mirror of
synced 2025-03-26 22:18:39 -04:00
1232 lines
45 KiB
1232 lines
45 KiB
#include "HamlibTransceiver.hpp"
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <tuple>
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QString>
#include <QStandardPaths>
#include <QFile>
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QJsonValue>
#include <QDebug>
#include <hamlib/rig.h>
#include "pimpl_impl.hpp"
#include "moc_HamlibTransceiver.cpp"
// Unfortunately bandwidth is conflated with mode, this is probably
// because Icom do the same. So we have to care about bandwidth if
// we want to set mode otherwise we will end up setting unwanted
// bandwidths every time we change mode. The best we can do via the
// Hamlib API is to request the normal option for the mode and hope
// that an appropriate filter is selected. Also ensure that mode is
// only set is absolutely necessary. On Icoms (and probably others)
// the filter is selected by number without checking the actual BW
// so unless the "normal" defaults are set on the rig we won't get
// desirable results.
// As an ultimate workaround make sure the user always has the
// option to skip mode setting altogether.
// callback function that receives transceiver capabilities from the
// hamlib libraries
int register_callback (rig_model_t rig_model, void * callback_data)
TransceiverFactory::Transceivers * rigs = reinterpret_cast<TransceiverFactory::Transceivers *> (callback_data);
// We can't use this one because it is only for testing Hamlib and
// would confuse users, possibly causing operating on the wrong
// frequency!
if (RIG_MODEL_DUMMY_NOVFO == rig_model)
return 1;
QString key;
if (RIG_MODEL_DUMMY == rig_model)
key = TransceiverFactory::basic_transceiver_name_;
key = QString::fromLatin1 (rig_get_caps_cptr (rig_model, RIG_CAPS_MFG_NAME_CPTR)).trimmed ()
+ ' '+ QString::fromLatin1 (rig_get_caps_cptr (rig_model, RIG_CAPS_MODEL_NAME_CPTR)).trimmed ()
// + ' '+ QString::fromLatin1 (rig_get_caps_cptr (rig_model, RIG_CAPS_VERSION)).trimmed ()
// + " (" + QString::fromLatin1 (rig_get_caps_cptr (rig_model, RIG_CAPS_STATUS)).trimmed () + ')'
auto port_type = TransceiverFactory::Capabilities::none;
switch(rig_get_caps_int (rig_model, RIG_CAPS_PORT_TYPE))
port_type = TransceiverFactory::Capabilities::serial;
port_type = TransceiverFactory::Capabilities::network;
port_type = TransceiverFactory::Capabilities::usb;
default: break;
auto ptt_type = rig_get_caps_int (rig_model, RIG_CAPS_PTT_TYPE);
(*rigs)[key] = TransceiverFactory::Capabilities (rig_model
, port_type
, RIG_MODEL_DUMMY != rig_model
&& (RIG_PTT_RIG == ptt_type
|| RIG_PTT_RIG_MICDATA == ptt_type)
, RIG_PTT_RIG_MICDATA == ptt_type);
return 1; // keep them coming
int unregister_callback (rig_model_t rig_model, void *)
rig_unregister (rig_get_caps_int (rig_model, RIG_CAPS_RIG_MODEL));
return 1; // keep them coming
// int frequency_change_callback (RIG * /* rig */, vfo_t vfo, freq_t f, rig_ptr_t arg)
// {
// (void)vfo; // unused in release build
// Q_ASSERT (vfo == RIG_VFO_CURR); // G4WJS: at the time of writing only current VFO is signalled by hamlib
// HamlibTransceiver * transceiver (reinterpret_cast<HamlibTransceiver *> (arg));
// Q_EMIT transceiver->frequency_change (f, Transceiver::A);
// return RIG_OK;
// }
class hamlib_tx_vfo_fixup final
hamlib_tx_vfo_fixup (RIG * rig, vfo_t tx_vfo)
: rig_ {rig}
original_vfo_ = rig_->state.tx_vfo;
rig_->state.tx_vfo = tx_vfo;
~hamlib_tx_vfo_fixup ()
rig_->state.tx_vfo = original_vfo_;
RIG * rig_;
vfo_t original_vfo_;
class HamlibTransceiver::impl final
impl (HamlibTransceiver::logger_type * logger)
: logger_ {logger}
, model_ {RIG_MODEL_DUMMY}
, rig_ {rig_init (model_)}
, ptt_only_ {true}
, back_ptt_port_ {false}
, one_VFO_ {false}
, is_dummy_ {true}
, reversed_ {false}
, freq_query_works_ {true}
, mode_query_works_ {true}
, split_query_works_ {true}
, tickle_hamlib_ {false}
, get_vfo_works_ {true}
, set_vfo_works_ {true}
impl (HamlibTransceiver::logger_type * logger, unsigned model_number
, TransceiverFactory::ParameterPack const& params)
: logger_ {logger}
, model_ {model_number}
, rig_ {rig_init (model_)}
, ptt_only_ {false}
, back_ptt_port_ {TransceiverFactory::TX_audio_source_rear == params.audio_source}
, one_VFO_ {false}
, is_dummy_ {RIG_MODEL_DUMMY == model_}
, reversed_ {false}
, freq_query_works_ {rig_ && rig_get_function_ptr (model_, RIG_FUNCTION_GET_FREQ)}
, mode_query_works_ {rig_ && rig_get_function_ptr (model_, RIG_FUNCTION_GET_MODE)}
