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464 lines
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464 lines
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#include "AD1CCty.hpp"
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/multi_index_container.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/hashed_index.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/ordered_index.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/key_extractors.hpp>
#include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <QString>
#include <QStandardPaths>
#include <QDir>
#include <QFile>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QDebugStateSaver>
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include "Configuration.hpp"
#include "Radio.hpp"
#include "pimpl_impl.hpp"
#include "Logger.hpp"
#include "moc_AD1CCty.cpp"
using namespace boost::multi_index;
auto const file_name = "cty.dat";
struct entity
using Continent = AD1CCty::Continent;
explicit entity (int id
, QString const& name
, bool WAE_only
, int CQ_zone
, int ITU_zone
, Continent continent
, float latitude
, float longtitude
, int UTC_offset
, QString const& primary_prefix)
: id_ {id}
, name_ {name}
, WAE_only_ {WAE_only}
, CQ_zone_ {CQ_zone}
, ITU_zone_ {ITU_zone}
, continent_ {continent}
, lat_ {latitude}
, long_ {longtitude}
, UTC_offset_ {UTC_offset}
, primary_prefix_ {primary_prefix}
int id_;
QString name_;
bool WAE_only_; // DARC WAE only, not valid for ARRL awards
int CQ_zone_;
int ITU_zone_;
Continent continent_;
float lat_; // degrees + is North
float long_; // degrees + is West
int UTC_offset_; // seconds
QString primary_prefix_;
#if !defined (QT_NO_DEBUG_STREAM)
QDebug operator << (QDebug dbg, entity const& e)
QDebugStateSaver saver {dbg};
dbg.nospace () << "entity("
<< e.id_ << ", "
<< e.name_ << ", "
<< e.WAE_only_ << ", "
<< e.CQ_zone_ << ", "
<< e.ITU_zone_ << ", "
<< e.continent_ << ", "
<< e.lat_ << ", "
<< e.long_ << ", "
<< (e.UTC_offset_ / (60. * 60.)) << ", "
<< e.primary_prefix_ << ')';
return dbg;
// tags
struct id {};
struct primary_prefix {};
// hash operation for QString object instances
struct hash_QString
std::size_t operator () (QString const& qs) const
return qHash (qs);
// set with hashed unique index that allow for efficient lookup of
// entity by internal id
typedef multi_index_container<
hashed_unique<tag<id>, member<entity, int, &entity::id_> >,
hashed_unique<tag<primary_prefix>, member<entity, QString, &entity::primary_prefix_>, hash_QString> >
> entities_type;
struct prefix
explicit prefix (QString const& prefix, bool exact_match_only, int entity_id)
: prefix_ {prefix}
, exact_ {exact_match_only}
, entity_id_ {entity_id}
// extract key which is the prefix ignoring the trailing override
// information
QString prefix_key () const
auto const& prefix = prefix_.toStdString ();
return QString::fromStdString (prefix.substr (0, prefix.find_first_of ("({[<~")));
QString prefix_; // call or prefix with optional
// trailing override information
bool exact_;
int entity_id_;
#if !defined (QT_NO_DEBUG_STREAM)
QDebug operator << (QDebug dbg, prefix const& p)
QDebugStateSaver saver {dbg};
dbg.nospace () << "prefix("
<< p.prefix_ << ", "
<< p.exact_ << ", "
<< p.entity_id_ << ')';
return dbg;
// set with ordered unique index that allow for efficient
// determination of entity and entity overrides for a call or call
// prefix
typedef multi_index_container<
ordered_unique<const_mem_fun<prefix, QString, &prefix::prefix_key> > >
> prefixes_type;
class AD1CCty::impl final
using entity_by_id = entities_type::index<id>::type;
