Bill Somerville 45b12e6028
Preparation for UI i18n
Re-enabling the WSJT-X i18n  facilities. This allows translation files
to  be created  for languages  that are  automatically used  to lookup
translatable strings. To enable a  new language the language name must
be added to the CMakeLists.txt LANGUAGES list variable in BCP47 format
(i.e. en_US,  en_GB, pt_PT, ...). Do  one build with the  CMake option
UPDATE_TRANSLATIONS enabled  (do not  leave it enabled  as there  is a
danger of loosing existing translated texts), that will create a fresh
translations/wsjtx_<lang>.ts file which  should be immediately checked
in with the  CMakeLists.txt change. The .ts should then  be updated by
the translator using  the Qt Linguist tool to  add translations. Check
in the  updated .ts file  to complete the initial  translation process
for that language.

To  aid translators  their WIP  .ts file  may be  tested by  releasing
(using the  lrelease tool or  from the Linguist  menu) a .qm  file and
placing  that  .qm  file  in the  current  directory  before  starting
WSJT-X. The translations will be used if the system locale matches the
file name.   If the system  locale does not  match the file  name; the
language may be  overridden by setting the  LANG environment variable.
For  example if  a wsjtx_pt_PT.qm  file  is in  the current  directory
WSJT-X will use it for  translation lookups, regardless of the current
system locale setting, if the LANG variable is set to pt_PT or pt-PT.

On MS Windows from a command prompt:

 set LANG=pt_PT


 LANG=pt_PT wsjtx
2019-06-06 12:56:25 +01:00

491 lines
16 KiB

#include "WSPRBandHopping.hpp"
#include <random>
#include <QPointer>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QBitArray>
#include <QList>
#include <QSet>
#include <QtWidgets>
#include "SettingsGroup.hpp"
#include "Configuration.hpp"
#include "models/Bands.hpp"
#include "models/FrequencyList.hpp"
#include "WsprTxScheduler.h"
#include "pimpl_impl.hpp"
#include "moc_WSPRBandHopping.cpp"
extern "C"
#define FC_grayline grayline_
#include "FC.h"
void FC_grayline (int const * year, int const * month, int const * nday, float const * uth, char const * my_grid
, int const * nduration, int * isun
, int my_grid_len);
char const * const title = "WSPR Band Hopping";
char const * const periods[] = {"Sunrise grayline", "Day", "Sunset grayline", "Night", "Tune", "Rx only"};
size_t constexpr num_periods {sizeof (periods) / sizeof (periods[0])};
// These 10 bands are globally coordinated
QList<QString> const coordinated_bands = {"160m", "80m", "60m", "40m", "30m", "20m", "17m", "15m", "12m", "10m"};
// Dialog - maintenance of band hopping options
class Dialog
: public QDialog
using BandList = QList<QString>;
Dialog (QSettings *, Configuration const *, BandList const * WSPT_bands, QBitArray * bands
, int * gray_line_duration, QWidget * parent = nullptr);
~Dialog ();
Q_SLOT void frequencies_changed ();
void resize_to_maximum ();
void closeEvent (QCloseEvent *) override;
void save_window_state ();
QSettings * settings_;
Configuration const * configuration_;
BandList const * WSPR_bands_;
QBitArray * bands_;
int * gray_line_duration_;
QPointer<QTableWidget> bands_table_;
QBrush coord_background_brush_;
QPointer<QSpinBox> gray_line_width_spin_box_;
static int constexpr band_index_role {Qt::UserRole};
#include "WSPRBandHopping.moc"
Dialog::Dialog (QSettings * settings, Configuration const * configuration, BandList const * WSPR_bands
, QBitArray * bands, int * gray_line_duration, QWidget * parent)
: QDialog {parent, Qt::Window | Qt::WindowTitleHint | Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint | Qt::WindowMinimizeButtonHint}
, settings_ {settings}
, configuration_ {configuration}
, WSPR_bands_ {WSPR_bands}
