Bill Somerville fe6c04a5cf Added commentary to the Configuration module
Description and instructions to help those adding or amending settings

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// ab8295b8-cf94-4d9e-aec4-7959e3be5d79
2015-02-11 11:57:40 +00:00

2406 lines
87 KiB

#include "Configuration.hpp"
// Read me!
// This file defines a configuration dialog with the user. The general
// strategy is to expose agreed configuration parameters via a custom
// interface (See Configuration.hpp). The state exposed through this
// public interface reflects stored or derived data in the
// Configuration::impl object. The Configuration::impl structure is
// an implementation of the PIMPL (a.k.a. Cheshire Cat or compilation
// firewall) implementation hiding idiom that allows internal state to
// be completely removed from the public interface.
// There is a secondary level of parameter storage which reflects
// current settings UI state, these parameters are not copied to the
// state store that the public interface exposes until the
// Configuration:impl::accept() operation is successful. The accept()
// operation is tied to the settings OK button. The normal and most
// convenient place to store this intermediate settings UI state is in
// the data models of the UI controls, if that is not convenient then
// separate member variables must be used to store that state. It is
// important for the user experience that no publicly visible settings
// are changed while the settings UI are changed i.e. all settings
// changes must be deferred until the "OK" button is
// clicked. Conversely, all changes must be discarded if the settings
// UI "Cancel" button is clicked.
// There is a complication related to the radio interface since the
// this module offers the facility to test the radio interface. This
// test means that the public visibility to the radio being tested
// must be changed. To maintain the illusion of deferring changes
// until they are accepted, the original radio related settings are
// stored upon showing the UI and restored if the UI is dismissed by
// canceling.
// It should be noted that the settings UI lives as long as the
// application client that uses it does. It is simply shown and hidden
// as it is needed rather than creating it on demand. This strategy
// saves a lot of expensive UI drawing at the expense of a little
// storage and gives a convenient place to deliver settings values
// from.
// Here is an overview of the high level flow of this module:
// 1) On construction the initial environment is initialized and
// initial values for settings are read from the QSettings
// database. At this point default values for any new settings are
// established by providing a default value to the QSettings value
// queries. This should be the only place where a hard coded value for
// a settings item is defined. Any remaining one-time UI
// initialization is also done. At the end of the constructor a method
// initialise_models() is called to load the UI with the current
// settings values.
// 2) When the settings UI is displayed by a client calling the exec()
// operation, only temporary state need be stored as the UI state will
// already mirror the publicly visible settings state.
// 3) As the user makes changes to the settings UI only validation
// need be carried out since the UI control data models are used as
// the temporary store of unconfirmed settings. As some settings will
// depend on each other a validate() operation is available, this
// operations implements a check of any complex multi-field values.
// 4) If the user discards the settings changes by dismissing the UI
// with the "Cancel" button; the reject() operation is called. The
// reject() operation calls initialise_models() which will revert all
// the UI visible state to the values as at the initial exec()
// operation. No changes are moved into the data fields in
// Configuration::impl that reflect the settings state published by
// the public interface (Configuration.hpp).
// 5) If the user accepts the settings changes by dismissing the UI
// with the "OK" button; the accept() operation is called which calls
// the validate() operation again and, if it passes, the fields that
// are used to deliver the settings state are updated from the UI
// control models or other temporary state variables. At the end of
// the accept() operation, just before hiding the UI and returning
// control to the caller; the new settings values are stored into the
// settings database by a call to the write_settings() operation, thus
// ensuring that settings changes are saved even if the application
// crashes or is subsequently killed.
// 6) On destruction, which only happens when the application
// terminates, the settings are saved to the settings database by
// calling the write_settings() operation. This is largely redundant
// but is still done to save the default values of any new settings on
// an initial run.
// To add a new setting:
// 1) Update the UI with the new widget to view and change the value.
// 2) Add a member to Configuration::impl to store the accepted
// setting state. If the setting state is dynamic; add a new signal to
// broadcast the setting value.
// 3) Add a query method to the public interface (Configuration.hpp)
// to access the new setting value. If the settings is dynamic; this
// step is optional since value changes will be broadcast via a
// signal.
// 4) Add a forwarding operation to implement the new query (3) above.
// 5) Add a settings read call to read_settings() with a sensible
// default value. If the setting value is dynamic, add a signal emit
// call to broadcast the setting value change.
// 6) Add code to initialise_models() to load the widget control's
// data model with the current setting value.
// 7) Add any required inter-field validation to the validate()
// operation.
// 8) Add code to the accept() operation to extract the setting value
// from the widget control data model and load it into the
// Configuration::impl member that reflects the publicly visible
// setting state. If the setting value is dynamic; add a signal emit
// call to broadcast any changed state of the setting.
// 9) Add a settings write call to save the setting value to the
// settings database.
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QMetaType>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QAudioDeviceInfo>
#include <QAudioInput>
#include <QDialog>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QAction>
#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QDir>
#include <QFormLayout>
#include <QString>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QStringListModel>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QRegExpValidator>
#include <QThread>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QStandardPaths>
#include <QFont>
#include <QFontDialog>
#include <QColorDialog>
#include <QDebug>
#include "ui_Configuration.h"
#include "SettingsGroup.hpp"
#include "FrequencyLineEdit.hpp"
#include "FrequencyItemDelegate.hpp"
#include "ForeignKeyDelegate.hpp"
#include "TransceiverFactory.hpp"
#include "Transceiver.hpp"
#include "Bands.hpp"
#include "FrequencyList.hpp"
#include "StationList.hpp"
#include "pimpl_impl.hpp"
#include "moc_Configuration.cpp"
struct init
init ()
qRegisterMetaType<Configuration::DataMode> ("Configuration::DataMode");
qRegisterMetaTypeStreamOperators<Configuration::DataMode> ("Configuration::DataMode");
} static_initializer;
// these undocumented flag values when stored in (Qt::UserRole - 1)
// of a ComboBox item model index allow the item to be enabled or
// disabled
int const combo_box_item_enabled (32 | 1);
int const combo_box_item_disabled (0);
QRegExp message_alphabet {"[- A-Za-z0-9+./?]*"};
// Dialog to get a new Frequency item
class FrequencyDialog final
: public QDialog
using Frequency = Radio::Frequency;
explicit FrequencyDialog (QWidget * parent = nullptr)
: QDialog {parent}
setWindowTitle (QApplication::applicationName () + " - " + tr ("Add Frequency"));
auto form_layout = new QFormLayout ();
form_layout->addRow (tr ("&Frequency (MHz):"), &frequency_line_edit_);
auto main_layout = new QVBoxLayout (this);
main_layout->addLayout (form_layout);
auto button_box = new QDialogButtonBox {QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel};
main_layout->addWidget (button_box);
connect (button_box, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, this, &FrequencyDialog::accept);
connect (button_box, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, this, &FrequencyDialog::reject);
Frequency frequency () const
return frequency_line_edit_.frequency ();
FrequencyLineEdit frequency_line_edit_;
// Dialog to get a new Station item
class StationDialog final
: public QDialog
explicit StationDialog (Bands * bands, QWidget * parent = nullptr)
: QDialog {parent}
, bands_ {bands}
setWindowTitle (QApplication::applicationName () + " - " + tr ("Add Station"));
band_.setModel (bands_);
auto form_layout = new QFormLayout ();
form_layout->addRow (tr ("&Band:"), &band_);
form_layout->addRow (tr ("&Offset (MHz):"), &delta_);
form_layout->addRow (tr ("&Antenna:"), &description_);
auto main_layout = new QVBoxLayout (this);
main_layout->addLayout (form_layout);
auto button_box = new QDialogButtonBox {QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel};
main_layout->addWidget (button_box);
connect (button_box, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, this, &StationDialog::accept);
connect (button_box, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, this, &StationDialog::reject);
if (delta_.text ().isEmpty ())
delta_.setText ("0");
StationList::Station station () const
return {band_.currentText (), delta_.frequency_delta (), description_.text ()};
Bands * bands_;
QComboBox band_;
FrequencyDeltaLineEdit delta_;
QLineEdit description_;
class RearrangableMacrosModel
: public QStringListModel
Qt::ItemFlags flags (QModelIndex const& index) const override
auto flags = QStringListModel::flags (index);
if (index.isValid ())
// disallow drop onto existing items
flags &= ~Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled;
return flags;
// Class MessageItemDelegate
// Item delegate for message entry such as free text message macros.
class MessageItemDelegate final
: public QStyledItemDelegate
explicit MessageItemDelegate (QObject * parent = nullptr)
: QStyledItemDelegate {parent}
QWidget * createEditor (QWidget * parent
, QStyleOptionViewItem const& /* option*/
, QModelIndex const& /* index */
) const override
auto editor = new QLineEdit {parent};
editor->setFrame (false);
editor->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator {message_alphabet, editor});
return editor;
// Fields that are transceiver related.
// These are aggregated in a structure to enable a non-equivalence to
// be provided.
// don't forget to update the != operator if any fields are added
// otherwise rig parameter changes will not trigger reconfiguration
struct RigParams
QString CAT_serial_port_;
QString CAT_network_port_;
qint32 CAT_baudrate_;
TransceiverFactory::DataBits CAT_data_bits_;
TransceiverFactory::StopBits CAT_stop_bits_;
TransceiverFactory::Handshake CAT_handshake_;
bool CAT_DTR_always_on_;
bool CAT_RTS_always_on_;
qint32 CAT_poll_interval_;
TransceiverFactory::PTTMethod PTT_method_;
QString PTT_port_;
TransceiverFactory::TXAudioSource TX_audio_source_;
TransceiverFactory::SplitMode split_mode_;
QString rig_name_;
bool operator != (RigParams const&, RigParams const&);
bool operator == (RigParams const& lhs, RigParams const& rhs)
return !(lhs != rhs);
// Internal implementation of the Configuration class.