, split_query_works_ {rig_ && rig_get_function_ptr (model_, RIG_FUNCTION_GET_SPLIT_VFO)}
, tickle_hamlib_ {false}
, get_vfo_works_ {true}
, set_vfo_works_ {true}
HamlibTransceiver::logger_type& logger () const
return *logger_;
void error_check (int ret_code, QString const& doing) const;
void set_conf (char const * item, char const * value);
QByteArray get_conf (char const * item);
Transceiver::MODE map_mode (rmode_t) const;
rmode_t map_mode (Transceiver::MODE mode) const;
std::tuple<vfo_t, vfo_t> get_vfos (bool for_split) const;
HamlibTransceiver::logger_type mutable * logger_;
unsigned model_;
struct RIGDeleter {static void cleanup (RIG *);};
QScopedPointer<RIG, RIGDeleter> rig_;
bool ptt_only_; // we can use a dummy device for PTT
bool back_ptt_port_;
bool one_VFO_;
bool is_dummy_;
// these are saved on destruction so we can start new instances
// where the last one left off
static freq_t dummy_frequency_;
static rmode_t dummy_mode_;
bool mutable reversed_;
bool freq_query_works_;
bool mode_query_works_;
bool split_query_works_;
bool tickle_hamlib_; // Hamlib requires a
// rig_set_split_vfo() call to
// establish the Tx VFO
bool get_vfo_works_; // Net rigctl promises what it can't deliver
bool set_vfo_works_; // More rigctl promises which it can't deliver
static int debug_callback (enum rig_debug_level_e level, rig_ptr_t arg, char const * format, va_list ap);
freq_t HamlibTransceiver::impl::dummy_frequency_;
rmode_t HamlibTransceiver::impl::dummy_mode_ {RIG_MODE_NONE};
// reroute Hamlib diagnostic messages to Qt
int HamlibTransceiver::impl::debug_callback (enum rig_debug_level_e level, rig_ptr_t arg, char const * format, va_list ap)
auto logger = reinterpret_cast<logger_type *> (arg);
auto message = QString::vasprintf (format, ap);
va_end (ap);
auto severity = boost::log::trivial::trace;
switch (level)
case RIG_DEBUG_BUG: severity = boost::log::trivial::fatal; break;
case RIG_DEBUG_ERR: severity = boost::log::trivial::error; break;
case RIG_DEBUG_WARN: severity = boost::log::trivial::warning; break;
case RIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE: severity = boost::log::trivial::debug; break;
case RIG_DEBUG_TRACE: severity = boost::log::trivial::trace; break;
default: break;
if (level != RIG_DEBUG_NONE) // no idea what level NONE means so
// ignore it
BOOST_LOG_SEV (*logger, severity) << message.trimmed ().toStdString ();
return 0;
void HamlibTransceiver::register_transceivers (logger_type * logger,
TransceiverFactory::Transceivers * registry)
rig_set_debug_callback (impl::debug_callback, logger);
rig_set_debug (RIG_DEBUG_TRACE);
BOOST_LOG_SEV (*logger, boost::log::trivial::info) << "Hamlib version: " << rig_version ();
rig_load_all_backends ();
rig_list_foreach_model (register_callback, registry);
void HamlibTransceiver::unregister_transceivers ()
rig_list_foreach_model (unregister_callback, nullptr);
void HamlibTransceiver::impl::RIGDeleter::cleanup (RIG * rig)
if (rig)
rig_cleanup (rig);
void HamlibTransceiver::impl::error_check (int ret_code, QString const& doing) const
if (RIG_OK != ret_code)
CAT_ERROR ("error: " << rigerror (ret_code));
throw error {tr ("Hamlib error: %1 while %2").arg (rigerror (ret_code)).arg (doing)};
std::tuple<vfo_t, vfo_t> HamlibTransceiver::impl::get_vfos (bool for_split) const
if (get_vfo_works_ && rig_get_function_ptr (model_, RIG_FUNCTION_GET_VFO))
vfo_t v;
error_check (rig_get_vfo (rig_.data (), &v), tr ("getting current VFO")); // has side effect of establishing current VFO inside hamlib
CAT_TRACE ("rig_get_vfo VFO=" << rig_strvfo (v));
reversed_ = RIG_VFO_B == v;
else if (!for_split && set_vfo_works_ && rig_get_function_ptr (model_, RIG_FUNCTION_SET_VFO) && rig_get_function_ptr (model_, RIG_FUNCTION_SET_SPLIT_VFO))
// use VFO A/MAIN for main frequency and B/SUB for Tx
// frequency if split since these type of radios can only
// support this way around
CAT_TRACE ("rig_set_vfo VFO=A/MAIN");
error_check (rig_set_vfo (rig_.data (), rig_->state.vfo_list & RIG_VFO_A ? RIG_VFO_A : RIG_VFO_MAIN), tr ("setting current VFO"));
// else only toggle available but VFOs should be substitutable
auto rx_vfo = rig_->state.vfo_list & RIG_VFO_A ? RIG_VFO_A : RIG_VFO_MAIN;
auto tx_vfo = (WSJT_RIG_NONE_CAN_SPLIT || !is_dummy_) && for_split
? (rig_->state.vfo_list & RIG_VFO_B ? RIG_VFO_B : RIG_VFO_SUB)
: rx_vfo;
if (reversed_)
CAT_TRACE ("reversing VFOs");
std::swap (rx_vfo, tx_vfo);
CAT_TRACE ("RX VFO=" << rig_strvfo (rx_vfo) << " TX VFO=" << rig_strvfo (tx_vfo));
return std::make_tuple (rx_vfo, tx_vfo);
