Bill Somerville f7b0d3904a Ensure all model proxy caches are flushed before access
This fixes a defect where station detail changes are not saved.

The Qt sort and filter proxy models utilize an item cache that must be
flushed by  callig submit() before  accessing the underlying  model if
the proxy model has been used for updates.

Also  separated  the   item  model  candidate  key   filter  from  the
implementation  internals of  the foreign  key item  delegate so  that
candidate key filtered models can be used directly as view models.

Make the insert new station details band combo box use a candidate key
filtered item model to avoid constraint violations. Constraint is zero
or one station records per band.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// ab8295b8-cf94-4d9e-aec4-7959e3be5d79
2015-04-06 01:57:47 +00:00

360 lines
8.4 KiB

#include "FrequencyList.hpp"
#include <utility>
#include <QAbstractTableModel>
#include <QString>
#include <QList>
#include <QListIterator>
#include <QVector>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QMimeData>
#include <QDataStream>
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QDebug>
#include "pimpl_impl.hpp"
class FrequencyList::impl final
: public QAbstractTableModel
impl (Frequencies frequencies, QObject * parent)
: QAbstractTableModel {parent}
, frequencies_ {frequencies}
Frequencies const& frequencies () const {return frequencies_;}
void assign (Frequencies);
QModelIndex add (Frequency);
// Implement the QAbstractTableModel interface
int rowCount (QModelIndex const& parent = QModelIndex {}) const override;
int columnCount (QModelIndex const& parent = QModelIndex {}) const override;
Qt::ItemFlags flags (QModelIndex const& = QModelIndex {}) const override;
QVariant data (QModelIndex const&, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override;
bool setData (QModelIndex const&, QVariant const& value, int role = Qt::EditRole) override;
QVariant headerData (int section, Qt::Orientation, int = Qt::DisplayRole) const override;
bool removeRows (int row, int count, QModelIndex const& parent = QModelIndex {}) override;
bool insertRows (int row, int count, QModelIndex const& parent = QModelIndex {}) override;
QStringList mimeTypes () const override;
QMimeData * mimeData (QModelIndexList const&) const override;
static int constexpr num_cols {2};
static auto constexpr mime_type ="application/wsjt.Frequencies";
Frequencies frequencies_;
FrequencyList::FrequencyList (QObject * parent)
: FrequencyList {{}, parent}
FrequencyList::FrequencyList (Frequencies frequencies, QObject * parent)
: QSortFilterProxyModel {parent}
, m_ {frequencies, parent}
// setDynamicSortFilter (true);
setSourceModel (&*m_);
setSortRole (SortRole);
FrequencyList::~FrequencyList ()
FrequencyList& FrequencyList::operator = (Frequencies frequencies)
m_->assign (frequencies);
return *this;
auto FrequencyList::frequencies () -> Frequencies
submit ();
return m_->frequencies ();
QModelIndex FrequencyList::add (Frequency f)
return mapFromSource (m_->add (f));
bool FrequencyList::remove (Frequency f)
auto row = m_->frequencies ().indexOf (f);
if (0 > row)
return false;
return m_->removeRow (row);
bool row_is_higher (QModelIndex const& lhs, QModelIndex const& rhs)
return lhs.row () > rhs.row ();
bool FrequencyList::removeDisjointRows (QModelIndexList rows)
bool result {true};
// We must work with source model indexes because we don't want row
// removes to invalidate model indexes we haven't yet processed. We
// achieve that by processing them in decending row order.
for (int r = 0; r < rows.size (); ++r)
rows[r] = mapToSource (rows[r]);
// reverse sort by row
qSort (rows.begin (), rows.end (), row_is_higher);
Q_FOREACH (auto index, rows)
if (result && !m_->removeRow (index.row ()))
result = false;
return result;
void FrequencyList::impl::assign (Frequencies frequencies)
beginResetModel ();
std::swap (frequencies_, frequencies);
endResetModel ();
QModelIndex FrequencyList::impl::add (Frequency f)
