mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 07:00:39 -04:00
Thanks to Mike W9MDB for contributing this as a patch. Also added a few more in elsewhere. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.code.sf.net/p/wsjt/wsjt/branches/wsjtx@4883 ab8295b8-cf94-4d9e-aec4-7959e3be5d79
1074 lines
34 KiB
1074 lines
34 KiB
#include "HRDTransceiver.hpp"
#include <QHostAddress>
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QRegExp>
#include <QTcpSocket>
#include <QThread>
#include <QStandardPaths>
#include <QDir>
#include "NetworkServerLookup.hpp"
char const * const HRD_transceiver_name = "Ham Radio Deluxe";
void HRDTransceiver::register_transceivers (TransceiverFactory::Transceivers * registry, int id)
(*registry)[HRD_transceiver_name] = TransceiverFactory::Capabilities (id, TransceiverFactory::Capabilities::network, "localhost:7809", true);
struct HRDMessage
// Placement style new overload for outgoing messages that does the
// construction too.
static void * operator new (size_t size, QString const& payload)
size += sizeof (QChar) * (payload.size () + 1); // space for terminator too
HRDMessage * storage (reinterpret_cast<HRDMessage *> (new char[size]));
storage->size_ = size ;
ushort const * pl (payload.utf16 ());
qCopy (pl, pl + payload.size () + 1, storage->payload_); // copy terminator too
storage->magic_1_ = magic_1_value_;
storage->magic_2_ = magic_2_value_;
storage->checksum_ = 0;
return storage;
// Placement style new overload for incoming messages that does the
// construction too.
// No memory allocation here.
static void * operator new (size_t /* size */, QByteArray const& message)
// Nasty const_cast here to avoid copying the message buffer.
return const_cast<HRDMessage *> (reinterpret_cast<HRDMessage const *> (message.data ()));
void operator delete (void * p, size_t)
delete [] reinterpret_cast<char *> (p); // Mirror allocation in operator new above.
qint32 size_;
qint32 magic_1_;
qint32 magic_2_;
qint32 checksum_; // Apparently not used.
QChar payload_[0]; // UTF-16 (which is wchar_t on Windows)
static qint32 const magic_1_value_;
static qint32 const magic_2_value_;
qint32 const HRDMessage::magic_1_value_ (0x1234ABCD);
qint32 const HRDMessage::magic_2_value_ (0xABCD1234);
HRDTransceiver::HRDTransceiver (std::unique_ptr<TransceiverBase> wrapped
, QString const& server
, bool use_for_ptt
, int poll_interval)
: PollingTransceiver {poll_interval}
, wrapped_ {std::move (wrapped)}
, use_for_ptt_ {use_for_ptt}
, server_ {server}
, hrd_ {0}
, protocol_ {none}
, current_radio_ {0}
, vfo_count_ {0}
, vfo_A_button_ {-1}
, vfo_B_button_ {-1}
, vfo_toggle_button_ {-1}
, mode_A_dropdown_ {-1}
, mode_B_dropdown_ {-1}
, split_mode_button_ {-1}
, split_mode_dropdown_ {-1}
, split_mode_dropdown_write_only_ {false}
, split_mode_dropdown_selection_on_ {-1}
, split_mode_dropdown_selection_off_ {-1}
, split_off_button_ {-1}
, tx_A_button_ {-1}
, tx_B_button_ {-1}
, rx_A_button_ {-1}
, rx_B_button_ {-1}
, receiver_dropdown_ {-1}
, ptt_button_ {-1}
, reversed_ {false}
HRDTransceiver::~HRDTransceiver ()
void HRDTransceiver::do_start ()
qDebug () << "HRDTransceiver::start";
wrapped_->start ();
auto server_details = network_server_lookup (server_, 7809u);
if (!hrd_)
hrd_ = new QTcpSocket {this}; // QObject takes ownership
hrd_->connectToHost (std::get<0> (server_details), std::get<1> (server_details));
if (!hrd_->waitForConnected ())
qDebug () << "HRDTransceiver::start failed to connect:" << hrd_->errorString ();
throw error {tr ("Failed to connect to Ham Radio Deluxe\n") + hrd_->errorString ()};