class Configuration::impl final
: public QDialog
using FrequencyDelta = Radio::FrequencyDelta;
explicit impl (Configuration * self, QSettings * settings, QWidget * parent);
~impl ();
bool have_rig (bool open_if_closed = true);
void transceiver_frequency (Frequency);
void transceiver_tx_frequency (Frequency);
void transceiver_mode (MODE);
void transceiver_ptt (bool);
void sync_transceiver (bool force_signal);
Q_SLOT int exec () override;
Q_SLOT void accept () override;
Q_SLOT void reject () override;
Q_SLOT void done (int) override;
typedef QList<QAudioDeviceInfo> AudioDevices;
void read_settings ();
void write_settings ();
bool load_audio_devices (QAudio::Mode, QComboBox *, QAudioDeviceInfo *);
void update_audio_channels (QComboBox const *, int, QComboBox *, bool);
void initialise_models ();
bool open_rig ();
//bool set_mode ();
void close_rig ();
void enumerate_rigs ();
void set_rig_invariants ();
bool validate ();
void message_box (QString const& reason, QString const& detail = QString ());
void fill_port_combo_box (QComboBox *);
Q_SLOT void on_font_push_button_clicked ();
Q_SLOT void on_decoded_text_font_push_button_clicked ();
Q_SLOT void on_PTT_port_combo_box_activated (int);
Q_SLOT void on_CAT_port_combo_box_activated (int);
Q_SLOT void on_CAT_serial_baud_combo_box_currentIndexChanged (int);
Q_SLOT void on_CAT_data_bits_button_group_buttonClicked (int);
Q_SLOT void on_CAT_stop_bits_button_group_buttonClicked (int);
Q_SLOT void on_CAT_handshake_button_group_buttonClicked (int);
Q_SLOT void on_CAT_poll_interval_spin_box_valueChanged (int);
Q_SLOT void on_split_mode_button_group_buttonClicked (int);
Q_SLOT void on_test_CAT_push_button_clicked ();
Q_SLOT void on_test_PTT_push_button_clicked ();
Q_SLOT void on_CAT_DTR_check_box_toggled (bool);
Q_SLOT void on_CAT_RTS_check_box_toggled (bool);
Q_SLOT void on_rig_combo_box_currentIndexChanged (int);
Q_SLOT void on_sound_input_combo_box_currentTextChanged (QString const&);
Q_SLOT void on_sound_output_combo_box_currentTextChanged (QString const&);
Q_SLOT void on_add_macro_push_button_clicked (bool = false);
Q_SLOT void on_delete_macro_push_button_clicked (bool = false);
Q_SLOT void on_PTT_method_button_group_buttonClicked (int);
Q_SLOT void on_callsign_line_edit_editingFinished ();
Q_SLOT void on_grid_line_edit_editingFinished ();
Q_SLOT void on_add_macro_line_edit_editingFinished ();
Q_SLOT void delete_macro ();
void delete_selected_macros (QModelIndexList);
Q_SLOT void on_save_path_select_push_button_clicked (bool);
Q_SLOT void delete_frequencies ();
Q_SLOT void insert_frequency ();
Q_SLOT void delete_stations ();
Q_SLOT void insert_station ();
Q_SLOT void handle_transceiver_update (TransceiverState);
Q_SLOT void handle_transceiver_failure (QString reason);
Q_SLOT void on_pbCQmsg_clicked();
Q_SLOT void on_pbMyCall_clicked();
Q_SLOT void on_pbTxMsg_clicked();
Q_SLOT void on_pbNewDXCC_clicked();
Q_SLOT void on_pbNewCall_clicked();
// typenames used as arguments must match registered type names :(
Q_SIGNAL void stop_transceiver () const;
Q_SIGNAL void frequency (Frequency rx, Transceiver::MODE) const;
Q_SIGNAL void tx_frequency (Frequency tx, bool rationalize_mode) const;
Q_SIGNAL void mode (Transceiver::MODE, bool rationalize) const;
Q_SIGNAL void ptt (bool) const;
Q_SIGNAL void sync (bool force_signal) const;
Configuration * const self_; // back pointer to public interface
QThread transceiver_thread_;
TransceiverFactory transceiver_factory_;
Ui::configuration_dialog * ui_;
QSettings * settings_;
QDir doc_dir_;
QDir temp_dir_;
QDir default_save_directory_;
QDir save_directory_;
QFont font_;
bool font_changed_;
QFont next_font_;
QFont decoded_text_font_;
bool decoded_text_font_changed_;
QFont next_decoded_text_font_;
bool restart_sound_input_device_;
bool restart_sound_output_device_;
unsigned jt9w_bw_mult_;
float jt9w_min_dt_;
float jt9w_max_dt_;
QStringListModel macros_;
RearrangableMacrosModel next_macros_;
QAction * macro_delete_action_;
Bands bands_;
FrequencyList frequencies_;
FrequencyList next_frequencies_;
StationList stations_;
StationList next_stations_;
QAction * frequency_delete_action_;
QAction * frequency_insert_action_;
FrequencyDialog * frequency_dialog_;
QAction * station_delete_action_;
QAction * station_insert_action_;
StationDialog * station_dialog_;
RigParams rig_params_;
RigParams saved_rig_params_;
bool rig_is_dummy_;
bool rig_active_;
bool have_rig_;
bool rig_changed_;
TransceiverState cached_rig_state_;
bool ptt_state_;
// the following members are required to get the rig into split the
// first time monitor or tune or Tx occur
bool setup_split_;
Frequency required_tx_frequency_; // this is needed because DX Lab
// Suite Commander in particular
// insists on reporting out of
// date state after successful
// commands to change the rig
// state :( Zero is valid and it
// means that we don't know the Tx
// frequency rather than implying
// no split.
bool enforce_mode_and_split_;
FrequencyDelta transceiver_offset_;
// configuration fields that we publish
QString my_callsign_;
QString my_grid_;
QColor color_CQ_;
QColor color_MyCall_;
QColor color_TxMsg_;
QColor color_DXCC_;
QColor color_NewCall_;
qint32 id_interval_;
bool id_after_73_;
bool tx_QSY_allowed_;
bool spot_to_psk_reporter_;
bool monitor_off_at_startup_;
bool log_as_RTTY_;
bool report_in_comments_;
bool prompt_to_log_;
bool insert_blank_;
bool DXCC_;
bool clear_DX_;
bool miles_;
bool quick_call_;
bool disable_TX_on_73_;
bool watchdog_;
bool TX_messages_;
DataMode data_mode_;
QAudioDeviceInfo audio_input_device_;
bool default_audio_input_device_selected_;
AudioDevice::Channel audio_input_channel_;
QAudioDeviceInfo audio_output_device_;
bool default_audio_output_device_selected_;
AudioDevice::Channel audio_output_channel_;
friend class Configuration;
#include "Configuration.moc"
// delegate to implementation class
Configuration::Configuration (QSettings * settings, QWidget * parent)
: m_ {this, settings, parent}
Configuration::~Configuration ()
QDir Configuration::doc_dir () const {return m_->doc_dir_;}
QDir Configuration::temp_dir () const {return m_->temp_dir_;}
int Configuration::exec () {return m_->exec ();}
QAudioDeviceInfo const& Configuration::audio_input_device () const {return m_->audio_input_device_;}
AudioDevice::Channel Configuration::audio_input_channel () const {return m_->audio_input_channel_;}
QAudioDeviceInfo const& Configuration::audio_output_device () const {return m_->audio_output_device_;}
AudioDevice::Channel Configuration::audio_output_channel () const {return m_->audio_output_channel_;}
bool Configuration::restart_audio_input () const {return m_->restart_sound_input_device_;}
bool Configuration::restart_audio_output () const {return m_->restart_sound_output_device_;}
unsigned Configuration::jt9w_bw_mult () const {return m_->jt9w_bw_mult_;}
float Configuration::jt9w_min_dt () const {return m_->jt9w_min_dt_;}
float Configuration::jt9w_max_dt () const {return m_->jt9w_max_dt_;}
QString Configuration::my_callsign () const {return m_->my_callsign_;}
QString Configuration::my_grid () const {return m_->my_grid_;}
QColor Configuration::color_CQ () const {return m_->color_CQ_;}
QColor Configuration::color_MyCall () const {return m_->color_MyCall_;}
QColor Configuration::color_TxMsg () const {return m_->color_TxMsg_;}
QColor Configuration::color_DXCC () const {return m_->color_DXCC_;}
QColor Configuration::color_NewCall () const {return m_->color_NewCall_;}
QFont Configuration::decoded_text_font () const {return m_->decoded_text_font_;}
qint32 Configuration::id_interval () const {return m_->id_interval_;}
bool Configuration::id_after_73 () const {return m_->id_after_73_;}
bool Configuration::tx_QSY_allowed () const {return m_->tx_QSY_allowed_;}
bool Configuration::spot_to_psk_reporter () const {return m_->spot_to_psk_reporter_;}
bool Configuration::monitor_off_at_startup () const {return m_->monitor_off_at_startup_;}
bool Configuration::log_as_RTTY () const {return m_->log_as_RTTY_;}
bool Configuration::report_in_comments () const {return m_->report_in_comments_;}
bool Configuration::prompt_to_log () const {return m_->prompt_to_log_;}
bool Configuration::insert_blank () const {return m_->insert_blank_;}
bool Configuration::DXCC () const {return m_->DXCC_;}
bool Configuration::clear_DX () const {return m_->clear_DX_;}
bool Configuration::miles () const {return m_->miles_;}
bool Configuration::quick_call () const {return m_->quick_call_;}
bool Configuration::disable_TX_on_73 () const {return m_->disable_TX_on_73_;}
bool Configuration::watchdog () const {return m_->watchdog_;}
bool Configuration::TX_messages () const {return m_->TX_messages_;}
bool Configuration::split_mode () const
return !m_->rig_is_dummy_ && m_->rig_params_.split_mode_ != TransceiverFactory::split_mode_none;
Bands * Configuration::bands () {return &m_->bands_;}
StationList * Configuration::stations () {return &m_->stations_;}
FrequencyList * Configuration::frequencies () {return &m_->frequencies_;}
QStringListModel * Configuration::macros () {return &m_->macros_;}
QDir Configuration::save_directory () const {return m_->save_directory_;}
QString Configuration::rig_name () const {return m_->rig_params_.rig_name_;}
bool Configuration::transceiver_online (bool open_if_closed)
qDebug () << "Configuration::transceiver_online: open_if_closed:" << open_if_closed << m_->cached_rig_state_;
return m_->have_rig (open_if_closed);
void Configuration::transceiver_offline ()
qDebug () << "Configuration::transceiver_offline:" << m_->cached_rig_state_;
return m_->close_rig ();
void Configuration::transceiver_frequency (Frequency f)
qDebug () << "Configuration::transceiver_frequency:" << f << m_->cached_rig_state_;
m_->transceiver_frequency (f);
void Configuration::transceiver_tx_frequency (Frequency f)
qDebug () << "Configuration::transceiver_tx_frequency:" << f << m_->cached_rig_state_;
