mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 19:48:54 -04:00
The sent/received 'mode' parameter posted to WSPRnet.org has been amended as follows: WSPR-2: "2" FST4W-120: "3" FST4W-300: "5" FST4W-900: "16" FST4W-1800: "30" this change is designed to maintain backwards compatibility with older versions of WSJT-X and other software like WSPR-X which already post these values: WSPR-2: "2" WSPR-15: "15" It is expected that the WSPRnet.org server side will be updated in sync with a WSJT-X v2.3.0 RC2 (or GA) release to account for this change.
343 lines
10 KiB
343 lines
10 KiB
// Interface to WSPRnet website
// by Edson Pereira - PY2SDR
#include "wsprnet.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QFile>
#include <QRegExp>
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <QNetworkAccessManager>
#include <QNetworkRequest>
#include <QNetworkReply>
#include <QUrl>
#include <QDebug>
#include "moc_wsprnet.cpp"
char const * const wsprNetUrl = "http://wsprnet.org/post/";
//char const * const wsprNetUrl = "";
// tested with this python REST mock of WSPRNet.org
# Mock WSPRNet.org RESTful API
from flask import Flask, request, url_for
from flask_restful import Resource, Api
app = Flask(__name__)
@app.route ('/post/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def spot ():
if request.method == 'POST':
print (request.form)
return "1 spot(s) added"
with app.test_request_context ():
print (url_for ('spot'))
// regexp to parse FST4W decodes
QRegularExpression fst4_re {R"(
)", QRegularExpression::ExtendedPatternSyntaxOption};
// regexp to parse wspr_spots.txt from wsprd
// 130223 2256 7 -21 -0.3 14.097090 DU1MGA PK04 37 0 40 0
// Date Time Sync dBm DT Freq Msg
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 -------7------ 8 9 10
QRegularExpression wspr_re(R"(^(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+([+-]?\d+)\s+([+-]?\d+\.\d+)\s+(\d+\.\d+)\s+([^ ].*[^ ])\s+([+-]?\d+)\s+([+-]?\d+)\s+([+-]?\d+))");
WSPRNet::WSPRNet (QNetworkAccessManager * manager, QObject *parent)
: QObject {parent}
, network_manager_ {manager}
, spots_to_send_ {0}
connect (network_manager_, &QNetworkAccessManager::finished, this, &WSPRNet::networkReply);
connect (&upload_timer_, &QTimer::timeout, this, &WSPRNet::work);
void WSPRNet::upload (QString const& call, QString const& grid, QString const& rfreq, QString const& tfreq,
QString const& mode, float TR_period, QString const& tpct, QString const& dbm,
QString const& version, QString const& fileName)
m_call = call;
m_grid = grid;
m_rfreq = rfreq;
m_tfreq = tfreq;
m_mode = mode;
TR_period_ = TR_period;
m_tpct = tpct;
m_dbm = dbm;
m_vers = version;
m_file = fileName;
// Open the wsprd.out file
if (m_uploadType != 3)
QFile wsprdOutFile (fileName);
if (!wsprdOutFile.open (QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text) || !wsprdOutFile.size ())
spot_queue_.enqueue (urlEncodeNoSpot ());
m_uploadType = 1;
// Read the contents
while (!wsprdOutFile.atEnd())
SpotQueue::value_type query;
if (decodeLine (wsprdOutFile.readLine(), query))
// Prevent reporting data ouside of the current frequency band
float f = fabs (m_rfreq.toFloat() - query.queryItemValue ("tqrg", QUrl::FullyDecoded).toFloat());
if (f < 0.01) // MHz
spot_queue_.enqueue(urlEncodeSpot (query));
m_uploadType = 2;
spots_to_send_ = spot_queue_.size ();
upload_timer_.start (200);
void WSPRNet::post (QString const& call, QString const& grid, QString const& rfreq, QString const& tfreq,
QString const& mode, float TR_period, QString const& tpct, QString const& dbm,
QString const& version, QString const& decode_text)
m_call = call;
m_grid = grid;
m_rfreq = rfreq;
m_tfreq = tfreq;
m_mode = mode;
TR_period_ = TR_period;
m_tpct = tpct;
m_dbm = dbm;
m_vers = version;
if (!decode_text.size ())
if (!spot_queue_.size ())
spot_queue_.enqueue (urlEncodeNoSpot ());
m_uploadType = 3;
auto const& match = fst4_re.match (decode_text);
if (match.hasMatch ())
SpotQueue::value_type query;
// Prevent reporting data ouside of the current frequency
// band - removed by G4WJS to accommodate FST4W spots
// outside of WSPR segments
auto tqrg = match.captured ("freq").toInt ();
// if (tqrg >= 1400 && tqrg <= 1600)
query.addQueryItem ("function", "wspr");
// use time as at 3/4 of T/R period before current to
// ensure date is in Rx period
auto const& date = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ().addSecs (-TR_period * 3. / 4.).date ();
query.addQueryItem ("date", date.toString ("yyMMdd"));
query.addQueryItem ("time", match.captured ("time"));
