
57 lines
1.7 KiB

subroutine decode_msk144(audio_samples, params, data_dir)
include 'jt9com.f90'
! constants
integer, parameter :: SAMPLING_RATE = 12000
integer, parameter :: BLOCK_SIZE = 7168
integer, parameter :: STEP_SIZE = BLOCK_SIZE / 2
integer, parameter :: CALL_LENGTH = 12
! aguments
integer*2 audio_samples(NMAX)
type(params_block) :: params
character(len = 500) :: data_dir
! parameters of mskrtd
integer*2 :: buffer(BLOCK_SIZE)
real :: tsec
logical :: bshmsg = .false. ! enables shorthand messages
logical :: btrain = .false. ! turns on training in MSK144 mode
real*8 :: pcoeffs(5) = (/ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 /); ! phase equalization
logical :: bswl = .false.
character(len = 80) :: line
character(len = CALL_LENGTH) :: mycall
character(len = CALL_LENGTH) :: hiscall
! local variables
integer :: sample_count
integer :: position
integer :: message_count = 0
! decode in 0.3s blocks
sample_count = params%ntr * SAMPLING_RATE
mycall = transfer(params%mycall, mycall) ! string to char[]
hiscall = transfer(params%hiscall, hiscall)
do position = 1, sample_count - BLOCK_SIZE + 1, STEP_SIZE
buffer = audio_samples(position : position + BLOCK_SIZE - 1)
tsec = position / REAL(SAMPLING_RATE)
call mskrtd(buffer, params%nutc, tsec, params%ntol, params%nfqso, params%ndepth, &
mycall, hiscall, bshmsg, btrain, pcoeffs, bswl, data_dir, line)
if (line(1:1) .ne. char(0)) then
line = line(1:index(line, char(0))-1)
write(*, 1001) line
1001 format(a80)
message_count = message_count + 1;
end if
end do
if (.not. params%ndiskdat) then
write(*, 1002) 0, message_count, 0
1002 format('<DecodeFinished>', 2i4, i9)
end if
end subroutine decode_msk144