m_->setup_split_ = true;
m_->required_tx_frequency_ = f;
m_->transceiver_tx_frequency (f);
void Configuration::transceiver_mode (MODE mode)
qDebug () << "Configuration::transceiver_mode:" << mode << m_->cached_rig_state_;
m_->transceiver_mode (mode);
void Configuration::transceiver_ptt (bool on)
qDebug () << "Configuration::transceiver_ptt:" << on << m_->cached_rig_state_;
m_->transceiver_ptt (on);
void Configuration::sync_transceiver (bool force_signal, bool enforce_mode_and_split)
qDebug () << "Configuration::sync_transceiver: force signal:" << force_signal << "enforce_mode_and_split:" << enforce_mode_and_split << m_->cached_rig_state_;
m_->enforce_mode_and_split_ = enforce_mode_and_split;
m_->setup_split_ = enforce_mode_and_split;
m_->required_tx_frequency_ = 0;
m_->sync_transceiver (force_signal);
Configuration::impl::impl (Configuration * self, QSettings * settings, QWidget * parent)
: QDialog {parent}
, self_ {self}
, ui_ {new Ui::configuration_dialog}
, settings_ {settings}
, font_ {QApplication::font ()}
, font_changed_ {false}
, decoded_text_font_changed_ {false}
, frequencies_ {
, stations_ {&bands_}
, next_stations_ {&bands_}
, frequency_dialog_ {new FrequencyDialog {this}}
, station_dialog_ {new StationDialog {&bands_, this}}
, rig_active_ {false}
, have_rig_ {false}
, rig_changed_ {false}
, ptt_state_ {false}
, setup_split_ {false}
, required_tx_frequency_ {0}
, enforce_mode_and_split_ {false}
, transceiver_offset_ {0}
, default_audio_input_device_selected_ {false}
, default_audio_output_device_selected_ {false}
ui_->setupUi (this);
#if !defined (CMAKE_BUILD)
#if !defined (Q_OS_WIN) || QT_VERSION >= 0x050300
auto path = QStandardPaths::locate (QStandardPaths::DataLocation, WSJT_DOC_DESTINATION, QStandardPaths::LocateDirectory);
if (path.isEmpty ())
doc_dir_.cdUp ();
#if defined (Q_OS_MAC)
doc_dir_.cdUp ();
doc_dir_.cdUp ();
{ (path);
// Create a temporary directory in a suitable location
QString temp_location {QStandardPaths::writableLocation (QStandardPaths::TempLocation)};
if (!temp_location.isEmpty ())
temp_dir_.setPath (temp_location);
QString unique_directory {QApplication::applicationName ()};
if (!temp_dir_.mkpath (unique_directory) || ! (unique_directory))
QMessageBox::critical (this, "WSJT-X", tr ("Create temporary directory error: ") + temp_dir_.absolutePath ());
throw std::runtime_error {"Failed to create usable temporary directory"};
// copy the kvasd.dat file used for inter-process communication with
// kvasd from the resources file system to the temporary directory
QString kvasd_data_file {"kvasd.dat"};
if (!temp_dir_.exists (kvasd_data_file))
auto dest_file = temp_dir_.absoluteFilePath (kvasd_data_file);
if (!QFile::copy (":/" + kvasd_data_file, dest_file))
QMessageBox::critical (this, "WSJT-X", tr ("Cannot copy: :/") + kvasd_data_file + tr (" to: ") + temp_dir_.absolutePath ());
throw std::runtime_error {"Failed to copy kvasd.dat to temporary directory"};
QFile {dest_file}.setPermissions (QFile::ReadOwner | QFile::WriteOwner);
// Find a suitable data file location
QDir data_dir {QStandardPaths::writableLocation (QStandardPaths::DataLocation)};
if (!data_dir.mkpath ("."))
QMessageBox::critical (this, "WSJT-X", tr ("Create data directory error: ") + data_dir.absolutePath ());
throw std::runtime_error {"Failed to create data directory"};
// Make sure the default save directory exists
QString save_dir {"save"};
default_save_directory_ = data_dir;
if (!default_save_directory_.mkpath (save_dir) || ! (save_dir))
QMessageBox::critical (this, "WSJT-X", tr ("Create Directory", "Cannot create directory \"") + default_save_directory_.absoluteFilePath (save_dir) + "\".");
throw std::runtime_error {"Failed to create save directory"};
// we now have a deafult save path that exists
// make sure samples directory exists
QString samples_dir {"samples"};
if (!default_save_directory_.mkpath (samples_dir))
QMessageBox::critical (this, "WSJT-X", tr ("Create Directory", "Cannot create directory \"") + default_save_directory_.absoluteFilePath (samples_dir) + "\".");
throw std::runtime_error {"Failed to create save directory"};
// copy in any new sample files to the sample directory
QDir dest_dir {default_save_directory_}; (samples_dir);
QDir source_dir {":/" + samples_dir}; (save_dir); (samples_dir);
auto list = source_dir.entryInfoList (QStringList {{"*.wav"}}, QDir::Files | QDir::Readable);
Q_FOREACH (auto const& item, list)
if (!dest_dir.exists (item.fileName ()))
QFile file {item.absoluteFilePath ()};
file.copy (dest_dir.absoluteFilePath (item.fileName ()));
// this must be done after the default paths above are set
read_settings ();
// validation
ui_->callsign_line_edit->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator {QRegExp {"[A-Za-z0-9/]+"}, this});
ui_->grid_line_edit->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator {QRegExp {"[A-Ra-r]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[A-Xa-x]{0,2}"}, this});
ui_->add_macro_line_edit->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator {message_alphabet, this});
// assign ids to radio buttons
ui_->CAT_data_bits_button_group->setId (ui_->CAT_7_bit_radio_button, TransceiverFactory::seven_data_bits);
ui_->CAT_data_bits_button_group->setId (ui_->CAT_8_bit_radio_button, TransceiverFactory::eight_data_bits);
ui_->CAT_stop_bits_button_group->setId (ui_->CAT_one_stop_bit_radio_button, TransceiverFactory::one_stop_bit);
ui_->CAT_stop_bits_button_group->setId (ui_->CAT_two_stop_bit_radio_button, TransceiverFactory::two_stop_bits);
ui_->CAT_handshake_button_group->setId (ui_->CAT_handshake_none_radio_button, TransceiverFactory::handshake_none);
ui_->CAT_handshake_button_group->setId (ui_->CAT_handshake_xon_radio_button, TransceiverFactory::handshake_XonXoff);
ui_->CAT_handshake_button_group->setId (ui_->CAT_handshake_hardware_radio_button, TransceiverFactory::handshake_hardware);
ui_->PTT_method_button_group->setId (ui_->PTT_VOX_radio_button, TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_VOX);
ui_->PTT_method_button_group->setId (ui_->PTT_CAT_radio_button, TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_CAT);
ui_->PTT_method_button_group->setId (ui_->PTT_DTR_radio_button, TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_DTR);
ui_->PTT_method_button_group->setId (ui_->PTT_RTS_radio_button, TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_RTS);
ui_->TX_audio_source_button_group->setId (ui_->TX_source_mic_radio_button, TransceiverFactory::TX_audio_source_front);
ui_->TX_audio_source_button_group->setId (ui_->TX_source_data_radio_button, TransceiverFactory::TX_audio_source_rear);
ui_->TX_mode_button_group->setId (ui_->mode_none_radio_button, data_mode_none);
ui_->TX_mode_button_group->setId (ui_->mode_USB_radio_button, data_mode_USB);
ui_->TX_mode_button_group->setId (ui_->mode_data_radio_button, data_mode_data);
ui_->split_mode_button_group->setId (ui_->split_none_radio_button, TransceiverFactory::split_mode_none);
ui_->split_mode_button_group->setId (ui_->split_rig_radio_button, TransceiverFactory::split_mode_rig);
ui_->split_mode_button_group->setId (ui_->split_emulate_radio_button, TransceiverFactory::split_mode_emulate);
// setup PTT port combo box drop down content
fill_port_combo_box (ui_->PTT_port_combo_box);
ui_->PTT_port_combo_box->addItem ("CAT");
// setup hooks to keep audio channels aligned with devices
using namespace std;
using namespace std::placeholders;
function<void (int)> cb (bind (&Configuration::impl::update_audio_channels, this, ui_->sound_input_combo_box, _1, ui_->sound_input_channel_combo_box, false));
connect (ui_->sound_input_combo_box, static_cast<void (QComboBox::*)(int)> (&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), cb);
cb = bind (&Configuration::impl::update_audio_channels, this, ui_->sound_output_combo_box, _1, ui_->sound_output_channel_combo_box, true);
connect (ui_->sound_output_combo_box, static_cast<void (QComboBox::*)(int)> (&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), cb);
// setup macros list view
ui_->macros_list_view->setModel (&next_macros_);
ui_->macros_list_view->setItemDelegate (new MessageItemDelegate {this});
macro_delete_action_ = new QAction {tr ("&Delete"), ui_->macros_list_view};
ui_->macros_list_view->insertAction (nullptr, macro_delete_action_);
connect (macro_delete_action_, &QAction::triggered, this, &Configuration::impl::delete_macro);
// setup working frequencies table model & view
frequencies_.sort (0);
ui_->frequencies_table_view->setModel (&next_frequencies_);
ui_->frequencies_table_view->sortByColumn (0, Qt::AscendingOrder);
ui_->frequencies_table_view->setItemDelegateForColumn (0, new FrequencyItemDelegate {&bands_, this});
ui_->frequencies_table_view->setColumnHidden (1, true);
frequency_delete_action_ = new QAction {tr ("&Delete"), ui_->frequencies_table_view};
ui_->frequencies_table_view->insertAction (nullptr, frequency_delete_action_);
connect (frequency_delete_action_, &QAction::triggered, this, &Configuration::impl::delete_frequencies);
frequency_insert_action_ = new QAction {tr ("&Insert ..."), ui_->frequencies_table_view};
ui_->frequencies_table_view->insertAction (nullptr, frequency_insert_action_);
connect (frequency_insert_action_, &QAction::triggered, this, &Configuration::impl::insert_frequency);
// setup stations table model & view
stations_.sort (0);
ui_->stations_table_view->setModel (&next_stations_);
ui_->stations_table_view->sortByColumn (0, Qt::AscendingOrder);
ui_->stations_table_view->setColumnWidth (1, 150);
ui_->stations_table_view->setItemDelegateForColumn (0, new ForeignKeyDelegate {&next_stations_, &bands_, 0, this});
ui_->stations_table_view->setItemDelegateForColumn (1, new FrequencyDeltaItemDelegate {this});
station_delete_action_ = new QAction {tr ("&Delete"), ui_->stations_table_view};
ui_->stations_table_view->insertAction (nullptr, station_delete_action_);
