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synced 2025-02-22 21:48:32 -05:00
Samples are downloaded from a web server, currently the SF download server. The samples are stored in the source controlled samples directory and the CMake script there builds a suitable directory tree for upload to the web server under samples/web containing the samples hierarchy and the generated JSON contents database file. The samples CMake script also defines an 'upload-samples' target that uses rsync to efficiently upload the samples and the accompanying contents JSON database file. Any directory structure under the samples directory may be created, to add a new sample file simply add the file to source control and amend the list of sample files (SAMPLE_FILES) in samples/CMakeLists.txt. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.code.sf.net/p/wsjt/wsjt/branches/wsjtx@6308 ab8295b8-cf94-4d9e-aec4-7959e3be5d79
152 lines
4.1 KiB
152 lines
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#include "SampleDownloader.hpp"
#include <QString>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QtWidgets>
#include "SettingsGroup.hpp"
#include "SampleDownloader/Directory.hpp"
#include "pimpl_impl.hpp"
#include "moc_SampleDownloader.cpp"
char const * const title = "Download Samples";
class SampleDownloader::impl final
: public QDialog
explicit impl (QSettings * settings, Configuration const *, QNetworkAccessManager *, QWidget * parent);
~impl () {save_window_state ();}
void refresh ()
show ();
raise ();
activateWindow ();
directory_.refresh ();
void closeEvent (QCloseEvent * e) override
save_window_state ();
QDialog::closeEvent (e);
void save_window_state ()
SettingsGroup g (settings_, title);
settings_->setValue ("geometry", saveGeometry ());
settings_->setValue ("SamplesURL", url_line_edit_.text ());
Q_SLOT void button_clicked (QAbstractButton *);
QSettings * settings_;
Directory directory_;
QGridLayout main_layout_;
QVBoxLayout left_layout_;
QDialogButtonBox button_box_;
QWidget details_widget_;
QFormLayout details_layout_;
QLineEdit url_line_edit_;
#include "SampleDownloader.moc"
SampleDownloader::SampleDownloader (QSettings * settings, Configuration const * configuration
, QNetworkAccessManager * network_manager, QWidget * parent)
: m_ {settings, configuration, network_manager, parent}
SampleDownloader::~SampleDownloader ()
void SampleDownloader::show ()
m_->refresh ();
SampleDownloader::impl::impl (QSettings * settings
, Configuration const * configuration
, QNetworkAccessManager * network_manager
, QWidget * parent)
: QDialog {parent, Qt::Window | Qt::WindowTitleHint | Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint | Qt::WindowMinimizeButtonHint}
, settings_ {settings}
, directory_ {configuration, network_manager}
, button_box_ {QDialogButtonBox::Close, Qt::Vertical}
setWindowTitle (windowTitle () + ' ' + tr (title));
resize (500, 600);
SettingsGroup g {settings_, title};
restoreGeometry (settings_->value ("geometry", saveGeometry ()).toByteArray ());
url_line_edit_.setText (settings_->value ("SamplesURL", PROJECT_SAMPLES_URL).toString ());
directory_.url_root (url_line_edit_.text ());
setWindowTitle (QApplication::applicationName () + " - " + tr ("Download Samples"));
button_box_.button (QDialogButtonBox::Close)->setDefault (true);
button_box_.addButton ("&Abort", QDialogButtonBox::DestructiveRole);
button_box_.addButton ("&Refresh", QDialogButtonBox::ResetRole);
left_layout_.addWidget (&directory_);
auto details_button = button_box_.addButton ("&Details", QDialogButtonBox::HelpRole);
details_button->setCheckable (true);
details_widget_.hide ();
details_layout_.setMargin (0);
details_layout_.addRow ("Base URL for samples:", &url_line_edit_);
details_widget_.setLayout (&details_layout_);
main_layout_.addLayout (&left_layout_, 0, 0);
main_layout_.addWidget (&button_box_, 0, 1);
main_layout_.addWidget (&details_widget_, 1, 0, 1, 2);
main_layout_.setRowStretch (1, 2);
setLayout (&main_layout_);
connect (&button_box_, &QDialogButtonBox::clicked, this, &SampleDownloader::impl::button_clicked);
connect (details_button, &QAbstractButton::clicked, &details_widget_, &QWidget::setVisible);
connect (&url_line_edit_, &QLineEdit::editingFinished, [this] () {
if (directory_.url_root (url_line_edit_.text ()))
directory_.refresh ();
QMessageBox::warning (this, "Input Error", "Invalid URL format");
void SampleDownloader::impl::button_clicked (QAbstractButton * button)
switch (button_box_.buttonRole (button))
case QDialogButtonBox::RejectRole:
hide ();
case QDialogButtonBox::DestructiveRole:
directory_.abort ();
case QDialogButtonBox::ResetRole:
directory_.refresh ();