query.addQueryItem ("sig", match.captured ("db"));
query.addQueryItem ("dt", match.captured ("dt"));
query.addQueryItem ("tqrg", QString::number (rfreq.toDouble () + (tqrg - 1500) / 1e6, 'f', 6));
query.addQueryItem ("tcall", match.captured ("call"));
query.addQueryItem ("drift", "0");
query.addQueryItem ("tgrid", match.captured ("grid"));
query.addQueryItem ("dbm", match.captured ("dBm"));
spot_queue_.enqueue (urlEncodeSpot (query));
m_uploadType = 2;
void WSPRNet::networkReply (QNetworkReply * reply)
// check if request was ours
if (m_outstandingRequests.removeOne (reply))
if (QNetworkReply::NoError != reply->error ())
Q_EMIT uploadStatus (QString {"Error: %1"}.arg (reply->error ()));
// not clearing queue or halting queuing as it may be a
// transient one off request error
QString serverResponse = reply->readAll ();
if (m_uploadType == 2)
if (!serverResponse.contains(QRegExp("spot\\(s\\) added")))
Q_EMIT uploadStatus (QString {"Upload Failed: %1"}.arg (serverResponse));
spot_queue_.clear ();
upload_timer_.stop ();
if (!spot_queue_.size ())
Q_EMIT uploadStatus("done");
QFile f {m_file};
if (f.exists ()) f.remove ();
upload_timer_.stop ();
qDebug () << QString {"WSPRnet.org %1 outstanding requests"}.arg (m_outstandingRequests.size ());
// delete request object instance on return to the event loop otherwise it is leaked
reply->deleteLater ();
bool WSPRNet::decodeLine (QString const& line, SpotQueue::value_type& query) const
auto const& rx_match = wspr_re.match (line);
if (rx_match.hasMatch ()) {
int msgType = 0;
QString msg = rx_match.captured (7);
QString call, grid, dbm;
QRegularExpression msgRx;
// Check for Message Type 1
auto match = msgRx.match (msg);
if (match.hasMatch ()) {
msgType = 1;
call = match.captured (1);
grid = match.captured (2);
dbm = match.captured (3);
// Check for Message Type 2
match = msgRx.match (msg);
if (match.hasMatch ()) {
msgType = 2;
call = match.captured (1);
grid = "";
dbm = match.captured (2);
// Check for Message Type 3
match = msgRx.match (msg);
if (match.hasMatch ()) {
msgType = 3;
call = match.captured (1);
grid = match.captured (2);
dbm = match.captured (3);
// Unknown message format
if (!msgType) {
return false;
query.addQueryItem ("function", "wspr");
query.addQueryItem ("date", rx_match.captured (1));
query.addQueryItem ("time", rx_match.captured (2));
query.addQueryItem ("sig", rx_match.captured (4));
query.addQueryItem ("dt", rx_match.captured(5));
query.addQueryItem ("drift", rx_match.captured(8));
query.addQueryItem ("tqrg", rx_match.captured(6));
query.addQueryItem ("tcall", call);
query.addQueryItem ("tgrid", grid);
query.addQueryItem ("dbm", dbm);
} else {
return false;
return true;
QString WSPRNet::encode_mode () const
if (m_mode == "WSPR") return "2";
if (m_mode == "WSPR-15") return "15";
if (m_mode == "FST4W")
auto tr = static_cast<int> ((TR_period_ / 60.)+.5);
if (2 == tr || 15 == tr)
tr += 1; // distinguish from WSPR-2 and WSPR-15
return QString::number (tr);
return "";
auto WSPRNet::urlEncodeNoSpot () const -> SpotQueue::value_type
SpotQueue::value_type query;
query.addQueryItem ("function", "wsprstat");
query.addQueryItem ("rcall", m_call);
query.addQueryItem ("rgrid", m_grid);
query.addQueryItem ("rqrg", m_rfreq);
query.addQueryItem ("tpct", m_tpct);
query.addQueryItem ("tqrg", m_tfreq);
query.addQueryItem ("dbm", m_dbm);
query.addQueryItem ("version", m_vers);
query.addQueryItem ("mode", encode_mode ());
return query;;
auto WSPRNet::urlEncodeSpot (SpotQueue::value_type& query) const -> SpotQueue::value_type
query.addQueryItem ("version", m_vers);
query.addQueryItem ("rcall", m_call);
query.addQueryItem ("rgrid", m_grid);
query.addQueryItem ("rqrg", m_rfreq);
query.addQueryItem ("mode", encode_mode ());
return query;
void WSPRNet::work()
if (spots_to_send_ && spot_queue_.size ())
if (QNetworkAccessManager::Accessible != network_manager_->networkAccessible ()) {
// try and recover network access for QNAM
network_manager_->setNetworkAccessible (QNetworkAccessManager::Accessible);
QNetworkRequest request (QUrl {wsprNetUrl});
request.setHeader (QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
auto const& spot = spot_queue_.dequeue ();
m_outstandingRequests << network_manager_->post (request, spot.query (QUrl::FullyEncoded).toUtf8 ());
Q_EMIT uploadStatus(QString {"Uploading Spot %1/%2"}.arg (spots_to_send_ - spot_queue_.size()).arg (spots_to_send_));
upload_timer_.stop ();
void WSPRNet::abortOutstandingRequests () {
spot_queue_.clear ();
for (auto& request : m_outstandingRequests) {
request->abort ();