void HamlibTransceiver::impl::set_conf (char const * item, char const * value)
token_t token = rig_token_lookup (rig_.data (), item);
if (RIG_CONF_END != token) // only set if valid for rig model
error_check (rig_set_conf (rig_.data (), token, value), tr ("setting a configuration item"));
QByteArray HamlibTransceiver::impl::get_conf (char const * item)
token_t token = rig_token_lookup (rig_.data (), item);
QByteArray value {128, '\0'};
if (RIG_CONF_END != token) // only get if valid for rig model
error_check (rig_get_conf (rig_.data (), token, value.data ()), tr ("getting a configuration item"));
return value;
auto HamlibTransceiver::impl::map_mode (rmode_t m) const -> MODE
switch (m)
return AM;
return CW;
return CW_R;
return USB;
return LSB;
return FSK;
return FSK_R;
return DIG_L;
return DIG_U;
return FM;
return DIG_FM;
return UNK;
rmode_t HamlibTransceiver::impl::map_mode (MODE mode) const
switch (mode)
case AM: return RIG_MODE_AM;
case CW: return RIG_MODE_CW;
case CW_R: return RIG_MODE_CWR;
case USB: return RIG_MODE_USB;
case LSB: return RIG_MODE_LSB;
case FSK: return RIG_MODE_RTTY;
case FSK_R: return RIG_MODE_RTTYR;
case DIG_L: return RIG_MODE_PKTLSB;
case DIG_U: return RIG_MODE_PKTUSB;
case FM: return RIG_MODE_FM;
case DIG_FM: return RIG_MODE_PKTFM;
default: break;
return RIG_MODE_USB; // quieten compiler grumble
HamlibTransceiver::HamlibTransceiver (logger_type * logger,
TransceiverFactory::PTTMethod ptt_type, QString const& ptt_port,
QObject * parent)
: PollingTransceiver {logger, 0, parent}
, m_ {logger}
if (!m_->rig_)
throw error {tr ("Hamlib initialisation error")};
switch (ptt_type)
case TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_VOX:
m_->set_conf ("ptt_type", "None");
case TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_CAT:
// Use the default PTT_TYPE for the rig (defined in the Hamlib
// rig back-end capabilities).
case TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_DTR:
case TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_RTS:
if (!ptt_port.isEmpty ())
#if defined (WIN32)
m_->set_conf ("ptt_pathname", ("\\\\.\\" + ptt_port).toLatin1 ().data ());
m_->set_conf ("ptt_pathname", ptt_port.toLatin1 ().data ());
if (TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_DTR == ptt_type)
m_->set_conf ("ptt_type", "DTR");
m_->set_conf ("ptt_type", "RTS");
m_->set_conf ("ptt_share", "1");
// do this late to allow any configuration option to be overriden
load_user_settings ();
HamlibTransceiver::HamlibTransceiver (logger_type * logger,
unsigned model_number,
TransceiverFactory::ParameterPack const& params,
QObject * parent)
: PollingTransceiver {logger, params.poll_interval, parent}
, m_ {logger, model_number, params}
if (!m_->rig_)
throw error {tr ("Hamlib initialisation error")};
// m_->rig_->state.obj = this;
if (!m_->is_dummy_)
switch (rig_get_caps_int (m_->model_, RIG_CAPS_PORT_TYPE))
if (!params.serial_port.isEmpty ())
m_->set_conf ("rig_pathname", params.serial_port.toLatin1 ().data ());
m_->set_conf ("serial_speed", QByteArray::number (params.baud).data ());
if (params.data_bits != TransceiverFactory::default_data_bits)
m_->set_conf ("data_bits", TransceiverFactory::seven_data_bits == params.data_bits ? "7" : "8");
if (params.stop_bits != TransceiverFactory::default_stop_bits)
m_->set_conf ("stop_bits", TransceiverFactory::one_stop_bit == params.stop_bits ? "1" : "2");
switch (params.handshake)
case TransceiverFactory::handshake_none: m_->set_conf ("serial_handshake", "None"); break;
case TransceiverFactory::handshake_XonXoff: m_->set_conf ("serial_handshake", "XONXOFF"); break;
case TransceiverFactory::handshake_hardware: m_->set_conf ("serial_handshake", "Hardware"); break;
default: break;
if (params.force_dtr)
m_->set_conf ("dtr_state", params.dtr_high ? "ON" : "OFF");
if (params.force_rts)
if (TransceiverFactory::handshake_hardware != params.handshake)
m_->set_conf ("rts_state", params.rts_high ? "ON" : "OFF");
if (!params.network_port.isEmpty ())
m_->set_conf ("rig_pathname", params.network_port.toLatin1 ().data ());
if (!params.usb_port.isEmpty ())
m_->set_conf ("rig_pathname", params.usb_port.toLatin1 ().data ());
throw error {tr ("Unsupported CAT type")};
switch (params.ptt_type)
case TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_VOX:
m_->set_conf ("ptt_type", "None");
case TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_CAT:
// Use the default PTT_TYPE for the rig (defined in the Hamlib
// rig back-end capabilities).
case TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_DTR:
case TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_RTS:
if (params.ptt_port.size ()
&& params.ptt_port != "None"
&& (m_->is_dummy_
|| RIG_PORT_SERIAL != rig_get_caps_int (m_->model_, RIG_CAPS_PORT_TYPE)
|| params.ptt_port != params.serial_port))
#if defined (WIN32)
m_->set_conf ("ptt_pathname", ("\\\\.\\" + params.ptt_port).toLatin1 ().data ());
m_->set_conf ("ptt_pathname", params.ptt_port.toLatin1 ().data ());
if (TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_DTR == params.ptt_type)
m_->set_conf ("ptt_type", "DTR");
m_->set_conf ("ptt_type", "RTS");
m_->set_conf ("ptt_share", "1");
// Make Icom CAT split commands less glitchy
m_->set_conf ("no_xchg", "1");
// do this late to allow any configuration option to be overriden
load_user_settings ();
// would be nice to get events but not supported on Windows and also not on a lot of rigs
// rig_set_freq_callback (m_->rig_.data (), &frequency_change_callback, this);
HamlibTransceiver::~HamlibTransceiver () = default;
void HamlibTransceiver::load_user_settings ()
// user defined Hamlib settings
auto settings_file_name = QStandardPaths::locate (QStandardPaths::AppConfigLocation
, "hamlib_settings.json");
if (!settings_file_name.isEmpty ())
QFile settings_file {settings_file_name};
qDebug () << "Using Hamlib settings file:" << settings_file_name;
if (settings_file.open (QFile::ReadOnly))
QJsonParseError status;
auto settings_doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson (settings_file.readAll (), &status);
if (status.error)
throw error {tr ("Hamlib settings file error: %1 at character offset %2")
.arg (status.errorString ()).arg (status.offset)};
qDebug () << "Hamlib settings JSON:" << settings_doc.toJson ();
if (!settings_doc.isObject ())
throw error {tr ("Hamlib settings file error: top level must be a JSON object")};
auto const& settings = settings_doc.object ();
// configuration settings
auto const& config = settings["config"];
if (!config.isUndefined ())
if (!config.isObject ())
throw error {tr ("Hamlib settings file error: config must be a JSON object")};
auto const& config_list = config.toObject ();
for (auto item = config_list.constBegin (); item != config_list.constEnd (); ++item)
m_->set_conf (item.key ().toLocal8Bit ().constData ()
, (*item).toVariant ().toString ().toLocal8Bit ().constData ());
int HamlibTransceiver::do_start ()
CAT_TRACE ("starting: " << rig_get_caps_cptr (m_->model_, RIG_CAPS_MFG_NAME_CPTR)
<< ": " << rig_get_caps_cptr (m_->model_, RIG_CAPS_MODEL_NAME_CPTR));
m_->error_check (rig_open (m_->rig_.data ()), tr ("opening connection to rig"));
// reset dynamic state
m_->one_VFO_ = false;
m_->reversed_ = false;
m_->freq_query_works_ = rig_get_function_ptr (m_->model_, RIG_FUNCTION_GET_FREQ);
m_->mode_query_works_ = rig_get_function_ptr (m_->model_, RIG_FUNCTION_GET_MODE);
m_->split_query_works_ = rig_get_function_ptr (m_->model_, RIG_FUNCTION_GET_SPLIT_VFO);
m_->tickle_hamlib_ = false;
m_->get_vfo_works_ = true;
m_->set_vfo_works_ = true;
// the Net rigctl back end promises all functions work but we must
// test get_vfo as it determines our strategy for Icom rigs
vfo_t vfo;
int rc = rig_get_vfo (m_->rig_.data (), &vfo);
if (-RIG_ENAVAIL == rc || -RIG_ENIMPL == rc)
m_->get_vfo_works_ = false;
// determine if the rig uses single VFO addressing i.e. A/B and
// no get_vfo function
if (m_->rig_->state.vfo_list & RIG_VFO_B)
m_->one_VFO_ = true;
m_->error_check (rc, "testing getting current VFO");
if ((WSJT_RIG_NONE_CAN_SPLIT || !m_->is_dummy_)
&& rig_get_function_ptr (m_->model_, RIG_FUNCTION_SET_SPLIT_VFO)) // if split is possible do some extra setup
freq_t f1;
freq_t f2;
rmode_t m {RIG_MODE_USB};
rmode_t mb;
pbwidth_t w {RIG_PASSBAND_NORMAL};
pbwidth_t wb;
if (m_->freq_query_works_ && m_->mode_query_works_
&& (!m_->get_vfo_works_ || !rig_get_function_ptr (m_->model_, RIG_FUNCTION_GET_VFO)))
// Icom have deficient CAT protocol with no way of reading which
// VFO is selected or if SPLIT is selected so we have to simply
// assume it is as when we started by setting at open time right
// here. We also gather/set other initial state.