explicit impl (Configuration const * configuration)
: configuration_ {configuration}
QString get_cty_path(const Configuration *configuration);
void load_cty(QFile &file);
entity_by_id::iterator lookup_entity (QString call, prefix const& p) const
call = call.toUpper ();
entity_by_id::iterator e; // iterator into entity set
// deal with special rules that cty.dat does not cope with
if (call.startsWith ("KG4") && call.size () != 5 && call.size () != 3)
// KG4 2x1 and 2x3 calls that map to Gitmo are mainland US not Gitmo
return entities_.project<id> (entities_.get<primary_prefix> ().find ("K"));
return entities_.get<id> ().find (p.entity_id_);
Record fixup (prefix const& p, entity const& e) const
Record result;
result.continent = e.continent_;
result.CQ_zone = e.CQ_zone_;
result.ITU_zone = e.ITU_zone_;
result.entity_name = e.name_;
result.WAE_only = e.WAE_only_;
result.latitude = e.lat_;
result.longtitude = e.long_;
result.UTC_offset = e.UTC_offset_;
result.primary_prefix = e.primary_prefix_;
// check for overrides
bool ok1 {true}, ok2 {true}, ok3 {true}, ok4 {true}, ok5 {true};
QString value;
if (override_value (p.prefix_, '(', ')', value)) result.CQ_zone = value.toInt (&ok1);
if (override_value (p.prefix_, '[', ']', value)) result.ITU_zone = value.toInt (&ok2);
if (override_value (p.prefix_, '<', '>', value))
auto const& fix = value.split ('/');
result.latitude = fix[0].toFloat (&ok3);
result.longtitude = fix[1].toFloat (&ok4);
if (override_value (p.prefix_, '{', '}', value)) result.continent = continent (value);
if (override_value (p.prefix_, '~', '~', value)) result.UTC_offset = static_cast<int> (value.toFloat (&ok5) * 60 * 60);
if (!(ok1 && ok2 && ok3 && ok4 && ok5))
throw std::domain_error {"Invalid number in cty.dat for override of " + p.prefix_.toStdString ()};
return result;
static bool override_value (QString const& s, QChar lb, QChar ub, QString& v)
auto pos = s.indexOf (lb);
if (pos >= 0)
v = s.mid (pos + 1, s.indexOf (ub, pos + 1) - pos - 1);
return true;
return false;
Configuration const * configuration_;
QString path_;
QString cty_version_;
QString cty_version_date_;
entities_type entities_;
prefixes_type prefixes_;
AD1CCty::Record::Record ()
: continent {Continent::UN}
, CQ_zone {0}
, ITU_zone {0}
, WAE_only {false}
, latitude {NAN}
, longtitude {NAN}
, UTC_offset {0}
#if !defined (QT_NO_DEBUG_STREAM)
QDebug operator << (QDebug dbg, AD1CCty::Record const& r)
QDebugStateSaver saver {dbg};
dbg.nospace () << "AD1CCty::Record("
<< r.continent << ", "
<< r.CQ_zone << ", "
<< r.ITU_zone << ", "
<< r.entity_name << ", "
<< r.WAE_only << ", "
<< r.latitude << ", "
<< r.longtitude << ", "
<< (r.UTC_offset / (60. * 60.)) << ", "
<< r.primary_prefix << ')';
return dbg;
auto AD1CCty::continent (QString const& continent_id) -> Continent
Continent continent;
if ("AF" == continent_id)
continent = Continent::AF;
else if ("AN" == continent_id)
continent = Continent::AN;
else if ("AS" == continent_id)
continent = Continent::AS;
else if ("EU" == continent_id)
continent = Continent::EU;
else if ("NA" == continent_id)
continent = Continent::NA;
else if ("OC" == continent_id)
continent = Continent::OC;
else if ("SA" == continent_id)
continent = Continent::SA;
throw std::domain_error {"Invalid continent id: " + continent_id.toStdString ()};
return continent;
char const * AD1CCty::continent (Continent c)
switch (c)
case Continent::AF: return "AF";
case Continent::AN: return "AN";
case Continent::AS: return "AS";
case Continent::EU: return "EU";
case Continent::NA: return "NA";
case Continent::OC: return "OC";