, bands_ {bands}
, gray_line_duration_ {gray_line_duration}
, bands_table_ {new QTableWidget {this}}
, coord_background_brush_ {Qt::yellow}
, gray_line_width_spin_box_ {new QSpinBox {this}}
setWindowTitle (windowTitle () + ' ' + tr (title));
SettingsGroup g {settings_, title};
restoreGeometry (settings_->value ("geometry", saveGeometry ()).toByteArray ());
QVBoxLayout * main_layout {new QVBoxLayout};
bands_table_->setRowCount (num_periods);
bands_table_->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy (Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
bands_table_->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy (Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
bands_table_->setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding);
frequencies_changed ();
main_layout->addWidget (bands_table_);
// recalculate table when frequencies change
connect (configuration_->frequencies (), &QAbstractItemModel::layoutChanged
, this, &Dialog::frequencies_changed);
// handle changes by updating the underlying flags
connect ( (), &QTableWidget::itemChanged, [this] (QTableWidgetItem * item) {
auto band_number = item->data (band_index_role).toInt ();
bands_[item->row ()].setBit (band_number, Qt::Checked == item->checkState ());
// set up the gray line duration spin box
gray_line_width_spin_box_->setRange (1, 60 * 2);
gray_line_width_spin_box_->setSuffix ("min");
gray_line_width_spin_box_->setValue (*gray_line_duration_);
QFormLayout * form_layout = new QFormLayout;
form_layout->addRow (tr ("Gray time:"), gray_line_width_spin_box_);
connect ( ()
, static_cast<void (QSpinBox::*) (int)> (&QSpinBox::valueChanged)
, [this] (int new_value) {*gray_line_duration_ = new_value;});
QHBoxLayout * bottom_layout = new QHBoxLayout;
bottom_layout->addStretch ();
bottom_layout->addLayout (form_layout);
main_layout->addLayout (bottom_layout);
setLayout (main_layout);
Dialog::~Dialog ()
// do this here too because ESC or parent shutdown closing this
// window doesn't queue a close event
save_window_state ();
void Dialog::closeEvent (QCloseEvent * e)
save_window_state ();
QDialog::closeEvent (e);
void Dialog::save_window_state ()
SettingsGroup g {settings_, title};
settings_->setValue ("geometry", saveGeometry ());
void Dialog::frequencies_changed ()
bands_table_->setColumnCount (WSPR_bands_->size ());
// set up and load the table of check boxes
for (auto row = 0u; row < num_periods; ++row)
auto vertical_header = new QTableWidgetItem {periods[row]};
vertical_header->setTextAlignment (Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter);
bands_table_->setVerticalHeaderItem (row, vertical_header);
int column {0};
int band_number {0};
for (auto const& band : *configuration_->bands ())
if (WSPR_bands_->contains (band))
if (0 == row)
auto horizontal_header = new QTableWidgetItem {band};
bands_table_->setHorizontalHeaderItem (column, horizontal_header);
auto item = new QTableWidgetItem;
item->setFlags (Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled);
item->setCheckState (bands_[row].testBit (band_number) ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
item->setData (band_index_role, band_number);
if (coordinated_bands.contains (band))
item->setBackground (coord_background_brush_);
bands_table_->setItem (row, column, item);
bands_table_->resizeColumnsToContents ();
auto is_visible = isVisible ();
show ();
resize_to_maximum ();
adjustSize (); // fix the size
if (!is_visible)
hide ();
// to get the dialog window exactly the right size to contain the
// widgets without needing scroll bars we need to measure the size of
// the table widget and set its minimum size to the measured size
void Dialog::resize_to_maximum ()
bands_table_->setMinimumSize ({
bands_table_->horizontalHeader ()->length ()