m_->error_check (rig_get_freq (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, &f1), tr ("getting current frequency"));
f1 = std::round (f1);
CAT_TRACE ("current frequency=" << f1);
m_->error_check (rig_get_mode (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, &m, &w), tr ("getting current mode"));
CAT_TRACE ("current mode=" << rig_strrmode (m) << " bw=" << w);
if (!rig_get_function_ptr (m_->model_, RIG_FUNCTION_SET_VFO))
CAT_TRACE ("rig_vfo_op TOGGLE");
rc = rig_vfo_op (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_OP_TOGGLE);
CAT_TRACE ("rig_set_vfo to other VFO");
rc = rig_set_vfo (m_->rig_.data (), m_->rig_->state.vfo_list & RIG_VFO_B ? RIG_VFO_B : RIG_VFO_SUB);
if (-RIG_ENAVAIL == rc || -RIG_ENIMPL == rc)
// if we are talking to netrigctl then toggle VFO op
// may still work
CAT_TRACE ("rig_vfo_op TOGGLE");
rc = rig_vfo_op (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_OP_TOGGLE);
if (-RIG_ENAVAIL == rc || -RIG_ENIMPL == rc)
// we are probably dealing with rigctld so we do not
// have completely accurate rig capabilities
m_->set_vfo_works_ = false;
m_->one_VFO_ = false; // we do not need single VFO addressing
m_->error_check (rc, tr ("exchanging VFOs"));
if (m_->set_vfo_works_)
// without the above we cannot proceed but we know we
// are on VFO A and that will not change so there's no
// need to execute this block
m_->error_check (rig_get_freq (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, &f2), tr ("getting other VFO frequency"));
f2 = std::round (f2);
CAT_TRACE ("rig_get_freq other frequency=" << f2);
m_->error_check (rig_get_mode (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, &mb, &wb), tr ("getting other VFO mode"));
CAT_TRACE ("rig_get_mode other mode=" << rig_strrmode (mb) << " bw=" << wb);
update_other_frequency (f2);
if (!rig_get_function_ptr (m_->model_, RIG_FUNCTION_SET_VFO))
CAT_TRACE ("rig_vfo_op TOGGLE");
m_->error_check (rig_vfo_op (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_OP_TOGGLE), tr ("exchanging VFOs"));
CAT_TRACE ("rig_set_vfo A/MAIN");
m_->error_check (rig_set_vfo (m_->rig_.data (), m_->rig_->state.vfo_list & RIG_VFO_A ? RIG_VFO_A : RIG_VFO_MAIN), tr ("setting current VFO"));
if (f1 != f2 || m != mb || w != wb) // we must have started with MAIN/A
update_rx_frequency (f1);
m_->error_check (rig_get_freq (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, &f1), tr ("getting frequency"));
f1 = std::round (f1);
CAT_TRACE ("rig_get_freq frequency=" << f1);
m_->error_check (rig_get_mode (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, &m, &w), tr ("getting mode"));
CAT_TRACE ("rig_get_mode mode=" << rig_strrmode (m) << " bw=" << w);
update_rx_frequency (f1);
// TRACE_CAT ("rig_set_split_vfo split off");
// m_->error_check (rig_set_split_vfo (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_SPLIT_OFF, RIG_VFO_CURR), tr ("setting split off"));
// update_split (false);
vfo_t v {RIG_VFO_A}; // assume RX always on VFO A/MAIN
if (m_->get_vfo_works_ && rig_get_function_ptr (m_->model_, RIG_FUNCTION_GET_VFO))
m_->error_check (rig_get_vfo (m_->rig_.data (), &v), tr ("getting current VFO")); // has side effect of establishing current VFO inside hamlib
CAT_TRACE ("rig_get_vfo current VFO=" << rig_strvfo (v));
m_->reversed_ = RIG_VFO_B == v;
if (m_->mode_query_works_ && !(rig_get_caps_int (m_->model_, RIG_CAPS_TARGETABLE_VFO) & RIG_TARGETABLE_MODE))
if (RIG_OK == rig_get_mode (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, &m, &w))
CAT_TRACE ("rig_get_mode current mode=" << rig_strrmode (m) << " bw=" << w);
m_->mode_query_works_ = false;
// Some rigs (HDSDR) don't have a working way of
// reporting MODE so we give up on mode queries -
// sets will still cause an error
CAT_TRACE ("rig_get_mode can't do on this rig");
update_mode (m_->map_mode (m));
m_->tickle_hamlib_ = true;
if (m_->is_dummy_ && !m_->ptt_only_ && impl::dummy_frequency_)
// return to where last dummy instance was
// TODO: this is going to break down if multiple dummy rigs are used
rig_set_freq (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, impl::dummy_frequency_);
update_rx_frequency (impl::dummy_frequency_);
if (RIG_MODE_NONE != impl::dummy_mode_)
rig_set_mode (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, impl::dummy_mode_, RIG_PASSBAND_NOCHANGE);
update_mode (m_->map_mode (impl::dummy_mode_));
// we must disable Hamlib caching because it lies about frequency
// for less than 1 Hz resolution rigs
auto orig_cache_timeout = rig_get_cache_timeout_ms (m_->rig_.data (), HAMLIB_CACHE_ALL);
rig_set_cache_timeout_ms (m_->rig_.data (), HAMLIB_CACHE_ALL, 0);
int resolution {0};
if (m_->freq_query_works_)
freq_t current_frequency;
m_->error_check (rig_get_freq (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, ¤t_frequency), tr ("getting current VFO frequency"));
current_frequency = std::round (current_frequency);
Frequency f = current_frequency;
if (f && !(f % 10))