if (none == protocol_)
protocol_ = v5; // try this first (works for v6 too)
send_command ("get context", false, false);
catch (error const&)
protocol_ = none;
if (none == protocol_)
hrd_->close ();
protocol_ = v4; // try again with older protocol
hrd_->connectToHost (std::get<0> (server_details), std::get<1> (server_details));
if (!hrd_->waitForConnected ())
qDebug () << "HRDTransceiver::do_start failed to connect:" << hrd_->errorString ();
throw error {tr ("Failed to connect to Ham Radio Deluxe\n") + hrd_->errorString ()};
send_command ("get context", false, false);
QFile HRD_info_file {QDir {QStandardPaths::writableLocation (QStandardPaths::DataLocation)}.absoluteFilePath ("HRD Interface Information.txt")};
if (!HRD_info_file.open (QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Text | QFile::Truncate))
throw error {tr ("Failed to open file \"%1\": %2.").arg (HRD_info_file.fileName ()).arg (HRD_info_file.errorString ())};
QTextStream HRD_info {&HRD_info_file};
auto id = send_command ("get id", false, false);
auto version = send_command ("get version", false, false);
qDebug () << "Id:" << id;
qDebug () << "Version:" << version;
HRD_info << "Id: " << id << "\n";
HRD_info << "Version: " << version << "\n";
auto radios = send_command ("get radios", false, false).trimmed ().split (',', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
if (radios.isEmpty ())
qDebug () << "HRDTransceiver::do_start no rig found";
throw error {tr ("Ham Radio Deluxe: no rig found")};
HRD_info << "Radios:\n";
Q_FOREACH (auto const& radio, radios)
HRD_info << "\t" << radio << "\n";
auto entries = radio.trimmed ().split (':', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
radios_.push_back (std::forward_as_tuple (entries[0].toUInt (), entries[1]));
qDebug () << "radios:";
Q_FOREACH (auto const& radio, radios_)
qDebug () << "\t[" << std::get<0> (radio) << "] " << std::get<1> (radio);
auto current_radio_name = send_command ("get radio", false, false, true);
HRD_info << "Current radio: " << current_radio_name << "\n";
if (current_radio_name.isEmpty ())
qDebug () << "HRDTransceiver::do_start no rig found";
throw error {tr ("Ham Radio Deluxe: no rig found")};
vfo_count_ = send_command ("get vfo-count").toUInt ();
HRD_info << "VFO count: " << vfo_count_ << "\n";
qDebug () << "vfo count:" << vfo_count_;
buttons_ = send_command ("get buttons").trimmed ().split (',', QString::SkipEmptyParts).replaceInStrings (" ", "~");
qDebug () << "HRD Buttons: " << buttons_;
HRD_info << "Buttons: {" << buttons_.join (", ") << "}\n";
dropdown_names_ = send_command ("get dropdowns").trimmed ().split (',', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
qDebug () << "Dropdowns:\n";
HRD_info << "Dropdowns:\n";
Q_FOREACH (auto const& dd, dropdown_names_)
auto selections = send_command ("get dropdown-list {" + dd + "}").trimmed ().split (',', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
qDebug () << "\t" << dd << ": {" << selections.join (", ") << "}\n";
HRD_info << "\t" << dd << ": {" << selections.join (", ") << "}\n";
dropdowns_[dd] = selections;
slider_names_ = send_command ("get sliders").trimmed ().split (',', QString::SkipEmptyParts).replaceInStrings (" ", "~");
qDebug () << "Sliders:\n";
HRD_info << "Sliders:\n";
Q_FOREACH (auto const& s, slider_names_)
auto range = send_command ("get slider-range " + current_radio_name + " " + s).trimmed ().split (',', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
qDebug () << "\t" << s << ": {" << range.join (", ") << "}\n";