+ bands_table_->verticalHeader ()->width ()
+ 2 * bands_table_->frameWidth ()
, bands_table_->verticalHeader ()->length ()
+ bands_table_->horizontalHeader ()->height ()
+ 2 * bands_table_->frameWidth ()
bands_table_->setMaximumSize (bands_table_->minimumSize ());
class WSPRBandHopping::impl
using BandList = Dialog::BandList;
impl (QSettings * settings, Configuration const * configuration, QWidget * parent_widget)
: settings_ {settings}
, configuration_ {configuration}
, tx_percent_ {0}
, parent_widget_ {parent_widget}
, last_was_tx_ {false}
, carry_ {false}
, seed_ {{rand (), rand (), rand (), rand (), rand (), rand (), rand (), rand ()}}
, gen_ {seed_}
, dist_ {1, 100}
auto num_bands = configuration_->bands ()->rowCount ();
for (auto& flags : bands_)
flags.resize (num_bands);
bool simple_scheduler ();
QSettings * settings_;
Configuration const * configuration_;
int tx_percent_;
BandList WSPR_bands_;
BandList rx_permutation_;
BandList tx_permutation_;
QWidget * parent_widget_;
// 5 x 10 bit flags representing each hopping band in each period
// and tune
QBitArray bands_[num_periods];
int gray_line_duration_;
QPointer<Dialog> dialog_;
bool last_was_tx_;
bool carry_;
std::seed_seq seed_;
std::mt19937 gen_;
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> dist_;
bool WSPRBandHopping::impl::simple_scheduler ()
auto tx = carry_ || tx_percent_ > dist_ (gen_);
if (carry_)
carry_ = false;
else if (tx_percent_ < 40 && last_was_tx_ && tx)
// if percentage is less than 40 then avoid consecutive tx but
// always catch up on the next round
tx = false;
carry_ = true;
last_was_tx_ = tx;
return tx;
WSPRBandHopping::WSPRBandHopping (QSettings * settings, Configuration const * configuration, QWidget * parent_widget)
: m_ {settings, configuration, parent_widget}
// detect changes to the working frequencies model
m_->WSPR_bands_ = m_->configuration_->frequencies ()->all_bands (m_->configuration_->region (), Modes::WSPR).toList ();
connect (m_->configuration_->frequencies (), &QAbstractItemModel::layoutChanged
, [this] () {
m_->WSPR_bands_ = m_->configuration_->frequencies ()->all_bands (m_->configuration_->region (), Modes::WSPR).toList ();
// load settings
SettingsGroup g {m_->settings_, title};
size_t size = m_->settings_->beginReadArray ("phases");
for (auto i = 0u; i < size; ++i)
if (i < num_periods)
m_->settings_->setArrayIndex (i);
m_->bands_[i] = m_->settings_->value ("bands").toBitArray ();
m_->settings_->endArray ();
m_->gray_line_duration_ = m_->settings_->value ("GrayLineDuration", 60).toUInt ();
WSPRBandHopping::~WSPRBandHopping ()
// save settings
SettingsGroup g {m_->settings_, title};
m_->settings_->beginWriteArray ("phases");
for (auto i = 0u; i < num_periods; ++i)
m_->settings_->setArrayIndex (i);
m_->settings_->setValue ("bands", m_->bands_[i]);
m_->settings_->endArray ();
m_->settings_->setValue ("GrayLineDuration", m_->gray_line_duration_);
// pop up the maintenance dialog window
void WSPRBandHopping::show_dialog (bool /* checked */)
if (!m_->dialog_)
m_->dialog_ = new Dialog {m_->settings_, m_->configuration_, &m_->WSPR_bands_, m_->bands_
, &m_->gray_line_duration_, m_->parent_widget_};
m_->dialog_->show ();
m_->dialog_->raise ();
m_->dialog_->activateWindow ();
int WSPRBandHopping::tx_percent () const
return m_->tx_percent_;
void WSPRBandHopping::set_tx_percent (int new_value)
m_->tx_percent_ = new_value;
// determine the parameters of the hop, if any
auto WSPRBandHopping::next_hop (bool tx_enabled) -> Hop
auto const& now = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ();
auto const& date = ();
auto year = date.year ();
auto month = date.month ();
auto day = ();
auto const& time = now.time ();
float uth = time.hour () + time.minute () / 60.