auto test_frequency = f - f % 100 + 55;
m_->error_check (rig_set_freq (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, test_frequency), tr ("setting frequency"));
freq_t new_frequency;
m_->error_check (rig_get_freq (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, &new_frequency), tr ("getting current VFO frequency"));
new_frequency = std::round (new_frequency);
switch (static_cast<Radio::FrequencyDelta> (new_frequency - test_frequency))
case -5: resolution = -1; break; // 10Hz truncated
case 5: resolution = 1; break; // 10Hz rounded
case -15: resolution = -2; break; // 20Hz truncated
case -55: resolution = -3; break; // 100Hz truncated
case 45: resolution = 3; break; // 100Hz rounded
if (1 == resolution) // may be 20Hz rounded
test_frequency = f - f % 100 + 51;
m_->error_check (rig_set_freq (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, test_frequency), tr ("setting frequency"));
m_->error_check (rig_get_freq (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, &new_frequency), tr ("getting current VFO frequency"));
if (9 == static_cast<Radio::FrequencyDelta> (new_frequency - test_frequency))
resolution = 2; // 20Hz rounded
m_->error_check (rig_set_freq (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, current_frequency), tr ("setting frequency"));
resolution = -1; // best guess
// revert Hamlib cache timeout
rig_set_cache_timeout_ms (m_->rig_.data (), HAMLIB_CACHE_ALL, orig_cache_timeout);
do_poll ();
CAT_TRACE ("finished start " << state () << " reversed=" << m_->reversed_ << " resolution=" << resolution);
return resolution;
void HamlibTransceiver::do_stop ()
if (m_->is_dummy_ && !m_->ptt_only_)
rig_get_freq (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, &impl::dummy_frequency_);
impl::dummy_frequency_ = std::round (impl::dummy_frequency_);
if (m_->mode_query_works_)
pbwidth_t width;
rig_get_mode (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, &impl::dummy_mode_, &width);
if (m_->rig_)
rig_close (m_->rig_.data ());
CAT_TRACE ("state: " << state () << " reversed=" << m_->reversed_);
void HamlibTransceiver::do_frequency (Frequency f, MODE m, bool no_ignore)
CAT_TRACE ("f: " << f << " mode: " << m << " reversed: " << m_->reversed_);
// only change when receiving or simplex or direct VFO addressing
// unavailable or forced
if (!state ().ptt () || !state ().split () || !m_->one_VFO_ || no_ignore)
// for the 1st time as a band change may cause a recalled mode to be
// set
vfo_t target_vfo = RIG_VFO_CURR;
if (!(m_->rig_->state.vfo_list & RIG_VFO_B))
target_vfo = RIG_VFO_MAIN; // no VFO A/B so force to Rx on MAIN
m_->error_check (rig_set_freq (m_->rig_.data (), target_vfo, f), tr ("setting frequency"));
update_rx_frequency (f);
if (m_->mode_query_works_ && UNK != m)
rmode_t current_mode;
pbwidth_t current_width;
auto new_mode = m_->map_mode (m);
m_->error_check (rig_get_mode (m_->rig_.data (), target_vfo, ¤t_mode, ¤t_width), tr ("getting current VFO mode"));
CAT_TRACE ("rig_get_mode mode=" << rig_strrmode (current_mode) << " bw=" << current_width);
if (new_mode != current_mode)
CAT_TRACE ("rig_set_mode mode=" << rig_strrmode (new_mode));
m_->error_check (rig_set_mode (m_->rig_.data (), target_vfo, new_mode, RIG_PASSBAND_NOCHANGE), tr ("setting current VFO mode"));
// for the 2nd time because a mode change may have caused a
// frequency change
m_->error_check (rig_set_freq (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, f), tr ("setting frequency"));
// for the second time because some rigs change mode according
// to frequency such as the TS-2000 auto mode setting
CAT_TRACE ("rig_set_mode mode=" << rig_strrmode (new_mode));
m_->error_check (rig_set_mode (m_->rig_.data (), target_vfo, new_mode, RIG_PASSBAND_NOCHANGE), tr ("setting current VFO mode"));
// set mode on VFOB too if we are in split
if (state ().split()) rig_set_mode (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_B, new_mode, RIG_PASSBAND_NOCHANGE), tr ("setting VFOB mode");
update_mode (m);
void HamlibTransceiver::do_tx_frequency (Frequency tx, MODE mode, bool no_ignore)
CAT_TRACE ("txf: " << tx << " reversed: " << m_->reversed_);
if (WSJT_RIG_NONE_CAN_SPLIT || !m_->is_dummy_) // split is meaningless if you can't see it
auto split = tx ? RIG_SPLIT_ON : RIG_SPLIT_OFF;
auto vfos = m_->get_vfos (tx);
// auto rx_vfo = std::get<0> (vfos); // or use RIG_VFO_CURR
auto tx_vfo = std::get<1> (vfos);
if (tx)
// Doing set split for the 1st of two times, this one
// ensures that the internal Hamlib state is correct
// otherwise rig_set_split_freq() will target the wrong VFO
// on some rigs
if (m_->tickle_hamlib_)
// This potentially causes issues with the Elecraft K3
// which will block setting split mode when it deems
// cross mode split operation not possible. There's not
// much we can do since the Hamlib Library needs this
// call at least once to establish the Tx VFO. Best we
// can do is only do this once per session.