HRD_info << "\t" << s << ": {" << range.join (", ") << "}\n";
sliders_[s] = range;
// set RX VFO
rx_A_button_ = find_button (QRegExp ("^(RX~A)$"));
rx_B_button_ = find_button (QRegExp ("^(RX~B)$"));
// select VFO (sometime set as well)
vfo_A_button_ = find_button (QRegExp ("^(VFO~A|Main)$"));
vfo_B_button_ = find_button (QRegExp ("^(VFO~B|Sub)$"));
vfo_toggle_button_ = find_button (QRegExp ("^(A~/~B)$"));
split_mode_button_ = find_button (QRegExp ("^(Spl~On|Spl_On|Split)$"));
split_off_button_ = find_button (QRegExp ("^(Spl~Off|Spl_Off)$"));
if ((split_mode_dropdown_ = find_dropdown (QRegExp ("^(Split)$"))) >= 0)
split_mode_dropdown_selection_on_ = find_dropdown_selection (split_mode_dropdown_, QRegExp ("^(On)$"));
split_mode_dropdown_selection_off_ = find_dropdown_selection (split_mode_dropdown_, QRegExp ("^(Off)$"));
else if ((receiver_dropdown_ = find_dropdown (QRegExp ("^Receiver$"))) >= 0)
rx_A_selection_ = find_dropdown_selection (receiver_dropdown_, QRegExp ("^(RX / Off)$"));
rx_B_selection_ = find_dropdown_selection (receiver_dropdown_, QRegExp ("^(Mute / RX)$"));
tx_A_button_ = find_button (QRegExp ("^(TX~main|TX~-~A|TX~A)$"));
tx_B_button_ = find_button (QRegExp ("^(TX~sub|TX~-~B|TX~B)$"));
if ((mode_A_dropdown_ = find_dropdown (QRegExp ("^(Main Mode|Mode|Mode A)$"))) >= 0)
map_modes (mode_A_dropdown_, &mode_A_map_);
Q_ASSERT (mode_A_dropdown_ <= 0);
if ((mode_B_dropdown_ = find_dropdown (QRegExp ("^(Sub Mode|Mode B)$"))) >= 0)
map_modes (mode_B_dropdown_, &mode_B_map_);
ptt_button_ = find_button (QRegExp ("^(TX)$"));
if (vfo_count_ == 1 && ((vfo_B_button_ >= 0 && vfo_A_button_ >= 0) || vfo_toggle_button_ >= 0))
// put the rig into a known state for tricky cases like Icoms
auto f = send_command ("get frequency").toUInt ();
auto m = lookup_mode (get_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_), mode_A_map_);
set_button (vfo_B_button_ >= 0 ? vfo_B_button_ : vfo_toggle_button_);
auto fo = send_command ("get frequency").toUInt ();
update_other_frequency (fo);
auto mo = lookup_mode (get_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_), mode_A_map_);
set_button (vfo_A_button_ >= 0 ? vfo_A_button_ : vfo_toggle_button_);
if (f != fo || m != mo)
// we must have started with A/MAIN
update_rx_frequency (f);
update_mode (m);
update_rx_frequency (send_command ("get frequency").toUInt ());
update_mode (lookup_mode (get_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_), mode_A_map_));
void HRDTransceiver::do_stop ()
if (hrd_)
hrd_->close ();
if (wrapped_)
wrapped_->stop ();
qDebug () << "HRDTransceiver::stop: state:" << state () << "reversed =" << reversed_;
int HRDTransceiver::find_button (QRegExp const& re) const
return buttons_.indexOf (re);
int HRDTransceiver::find_dropdown (QRegExp const& re) const
return dropdown_names_.indexOf (re);
std::vector<int> HRDTransceiver::find_dropdown_selection (int dropdown, QRegExp const& re) const
std::vector<int> indices;
auto list = dropdowns_.value (dropdown_names_.value (dropdown));
int index {0};
while (-1 != (index = list.lastIndexOf (re, index - 1)))
// search backwards because more specialized modes tend to be later in
// list
indices.push_back (index);
if (!index)
return indices;
void HRDTransceiver::map_modes (int dropdown, ModeMap *map)
// order matters here (both in the map and in the regexps)
map->push_back (std::forward_as_tuple (CW, find_dropdown_selection (dropdown, QRegExp ("^(CW|CW\\(N\\))|CWL$"))));
map->push_back (std::forward_as_tuple (CW_R, find_dropdown_selection (dropdown, QRegExp ("^(CW-R|CW|CWU)$"))));
