Bill Somerville 19c46774b4
Moving toward multiplier and dupe detection for contest modes
There's not  much to show  for this so far  but some of  the necessary
infrastructure is in place.
2019-05-30 22:20:09 +01:00

589 lines
18 KiB

#include "displaytext.h"
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <QMouseEvent>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QTextCharFormat>
#include <QTextCursor>
#include <QTextBlock>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QAction>
#include <QListIterator>
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <QScrollBar>
#include <QDebug>
#include "Configuration.hpp"
#include "LotWUsers.hpp"
#include "models/DecodeHighlightingModel.hpp"
#include "logbook/logbook.h"
#include "qt_helpers.hpp"
#include "moc_displaytext.cpp"
DisplayText::DisplayText(QWidget *parent)
: QTextEdit(parent)
, m_config {nullptr}
, erase_action_ {new QAction {tr ("&Erase"), this}}
, high_volume_ {false}
, modified_vertical_scrollbar_max_ {-1}
setReadOnly (true);
setUndoRedoEnabled (false);
viewport ()->setCursor (Qt::ArrowCursor);
setWordWrapMode (QTextOption::NoWrap);
// max lines to limit heap usage
document ()->setMaximumBlockCount (5000);
// context menu erase action
setContextMenuPolicy (Qt::CustomContextMenu);
connect (this, &DisplayText::customContextMenuRequested, [this] (QPoint const& position) {
auto * menu = createStandardContextMenu (position);
menu->addAction (erase_action_);
menu->exec (mapToGlobal (position));
delete menu;
connect (erase_action_, &QAction::triggered, this, &DisplayText::erase);
void DisplayText::erase ()
clear ();
Q_EMIT erased ();
void DisplayText::setContentFont(QFont const& font)
char_font_ = font;
selectAll ();
auto cursor = textCursor ();
cursor.beginEditBlock ();
auto char_format = cursor.charFormat ();
char_format.setFont (char_font_);
cursor.mergeCharFormat (char_format);
cursor.clearSelection ();
cursor.movePosition (QTextCursor::End);
// position so viewport scrolled to left
cursor.movePosition (QTextCursor::Up);
cursor.movePosition (QTextCursor::StartOfLine);
cursor.endEditBlock ();
if (!high_volume_ || !m_config || !m_config->decodes_from_top ())
setTextCursor (cursor);
ensureCursorVisible ();
void DisplayText::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
Q_EMIT selectCallsign(e->modifiers ());
void DisplayText::insertLineSpacer(QString const& line)
appendText (line, "#d3d3d3");
using Highlight = DecodeHighlightingModel::Highlight;
using highlight_types = std::vector<Highlight>;
Highlight set_colours (Configuration const * config, QColor * bg, QColor * fg, highlight_types const& types)
Highlight result = Highlight::CQ;
if (config)
QListIterator<DecodeHighlightingModel::HighlightInfo> it {config->decode_highlighting ().items ()};
// iterate in reverse to honor priorities
it.toBack ();
while (it.hasPrevious ())
auto const& item = it.previous ();
auto const& type = std::find (types.begin (), types.end (), item.type_);
if (type != types.end () && item.enabled_)
if ( () != Qt::NoBrush)
*bg = item.background_.color ();
if ( () != Qt::NoBrush)
*fg = item.foreground_.color ();
result = item.type_;
return result; // highest priority enabled highlighting
void DisplayText::appendText(QString const& text, QColor bg, QColor fg
, QString const& call1, QString const& call2)
// qDebug () << "DisplayText::appendText: text:" << text << "Nbsp pos:" << text.indexOf (QChar::Nbsp);
auto cursor = textCursor ();
cursor.movePosition (QTextCursor::End);
auto block_format = cursor.blockFormat ();
auto format = cursor.blockCharFormat ();
format.setFont (char_font_);
block_format.clearBackground ();
if (bg.isValid ())