// Any Frequency that isn't in the list may be added
if (!frequencies_.contains (f))
auto row = frequencies_.size ();
beginInsertRows (QModelIndex {}, row, row);
frequencies_.append (f);
endInsertRows ();
return index (row, 0);
return QModelIndex {};
int FrequencyList::impl::rowCount (QModelIndex const& parent) const
return parent.isValid () ? 0 : frequencies_.size ();
int FrequencyList::impl::columnCount (QModelIndex const& parent) const
return parent.isValid () ? 0 : num_cols;
Qt::ItemFlags FrequencyList::impl::flags (QModelIndex const& index) const
auto result = QAbstractTableModel::flags (index) | Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled;
auto row = index.row ();
auto column = index.column ();
if (index.isValid ()
&& row < frequencies_.size ()
&& column < num_cols)
switch (column)
case 0:
result |= Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled | Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled;
case 1:
result |= Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled;
return result;
QVariant FrequencyList::impl::data (QModelIndex const& index, int role) const
QVariant item;
auto row = index.row ();
auto column = index.column ();
if (index.isValid ()
&& row < frequencies_.size ()
&& column < num_cols)
auto frequency = (row);
switch (column)
case 0:
switch (role)
case SortRole:
case Qt::DisplayRole:
case Qt::EditRole:
case Qt::AccessibleTextRole:
item = frequency;
case Qt::ToolTipRole:
case Qt::AccessibleDescriptionRole:
item = tr ("Frequency");
case Qt::TextAlignmentRole:
item = Qt::AlignRight + Qt::AlignVCenter;
case 1:
switch (role)
case Qt::DisplayRole:
case Qt::EditRole:
case Qt::AccessibleTextRole:
item = static_cast<double> (frequency / 1.e6);
case SortRole: // use the underlying Frequency value
item = frequency;
case Qt::ToolTipRole:
case Qt::AccessibleDescriptionRole:
item = tr ("Frequency MHz");
case Qt::TextAlignmentRole:
item = Qt::AlignRight + Qt::AlignVCenter;
return item;
bool FrequencyList::impl::setData (QModelIndex const& model_index, QVariant const& value, int role)
bool changed {false};
auto row = model_index.row ();
if (model_index.isValid ()
&& Qt::EditRole == role
&& row < frequencies_.size ()
&& 0 == model_index.column ()
&& value.canConvert<Frequency> ())
auto frequency = value.value<Frequency> ();
auto original_frequency = (row);
if (frequency != original_frequency)
frequencies_.replace (row, frequency);
Q_EMIT dataChanged (model_index, index (model_index.row (), 1), QVector<int> {} << role);
changed = true;
return changed;
QVariant FrequencyList::impl::headerData (int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const
QVariant header;
if (Qt::DisplayRole == role
&& Qt::Horizontal == orientation
&& section < num_cols)
switch (section)
case 0: header = tr ("Frequency"); break;
case 1: header = tr ("Frequency (MHz)"); break;
header = QAbstractTableModel::headerData (section, orientation, role);
return header;
bool FrequencyList::impl::removeRows (int row, int count, QModelIndex const& parent)
if (0 < count && (row + count) <= rowCount (parent))
beginRemoveRows (parent, row, row + count - 1);
for (auto r = 0; r < count; ++r)
frequencies_.removeAt (row);
endRemoveRows ();
return true;
return false;
bool FrequencyList::impl::insertRows (int row, int count, QModelIndex const& parent)
if (0 < count)
beginInsertRows (parent, row, row + count - 1);
for (auto r = 0; r < count; ++r)
frequencies_.insert (row, Frequency {});
endInsertRows ();
return true;
return false;
QStringList FrequencyList::impl::mimeTypes () const
QStringList types;
types << mime_type;
return types;
QMimeData * FrequencyList::impl::mimeData (QModelIndexList const& items) const
QMimeData * mime_data = new QMimeData {};
QByteArray encoded_data;
QDataStream stream {&encoded_data, QIODevice::WriteOnly};
Q_FOREACH (auto const& item, items)
if (item.isValid ())
stream << QString {data (item, Qt::DisplayRole).toString ()};
mime_data->setData (mime_type, encoded_data);
return mime_data;