map->push_back (std::forward_as_tuple (LSB, find_dropdown_selection (dropdown, QRegExp ("^(LSB)$"))));
map->push_back (std::forward_as_tuple (USB, find_dropdown_selection (dropdown, QRegExp ("^(USB)$"))));
map->push_back (std::forward_as_tuple (DIG_U, find_dropdown_selection (dropdown, QRegExp ("^(DIG|DIGU|DATA-U|PKT-U|USER-U|USB)$"))));
map->push_back (std::forward_as_tuple (DIG_L, find_dropdown_selection (dropdown, QRegExp ("^(DIG|DIGL|DATA-L|PKT-L|USER-L|LSB)$"))));
map->push_back (std::forward_as_tuple (FSK, find_dropdown_selection (dropdown, QRegExp ("^(DIG|FSK|RTTY|RTTY-LSB)$"))));
map->push_back (std::forward_as_tuple (FSK_R, find_dropdown_selection (dropdown, QRegExp ("^(DIG|FSK-R|RTTY-R|RTTY|RTTY-USB)$"))));
map->push_back (std::forward_as_tuple (AM, find_dropdown_selection (dropdown, QRegExp ("^(AM|DSB|SAM|DRM)$"))));
map->push_back (std::forward_as_tuple (FM, find_dropdown_selection (dropdown, QRegExp ("^(FM|FM\\(N\\)|FM-N|WFM)$"))));
map->push_back (std::forward_as_tuple (DIG_FM, find_dropdown_selection (dropdown, QRegExp ("^(PKT-FM|PKT|FM)$"))));
qDebug () << "HRDTransceiver::map_modes: for dropdown" << dropdown_names_[dropdown];
std::for_each (map->begin (), map->end (), [this, dropdown] (ModeMap::value_type const& item)
auto const& rhs = std::get<1> (item);
qDebug () << '\t' << std::get<0> (item) << "<->" << (rhs.size () ? dropdowns_[dropdown_names_[dropdown]][rhs.front ()] : "None");
int HRDTransceiver::lookup_mode (MODE mode, ModeMap const& map) const
auto it = std::find_if (map.begin (), map.end (), [mode] (ModeMap::value_type const& item) {return std::get<0> (item) == mode;});
if (map.end () == it)
throw error {tr ("Ham Radio Deluxe: rig doesn't support mode")};
return std::get<1> (*it).front ();
auto HRDTransceiver::lookup_mode (int mode, ModeMap const& map) const -> MODE
if (mode < 0)
return UNK; // no mode dropdown
auto it = std::find_if (map.begin (), map.end (), [mode] (ModeMap::value_type const& item)
auto const& indices = std::get<1> (item);
return indices.cend () != std::find (indices.cbegin (), indices.cend (), mode);
if (map.end () == it)
throw error {tr ("Ham Radio Deluxe: sent an unrecognised mode")};
return std::get<0> (*it);
int HRDTransceiver::get_dropdown (int dd, bool no_debug)
if (dd < 0)
return -1; // no dropdown to interrogate
auto dd_name = dropdown_names_.value (dd);
auto reply = send_command ("get dropdown-text {" + dd_name + "}", no_debug);
auto colon_index = reply.indexOf (':');
if (colon_index < 0)
return -1;
Q_ASSERT (reply.left (colon_index).trimmed () == dd_name);
return dropdowns_.value (dropdown_names_.value (dd)).indexOf (reply.mid (colon_index + 1).trimmed ());
void HRDTransceiver::set_dropdown (int dd, int value)
auto dd_name = dropdown_names_.value (dd);
if (value >= 0)
send_simple_command ("set dropdown " + dd_name.replace (' ', '~') + ' ' + dropdowns_.value (dd_name).value (value).replace (' ', '~') + ' ' + QString::number (value));
qDebug () << "HRDTransceiver::set_dropdown item" << value << "not found in" << dd_name;
throw error {tr ("Ham Radio Deluxe: item not found in %1 dropdown list").arg (dd_name)};
void HRDTransceiver::do_ptt (bool on)
qDebug () << "HRDTransceiver::do_ptt:" << on;
if (use_for_ptt_)
if (ptt_button_ >= 0)
set_button (ptt_button_, on);
// else
// allow for pathological HRD rig interfaces that don't do
// PTT by simply not even trying
wrapped_->ptt (on);
update_PTT (on);
void HRDTransceiver::set_button (int button_index, bool checked)
if (button_index >= 0)
send_simple_command ("set button-select " + buttons_.value (button_index) + (checked ? " 1" : " 0"));