block_format.setBackground (bg);
format.clearForeground ();
if (fg.isValid ())
format.setForeground (fg);
if (cursor.position ())
cursor.insertBlock (block_format, format);
cursor.setBlockFormat (block_format);
cursor.setBlockCharFormat (format);
int text_index {0};
auto temp_format = format;
if (call1.size ())
auto call_index = text.indexOf (call1);
if (call_index != -1) // sanity check
auto pos = highlighted_calls_.find (call1);
if (pos != highlighted_calls_.end ())
cursor.insertText(text.left (call_index));
if (pos.value ().first.isValid ())
temp_format.setBackground (pos.value ().first);
if (pos.value ().second.isValid ())
temp_format.setForeground (pos.value ().second);
cursor.insertText(text.mid (call_index, call1.size ()), temp_format);
text_index = call_index + call1.size ();
if (call2.size ())
auto call_index = text.indexOf (call2, text_index);
if (call_index != -1) // sanity check
auto pos = highlighted_calls_.find (call2);
if (pos != highlighted_calls_.end ())
temp_format = format;
cursor.insertText(text.mid (text_index, call_index - text_index), format);
if (pos.value ().second.isValid ())
temp_format.setBackground (pos.value ().first);
if (pos.value ().second.isValid ())
temp_format.setForeground (pos.value ().second);
cursor.insertText(text.mid (call_index, call2.size ()), temp_format);
text_index = call_index + call2.size ();
cursor.insertText(text.mid (text_index), format);
// position so viewport scrolled to left
cursor.movePosition (QTextCursor::StartOfLine);
if (!high_volume_ || !m_config || !m_config->decodes_from_top ())
setTextCursor (cursor);
ensureCursorVisible ();
document ()->setMaximumBlockCount (document ()->maximumBlockCount ());
void DisplayText::extend_vertical_scrollbar (int min, int max)
if (high_volume_
&& m_config && m_config->decodes_from_top ())
if (max && max != modified_vertical_scrollbar_max_)
auto vp_margins = viewportMargins ();
// add enough to vertical scroll bar range to allow last
// decode to just scroll of the top of the view port
max += viewport ()->height () - () - vp_margins.bottom ();
modified_vertical_scrollbar_max_ = max;
verticalScrollBar ()->setRange (min, max);
void DisplayText::new_period ()
extend_vertical_scrollbar (verticalScrollBar ()->minimum (), verticalScrollBar ()->maximum ());
if (high_volume_ && m_config && m_config->decodes_from_top () && !vertical_scroll_connection_)
vertical_scroll_connection_ = connect (verticalScrollBar (), &QScrollBar::rangeChanged
, [this] (int min, int max) {
extend_vertical_scrollbar (min, max );
verticalScrollBar ()->setSliderPosition (verticalScrollBar ()->maximum ());
QString DisplayText::appendWorkedB4 (QString message, QString call, QString const& grid,
QColor * bg, QColor * fg, LogBook const& logBook,
QString const& currentBand, QString const& currentMode)
// allow for seconds
int padding {message.indexOf (" ") > 4 ? 2 : 0};
QString countryName;
bool callB4;
bool callB4onBand;
bool countryB4;
bool countryB4onBand;
bool gridB4;
bool gridB4onBand;
bool continentB4;
bool continentB4onBand;
bool CQZoneB4;
bool CQZoneB4onBand;
bool ITUZoneB4;
bool ITUZoneB4onBand;
if(call.length()==2) {
int i0=message.indexOf("CQ "+call);
i0=call.indexOf(" ");
if(call.length()<3) return message;
if(!call.contains(QRegExp("[0-9]|[A-Z]"))) return message;
auto const& looked_up = logBook.countries ()->lookup (call);
logBook.match (call, currentMode, grid, looked_up, callB4, countryB4, gridB4, continentB4, CQZoneB4, ITUZoneB4);
logBook.match (call, currentMode, grid, looked_up, callB4onBand, countryB4onBand, gridB4onBand,
continentB4onBand, CQZoneB4onBand, ITUZoneB4onBand, currentBand);
if(grid=="") {