case Continent::SA: return "SA";
default: return "UN";
QString AD1CCty::impl::get_cty_path(Configuration const * configuration)
QDir dataPath {QStandardPaths::writableLocation (QStandardPaths::DataLocation)};
auto path = dataPath.exists (file_name)
? dataPath.absoluteFilePath (file_name) // user override
: configuration->data_dir ().absoluteFilePath (file_name); // or original
return path;
void AD1CCty::impl::load_cty(QFile &file)
QRegularExpression version_pattern{R"(VER\d{8})"};
int entity_id = 0;
int line_number{0};
cty_version_ = QString{};
cty_version_date_ = QString{};
QTextStream in{&file};
while (!in.atEnd())
auto const &entity_line = in.readLine();
if (!in.atEnd())
auto const &entity_parts = entity_line.split(':');
if (entity_parts.size() >= 8)
auto primary_prefix = entity_parts[7].trimmed();
bool WAE_only{false};
if (primary_prefix.startsWith('*'))
primary_prefix = primary_prefix.mid(1);
WAE_only = true;
bool ok1, ok2, ok3, ok4, ok5;
entities_.emplace(++entity_id, entity_parts[0].trimmed(), WAE_only, entity_parts[1].trimmed().toInt(&ok1),
entity_parts[2].trimmed().toInt(&ok2), continent(entity_parts[3].trimmed()),
entity_parts[4].trimmed().toFloat(&ok3), entity_parts[5].trimmed().toFloat(&ok4),
static_cast<int> (entity_parts[6].trimmed().toFloat(&ok5) * 60 * 60), primary_prefix);
if (!(ok1 && ok2 && ok3 && ok4 && ok5))
throw std::domain_error{"Invalid number in cty.dat line " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(line_number)};
QString line;
QString detail;
} while (detail += line, !detail.endsWith(';'));
for (auto prefix: detail.left(detail.size() - 1).split(','))
prefix = prefix.trimmed();
bool exact{false};
if (prefix.startsWith('='))
prefix = prefix.mid(1);
exact = true;
// match version pattern to prefix
if (version_pattern.match(prefix).hasMatch())
cty_version_date_ = prefix;
prefixes_.emplace(prefix, exact, entity_id);
AD1CCty::AD1CCty (Configuration const * configuration)
: m_ {configuration}
Q_ASSERT (configuration);
// TODO: G4WJS - consider doing the following asynchronously to
// speed up startup. Not urgent as it takes less than 0.5s on a Core
// i7 reading BIG CTY.DAT.
AD1CCty::reload (configuration);
void AD1CCty::reload(Configuration const * configuration)
m_->path_ = m_->impl::get_cty_path(configuration);
QFile file {m_->path_};
LOG_INFO(QString{"Loading CTY.DAT from %1"}.arg (m_->path_));
if (file.open (QFile::ReadOnly))
m_->cty_version_ = AD1CCty::lookup("VERSION").entity_name;
Q_EMIT cty_loaded(m_->cty_version_);
LOG_INFO(QString{"Loaded CTY.DAT version %1, %2"}.arg (m_->cty_version_date_).arg (m_->cty_version_));
AD1CCty::~AD1CCty ()
auto AD1CCty::lookup (QString const& call) const -> Record
auto const& exact_search = call.toUpper ();
if (!(exact_search.endsWith ("/MM") || exact_search.endsWith ("/AM")))
auto search_prefix = Radio::effective_prefix (exact_search);
if (search_prefix != exact_search)
auto p = m_->prefixes_.find (exact_search);
if (p != m_->prefixes_.end () && p->exact_)
return m_->fixup (*p, *m_->lookup_entity (call, *p));
while (search_prefix.size ())
auto p = m_->prefixes_.find (search_prefix);
if (p != m_->prefixes_.end ())
impl::entity_by_id::iterator e = m_->lookup_entity (call, *p);
// always lookup WAE entities, we substitute them later in displaytext.cpp if "Include extra WAE entites" is not selected
if (!p->exact_ || call.size () == search_prefix.size ())
return m_->fixup (*p, *e);
search_prefix = search_prefix.left (search_prefix.size () - 1);
return Record {};
auto AD1CCty::version () const -> QString
return m_->cty_version_date_;