qDebug () << "HRDTransceiver::set_button invalid button";
throw error {tr ("Ham Radio Deluxe: button not available")};
void HRDTransceiver::do_frequency (Frequency f, MODE m)
qDebug () << "HRDTransceiver::do_frequency:" << f << "reversed:" << reversed_;
if (UNK != m)
do_mode (m, false);
auto fo_string = QString::number (f);
if (vfo_count_ > 1 && reversed_)
auto frequencies = send_command ("get frequencies").trimmed ().split ('-', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
send_simple_command ("set frequencies-hz " + QString::number (frequencies[0].toUInt ()) + ' ' + fo_string);
send_simple_command ("set frequency-hz " + QString::number (f));
update_rx_frequency (f);
void HRDTransceiver::do_tx_frequency (Frequency tx, bool rationalise_mode)
qDebug () << "HRDTransceiver::do_tx_frequency:" << tx << "rationalize mode:" << rationalise_mode << "reversed:" << reversed_;
// re-check if reversed VFOs
bool rx_A {true};
bool rx_B {false};
if (receiver_dropdown_ >= 0)
auto selection = get_dropdown (receiver_dropdown_);
rx_A = selection == rx_A_selection_.front ();
if (!rx_A)
rx_B = selection == rx_B_selection_.front ();
else if (vfo_B_button_ >= 0 || rx_B_button_ >= 0)
rx_A = is_button_checked (rx_A_button_ >= 0 ? rx_A_button_ : vfo_A_button_);
if (!rx_A)
rx_B = is_button_checked (rx_B_button_ >= 0 ? rx_B_button_ : vfo_B_button_);
reversed_ = rx_B;
bool split {tx != 0};
if (split)
if (rationalise_mode)
if (!reversed_ && mode_B_dropdown_ >= 0)
set_dropdown (mode_B_dropdown_, lookup_mode (state ().mode (), mode_B_map_));
else if (reversed_ && mode_B_dropdown_ >= 0)
set_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_, lookup_mode (state ().mode (), mode_A_map_));
Q_ASSERT (mode_A_dropdown_ >= 0 && ((vfo_A_button_ >=0 && vfo_B_button_ >=0) || vfo_toggle_button_ >= 0));
if (rx_B_button_ >= 0)
set_button (reversed_ ? rx_A_button_ : rx_B_button_);
set_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_, lookup_mode (state ().mode (), mode_A_map_));
set_button (reversed_ ? rx_B_button_ : rx_A_button_);
else if (receiver_dropdown_ >= 0)
set_dropdown (receiver_dropdown_, (reversed_ ? rx_A_selection_ : rx_B_selection_).front ());
set_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_, lookup_mode (state ().mode (), mode_A_map_));
set_dropdown (receiver_dropdown_, (reversed_ ? rx_B_selection_ : rx_A_selection_).front ());
set_button (vfo_A_button_ >= 0 ? (reversed_ ? vfo_A_button_ : vfo_B_button_) : vfo_toggle_button_);
set_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_, lookup_mode (state ().mode (), mode_A_map_));
set_button (vfo_A_button_ >= 0 ? (reversed_ ? vfo_B_button_ : vfo_A_button_) : vfo_toggle_button_);
auto fo_string = QString::number (tx);
if (reversed_)
Q_ASSERT (vfo_count_ > 1);
auto frequencies = send_command ("get frequencies").trimmed ().split ('-', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
send_simple_command ("set frequencies-hz " + fo_string + ' ' + QString::number (frequencies[1].toUInt ()));
if (vfo_count_ > 1)
auto frequencies = send_command ("get frequencies").trimmed ().split ('-', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
send_simple_command ("set frequencies-hz " + QString::number (frequencies[0].toUInt ()) + ' ' + fo_string);
else if ((vfo_B_button_ >= 0 && vfo_A_button_ >= 0) || vfo_toggle_button_ >= 0)
// we rationalise the modes here as well as the frequencies
set_button (vfo_B_button_ >= 0 ? vfo_B_button_ : vfo_toggle_button_);
send_simple_command ("set frequency-hz " + fo_string);