connect (station_delete_action_, &QAction::triggered, this, &Configuration::impl::delete_stations);
station_insert_action_ = new QAction {tr ("&Insert ..."), ui_->stations_table_view};
ui_->stations_table_view->insertAction (nullptr, station_insert_action_);
connect (station_insert_action_, &QAction::triggered, this, &Configuration::impl::insert_station);
// load combo boxes with audio setup choices
default_audio_input_device_selected_ = load_audio_devices (QAudio::AudioInput, ui_->sound_input_combo_box, &audio_input_device_);
default_audio_output_device_selected_ = load_audio_devices (QAudio::AudioOutput, ui_->sound_output_combo_box, &audio_output_device_);
update_audio_channels (ui_->sound_input_combo_box, ui_->sound_input_combo_box->currentIndex (), ui_->sound_input_channel_combo_box, false);
update_audio_channels (ui_->sound_output_combo_box, ui_->sound_output_combo_box->currentIndex (), ui_->sound_output_channel_combo_box, true);
ui_->sound_input_channel_combo_box->setCurrentIndex (audio_input_channel_);
ui_->sound_output_channel_combo_box->setCurrentIndex (audio_output_channel_);
restart_sound_input_device_ = false;
restart_sound_output_device_ = false;
enumerate_rigs ();
initialise_models ();
transceiver_thread_.start ();
ui_->jt9w_group_box->setEnabled (false);
Configuration::impl::~impl ()
write_settings ();
close_rig ();
transceiver_thread_.quit ();
transceiver_thread_.wait ();
temp_dir_.removeRecursively (); // clean up temp files
void Configuration::impl::initialise_models ()
auto pal = ui_->callsign_line_edit->palette ();
if (my_callsign_.isEmpty ())
pal.setColor (QPalette::Base, "#ffccff");
pal.setColor (QPalette::Base, Qt::white);
ui_->callsign_line_edit->setPalette (pal);
ui_->grid_line_edit->setPalette (pal);
ui_->callsign_line_edit->setText (my_callsign_);
ui_->grid_line_edit->setText (my_grid_);
ui_->labCQ->setStyleSheet(QString("background: %1").arg(;
ui_->labMyCall->setStyleSheet(QString("background: %1").arg(;
ui_->labTx->setStyleSheet(QString("background: %1").arg(;
ui_->labDXCC->setStyleSheet(QString("background: %1").arg(;
ui_->labNewCall->setStyleSheet(QString("background: %1").arg(;
font_changed_ = false;
decoded_text_font_changed_ = false;
ui_->CW_id_interval_spin_box->setValue (id_interval_);
ui_->PTT_method_button_group->button (rig_params_.PTT_method_)->setChecked (true);
ui_->save_path_display_label->setText (save_directory_.absolutePath ());
ui_->CW_id_after_73_check_box->setChecked (id_after_73_);
ui_->tx_QSY_check_box->setChecked (tx_QSY_allowed_);
ui_->psk_reporter_check_box->setChecked (spot_to_psk_reporter_);
ui_->monitor_off_check_box->setChecked (monitor_off_at_startup_);
ui_->log_as_RTTY_check_box->setChecked (log_as_RTTY_);
ui_->report_in_comments_check_box->setChecked (report_in_comments_);
ui_->prompt_to_log_check_box->setChecked (prompt_to_log_);
ui_->insert_blank_check_box->setChecked (insert_blank_);
ui_->DXCC_check_box->setChecked (DXCC_);
ui_->clear_DX_check_box->setChecked (clear_DX_);
ui_->miles_check_box->setChecked (miles_);
ui_->quick_call_check_box->setChecked (quick_call_);
ui_->disable_TX_on_73_check_box->setChecked (disable_TX_on_73_);
ui_->watchdog_check_box->setChecked (watchdog_);
ui_->TX_messages_check_box->setChecked (TX_messages_);
ui_->jt9w_bandwidth_mult_combo_box->setCurrentText (QString::number (jt9w_bw_mult_));
ui_->jt9w_min_dt_double_spin_box->setValue (jt9w_min_dt_);
ui_->jt9w_max_dt_double_spin_box->setValue (jt9w_max_dt_);
ui_->rig_combo_box->setCurrentText (rig_params_.rig_name_);
ui_->TX_mode_button_group->button (data_mode_)->setChecked (true);
ui_->split_mode_button_group->button (rig_params_.split_mode_)->setChecked (true);
ui_->CAT_serial_baud_combo_box->setCurrentText (QString::number (rig_params_.CAT_baudrate_));
ui_->CAT_data_bits_button_group->button (rig_params_.CAT_data_bits_)->setChecked (true);
ui_->CAT_stop_bits_button_group->button (rig_params_.CAT_stop_bits_)->setChecked (true);
ui_->CAT_handshake_button_group->button (rig_params_.CAT_handshake_)->setChecked (true);
ui_->CAT_DTR_check_box->setChecked (rig_params_.CAT_DTR_always_on_);
ui_->CAT_RTS_check_box->setChecked (rig_params_.CAT_RTS_always_on_);
ui_->TX_audio_source_button_group->button (rig_params_.TX_audio_source_)->setChecked (true);
ui_->CAT_poll_interval_spin_box->setValue (rig_params_.CAT_poll_interval_);
if (rig_params_.PTT_port_.isEmpty ())
if (ui_->PTT_port_combo_box->count ())
ui_->PTT_port_combo_box->setCurrentText (ui_->PTT_port_combo_box->itemText (0));
ui_->PTT_port_combo_box->setCurrentText (rig_params_.PTT_port_);
next_macros_.setStringList (macros_.stringList ());
next_frequencies_ = frequencies_.frequencies ();
next_stations_ = stations_.stations ();
set_rig_invariants ();
void Configuration::impl::done (int r)
// do this here since window is still on screen at this point
SettingsGroup g {settings_, "Configuration"};
settings_->setValue ("window/size", size ());
settings_->setValue ("window/pos", pos ());
QDialog::done (r);
void Configuration::impl::read_settings ()
SettingsGroup g {settings_, "Configuration"};
resize (settings_->value ("window/size", size ()).toSize ());
move (settings_->value ("window/pos", pos ()).toPoint ());
my_callsign_ = settings_->value ("MyCall", "").toString ();
my_grid_ = settings_->value ("MyGrid", "").toString ();
color_CQ_ = settings_->value("colorCQ","#66ff66").toString();
color_MyCall_ = settings_->value("colorMyCall","#ff6666").toString();
color_TxMsg_ = settings_->value("colorTxMsg","#ffff00").toString();
color_DXCC_ = settings_->value("colorDXCC","#ff00ff").toString();
color_NewCall_ = settings_->value("colorNewCall","#ffaaff").toString();
if (next_font_.fromString (settings_->value ("Font", QGuiApplication::font ().toString ()).toString ())
&& next_font_ != QGuiApplication::font ())
font_ = next_font_;
QApplication::setFont (font_);
if (next_decoded_text_font_.fromString (settings_->value ("DecodedTextFont", "Courier, 10").toString ())
&& decoded_text_font_ != next_decoded_text_font_)
decoded_text_font_ = next_decoded_text_font_;
Q_EMIT self_->decoded_text_font_changed (decoded_text_font_);
id_interval_ = settings_->value ("IDint", 0).toInt ();
save_directory_ = settings_->value ("SaveDir", default_save_directory_.absolutePath ()).toString ();
// retrieve audio input device
auto saved_name = settings_->value ("SoundInName").toString ();
// deal with special Windows default audio devices
auto default_device = QAudioDeviceInfo::defaultInputDevice ();
if (saved_name == default_device.deviceName ())
audio_input_device_ = default_device;
default_audio_input_device_selected_ = true;
default_audio_input_device_selected_ = false;
Q_FOREACH (auto const& p, QAudioDeviceInfo::availableDevices (QAudio::AudioInput)) // available audio input devices
if (p.deviceName () == saved_name)
audio_input_device_ = p;
// retrieve audio output device
auto saved_name = settings_->value("SoundOutName").toString();
// deal with special Windows default audio devices
auto default_device = QAudioDeviceInfo::defaultOutputDevice ();
if (saved_name == default_device.deviceName ())
audio_output_device_ = default_device;
default_audio_output_device_selected_ = true;
default_audio_output_device_selected_ = false;
Q_FOREACH (auto const& p, QAudioDeviceInfo::availableDevices (QAudio::AudioOutput)) // available audio output devices
if (p.deviceName () == saved_name)
audio_output_device_ = p;
// retrieve audio channel info
audio_input_channel_ = AudioDevice::fromString (settings_->value ("AudioInputChannel", "Mono").toString ());
audio_output_channel_ = AudioDevice::fromString (settings_->value ("AudioOutputChannel", "Mono").toString ());
jt9w_bw_mult_ = settings_->value ("ToneMult", 1).toUInt ();
jt9w_min_dt_ = settings_->value ("DTmin", -2.5).toFloat ();
jt9w_max_dt_ = settings_->value ("DTmax", 5.).toFloat ();
monitor_off_at_startup_ = settings_->value ("MonitorOFF", false).toBool ();
spot_to_psk_reporter_ = settings_->value ("PSKReporter", false).toBool ();
id_after_73_ = settings_->value ("After73", false).toBool ();
tx_QSY_allowed_ = settings_->value ("TxQSYAllowed", false).toBool ();
macros_.setStringList (settings_->value ("Macros", QStringList {"TNX 73 GL"}).toStringList ());
if (settings_->contains ("frequencies"))
frequencies_ = settings_->value ("frequencies").value<Radio::Frequencies> ();
stations_ = settings_->value ("stations").value<StationList::Stations> ();
log_as_RTTY_ = settings_->value ("toRTTY", false).toBool ();
report_in_comments_ = settings_->value("dBtoComments", false).toBool ();
rig_params_.rig_name_ = settings_->value ("Rig", TransceiverFactory::basic_transceiver_name_).toString ();
rig_is_dummy_ = TransceiverFactory::basic_transceiver_name_ == rig_params_.rig_name_;
rig_params_.CAT_network_port_ = settings_->value ("CATNetworkPort").toString ();
rig_params_.CAT_serial_port_ = settings_->value ("CATSerialPort").toString ();
rig_params_.CAT_baudrate_ = settings_->value ("CATSerialRate", 4800).toInt ();
rig_params_.CAT_data_bits_ = settings_->value ("CATDataBits", QVariant::fromValue (TransceiverFactory::eight_data_bits)).value<TransceiverFactory::DataBits> ();
rig_params_.CAT_stop_bits_ = settings_->value ("CATStopBits", QVariant::fromValue (TransceiverFactory::two_stop_bits)).value<TransceiverFactory::StopBits> ();
rig_params_.CAT_handshake_ = settings_->value ("CATHandshake", QVariant::fromValue (TransceiverFactory::handshake_none)).value<TransceiverFactory::Handshake> ();
rig_params_.CAT_DTR_always_on_ = settings_->value ("DTR", false).toBool ();
rig_params_.CAT_RTS_always_on_ = settings_->value ("RTS", false).toBool ();
rig_params_.PTT_method_ = settings_->value ("PTTMethod", QVariant::fromValue (TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_VOX)).value<TransceiverFactory::PTTMethod> ();
