx_button_ {new QPushButton {tr ("&Halt Tx")}}
, de_label_ {new QLabel}
, mode_label_ {new QLabel}
, fast_mode_ {false}
, frequency_label_ {new QLabel}
, dx_label_ {new QLabel}
, rx_df_label_ {new QLabel}
, tx_df_label_ {new QLabel}
, report_label_ {new QLabel}
, columns_resized_ {false}
// set up widgets
decodes_proxy_model_.setSourceModel (decodes_model);
decodes_table_view_->setModel (&decodes_proxy_model_);
decodes_table_view_->verticalHeader ()->hide ();
decodes_table_view_->hideColumn (0);
decodes_table_view_->horizontalHeader ()->setStretchLastSection (true);
auto form_layout = new QFormLayout;
form_layout->addRow (tr ("Free text:"), message_line_edit_);
form_layout->addRow (tr ("Temporary grid:"), grid_line_edit_);
message_line_edit_->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator {message_alphabet, this});
grid_line_edit_->setValidator (new MaidenheadLocatorValidator {this});
connect (message_line_edit_, &QLineEdit::textEdited, [this] (QString const& text) {
Q_EMIT do_free_text (id_, text, false);
connect (message_line_edit_, &QLineEdit::editingFinished, [this] () {
Q_EMIT do_free_text (id_, message_line_edit_->text (), true);
connect (grid_line_edit_, &QLineEdit::editingFinished, [this] () {
Q_EMIT location (id_, grid_line_edit_->text ());
auto decodes_page = new QWidget;
auto decodes_layout = new QVBoxLayout {decodes_page};
decodes_layout->setContentsMargins (QMargins {2, 2, 2, 2});
decodes_layout->addWidget (decodes_table_view_);
decodes_layout->addLayout (form_layout);
auto beacons_proxy_model = new IdFilterModel {id_};
beacons_proxy_model->setSourceModel (beacons_model);
beacons_table_view_->setModel (beacons_proxy_model);
beacons_table_view_->verticalHeader ()->hide ();
beacons_table_view_->hideColumn (0);
beacons_table_view_->horizontalHeader ()->setStretchLastSection (true);
auto beacons_page = new QWidget;
auto beacons_layout = new QVBoxLayout {beacons_page};
beacons_layout->setContentsMargins (QMargins {2, 2, 2, 2});
beacons_layout->addWidget (beacons_table_view_);
decodes_stack_->addWidget (decodes_page);
decodes_stack_->addWidget (beacons_page);
// stack alternative views
auto content_layout = new QVBoxLayout;
content_layout->setContentsMargins (QMargins {2, 2, 2, 2});
content_layout->addLayout (decodes_stack_);
// set up controls
auto control_button_box = new QDialogButtonBox;
control_button_box->addButton (auto_off_button_, QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole);
control_button_box->addButton (halt_tx_button_, QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole);
connect (auto_off_button_, &QAbstractButton::clicked, [this] (bool /* checked */) {
Q_EMIT do_halt_tx (id_, true);
connect (halt_tx_button_, &QAbstractButton::clicked, [this] (bool /* checked */) {
Q_EMIT do_halt_tx (id_, false);
content_layout->addWidget (control_button_box);
// set up status area
auto status_bar = new QStatusBar;
status_bar->addPermanentWidget (de_label_);
status_bar->addPermanentWidget (mode_label_);
status_bar->addPermanentWidget (frequency_label_);
status_bar->addPermanentWidget (dx_label_);
status_bar->addPermanentWidget (rx_df_label_);
status_bar->addPermanentWidget (tx_df_label_);
status_bar->addPermanentWidget (report_label_);
content_layout->addWidget (status_bar);
connect (this, &ClientWidget::topLevelChanged, status_bar, &QStatusBar::setSizeGripEnabled);
// set up central widget
auto content_widget = new QFrame;
content_widget->setFrameStyle (QFrame::StyledPanel | QFrame::Sunken);
content_widget->setLayout (content_layout);
setWidget (content_widget);
// setMinimumSize (QSize {550, 0});
setFeatures (DockWidgetMovable | DockWidgetFloatable);
setAllowedAreas (Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea);
// connect up table view signals
connect (decodes_table_view_, &QTableView::doubleClicked, this, [this] (QModelIndex const& index) {
Q_EMIT do_reply (decodes_proxy_model_.mapToSource (index), QApplication::keyboardModifiers () >> 24);
void ClientWidget::update_status (QString const& id, Frequency f, QString const& mode, QString const& dx_call
, QString const& report, QString const& tx_mode, bool tx_enabled
, bool transmitting, bool decoding, qint32 rx_df, qint32 tx_df
, QString const& de_call, QString const& de_grid, QString const& dx_grid
, bool watchdog_timeout, QString const& sub_mode, bool fast_mode)
if (id == id_)
fast_mode_ = fast_mode;
decodes_proxy_model_.de_call (de_call);
decodes_proxy_model_.rx_df (rx_df);
de_label_->setText (de_call.size () >= 0 ? QString {"DE: %1%2"}.arg (de_call)
.arg (de_grid.size () ? '(' + de_grid + ')' : QString {}) : QString {});
mode_label_->setText (QString {"Mode: %1%2%3%4"}
.arg (mode)
.arg (sub_mode)
.arg (fast_mode && !mode.contains (QRegularExpression {R"(ISCAT|MSK144)"}) ? "fast" : "")
.arg (tx_mode.isEmpty () || tx_mode == mode ? "" : '(' + tx_mode + ')'));
frequency_label_->setText ("QRG: " + Radio::pretty_frequency_MHz_string (f));
dx_label_->setText (dx_call.size () >= 0 ? QString {"DX: %1%2"}.arg (dx_call)
.arg (dx_grid.size () ? '(' + dx_grid + ')' : QString {}) : QString {});
rx_df_label_->setText (rx_df >= 0 ? QString {"Rx: %1"}.arg (rx_df) : "");
tx_df_label_->setText (tx_df >= 0 ? QString {"Tx: %1"}.arg (tx_df) : "");
report_label_->setText ("SNR: " + report);
update_dynamic_property (frequency_label_, "transmitting", transmitting);
auto_off_button_->setEnabled (tx_enabled);
halt_tx_button_->setEnabled (transmitting);
update_dynamic_property (mode_label_, "decoding", decoding);
update_dynamic_property (tx_df_label_, "watchdog_timeout", watchdog_timeout);
void ClientWidget::decode_added (bool /*is_new*/, QString const& client_id, QTime /*time*/, qint32 /*snr*/
, float /*delta_time*/, quint32 /*delta_frequency*/, QString const& /*mode*/
, QString const& /*message*/, bool /*low_confidence*/, bool /*off_air*/)
if (client_id == id_ && !columns_resized_)
decodes_stack_->setCurrentIndex (0);
decodes_table_view_->resizeColumnsToContents ();
columns_resized_ = true;
decodes_table_view_->scrollToBottom ();
void ClientWidget::beacon_spot_added (bool /*is_new*/, QString const& client_id, QTime /*time*/, qint32 /*snr*/
, float /*delta_time*/, Frequency /*delta_frequency*/, qint32 /*drift*/
, QString const& /*callsign*/, QString const& /*grid*/, qint32 /*power*/
, bool /*off_air*/)
if (client_id == id_ && !columns_resized_)
decodes_stack_->setCurrentIndex (1);
beacons_table_view_->resizeColumnsToContents ();
columns_resized_ = true;
beacons_table_view_->scrollToBottom ();
void ClientWidget::clear_decodes (QString const& client_id)
if (client_id == id_)
columns_resized_ = false;
#include "moc_ClientWidget.cpp"