+ (time.second () + .001 * time.msec ()) / 3600.;
auto my_grid = m_->configuration_->my_grid ();
int period_index;
int band_index;
int tx_next;
my_grid = (my_grid + " ").left (6); // hopping doesn't like
// short grids
// look up the period for this time
FC_grayline (&year, &month, &day, &uth, my_grid.toLatin1 ().constData ()
, &m_->gray_line_duration_, &period_index
, my_grid.size ());
band_index = next_hopping_band();
tx_next = next_is_tx () && tx_enabled;
int frequencies_index {-1};
auto const& frequencies = m_->configuration_->frequencies ();
auto const& bands = m_->configuration_->bands ();
auto band_name = bands->data (bands->index (band_index + 3, 0)).toString ();
if (m_->bands_[period_index].testBit (band_index + 3) // +3 for
// coordinated bands
&& m_->WSPR_bands_.contains (band_name))
// here we have a band that has been enabled in the hopping
// matrix so check it it has a configured working frequency
frequencies_index = frequencies->best_working_frequency (band_name);
// if we do not have a configured working frequency on the selected
// coordinated hopping band we next pick from a random permutation
// of the other enabled bands in the hopping bands matrix
if (frequencies_index < 0)
// build sets of available rx and tx bands
auto target_rx_bands = m_->WSPR_bands_.toSet ();
auto target_tx_bands = target_rx_bands;
for (auto i = 0; i < m_->bands_[period_index].size (); ++i)
auto const& band = bands->data (bands->index (i, 0)).toString ();
// remove bands that are not enabled for hopping in this phase
if (!m_->bands_[period_index].testBit (i))
target_rx_bands.remove (band);
target_tx_bands.remove (band);
// remove rx only bands from transmit list and vice versa
if (m_->bands_[5].testBit (i))
target_tx_bands.remove (band);
target_rx_bands.remove (band);
// if we have some bands to permute
if (target_rx_bands.size () + target_tx_bands.size ())
if (!(m_->rx_permutation_.size () + m_->tx_permutation_.size ()) // all used up
// or rx list contains a band no longer scheduled
|| !target_rx_bands.contains (m_->rx_permutation_.toSet ())
// or tx list contains a band no longer scheduled for tx
|| !target_tx_bands.contains (m_->tx_permutation_.toSet ()))
// build new random permutations
m_->rx_permutation_ = target_rx_bands.toList ();
std::random_shuffle (std::begin (m_->rx_permutation_), std::end (m_->rx_permutation_));
m_->tx_permutation_ = target_tx_bands.toList ();
std::random_shuffle (std::begin (m_->tx_permutation_), std::end (m_->tx_permutation_));
// qDebug () << "New random Rx permutation:" << m_->rx_permutation_
// << "random Tx permutation:" << m_->tx_permutation_;
if ((tx_next && m_->tx_permutation_.size ()) || !m_->rx_permutation_.size ())
Q_ASSERT (m_->tx_permutation_.size ());
// use one from the current random tx permutation
band_name = m_->tx_permutation_.takeFirst ();
Q_ASSERT (m_->rx_permutation_.size ());
// use one from the current random rx permutation
band_name = m_->rx_permutation_.takeFirst ();
// find the first WSPR working frequency for the chosen band
frequencies_index = frequencies->best_working_frequency (band_name);
if (frequencies_index >= 0) // should be a redundant check,
// but to be safe
// we can use the random choice
// qDebug () << "random:" << frequencies->data (frequencies->index (frequencies_index, FrequencyList_v2::frequency_column)).toString ();
band_index = bands->find (band_name);
if (band_index < 0) // this shouldn't happen
Q_ASSERT (band_index >= 0);
frequencies_index = -1;
band_index += 3;
// qDebug () << "scheduled:" << frequencies->data (frequencies->index (frequencies_index, FrequencyList_v2::frequency_column)).toString ();
// remove from random permutations to stop the coordinated bands
// getting too high a weighting - not perfect but surely helps
m_->rx_permutation_.removeOne (band_name);
m_->tx_permutation_.removeOne (band_name);
return {
, frequencies_index
, frequencies_index >= 0 // new band
&& tx_enabled // transmit is allowed
&& !tx_next // not going to Tx anyway
&& m_->bands_[4].testBit (band_index) // tune up required
&& !m_->bands_[5].testBit (band_index) // not an Rx only band
, frequencies_index >= 0 // new band
&& tx_next // Tx scheduled
&& !m_->bands_[5].testBit (band_index) // not an Rx only band
bool WSPRBandHopping::next_is_tx (bool simple_schedule)
if (simple_schedule)
return m_->simple_scheduler ();
if (100 == m_->tx_percent_)
return true;
// consult scheduler to determine if next period should be a tx interval
return next_tx_state(m_->tx_percent_);