CAT_TRACE ("rig_set_split_vfo split=" << split);
auto rc = rig_set_split_vfo (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, split, tx_vfo);
if (tx || (-RIG_ENAVAIL != rc && -RIG_ENIMPL != rc))
// On rigs that can't have split controlled only throw an
// exception when an error other than command not accepted
// is returned when trying to leave split mode. This allows
// fake split mode and non-split mode to work without error
// on such rigs without having to know anything about the
// specific rig.
m_->error_check (rc, tr ("setting/unsetting split mode"));
m_->tickle_hamlib_ = false;
update_split (tx);
// just change current when transmitting with single VFO
// addressing
if (state ().ptt () && m_->one_VFO_)
CAT_TRACE ("rig_set_split_vfo split=" << split);
m_->error_check (rig_set_split_vfo (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, split, tx_vfo), tr ("setting split mode"));
m_->error_check (rig_set_freq (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, tx), tr ("setting frequency"));
if (UNK != mode && m_->mode_query_works_)
rmode_t current_mode;
pbwidth_t current_width;
auto new_mode = m_->map_mode (mode);
m_->error_check (rig_get_mode (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, ¤t_mode, ¤t_width), tr ("getting current VFO mode"));
CAT_TRACE ("rig_get_mode mode=" << rig_strrmode (current_mode) << " bw=" << current_width);
if (new_mode != current_mode)
CAT_TRACE ("rig_set_mode mode=" << rig_strrmode (new_mode));
m_->error_check (rig_set_mode (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, new_mode, RIG_PASSBAND_NOCHANGE), tr ("setting current VFO mode"));
update_other_frequency (tx);
else if (!m_->one_VFO_ || no_ignore) // if not single VFO addressing and not forced
hamlib_tx_vfo_fixup fixup (m_->rig_.data (), tx_vfo);
if (UNK != mode)
auto new_mode = m_->map_mode (mode);
CAT_TRACE ("rig_set_split_freq_mode freq=" << tx
<< " mode = " << rig_strrmode (new_mode));
m_->error_check (rig_set_split_freq_mode (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, tx, new_mode, RIG_PASSBAND_NOCHANGE), tr ("setting split TX frequency and mode"));
CAT_TRACE ("rig_set_split_freq freq=" << tx);
m_->error_check (rig_set_split_freq (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, tx), tr ("setting split TX frequency"));
// Enable split last since some rigs (Kenwood for one) come out
// of split when you switch RX VFO (to set split mode above for
// example). Also the Elecraft K3 will refuse to go to split
// with certain VFO A/B mode combinations.
CAT_TRACE ("rig_set_split_vfo split=" << split);
m_->error_check (rig_set_split_vfo (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, split, tx_vfo), tr ("setting split mode"));
update_other_frequency (tx);
update_split (tx);
// Disable split
CAT_TRACE ("rig_set_split_vfo split=" << split);
auto rc = rig_set_split_vfo (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, split, tx_vfo);
if (tx || (-RIG_ENAVAIL != rc && -RIG_ENIMPL != rc))
// On rigs that can't have split controlled only throw an
// exception when an error other than command not accepted
// is returned when trying to leave split mode. This allows
// fake split mode and non-split mode to work without error
// on such rigs without having to know anything about the
// specific rig.
m_->error_check (rc, tr ("setting/unsetting split mode"));
update_other_frequency (tx);
update_split (tx);
void HamlibTransceiver::do_mode (MODE mode)
CAT_TRACE (mode);
auto vfos = m_->get_vfos (state ().split ());
// auto rx_vfo = std::get<0> (vfos);
auto tx_vfo = std::get<1> (vfos);
rmode_t current_mode;
pbwidth_t current_width;
auto new_mode = m_->map_mode (mode);
vfo_t target_vfo = RIG_VFO_CURR;
if (!(m_->rig_->state.vfo_list & RIG_VFO_B))
target_vfo = RIG_VFO_MAIN; // no VFO A/B so force to Rx on MAIN
// only change when receiving or simplex if direct VFO addressing unavailable
if (!(state ().ptt () && state ().split () && m_->one_VFO_))
m_->error_check (rig_get_mode (m_->rig_.data (), target_vfo, ¤t_mode, ¤t_width), tr ("getting current VFO mode"));
CAT_TRACE ("rig_get_mode mode=" << rig_strrmode (current_mode) << " bw=" << current_width);
if (new_mode != current_mode)
CAT_TRACE ("rig_set_mode mode=" << rig_strrmode (new_mode));
m_->error_check (rig_set_mode (m_->rig_.data (), target_vfo, new_mode, RIG_PASSBAND_NOCHANGE), tr ("setting current VFO mode"));
// just change current when transmitting split with one VFO mode
if (state ().ptt () && state ().split () && m_->one_VFO_)
m_->error_check (rig_get_mode (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, ¤t_mode, ¤t_width), tr ("getting current VFO mode"));
CAT_TRACE ("rig_get_mode mode=" << rig_strrmode (current_mode) << " bw=" << current_width);
if (new_mode != current_mode)
CAT_TRACE ("rig_set_mode mode=" << rig_strrmode (new_mode));
m_->error_check (rig_set_mode (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, new_mode, RIG_PASSBAND_NOCHANGE), tr ("setting current VFO mode"));