if (rationalise_mode && mode_B_dropdown_ < 0)
// do this here rather than later so we only
// toggle/switch VFOs once
set_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_, lookup_mode (state ().mode (), mode_A_map_));
rationalise_mode = false;
set_button (vfo_A_button_ >= 0 ? vfo_A_button_ : vfo_toggle_button_);
update_other_frequency (tx);
if (split_mode_button_ >= 0)
if (split_off_button_ >= 0 && !split)
set_button (split_off_button_);
set_button (split_mode_button_, split);
else if (split_mode_dropdown_ >= 0)
set_dropdown (split_mode_dropdown_, split ? split_mode_dropdown_selection_on_.front () : split_mode_dropdown_selection_off_.front ());
else if (vfo_A_button_ >= 0 && vfo_B_button_ >= 0 && tx_A_button_ >= 0 && tx_B_button_ >= 0)
if (split)
if (reversed_ != is_button_checked (tx_A_button_))
if (rx_A_button_ >= 0 && rx_B_button_ >= 0)
set_button (reversed_ ? rx_B_button_ : rx_A_button_);
else if (receiver_dropdown_ >= 0)
set_dropdown (receiver_dropdown_, (reversed_ ? rx_B_selection_ : rx_A_selection_).front ());
set_button (reversed_ ? vfo_B_button_ : vfo_A_button_);
set_button (reversed_ ? tx_A_button_ : tx_B_button_);
if (reversed_ != is_button_checked (tx_B_button_))
if (rx_A_button_ >= 0 && rx_B_button_ >= 0)
set_button (reversed_ ? rx_B_button_ : rx_A_button_);
else if (receiver_dropdown_ >= 0)
set_dropdown (receiver_dropdown_, (reversed_ ? rx_B_selection_ : rx_A_selection_).front ());
set_button (reversed_ ? vfo_B_button_ : vfo_A_button_);
set_button (reversed_ ? tx_B_button_ : tx_A_button_);
update_split (split);
void HRDTransceiver::do_mode (MODE mode, bool rationalise)
qDebug () << "HRDTransceiver::do_mode:" << mode;
if (reversed_ && mode_B_dropdown_ >= 0)
set_dropdown (mode_B_dropdown_, lookup_mode (mode, mode_B_map_));
set_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_, lookup_mode (mode, mode_A_map_));
if (rationalise && state ().split ()) // rationalise mode if split
if (reversed_)
if (mode_B_dropdown_ >= 0)
set_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_, lookup_mode (mode, mode_A_map_));
Q_ASSERT ((vfo_B_button_ >= 0 && vfo_A_button_ >= 0) || vfo_toggle_button_ >= 0);
if (rx_B_button_ >= 0)
set_button (rx_A_button_);
set_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_, lookup_mode (mode, mode_A_map_));
set_button (rx_B_button_);
else if (receiver_dropdown_ >= 0)
set_dropdown (receiver_dropdown_, rx_A_selection_.front ());
set_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_, lookup_mode (mode, mode_A_map_));
set_dropdown (receiver_dropdown_, rx_B_selection_.front ());
set_button (vfo_A_button_ >= 0 ? vfo_A_button_ : vfo_toggle_button_);
set_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_, lookup_mode (mode, mode_A_map_));
set_button (vfo_B_button_ >= 0 ? vfo_B_button_ : vfo_toggle_button_);
if ( tx_A_button_ >= 0)
set_button (tx_A_button_);
if (mode_B_dropdown_ >= 0)
set_dropdown (mode_B_dropdown_, lookup_mode (mode, mode_B_map_));
Q_ASSERT ((vfo_B_button_ >= 0 && vfo_A_button_ >= 0) || vfo_toggle_button_ >= 0);
if (rx_B_button_ >= 0)
set_button (rx_B_button_);
set_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_, lookup_mode (mode, mode_A_map_));
set_button (rx_A_button_);
else if (receiver_dropdown_ >= 0)
set_dropdown (receiver_dropdown_, rx_B_selection_.front ());
set_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_, lookup_mode (mode, mode_A_map_));
set_dropdown (receiver_dropdown_, rx_A_selection_.front ());
set_button (vfo_B_button_ >= 0 ? vfo_B_button_ : vfo_toggle_button_);