rig_params_.TX_audio_source_ = settings_->value ("TXAudioSource", QVariant::fromValue (TransceiverFactory::TX_audio_source_front)).value<TransceiverFactory::TXAudioSource> ();
rig_params_.PTT_port_ = settings_->value ("PTTport").toString ();
data_mode_ = settings_->value ("DataMode", QVariant::fromValue (data_mode_none)).value<Configuration::DataMode> ();
prompt_to_log_ = settings_->value ("PromptToLog", false).toBool ();
insert_blank_ = settings_->value ("InsertBlank", false).toBool ();
DXCC_ = settings_->value ("DXCCEntity", false).toBool ();
clear_DX_ = settings_->value ("ClearCallGrid", false).toBool ();
miles_ = settings_->value ("Miles", false).toBool ();
quick_call_ = settings_->value ("QuickCall", false).toBool ();
disable_TX_on_73_ = settings_->value ("73TxDisable", false).toBool ();
watchdog_ = settings_->value ("Runaway", false).toBool ();
TX_messages_ = settings_->value ("Tx2QSO", false).toBool ();
rig_params_.CAT_poll_interval_ = settings_->value ("Polling", 0).toInt ();
rig_params_.split_mode_ = settings_->value ("SplitMode", QVariant::fromValue (TransceiverFactory::split_mode_none)).value<TransceiverFactory::SplitMode> ();
void Configuration::impl::write_settings ()
SettingsGroup g {settings_, "Configuration"};
settings_->setValue ("MyCall", my_callsign_);
settings_->setValue ("MyGrid", my_grid_);
settings_->setValue ("Font", font_.toString ());
settings_->setValue ("DecodedTextFont", decoded_text_font_.toString ());
settings_->setValue ("IDint", id_interval_);
settings_->setValue ("PTTMethod", QVariant::fromValue (rig_params_.PTT_method_));
settings_->setValue ("PTTport", rig_params_.PTT_port_);
settings_->setValue ("SaveDir", save_directory_.absolutePath ());
if (default_audio_input_device_selected_)
settings_->setValue ("SoundInName", QAudioDeviceInfo::defaultInputDevice ().deviceName ());
settings_->setValue ("SoundInName", audio_input_device_.deviceName ());
if (default_audio_output_device_selected_)
settings_->setValue ("SoundOutName", QAudioDeviceInfo::defaultOutputDevice ().deviceName ());
settings_->setValue ("SoundOutName", audio_output_device_.deviceName ());
settings_->setValue ("AudioInputChannel", AudioDevice::toString (audio_input_channel_));
settings_->setValue ("AudioOutputChannel", AudioDevice::toString (audio_output_channel_));
settings_->setValue ("ToneMult", jt9w_bw_mult_);
settings_->setValue ("DTmin", jt9w_min_dt_);
settings_->setValue ("DTmax", jt9w_max_dt_);
settings_->setValue ("MonitorOFF", monitor_off_at_startup_);
settings_->setValue ("PSKReporter", spot_to_psk_reporter_);
settings_->setValue ("After73", id_after_73_);
settings_->setValue ("TxQSYAllowed", tx_QSY_allowed_);
settings_->setValue ("Macros", macros_.stringList ());
settings_->setValue ("frequencies", QVariant::fromValue (frequencies_.frequencies ()));
settings_->setValue ("stations", QVariant::fromValue (stations_.stations ()));
settings_->setValue ("toRTTY", log_as_RTTY_);
settings_->setValue ("dBtoComments", report_in_comments_);
settings_->setValue ("Rig", rig_params_.rig_name_);
settings_->setValue ("CATNetworkPort", rig_params_.CAT_network_port_);
settings_->setValue ("CATSerialPort", rig_params_.CAT_serial_port_);
settings_->setValue ("CATSerialRate", rig_params_.CAT_baudrate_);
settings_->setValue ("CATDataBits", QVariant::fromValue (rig_params_.CAT_data_bits_));
settings_->setValue ("CATStopBits", QVariant::fromValue (rig_params_.CAT_stop_bits_));
settings_->setValue ("CATHandshake", QVariant::fromValue (rig_params_.CAT_handshake_));
settings_->setValue ("DataMode", QVariant::fromValue (data_mode_));
settings_->setValue ("PromptToLog", prompt_to_log_);
settings_->setValue ("InsertBlank", insert_blank_);
settings_->setValue ("DXCCEntity", DXCC_);
settings_->setValue ("ClearCallGrid", clear_DX_);
settings_->setValue ("Miles", miles_);
settings_->setValue ("QuickCall", quick_call_);
settings_->setValue ("73TxDisable", disable_TX_on_73_);
settings_->setValue ("Runaway", watchdog_);
settings_->setValue ("Tx2QSO", TX_messages_);
settings_->setValue ("DTR", rig_params_.CAT_DTR_always_on_);
settings_->setValue ("RTS", rig_params_.CAT_RTS_always_on_);
settings_->setValue ("TXAudioSource", QVariant::fromValue (rig_params_.TX_audio_source_));
settings_->setValue ("Polling", rig_params_.CAT_poll_interval_);
settings_->setValue ("SplitMode", QVariant::fromValue (rig_params_.split_mode_));
void Configuration::impl::set_rig_invariants ()
auto const& rig = ui_->rig_combo_box->currentText ();
auto const& ptt_port = ui_->PTT_port_combo_box->currentText ();
auto ptt_method = static_cast<TransceiverFactory::PTTMethod> (ui_->PTT_method_button_group->checkedId ());
auto CAT_PTT_enabled = transceiver_factory_.has_CAT_PTT (rig);
auto CAT_indirect_serial_PTT = transceiver_factory_.has_CAT_indirect_serial_PTT (rig);
auto asynchronous_CAT = transceiver_factory_.has_asynchronous_CAT (rig);
ui_->test_CAT_push_button->setStyleSheet ({});
ui_->CAT_poll_interval_label->setEnabled (!asynchronous_CAT);
ui_->CAT_poll_interval_spin_box->setEnabled (!asynchronous_CAT);
static auto last_port_type = TransceiverFactory::Capabilities::none;
auto port_type = transceiver_factory_.CAT_port_type (rig);
bool is_serial_CAT (TransceiverFactory::Capabilities::serial == port_type);
if (port_type != last_port_type)
last_port_type = port_type;
switch (port_type)
case TransceiverFactory::Capabilities::serial:
fill_port_combo_box (ui_->CAT_port_combo_box);
ui_->CAT_port_combo_box->setCurrentText (rig_params_.CAT_serial_port_);
if (ui_->CAT_port_combo_box->currentText ().isEmpty () && ui_->CAT_port_combo_box->count ())
ui_->CAT_port_combo_box->setCurrentText (ui_->CAT_port_combo_box->itemText (0));
ui_->CAT_control_group_box->setEnabled (true);
ui_->CAT_port_label->setText (tr ("Serial Port:"));
ui_->CAT_port_combo_box->setToolTip (tr ("Serial port used for CAT control"));
case TransceiverFactory::Capabilities::network:
ui_->CAT_port_combo_box->setCurrentText (rig_params_.CAT_network_port_);
ui_->CAT_control_group_box->setEnabled (true);
ui_->CAT_port_label->setText (tr ("Network Server:"));
ui_->CAT_port_combo_box->setToolTip (tr ("Optional hostname and port of network service.\n"
"Leave blank for a sensible default on this machine.\n"
ui_->CAT_port_combo_box->clear ();
ui_->CAT_control_group_box->setEnabled (false);
auto const& cat_port = ui_->CAT_port_combo_box->currentText ();
ui_->CAT_serial_port_parameters_group_box->setEnabled (is_serial_CAT);
auto is_hw_handshake = TransceiverFactory::handshake_hardware == static_cast<TransceiverFactory::Handshake> (ui_->CAT_handshake_button_group->checkedId ());
ui_->CAT_RTS_check_box->setEnabled (is_serial_CAT && !is_hw_handshake);
ui_->TX_audio_source_group_box->setEnabled (transceiver_factory_.has_CAT_PTT_mic_data (rig) && TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_CAT == ptt_method);
// if (ui_->test_PTT_push_button->isEnabled ()) // don't enable if disabled - "Test CAT" must succeed first
// {
// ui_->test_PTT_push_button->setEnabled ((TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_CAT == ptt_method && CAT_PTT_enabled)
// || TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_DTR == ptt_method
// || TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_RTS == ptt_method);
// }
ui_->test_PTT_push_button->setEnabled (false);
// only enable CAT option if transceiver has CAT PTT
ui_->PTT_CAT_radio_button->setEnabled (CAT_PTT_enabled);
auto enable_ptt_port = TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_CAT != ptt_method && TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_VOX != ptt_method;
ui_->PTT_port_combo_box->setEnabled (enable_ptt_port);
ui_->PTT_port_label->setEnabled (enable_ptt_port);
ui_->PTT_port_combo_box->setItemData (ui_->PTT_port_combo_box->findText ("CAT")
, CAT_indirect_serial_PTT ? combo_box_item_enabled : combo_box_item_disabled
, Qt::UserRole - 1);
ui_->PTT_DTR_radio_button->setEnabled (!(ui_->CAT_DTR_check_box->isChecked ()
&& ((is_serial_CAT && ptt_port == cat_port)
|| ("CAT" == ptt_port && !CAT_indirect_serial_PTT))));
ui_->PTT_RTS_radio_button->setEnabled (!((ui_->CAT_RTS_check_box->isChecked () || is_hw_handshake)
&& ((ptt_port == cat_port && is_serial_CAT)
|| ("CAT" == ptt_port && !CAT_indirect_serial_PTT))));
bool Configuration::impl::validate ()
if (ui_->sound_input_combo_box->currentIndex () < 0
&& !QAudioDeviceInfo::availableDevices (QAudio::AudioInput).empty ())
message_box (tr ("Invalid audio input device"));
return false;
if (ui_->sound_output_combo_box->currentIndex () < 0
&& !QAudioDeviceInfo::availableDevices (QAudio::AudioOutput).empty ())
message_box (tr ("Invalid audio output device"));
return false;
if (!ui_->PTT_method_button_group->checkedButton ()->isEnabled ())
message_box (tr ("Invalid PTT method"));
return false;
// auto CAT_port = ui_->CAT_port_combo_box->currentText ();
// if (ui_->CAT_port_combo_box->isEnabled () && CAT_port.isEmpty ())
// {
// message_box (tr ("Invalid CAT port"));
// return false;
// }
auto ptt_method = static_cast<TransceiverFactory::PTTMethod> (ui_->PTT_method_button_group->checkedId ());
auto ptt_port = ui_->PTT_port_combo_box->currentText ();
if ((TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_DTR == ptt_method || TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_RTS == ptt_method)
&& (ptt_port.isEmpty ()
|| combo_box_item_disabled == ui_->PTT_port_combo_box->itemData (ui_->PTT_port_combo_box->findText (ptt_port), Qt::UserRole - 1)))
message_box (tr ("Invalid PTT port"));
return false;
return true;
int Configuration::impl::exec ()
// macros can be modified in the main window
next_macros_.setStringList (macros_.stringList ());
ptt_state_ = false;
have_rig_ = rig_active_; // record that we started with a rig open
saved_rig_params_ = rig_params_; // used to detect changes that
// require the Transceiver to be
// re-opened
rig_changed_ = false;
return QDialog::exec();
void Configuration::impl::accept ()
// Called when OK button is clicked.