message = message.trimmed ();
QString appendage;
highlight_types types;
// no shortcuts here as some types may be disabled
if (!countryB4) {
types.push_back (Highlight::DXCC);
if(!countryB4onBand) {
types.push_back (Highlight::DXCCBand);
if(!gridB4) {
types.push_back (Highlight::Grid);
if(!gridB4onBand) {
types.push_back (Highlight::GridBand);
if (!callB4) {
types.push_back (Highlight::Call);
if(!callB4onBand) {
types.push_back (Highlight::CallBand);
if (!continentB4) {
types.push_back (Highlight::Continent);
if(!continentB4onBand) {
types.push_back (Highlight::ContinentBand);
if (!CQZoneB4) {
types.push_back (Highlight::CQZone);
if(!CQZoneB4onBand) {
types.push_back (Highlight::CQZoneBand);
if (!ITUZoneB4) {
types.push_back (Highlight::ITUZone);
if(!ITUZoneB4onBand) {
types.push_back (Highlight::ITUZoneBand);
if (m_config && m_config->lotw_users ().user (call))
types.push_back (Highlight::LotW);
types.push_back (Highlight::CQ);
auto top_highlight = set_colours (m_config, bg, fg, types);
switch (top_highlight)
case Highlight::Continent:
case Highlight::ContinentBand:
appendage = AD1CCty::continent (looked_up.continent);
case Highlight::CQZone:
case Highlight::CQZoneBand:
appendage = QString {"CQ Zone %1"}.arg (looked_up.CQ_zone);
case Highlight::ITUZone:
case Highlight::ITUZoneBand:
appendage = QString {"ITU Zone %1"}.arg (looked_up.ITU_zone);
if (m_bPrincipalPrefix)
appendage = looked_up.primary_prefix;
auto countryName = looked_up.entity_name;
// do some obvious abbreviations
countryName.replace ("Islands", "Is.");
countryName.replace ("Island", "Is.");
countryName.replace ("North ", "N. ");
countryName.replace ("Northern ", "N. ");
countryName.replace ("South ", "S. ");
countryName.replace ("East ", "E. ");
countryName.replace ("Eastern ", "E. ");
countryName.replace ("West ", "W. ");
countryName.replace ("Western ", "W. ");
countryName.replace ("Central ", "C. ");
countryName.replace (" and ", " & ");
countryName.replace ("Republic", "Rep.");
countryName.replace ("United States", "U.S.A.");
countryName.replace ("Fed. Rep. of ", "");
countryName.replace ("French ", "Fr.");
countryName.replace ("Asiatic", "AS");
countryName.replace ("European", "EU");
countryName.replace ("African", "AF");
appendage += countryName;
// use a nbsp to save the start of appended text so we can find
// it again later, align appended data at a fixed column if
// there is space otherwise let it float to the right
int space_count {40 + padding - message.size ()};
if (space_count > 0) {
message += QString {space_count, QChar {' '}};
message += QChar::Nbsp + appendage;
return message;
void DisplayText::displayDecodedText(DecodedText const& decodedText, QString const& myCall,
QString const& mode,
bool displayDXCCEntity, LogBook const& logBook,
QString const& currentBand, bool ppfx, bool bCQonly)
QColor bg;
QColor fg;
bool CQcall = false;
if (decodedText.string ().contains (" CQ ")
|| decodedText.string ().contains (" CQDX ")
|| decodedText.string ().contains (" QRZ "))
CQcall = true;
if (bCQonly) return;
if (myCall != "" && (decodedText.indexOf (" " + myCall + " ") >= 0
or decodedText.indexOf (" " + myCall + "/") >= 0
or decodedText.indexOf ("<" + myCall + "/") >= 0
or decodedText.indexOf ("/" + myCall + " ") >= 0
or decodedText.indexOf ("/" + myCall + ">") >= 0
or decodedText.indexOf ("<" + myCall + " ") >= 0
or decodedText.indexOf ("<" + myCall + ">") >= 0
or decodedText.indexOf (" " + myCall + ">") >= 0)) {
highlight_types types {Highlight::MyCall};
set_colours (m_config, &bg, &fg, types);
auto message = decodedText.string();
QString dxCall;
QString dxGrid;
decodedText.deCallAndGrid (/*out*/ dxCall, dxGrid);