set_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_, lookup_mode (mode, mode_A_map_));
set_button (vfo_A_button_ >= 0 ? vfo_A_button_ : vfo_toggle_button_);
if ( tx_B_button_ >= 0)
set_button (tx_B_button_);
update_mode (mode);
bool HRDTransceiver::is_button_checked (int button_index, bool no_debug)
if (button_index < 0)
return false;
auto reply = send_command ("get button-select " + buttons_.value (button_index), no_debug);
if ("1" != reply && "0" != reply)
qDebug () << "HRDTransceiver::is_button_checked bad response";
throw error {tr ("Ham Radio Deluxe didn't respond as expected")};
return "1" == reply;
void HRDTransceiver::poll ()
bool quiet {false};
qDebug () << "+++++++ poll dump +++++++";
qDebug () << "reversed:" << reversed_;
is_button_checked (vfo_A_button_);
is_button_checked (vfo_B_button_);
is_button_checked (vfo_toggle_button_);
is_button_checked (split_mode_button_);
is_button_checked (split_off_button_);
is_button_checked (rx_A_button_);
is_button_checked (rx_B_button_);
get_dropdown (receiver_dropdown_);
is_button_checked (tx_A_button_);
is_button_checked (tx_B_button_);
is_button_checked (ptt_button_);
get_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_);
get_dropdown (mode_B_dropdown_);
if (!split_mode_dropdown_write_only_)
get_dropdown (split_mode_dropdown_);
qDebug () << "------- poll dump -------";
bool quiet {true};
if (split_off_button_ >= 0)
// we are probably dealing with an Icom and have to guess SPLIT mode :(
else if (split_mode_button_ >= 0)
update_split (is_button_checked (split_mode_button_, quiet));
else if (split_mode_dropdown_ >= 0)
if (!split_mode_dropdown_write_only_)
auto selection = get_dropdown (split_mode_dropdown_, quiet);
if (selection >= 0)
update_split (selection == split_mode_dropdown_selection_on_.front ());
// leave split alone as we can't query it - it should be
// correct so long as rig or HRD haven't been changed
split_mode_dropdown_write_only_ = true;
else if (vfo_A_button_ >= 0 && vfo_B_button_ >= 0 && tx_A_button_ >= 0 && tx_B_button_ >= 0)
bool rx_A {true}; // no Rx taken as not reversed
bool rx_B {false};
auto tx_A = is_button_checked (tx_A_button_, quiet);
// some rigs have dual Rx, we take VFO A/MAIN receiving as
// normal and only say reversed when only VFO B/SUB is active
// i.e. VFO A/MAIN muted VFO B/SUB active
if (receiver_dropdown_ >= 0)
auto selection = get_dropdown (receiver_dropdown_);
rx_A = selection == rx_A_selection_.front ();
if (!rx_A)
rx_B = selection == rx_B_selection_.front ();
else if (vfo_B_button_ >= 0 || rx_B_button_ >= 0)
rx_A = is_button_checked (rx_A_button_ >= 0 ? rx_A_button_ : vfo_A_button_, quiet);
if (!rx_A)
rx_B = is_button_checked (rx_B_button_ >= 0 ? rx_B_button_ : vfo_B_button_, quiet);
update_split (rx_B == tx_A);
reversed_ = rx_B;
if (vfo_count_ > 1)
auto frequencies = send_command ("get frequencies", quiet).trimmed ().split ('-', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
update_rx_frequency (frequencies[reversed_ ? 1 : 0].toUInt ());
update_other_frequency (frequencies[reversed_ ? 0 : 1].toUInt ());
update_rx_frequency (send_command ("get frequency", quiet).toUInt ());
update_mode (lookup_mode (get_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_, quiet), mode_A_map_));
QString HRDTransceiver::send_command (QString const& cmd, bool no_debug, bool prepend_context, bool recurse)
Q_ASSERT (hrd_);
QString result;
if (current_radio_ && prepend_context && vfo_count_ < 2)
// required on some radios because commands don't get executed
// correctly otherwise (ICOM for example)