if (!validate ())
return; // not accepting
// extract all rig related configuration parameters into temporary
// structure for checking if the rig needs re-opening without
// actually updating our live state
RigParams temp_rig_params;
temp_rig_params.rig_name_ = ui_->rig_combo_box->currentText ();
switch (transceiver_factory_.CAT_port_type (temp_rig_params.rig_name_))
case TransceiverFactory::Capabilities::serial:
temp_rig_params.CAT_serial_port_ = ui_->CAT_port_combo_box->currentText ();
temp_rig_params.CAT_network_port_ = rig_params_.CAT_network_port_;
case TransceiverFactory::Capabilities::network:
temp_rig_params.CAT_network_port_ = ui_->CAT_port_combo_box->currentText ();
temp_rig_params.CAT_serial_port_ = rig_params_.CAT_serial_port_;
temp_rig_params.CAT_serial_port_ = rig_params_.CAT_serial_port_;
temp_rig_params.CAT_network_port_ = rig_params_.CAT_network_port_;
temp_rig_params.CAT_baudrate_ = ui_->CAT_serial_baud_combo_box->currentText ().toInt ();
temp_rig_params.CAT_data_bits_ = static_cast<TransceiverFactory::DataBits> (ui_->CAT_data_bits_button_group->checkedId ());
temp_rig_params.CAT_stop_bits_ = static_cast<TransceiverFactory::StopBits> (ui_->CAT_stop_bits_button_group->checkedId ());
temp_rig_params.CAT_handshake_ = static_cast<TransceiverFactory::Handshake> (ui_->CAT_handshake_button_group->checkedId ());
temp_rig_params.CAT_DTR_always_on_ = ui_->CAT_DTR_check_box->isChecked ();
temp_rig_params.CAT_RTS_always_on_ = ui_->CAT_RTS_check_box->isChecked ();
temp_rig_params.CAT_poll_interval_ = ui_->CAT_poll_interval_spin_box->value ();
temp_rig_params.PTT_method_ = static_cast<TransceiverFactory::PTTMethod> (ui_->PTT_method_button_group->checkedId ());
temp_rig_params.PTT_port_ = ui_->PTT_port_combo_box->currentText ();
temp_rig_params.TX_audio_source_ = static_cast<TransceiverFactory::TXAudioSource> (ui_->TX_audio_source_button_group->checkedId ());
temp_rig_params.split_mode_ = static_cast<TransceiverFactory::SplitMode> (ui_->split_mode_button_group->checkedId ());
// open_rig() uses values from models so we use it to validate the
// Transceiver settings before agreeing to accept the configuration
if (temp_rig_params != rig_params_ && !open_rig ())
return; // not accepting
sync_transceiver (true); // force an update
// from here on we are bound to accept the new configuration
// parameters so extract values from models and make them live
if (font_changed_)
font_changed_ = false;
font_ = next_font_;
QApplication::setFont (font_);
if (decoded_text_font_changed_)
decoded_text_font_changed_ = false;
decoded_text_font_ = next_decoded_text_font_;
Q_EMIT self_->decoded_text_font_changed (decoded_text_font_);
rig_params_ = temp_rig_params; // now we can go live with the rig
// related configuration parameters
rig_is_dummy_ = TransceiverFactory::basic_transceiver_name_ == rig_params_.rig_name_;
// Check to see whether SoundInThread must be restarted,
// and save user parameters.
auto const& device_name = ui_->sound_input_combo_box->currentText ();
if (device_name != audio_input_device_.deviceName ())
auto const& default_device = QAudioDeviceInfo::defaultInputDevice ();
if (device_name == default_device.deviceName ())
audio_input_device_ = default_device;
bool found {false};
Q_FOREACH (auto const& d, QAudioDeviceInfo::availableDevices (QAudio::AudioInput))
if (device_name == d.deviceName ())
audio_input_device_ = d;
found = true;
if (!found)
audio_input_device_ = default_device;
restart_sound_input_device_ = true;
auto const& device_name = ui_->sound_output_combo_box->currentText ();
if (device_name != audio_output_device_.deviceName ())
auto const& default_device = QAudioDeviceInfo::defaultOutputDevice ();
if (device_name == default_device.deviceName ())
audio_output_device_ = default_device;
bool found {false};
Q_FOREACH (auto const& d, QAudioDeviceInfo::availableDevices (QAudio::AudioOutput))
if (device_name == d.deviceName ())
audio_output_device_ = d;
found = true;
if (!found)
audio_output_device_ = default_device;
restart_sound_output_device_ = true;
if (audio_input_channel_ != static_cast<AudioDevice::Channel> (ui_->sound_input_channel_combo_box->currentIndex ()))
audio_input_channel_ = static_cast<AudioDevice::Channel> (ui_->sound_input_channel_combo_box->currentIndex ());
restart_sound_input_device_ = true;
Q_ASSERT (audio_input_channel_ <= AudioDevice::Right);
if (audio_output_channel_ != static_cast<AudioDevice::Channel> (ui_->sound_output_channel_combo_box->currentIndex ()))
audio_output_channel_ = static_cast<AudioDevice::Channel> (ui_->sound_output_channel_combo_box->currentIndex ());
restart_sound_output_device_ = true;
Q_ASSERT (audio_output_channel_ <= AudioDevice::Both);
my_callsign_ = ui_->callsign_line_edit->text ();
my_grid_ = ui_->grid_line_edit->text ();
spot_to_psk_reporter_ = ui_->psk_reporter_check_box->isChecked ();
id_interval_ = ui_->CW_id_interval_spin_box->value ();
id_after_73_ = ui_->CW_id_after_73_check_box->isChecked ();
tx_QSY_allowed_ = ui_->tx_QSY_check_box->isChecked ();
monitor_off_at_startup_ = ui_->monitor_off_check_box->isChecked ();
jt9w_bw_mult_ = ui_->jt9w_bandwidth_mult_combo_box->currentText ().toUInt ();
jt9w_min_dt_ = static_cast<float> (ui_->jt9w_min_dt_double_spin_box->value ());
jt9w_max_dt_ = static_cast<float> (ui_->jt9w_max_dt_double_spin_box->value ());
log_as_RTTY_ = ui_->log_as_RTTY_check_box->isChecked ();
report_in_comments_ = ui_->report_in_comments_check_box->isChecked ();
prompt_to_log_ = ui_->prompt_to_log_check_box->isChecked ();
insert_blank_ = ui_->insert_blank_check_box->isChecked ();
DXCC_ = ui_->DXCC_check_box->isChecked ();
clear_DX_ = ui_->clear_DX_check_box->isChecked ();
miles_ = ui_->miles_check_box->isChecked ();
quick_call_ = ui_->quick_call_check_box->isChecked ();
disable_TX_on_73_ = ui_->disable_TX_on_73_check_box->isChecked ();
watchdog_ = ui_->watchdog_check_box->isChecked ();
TX_messages_ = ui_->TX_messages_check_box->isChecked ();
data_mode_ = static_cast<DataMode> (ui_->TX_mode_button_group->checkedId ());
save_directory_ = ui_->save_path_display_label->text ();
if (macros_.stringList () != next_macros_.stringList ())
macros_.setStringList (next_macros_.stringList ());
if (frequencies_.frequencies () != next_frequencies_.frequencies ())
frequencies_ = next_frequencies_.frequencies ();
frequencies_.sort (0);
if (stations_.stations () != next_stations_.stations ())
stations_ = next_stations_.stations ();
stations_.sort (0);
write_settings (); // make visible to all
void Configuration::impl::reject ()
initialise_models (); // reverts to settings as at exec ()
// check if the Transceiver instance changed, in which case we need
// to re open any prior Transceiver type
if (rig_changed_)
if (have_rig_)
// we have to do this since the rig has been opened since we
// were exec'ed even though it might fail
open_rig ();
close_rig ();
QDialog::reject ();
void Configuration::impl::message_box (QString const& reason, QString const& detail)
QMessageBox mb;
mb.setText (reason);
if (!detail.isEmpty ())
mb.setDetailedText (detail);
mb.setStandardButtons (QMessageBox::Ok);
mb.setDefaultButton (QMessageBox::Ok);
mb.setIcon (QMessageBox::Critical);
mb.exec ();
void Configuration::impl::on_font_push_button_clicked ()
next_font_ = QFontDialog::getFont (&font_changed_, this);
void Configuration::impl::on_pbCQmsg_clicked()
color_CQ_ = QColorDialog::getColor("#6666ff");
ui_->labCQ->setStyleSheet(QString("background: %1").arg(;
void Configuration::impl::on_pbMyCall_clicked()
color_MyCall_ = QColorDialog::getColor("#ff6666");
ui_->labMyCall->setStyleSheet(QString("background: %1").arg(;
void Configuration::impl::on_pbTxMsg_clicked()
color_TxMsg_ = QColorDialog::getColor("#ffff00");
ui_->labTx->setStyleSheet(QString("background: %1").arg(;
void Configuration::impl::on_pbNewDXCC_clicked()
color_DXCC_ = QColorDialog::getColor("#ff00ff");
ui_->labDXCC->setStyleSheet(QString("background: %1").arg(;
void Configuration::impl::on_pbNewCall_clicked()
color_NewCall_ = QColorDialog::getColor("#ffaaff");
ui_->labNewCall->setStyleSheet(QString("background: %1").arg(;
void Configuration::impl::on_decoded_text_font_push_button_clicked ()
next_decoded_text_font_ = QFontDialog::getFont (&decoded_text_font_changed_
, decoded_text_font_
, this
, tr ("WSJT-X Decoded Text Font Chooser")
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050201
, QFontDialog::MonospacedFonts
void Configuration::impl::on_PTT_port_combo_box_activated (int /* index */)
set_rig_invariants ();
void Configuration::impl::on_CAT_port_combo_box_activated (int /* index */)
set_rig_invariants ();
void Configuration::impl::on_CAT_serial_baud_combo_box_currentIndexChanged (int /* index */)
set_rig_invariants ();
void Configuration::impl::on_CAT_handshake_button_group_buttonClicked (int /* id */)
set_rig_invariants ();
void Configuration::impl::on_rig_combo_box_currentIndexChanged (int /* index */)
set_rig_invariants ();