QRegularExpression grid_regexp {"\\A(?![Rr]{2}73)[A-Ra-r]{2}[0-9]{2}([A-Xa-x]{2}){0,1}\\z"};
if(!dxGrid.contains(grid_regexp)) dxGrid="";
message = message.left (message.indexOf (QChar::Nbsp)); // strip appended info
if (CQcall)
if (displayDXCCEntity)
// if enabled add the DXCC entity and B4 status to the end of the
// preformated text line t1
auto currentMode = mode;
if ("JT9+JT65" == mode)
currentMode = decodedText.isJT65 () ? "JT65" : "JT9";
message = appendWorkedB4 (message, decodedText.CQersCall(), dxGrid, &bg, &fg
, logBook, currentBand, currentMode);
highlight_types types {Highlight::CQ};
if (m_config && m_config->lotw_users ().user (decodedText.CQersCall()))
types.push_back (Highlight::LotW);
set_colours (m_config, &bg, &fg, types);
appendText (message.trimmed (), bg, fg, (), dxCall);
void DisplayText::displayTransmittedText(QString text, QString modeTx, qint32 txFreq,bool bFastMode)
QString t1=" @ ";
if(modeTx=="FT4") t1=" + ";
if(modeTx=="FT8") t1=" ~ ";
if(modeTx=="JT4") t1=" $ ";
if(modeTx=="JT65") t1=" # ";
if(modeTx=="MSK144") t1=" & ";
QString t2;
QString t;
if(bFastMode or modeTx=="FT8" or modeTx=="FT4") {
t = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString("hhmmss") + \
" Tx " + t2 + t1 + text;
} else if(modeTx.mid(0,6)=="FT8fox") {
t = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString("hhmmss") + \
" Tx" + modeTx.mid(7) + " " + text;
} else {
t = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString("hhmm") + \
" Tx " + t2 + t1 + text;
QColor bg;
QColor fg;
highlight_types types {Highlight::Tx};
set_colours (m_config, &bg, &fg, types);
appendText (t, bg, fg);
void DisplayText::displayQSY(QString text)
QString t = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString("hhmmss") + " " + text;
appendText (t, "hotpink");
void DisplayText::displayFoxToBeCalled(QString t, QColor bg, QColor fg)
appendText (t, bg, fg);
void update_selection (QTextCursor& cursor, QColor const& bg, QColor const& fg)
if (!cursor.isNull ())
QTextCharFormat format {cursor.charFormat ()};
if (bg.isValid ())
format.setBackground (bg);
format.clearBackground ();
if (fg.isValid ())
format.setForeground (fg);
format.clearForeground ();
cursor.mergeCharFormat (format);
void reset_selection (QTextCursor& cursor)
if (!cursor.isNull ())
// restore previous text format, we rely on the text
// char format at he start of the selection being the
// old one which should be the case
auto c2 = cursor;
c2.setPosition (c2.selectionStart ());
cursor.setCharFormat (c2.charFormat ());
void DisplayText::highlight_callsign (QString const& callsign, QColor const& bg,
QColor const& fg, bool last_only)
QTextCharFormat old_format {currentCharFormat ()};
QTextCursor cursor {document ()};
if (last_only)
cursor.movePosition (QTextCursor::End);
cursor = document ()->find (callsign, cursor
, QTextDocument::FindBackward | QTextDocument::FindWholeWords);
if (bg.isValid () || fg.isValid ())
update_selection (cursor, bg, fg);
reset_selection (cursor);
auto pos = highlighted_calls_.find (callsign);
if (bg.isValid () || fg.isValid ())
auto colours = qMakePair (bg, fg);
if (pos == highlighted_calls_.end ())
pos = highlighted_calls_.insert (callsign.toUpper (), colours);
pos.value () = colours; // update colours
while (!cursor.isNull ())
cursor = document ()->find (callsign, cursor, QTextDocument::FindWholeWords);
update_selection (cursor, bg, fg);
else if (pos != highlighted_calls_.end ())
highlighted_calls_.erase (pos);
QTextCursor cursor {document ()};
while (!cursor.isNull ())
cursor = document ()->find (callsign, cursor, QTextDocument::FindWholeWords);
reset_selection (cursor);
setCurrentCharFormat (old_format);