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Server status page
Very simple server status page written in PHP that can run on PHP 5.3+ - even on shared webhosting. Because why waste your money on another server (or host on a server that you might want to do maintenance on), when you can use cheap webhosting?
How do I install this thing?
Simply put the files on your server and access it from your browser. There will be a simple install dialog waiting for you.
You can find more info on our wiki page
Anyone is welcome to make pull request with new features or security patches / bug fixes. You can find some ideas here.
Any help with translations is much welcome! You can join us at https://poeditor.com/join/project/37SpmJtyOm. You can even add your own language. Just let me know when you're done and I'm going to include the language in the next release.
Does it actually run somewhere?
Yes it does! This is basically debranded version of https://status.trucksbook.eu/.
Do you have a demo page?
Yes we have! Head over to https://demo.status.sajdl.com/admin and try the admin interface for yourself. Login details:
email: sysadmin@example.com
password: Ss123456
Please note that changes are reverted every hour.
Why does this project exist?
It was written as a school project where we had to create a website. I went with this because I found the lack of good looking, easy to install and use status page rather weird. Therefore my goal (as stated above) was to create a simplistic status page that could run almost anywhere. The code is not the nicest or cleanest and it definitely doesn't have that many features, but hey, it works!
I want feature XY!
You can write an issue and I will try to take a look when I get some time OR you can actually make a fork as the code it GNU licensed. Pull requests are most welcome!
If you like this project, buy us a coffee!