void Configuration::impl::on_CAT_data_bits_button_group_buttonClicked (int /* id */)
set_rig_invariants ();
void Configuration::impl::on_CAT_stop_bits_button_group_buttonClicked (int /* id */)
set_rig_invariants ();
void Configuration::impl::on_CAT_poll_interval_spin_box_valueChanged (int /* value */)
set_rig_invariants ();
void Configuration::impl::on_split_mode_button_group_buttonClicked (int /* id */)
setup_split_ = true;
required_tx_frequency_ = 0;
void Configuration::impl::on_test_CAT_push_button_clicked ()
if (!validate ())
ui_->test_CAT_push_button->setStyleSheet ({});
if (open_rig ())
Q_EMIT sync (true);
set_rig_invariants ();
void Configuration::impl::on_test_PTT_push_button_clicked ()
if (!validate ())
Q_EMIT self_->transceiver_ptt ((ptt_state_ = !ptt_state_));
ui_->test_PTT_push_button->setStyleSheet (ptt_state_ ? "QPushButton{background-color: red;"
"border-style: outset; border-width: 1px; border-radius: 5px;"
"border-color: black; min-width: 5em; padding: 3px;}"
: "");
void Configuration::impl::on_CAT_DTR_check_box_toggled (bool /* checked */)
set_rig_invariants ();
void Configuration::impl::on_CAT_RTS_check_box_toggled (bool /* checked */)
set_rig_invariants ();
void Configuration::impl::on_PTT_method_button_group_buttonClicked (int /* id */)
set_rig_invariants ();
void Configuration::impl::on_callsign_line_edit_editingFinished ()
ui_->callsign_line_edit->setText (ui_->callsign_line_edit->text ().toUpper ());
void Configuration::impl::on_grid_line_edit_editingFinished ()
auto text = ui_->grid_line_edit->text ();
ui_->grid_line_edit->setText (text.left (4).toUpper () + text.mid (4).toLower ());
void Configuration::impl::on_sound_input_combo_box_currentTextChanged (QString const& text)
default_audio_input_device_selected_ = QAudioDeviceInfo::defaultInputDevice ().deviceName () == text;
void Configuration::impl::on_sound_output_combo_box_currentTextChanged (QString const& text)
default_audio_output_device_selected_ = QAudioDeviceInfo::defaultOutputDevice ().deviceName () == text;
void Configuration::impl::on_add_macro_line_edit_editingFinished ()
ui_->add_macro_line_edit->setText (ui_->add_macro_line_edit->text ().toUpper ());
void Configuration::impl::on_delete_macro_push_button_clicked (bool /* checked */)
auto selection_model = ui_->macros_list_view->selectionModel ();
if (selection_model->hasSelection ())
// delete all selected items
delete_selected_macros (selection_model->selectedRows ());
void Configuration::impl::delete_macro ()
auto selection_model = ui_->macros_list_view->selectionModel ();
if (!selection_model->hasSelection ())
// delete item under cursor if any
auto index = selection_model->currentIndex ();
if (index.isValid ())
next_macros_.removeRow (index.row ());
// delete the whole selection
delete_selected_macros (selection_model->selectedRows ());
void Configuration::impl::delete_selected_macros (QModelIndexList selected_rows)
// sort in reverse row order so that we can delete without changing
// indices underneath us
qSort (selected_rows.begin (), selected_rows.end (), [] (QModelIndex const& lhs, QModelIndex const& rhs)
return rhs.row () < lhs.row (); // reverse row ordering
// now delete them
Q_FOREACH (auto index, selected_rows)
next_macros_.removeRow (index.row ());
void Configuration::impl::on_add_macro_push_button_clicked (bool /* checked */)
if (next_macros_.insertRow (next_macros_.rowCount ()))
auto index = next_macros_.index (next_macros_.rowCount () - 1);
ui_->macros_list_view->setCurrentIndex (index);
next_macros_.setData (index, ui_->add_macro_line_edit->text ());
ui_->add_macro_line_edit->clear ();
void Configuration::impl::delete_frequencies ()
auto selection_model = ui_->frequencies_table_view->selectionModel ();
selection_model->select (selection_model->selection (), QItemSelectionModel::SelectCurrent | QItemSelectionModel::Rows);
next_frequencies_.removeDisjointRows (selection_model->selectedRows ());
void Configuration::impl::insert_frequency ()
if (QDialog::Accepted == frequency_dialog_->exec ())
ui_->frequencies_table_view->setCurrentIndex (next_frequencies_.add (frequency_dialog_->frequency ()));
void Configuration::impl::delete_stations ()
auto selection_model = ui_->stations_table_view->selectionModel ();
selection_model->select (selection_model->selection (), QItemSelectionModel::SelectCurrent | QItemSelectionModel::Rows);
next_stations_.removeDisjointRows (selection_model->selectedRows ());
void Configuration::impl::insert_station ()
if (QDialog::Accepted == station_dialog_->exec ())
ui_->stations_table_view->setCurrentIndex (next_stations_.add (station_dialog_->station ()));
void Configuration::impl::on_save_path_select_push_button_clicked (bool /* checked */)
QFileDialog fd {this, tr ("Save Directory"), ui_->save_path_display_label->text ()};
fd.setFileMode (QFileDialog::Directory);
fd.setOption (QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly);
if (fd.exec ())
if (fd.selectedFiles ().size ())
ui_->save_path_display_label->setText (fd.selectedFiles ().at (0));
bool Configuration::impl::have_rig (bool open_if_closed)
if (open_if_closed && !rig_active_ && !open_rig ())
QMessageBox::critical (this, "WSJT-X", tr ("Failed to open connection to rig"));
return rig_active_;
bool Configuration::impl::open_rig ()
auto result = false;
close_rig ();
// create a new Transceiver object
auto rig = transceiver_factory_.create (ui_->rig_combo_box->currentText ()
, ui_->CAT_port_combo_box->currentText ()
, ui_->CAT_serial_baud_combo_box->currentText ().toInt ()
, static_cast<TransceiverFactory::DataBits> (ui_->CAT_data_bits_button_group->checkedId ())
, static_cast<TransceiverFactory::StopBits> (ui_->CAT_stop_bits_button_group->checkedId ())
, static_cast<TransceiverFactory::Handshake> (ui_->CAT_handshake_button_group->checkedId ())
, ui_->CAT_DTR_check_box->isChecked ()
, ui_->CAT_RTS_check_box->isChecked ()
, static_cast<TransceiverFactory::PTTMethod> (ui_->PTT_method_button_group->checkedId ())
, static_cast<TransceiverFactory::TXAudioSource> (ui_->TX_audio_source_button_group->checkedId ())
, static_cast<TransceiverFactory::SplitMode> (ui_->split_mode_button_group->checkedId ())
, ui_->PTT_port_combo_box->currentText ()
, ui_->CAT_poll_interval_spin_box->value () * 1000
, &transceiver_thread_
// hook up Configuration transceiver control signals to Transceiver slots
// these connections cross the thread boundary
connect (this, &Configuration::impl::frequency, rig.get (), &Transceiver::frequency);
connect (this, &Configuration::impl::tx_frequency, rig.get (), &Transceiver::tx_frequency);
connect (this, &Configuration::impl::mode, rig.get (), &Transceiver::mode);
connect (this, &Configuration::impl::ptt, rig.get (), &Transceiver::ptt);
connect (this, &Configuration::impl::sync, rig.get (), &Transceiver::sync);
// hook up Transceiver signals to Configuration signals
// these connections cross the thread boundary
connect (rig.get (), &Transceiver::update, this, &Configuration::impl::handle_transceiver_update);
connect (rig.get (), &Transceiver::failure, this, &Configuration::impl::handle_transceiver_failure);
// setup thread safe startup and close down semantics
connect (this, &Configuration::impl::stop_transceiver, rig.get (), &Transceiver::stop);
auto p = rig.release (); // take ownership
// schedule eventual destruction
// must be queued connection to avoid premature self-immolation
// since finished signal is going to be emitted from the object
// that will get destroyed in its own stop slot i.e. a same
// thread signal to slot connection which by default will be
// reduced to a method function call.
connect (p, &Transceiver::finished, p, &Transceiver::deleteLater, Qt::QueuedConnection);
ui_->test_CAT_push_button->setStyleSheet ({});
rig_active_ = true;
QTimer::singleShot (0, p, SLOT (start ())); // start rig on its thread
result = true;
catch (std::exception const& e)
handle_transceiver_failure (e.what ());
rig_changed_ = true;
return result;
void Configuration::impl::transceiver_frequency (Frequency f)
Transceiver::MODE mode {Transceiver::UNK};
switch (static_cast<DataMode> (ui_->TX_mode_button_group->checkedId ()))
case data_mode_USB: mode = Transceiver::USB; break;
case data_mode_data: mode = Transceiver::DIG_U; break;
case data_mode_none: break;
if (cached_rig_state_.frequency () != f
|| (mode != Transceiver::UNK && mode != cached_rig_state_.mode ()))
cached_rig_state_.frequency (f);
cached_rig_state_.mode (mode);
// lookup offset
transceiver_offset_ = stations_.offset (f);
Q_EMIT frequency (f + transceiver_offset_, mode);
// bool Configuration::impl::set_mode ()
// {
// // Some rigs change frequency when switching between some modes so
// // we need to check if we change mode and not elide the frequency
// // setting in the same as the cached frequency.
// bool mode_changed {false};
// auto data_mode = static_cast<DataMode> (ui_->TX_mode_button_group->checkedId ());
// // Set mode if we are responsible for it.