QThread::msleep (50);
if (!recurse && prepend_context)
auto radio_name = send_command ("get radio", true, current_radio_, true);
auto radio_iter = std::find_if (radios_.begin (), radios_.end (), [this, &radio_name] (RadioMap::value_type const& radio)
return std::get<1> (radio) == radio_name;
if (radio_iter == radios_.end ())
qDebug () << "HRDTransceiver::send_command rig disappeared or changed";
throw error {tr ("Ham Radio Deluxe: rig has disappeared or changed")};
if (0u == current_radio_ || std::get<0> (*radio_iter) != current_radio_)
current_radio_ = std::get<0> (*radio_iter);
auto context = '[' + QString::number (current_radio_) + "] ";
if (QTcpSocket::ConnectedState != hrd_->state ())
qDebug () << "HRDTransceiver::send_command \"" << cmd << "\" failed" << hrd_->errorString ();
throw error {
tr ("Ham Radio Deluxe send command \"%1\" failed %2\n")
.arg (cmd)
.arg (hrd_->errorString ())
if (v4 == protocol_)
auto message = ((prepend_context ? context + cmd : cmd) + "\r").toLocal8Bit ();
if (!write_to_port (message.constData (), message.size ()))
qDebug () << "HRDTransceiver::send_command failed to write command \"" << cmd << "\" to HRD";
throw error {
tr ("Ham Radio Deluxe: failed to write command \"%1\"")
.arg (cmd)
auto string = prepend_context ? context + cmd : cmd;
QScopedPointer<HRDMessage> message (new (string) HRDMessage);
if (!write_to_port (reinterpret_cast<char const *> (message.data ()), message->size_))
qDebug () << "HRDTransceiver::send_command failed to write command \"" << cmd << "\" to HRD";
throw error {
tr ("Ham Radio Deluxe: failed to write command \"%1\"")
.arg (cmd)
// waitForReadReady appears to be occasionally unreliable on Windows
// timing out when data is waiting so retry a few times
unsigned retries {3};
bool replied {false};
while (!replied && retries--)
replied = hrd_->waitForReadyRead ();
if (!replied && hrd_->error () != hrd_->SocketTimeoutError)
qDebug () << "HRDTransceiver::send_command \"" << cmd << "\" failed to reply" << hrd_->errorString ();
throw error {
tr ("Ham Radio Deluxe failed to reply to command \"%1\" %2\n")
.arg (cmd)
.arg (hrd_->errorString ())
if (!replied)
qDebug () << "HRDTransceiver::send_command \"" << cmd << "\" retries exhausted";
throw error {
tr ("Ham Radio Deluxe retries exhausted sending command \"%1\"")
.arg (cmd)
QByteArray buffer (hrd_->readAll ());
if (v4 == protocol_)
result = QString {buffer}.trimmed ();
HRDMessage const * reply (new (buffer) HRDMessage);
if (reply->magic_1_value_ != reply->magic_1_ && reply->magic_2_value_ != reply->magic_2_)
qDebug () << "HRDTransceiver::send_command \"" << cmd << "\" invalid reply";
throw error {
tr ("Ham Radio Deluxe sent an invalid reply to our command \"%1\"")
.arg (cmd)
result = QString {reply->payload_}; // this is not a memory leak (honest!)
if (!no_debug)
qDebug () << "HRDTransceiver::send_command(" << cmd << "): ->" << result;
return result;
bool HRDTransceiver::write_to_port (char const * data, qint64 length)
qint64 total_bytes_sent {0};
while (total_bytes_sent < length)
auto bytes_sent = hrd_->write (data + total_bytes_sent, length - total_bytes_sent);
if (bytes_sent < 0 || !hrd_->waitForBytesWritten ())
return false;
total_bytes_sent += bytes_sent;
return true;
void HRDTransceiver::send_simple_command (QString const& command, bool no_debug)
if ("OK" != send_command (command, no_debug))
qDebug () << "HRDTransceiver::send_simple_command \"" << command << "\" unexpected response";
throw error {
tr ("Ham Radio Deluxe didn't respond to command \"%1\" as expected")
.arg (command)