else if (state ().split () && !m_->one_VFO_)
m_->error_check (rig_get_split_mode (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, ¤t_mode, ¤t_width), tr ("getting split TX VFO mode"));
CAT_TRACE ("rig_get_split_mode mode=" << rig_strrmode (current_mode) << " bw=" << current_width);
if (new_mode != current_mode)
CAT_TRACE ("rig_set_split_mode mode=" << rig_strrmode (new_mode));
hamlib_tx_vfo_fixup fixup (m_->rig_.data (), tx_vfo);
m_->error_check (rig_set_split_mode (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, new_mode, RIG_PASSBAND_NOCHANGE), tr ("setting split TX VFO mode"));
update_mode (mode);
void HamlibTransceiver::do_poll ()
freq_t f;
rmode_t m;
pbwidth_t w;
split_t s;
if (m_->get_vfo_works_ && rig_get_function_ptr (m_->model_, RIG_FUNCTION_GET_VFO))
vfo_t v;
m_->error_check (rig_get_vfo (m_->rig_.data (), &v), tr ("getting current VFO")); // has side effect of establishing current VFO inside hamlib
CAT_TRACE ("VFO=" << rig_strvfo (v));
m_->reversed_ = RIG_VFO_B == v;
if ((WSJT_RIG_NONE_CAN_SPLIT || !m_->is_dummy_)
&& rig_get_function_ptr (m_->model_, RIG_FUNCTION_GET_SPLIT_VFO) && m_->split_query_works_)
vfo_t v {RIG_VFO_NONE}; // so we can tell if it doesn't get updated :(
auto rc = rig_get_split_vfo (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, &s, &v);
if (-RIG_OK == rc && RIG_SPLIT_ON == s)
CAT_TRACE ("rig_get_split_vfo split=" << s << " VFO=" << rig_strvfo (v));
update_split (true);
// if (RIG_VFO_A == v)
// {
// m_->reversed_ = true; // not sure if this helps us here
// }
else if (-RIG_OK == rc) // not split
CAT_TRACE ("rig_get_split_vfo split=" << s << " VFO=" << rig_strvfo (v));
update_split (false);
// Some rigs (Icom) don't have a way of reporting SPLIT
// mode
CAT_TRACE ("rig_get_split_vfo can't do on this rig");
// just report how we see it based on prior commands
m_->split_query_works_ = false;
if (m_->freq_query_works_)
// only read if possible and when receiving or simplex
if (!state ().ptt () || !state ().split ())
m_->error_check (rig_get_freq (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, &f), tr ("getting current VFO frequency"));
f = std::round (f);
CAT_TRACE ("rig_get_freq frequency=" << Radio::frequency (f));
update_rx_frequency (f);
if ((WSJT_RIG_NONE_CAN_SPLIT || !m_->is_dummy_)
&& state ().split ()
&& (rig_get_caps_int (m_->model_, RIG_CAPS_TARGETABLE_VFO) & RIG_TARGETABLE_FREQ)
&& !m_->one_VFO_)
// only read "other" VFO if in split, this allows rigs like
// FlexRadio to work in Kenwood TS-2000 mode despite them
// not having a FB; command
// we can only probe current VFO unless rig supports reading
// the other one directly because we can't glitch the Rx
m_->error_check (rig_get_freq (m_->rig_.data ()
, m_->reversed_
? (m_->rig_->state.vfo_list & RIG_VFO_A ? RIG_VFO_A : RIG_VFO_MAIN)
: (m_->rig_->state.vfo_list & RIG_VFO_B ? RIG_VFO_B : RIG_VFO_SUB)
, &f), tr ("getting other VFO frequency"));
f = std::round (f);
CAT_TRACE ("rig_get_freq other VFO=" << f);
update_other_frequency (f);
// only read when receiving or simplex if direct VFO addressing unavailable
if ((!state ().ptt () || !state ().split ())
&& m_->mode_query_works_)
// We have to ignore errors here because Yaesu FTdx... rigs can
// report the wrong mode when transmitting split with different
// modes per VFO. This is unfortunate because that is exactly
// what you need to do to get 4kHz Rx b.w and modulation into
// the rig through the data socket or USB. I.e. USB for Rx and
// DATA-USB for Tx.
auto rc = rig_get_mode (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, &m, &w);
if (RIG_OK == rc)
CAT_TRACE ("rig_get_mode mode=" << rig_strrmode (m) << " bw=" << w);
update_mode (m_->map_mode (m));
CAT_TRACE ("rig_get_mode mode failed with rc: " << rc << " ignoring");
if (RIG_PTT_NONE != m_->rig_->state.pttport.type.ptt && rig_get_function_ptr (m_->model_, RIG_FUNCTION_GET_PTT))
ptt_t p;
auto rc = rig_get_ptt (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, &p);
if (-RIG_ENAVAIL != rc && -RIG_ENIMPL != rc) // may fail if
// Net rig ctl and target doesn't
// support command
m_->error_check (rc, tr ("getting PTT state"));
CAT_TRACE ("rig_get_ptt PTT=" << p);
update_PTT (!(RIG_PTT_OFF == p));
void HamlibTransceiver::do_ptt (bool on)
CAT_TRACE ("PTT: " << on << " " << state () << " reversed=" << m_->reversed_);
if (on)
if (RIG_PTT_NONE != m_->rig_->state.pttport.type.ptt)
CAT_TRACE ("rig_set_ptt PTT=true");
auto ptt_type = rig_get_caps_int (m_->model_, RIG_CAPS_PTT_TYPE);
m_->error_check (rig_set_ptt (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR
, RIG_PTT_RIG_MICDATA == ptt_type && m_->back_ptt_port_
? RIG_PTT_ON_DATA : RIG_PTT_ON), tr ("setting PTT on"));
if (RIG_PTT_NONE != m_->rig_->state.pttport.type.ptt)
CAT_TRACE ("rig_set_ptt PTT=false");
m_->error_check (rig_set_ptt (m_->rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_PTT_OFF), tr ("setting PTT off"));
update_PTT (on);