// if (data_mode_USB == data_mode && cached_rig_state_.mode () != Transceiver::USB)
// {
// if (Transceiver::USB != cached_rig_state_.mode ())
// {
// cached_rig_state_.mode (Transceiver::USB);
// Q_EMIT mode (Transceiver::USB, cached_rig_state_.split () && data_mode_none != data_mode_);
// mode_changed = true;
// }
// }
// if (data_mode_data == data_mode && cached_rig_state_.mode () != Transceiver::DIG_U)
// {
// if (Transceiver::DIG_U != cached_rig_state_.mode ())
// {
// cached_rig_state_.mode (Transceiver::DIG_U);
// Q_EMIT mode (Transceiver::DIG_U, cached_rig_state_.split () && data_mode_none != data_mode_);
// mode_changed = true;
// }
// }
// return mode_changed;
// }
void Configuration::impl::transceiver_tx_frequency (Frequency f)
if (/* set_mode () || */ cached_rig_state_.tx_frequency () != f || cached_rig_state_.split () != !!f)
cached_rig_state_.tx_frequency (f);
cached_rig_state_.split (f);
// lookup offset if we are in split mode
if (f)
transceiver_offset_ = stations_.offset (f);
f += transceiver_offset_;
// Rationalise TX VFO mode if we ask for split and are
// responsible for mode.
Q_EMIT tx_frequency (f, cached_rig_state_.split () && data_mode_none != data_mode_);
void Configuration::impl::transceiver_mode (MODE m)
if (cached_rig_state_.mode () != m)
cached_rig_state_.mode (m);
// Rationalise mode if we are responsible for it and in split mode.
Q_EMIT mode (m, cached_rig_state_.split () && data_mode_none != data_mode_);
void Configuration::impl::transceiver_ptt (bool on)
// set_mode ();
cached_rig_state_.ptt (on);
// pass this on regardless of cache
Q_EMIT ptt (on);
void Configuration::impl::sync_transceiver (bool force_signal)
// pass this on as cache must be ignored
Q_EMIT sync (force_signal);
void Configuration::impl::handle_transceiver_update (TransceiverState state)
qDebug () << "Configuration::handle_transceiver_update: Transceiver State:" << state;
if ( ())
TransceiverFactory::SplitMode split_mode_selected;
if (isVisible ())
ui_->test_CAT_push_button->setStyleSheet ("QPushButton {background-color: green;}");
auto const& rig = ui_->rig_combo_box->currentText ();
auto ptt_method = static_cast<TransceiverFactory::PTTMethod> (ui_->PTT_method_button_group->checkedId ());
auto CAT_PTT_enabled = transceiver_factory_.has_CAT_PTT (rig);
ui_->test_PTT_push_button->setEnabled ((TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_CAT == ptt_method && CAT_PTT_enabled)
|| TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_DTR == ptt_method
|| TransceiverFactory::PTT_method_RTS == ptt_method);
// set_mode ();
// Follow the setup choice.
split_mode_selected = static_cast<TransceiverFactory::SplitMode> (ui_->split_mode_button_group->checkedId ());
// Follow the rig unless configuration has been changed.
split_mode_selected = static_cast<TransceiverFactory::SplitMode> (rig_params_.split_mode_);
if (enforce_mode_and_split_)
if ((TransceiverFactory::split_mode_none != split_mode_selected) != state.split ())
if (!setup_split_)
// Rig split mode isn't consistent with settings so
// change settings.
// For rigs that can't report split mode changes
// (e.g.Icom) this is going to confuse operators, but
// what can we do if they change the rig?
// auto split_mode = state.split () ? TransceiverFactory::split_mode_rig : TransceiverFactory::split_mode_none;
// rig_params_.split_mode_ = split_mode;
// ui_->split_mode_button_group->button (split_mode)->setChecked (true);
// split_mode_selected = split_mode;
setup_split_ = true;
required_tx_frequency_ = 0;
// Q_EMIT self_->transceiver_failure (tr ("Rig split mode setting not consistent with WSJT-X settings. Changing WSJT-X settings for you."));
Q_EMIT self_->transceiver_failure (tr ("Rig split mode setting not consistent with WSJT-X settings."));
// set_mode ();
// One time rig setup split
if (setup_split_ && cached_rig_state_.split () != state.split ())
Q_EMIT tx_frequency (TransceiverFactory::split_mode_none != split_mode_selected ? (required_tx_frequency_ ? required_tx_frequency_ : state.tx_frequency ()) : 0, true);
setup_split_ = false;
required_tx_frequency_ = 0;
close_rig ();
cached_rig_state_ = state;
// take off offset
cached_rig_state_.frequency (cached_rig_state_.frequency () - transceiver_offset_);
if (cached_rig_state_.tx_frequency ())
cached_rig_state_.tx_frequency (cached_rig_state_.tx_frequency () - transceiver_offset_);
// pass on to clients
Q_EMIT self_->transceiver_update (cached_rig_state_);
void Configuration::impl::handle_transceiver_failure (QString reason)
qDebug () << "Configuration::handle_transceiver_failure: reason:" << reason;
close_rig ();
if (isVisible ())
message_box (tr ("Rig failure"), reason);
// pass on if our dialog isn't active
Q_EMIT self_->transceiver_failure (reason);
void Configuration::impl::close_rig ()
ui_->test_PTT_push_button->setStyleSheet ({});
ui_->test_PTT_push_button->setEnabled (false);
ptt_state_ = false;
// revert to no rig configured
if (rig_active_)
ui_->test_CAT_push_button->setStyleSheet ("QPushButton {background-color: red;}");
Q_EMIT stop_transceiver ();
rig_active_ = false;
// load the available audio devices into the selection combo box and
// select the default device if the current device isn't set or isn't
// available
bool Configuration::impl::load_audio_devices (QAudio::Mode mode, QComboBox * combo_box, QAudioDeviceInfo * device)
using std::copy;
using std::back_inserter;
bool result {false};
combo_box->clear ();
int current_index = -1;
int default_index = -1;
int extra_items {0};
auto const& default_device = (mode == QAudio::AudioInput ? QAudioDeviceInfo::defaultInputDevice () : QAudioDeviceInfo::defaultOutputDevice ());
// deal with special default audio devices on Windows
if ("Default Input Device" == default_device.deviceName ()
|| "Default Output Device" == default_device.deviceName ())
default_index = 0;
QList<QVariant> channel_counts;
auto scc = default_device.supportedChannelCounts ();
copy (scc.cbegin (), scc.cend (), back_inserter (channel_counts));
combo_box->addItem (default_device.deviceName (), channel_counts);
if (default_device == *device)
current_index = 0;
result = true;
Q_FOREACH (auto const& p, QAudioDeviceInfo::availableDevices (mode))
// convert supported channel counts into something we can store in the item model
QList<QVariant> channel_counts;
auto scc = p.supportedChannelCounts ();
copy (scc.cbegin (), scc.cend (), back_inserter (channel_counts));
combo_box->addItem (p.deviceName (), channel_counts);
if (p == *device)
current_index = combo_box->count () - 1;
else if (p == default_device)
default_index = combo_box->count () - 1;
if (current_index < 0) // not found - use default
*device = default_device;
result = true;
current_index = default_index;
combo_box->setCurrentIndex (current_index);
return result;
// enable only the channels that are supported by the selected audio device
void Configuration::impl::update_audio_channels (QComboBox const * source_combo_box, int index, QComboBox * combo_box, bool allow_both)
// disable all items
for (int i (0); i < combo_box->count (); ++i)
combo_box->setItemData (i, combo_box_item_disabled, Qt::UserRole - 1);
Q_FOREACH (QVariant const& v, source_combo_box->itemData (index).toList ())
// enable valid options
int n {v.toInt ()};
if (2 == n)
combo_box->setItemData (AudioDevice::Left, combo_box_item_enabled, Qt::UserRole - 1);
combo_box->setItemData (AudioDevice::Right, combo_box_item_enabled, Qt::UserRole - 1);
if (allow_both)
combo_box->setItemData (AudioDevice::Both, combo_box_item_enabled, Qt::UserRole - 1);
else if (1 == n)
combo_box->setItemData (AudioDevice::Mono, combo_box_item_enabled, Qt::UserRole - 1);
// load all the supported rig names into the selection combo box
void Configuration::impl::enumerate_rigs ()
ui_->rig_combo_box->clear ();
auto rigs = transceiver_factory_.supported_transceivers ();
for (auto r = rigs.cbegin (); r != rigs.cend (); ++r)
if ("None" == r.key ())
// put None first
ui_->rig_combo_box->insertItem (0, r.key (), r.value ().model_number_);
ui_->rig_combo_box->addItem (r.key (), r.value ().model_number_);
ui_->rig_combo_box->setCurrentText (rig_params_.rig_name_);
void Configuration::impl::fill_port_combo_box (QComboBox * cb)
auto current_text = cb->currentText ();
cb->clear ();
#ifdef WIN32
for (int i {1}; i < 100; ++i)
auto item = "COM" + QString::number (i);
cb->addItem (item);
QStringList ports = {
, "/dev/ttyS1"
, "/dev/ttyS2"
, "/dev/ttyS3"
, "/dev/ttyS4"
, "/dev/ttyS5"
, "/dev/ttyS6"
, "/dev/ttyS7"
, "/dev/ttyUSB0"
, "/dev/ttyUSB1"
, "/dev/ttyUSB2"
, "/dev/ttyUSB3"
cb->addItems (ports);
cb->setEditText (current_text);
bool operator != (RigParams const& lhs, RigParams const& rhs)
lhs.CAT_serial_port_ != rhs.CAT_serial_port_
|| lhs.CAT_network_port_ != rhs.CAT_network_port_
|| lhs.CAT_baudrate_ != rhs.CAT_baudrate_
|| lhs.CAT_data_bits_ != rhs.CAT_data_bits_
|| lhs.CAT_stop_bits_ != rhs.CAT_stop_bits_
|| lhs.CAT_handshake_ != rhs.CAT_handshake_
|| lhs.CAT_DTR_always_on_ != rhs.CAT_DTR_always_on_
|| lhs.CAT_RTS_always_on_ != rhs.CAT_RTS_always_on_
|| lhs.CAT_poll_interval_ != rhs.CAT_poll_interval_
|| lhs.PTT_method_ != rhs.PTT_method_
|| lhs.PTT_port_ != rhs.PTT_port_
|| lhs.TX_audio_source_ != rhs.TX_audio_source_
|| lhs.split_mode_ != rhs.split_mode_
|| lhs.rig_name_ != rhs.rig_name_;
#if !defined (QT_NO_DEBUG_STREAM)
ENUM_QDEBUG_OPS_IMPL (Configuration, DataMode);
ENUM_QDATASTREAM_OPS_IMPL (Configuration, DataMode);
ENUM_CONVERSION_OPS_IMPL (Configuration, DataMode);